934 resultados para heavy metal detection


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RECENT work on the lower oxide of sulphur1,2 has established that disulphur monoxide (S2O) or its polymeric form is produced when sulphur is burnt in oxygen under reduced pressure. It has now been shown that it is possible to make use of an oxide of a heavy metal as a source of limited supply of oxygen to prepare the disulphur monoxide. For example, when a mixture of finely powdered cupric oxide and sulphur (1 : 5 by weight) is heated under vacuum in a glass tube gaseous products are evolved. which, on cooling in a trap surrounded by liquid air, will give an orange-red condensate (S2O)x. This condensate also gives off sulphur dioxide in stages as the temperature is raised, finally leaving a residue of elemental sulphur. Copper sulphide and excess of sulphur are left behind in the reaction tube.


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Infiltration experiments with the intact seeds of Bengal gram (Cicer arietinum) indicated that indole and serine are the immediate precursors of tryptophan in this legume. The enzyme, tryptophan synthetase, has been demonstrated in cell-free extracts of the resting seeds. The optimum pH of the reaction was 5.5, and the Km value for indole at a constant serine concentration of 10−4M was 0.57 × 10−4M. There was a specific requirement for pyridoxal phosphate. Heavy-metal ions were inhibitory.


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Pulicat Lake sediments are often severely polluted with the toxic heavy metal mercury. Several mercury-resistant strains of Bacillus species were isolated from the sediments and all the isolates exhibited broad spectrum resistance (resistance to both organic and inorganic mercuric compounds). Plasmid curing assay showed that all the isolated Bacillus strains carry chromosomally borne mercury resistance. Polymerase chain reaction and southern hybridization analyses using merA and merB3 gene primers/probes showed that five of the isolated Bacillus strains carry sequences similar to known merA and merB3 genes. Results of multiple sequence alignment revealed 99% similarity with merA and merB3 of TnMERI1 (class II transposons). Other mercury resistant Bacillus species lacking homology to these genes were not able to volatilize mercuric chloride, indicating the presence of other modes of resistance to mercuric compounds.


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4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid 3-hydroxylase is a key enzyme in the pathway for the microbial degradation of phenylalanine, tyrosine and many aromatic amines. This enzyme was purified to homogeneity from Image by affinity chromatography. The protein had a molecular weight of 91,000 and was a dimer of identical subunits. It was a typical external flavoprotein monooxygenase and showed an absolute requirement of NADH for activity. The enzyme had a pH optimum of 7.5 and the Km values for 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and NADH were 2×10−4 M and 5.9×10−5 M respectively. It was strongly inhibited by heavy metal ions and thiol reagents, suggesting the possible involvement of -SH group(s) in enzyme reaction.


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Pulicat Lake sediments are often severely polluted with the toxic heavy metal mercury. Several mercury-resistant strains of Bacillus species were isolated from the sediments and all the isolates exhibited broad spectrum resistance (resistance to both organic and inorganic mercuric compounds). Plasmid curing assay showed that all the isolated Bacillus strains carry chromosomally borne mercury resistance. Polymerase chain reaction and southern hybridization analyses using merA and merB3 gene primers/probes showed that five of the isolated Bacillus strains carry sequences similar to known merA and merB3 genes. Results of multiple sequence alignment revealed 99% similarity with merA and merB3 of TnMERI1 (class II transposons). Other mercury resistant Bacillus species lacking homology to these genes were not able to volatilize mercuric chloride, indicating the presence of other modes of resistance to mercuric compounds.


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2,4-Dichlorophenol hydroxylase, a flavoprotein monooxygenase from Pseudomonas cepacia grown on 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) as the sole source of carbon, was purified to homogeneity by a single-step affinity chromatography on 2,4-DCP-Sepharose CL-4B. The enzyme was eluted from the affinity matrix with the substrate 2,4-dichlorophenol. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 275,000 consisting of four identical subunits of molecular weight 69,000 and requires exogenous addition of FAD for its complete catalytic activity. The enzyme required an external electron donor NADPH for hydroxylation of 2,4-dichlorophenol to 3,5-dicholorocatechol. NADPH was preferred over NADH. The enzyme had Km value of 14 μImage for 2,4-dichlorophenol, and 100 μImage for NADPH. The enzyme activity was significantly inhibited by heavy metal ions like Hg2+ and Zn2+ and showed marked inhibition with thiol reagents. Trichlorophenols inhibited the enzyme competitively. The hydroxylase activity decreased as a function of increasing concentrations of Cibacron blue and Procion red dyes. The apoenzyme prepared showed complete loss of FAD when monitored spectrophotometrically and had no enzymatic activity. The inactive apoenzyme was reconstituted with exogenous FAD which completely restored the enzyme activity.


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The strength of fly ash mixture often needs to be enhanced for its better utilization in geotechnical and environmental applications. Many fly ashes often improve their strength with lime but may not meet the requirements. Gypsum, which reduces the lime leachability, further improves the strength. An attempt is made in this paper to study the effect of gypsum on the strength development of two Class F fly ashes with different lime contents after curing them for different periods. The sustainability of improved strength has been examined after soaking the cured specimens in water and with different leachates containing heavy-metal ions. The strength of both the fly ashes investigated improved markedly up to a particular amount of the lime content, which can be taken as optimum lime content, and thereafter the improvement is gradual. The improvement in strength at higher lime contents continues for a longer period (even up to 180 days). Gypsum accelerates the gain in strength for lime-stabilized fly ashes, particularly in the initial curing periods at about optimum lime content. At high lime contents gypsum attributes very high strength after curing for long periods mainly due to the alteration of fly ash lime reaction compounds. Gypsum not only improves the reduction in the loss of strength due to soaking even at low curing periods but also improves the durability of stabilized fly ashes due to repeated cycles of wetting and drying.


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An enzyme which cleaves the benzene ring of 3,5-dichiorocatechol has been purified to homogeneity from Pseudomonas cepacia CSV90, grown with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) as the sole carbon source. The enzyme was a nonheme ferric dioxygenase and catalyzed the intradiol cleavage of all the examined catechol derivatives, 3,5-dichlorocatechol having the highest specificity constant of 7.3 μM−1 s−1 in an air-saturated buffer. No extradiol-cleaving activity was observed. Thus, the enzyme was designated as 3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was ascertained to be 56,000 by light scattering method, while the Mr value of the enzyme denatured with 6 M guanidine-HCl or sodium dodecyl sulfate was 29,000 or 31,600, respectively, suggesting that the enzyme was a homodimer. The iron content was estimated to be 0.89 mol per mole of enzyme. The enzyme was deep red and exhibited a broad absorption spectrum with a maximum at around 425 nm, which was bleached by sodium dithionite, and shifted to 515 nm upon anaerobic 3,5-dichlorocatechol binding. The catalytic constant and the Km values for 3,5-dichlorocatechol and oxygen were 34.7 s−1 and 4.4 and 652 μM, respectively, at pH 8 and 25°C. Some heavy metal ions, chelating agents and sulfhydryl reagents inhibited the activity. The NH2-terminal sequence was determined up to 44 amino acid residues and compared with those of the other catechol dioxygenases previously reported.


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The influence of substitution of Bi atom instead of S atoms on the structural and optical properties of thin films of As40S60 are reported. The density is found to be increased with the addition Bi heavy metal into As2S3. The amorphous to polycrystalline structure of the bulk sample is observed for Bi more than 7%. The glass transition temperature is found to be decreased with addition of Bi. The absorption edge shifts to shorter wavelength, thereby decreasing optical band gap of BixAs(40)S(60-x) (x= 0,2 and 4% here) film. The optical parameter change is discussed from the stand point of chemical bonds formed in the films and related to the defect states produced due to incorporation of Bi atoms in place of chalcogenide S atoms.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a remoção de metais pesados de efluentes sintéticos aquosos através de nanofiltração, com utilização de membrana de poliamida. A membrana utilizada constituída de poliamida apresentou uma boa permeabilidade hidráulica, constatada pela linearidade de fluxo com a variação de pressão de trabalho. Os metais estudados foram cobre, cádmio, zinco, chumbo e níquel com especiação de nitrato e sulfato. O desempenho do sistema foi verificado pela variação dos parâmetros operacionais (pressão e fluxo), associados também com a variação da salinidade e da concentração do metal. Em uma etapa inicial estudou-se a remoção de metais (nitrato e sulfato) isoladamente em uma mesma concentração molar, na pressão de 10 bar, comparando-se as rejeições com e sem agente complexante (EDTA). Em uma segunda etapa, estudou-se o desempenho da membrana, com misturas dos metais (nitrato) e mistura de metais (sulfato), também com e sem agente complexante, os resultados mostraram que a presença de agente complexante melhorou a rejeição dos metais. Nestas misturas estudaram-se os efeitos das concentrações (0,001; 0,0005 e 0,0001mol/L) e das pressões (5; 7; 10 e 12,5 bar) no sistema de remoção, constatou-se que o aumento da concentração e diminuição da pressão afeta a remoção. Em uma terceira etapa, estudou-se a influência da salinidade pela mistura de dois metais de mesma especiação (sulfato), comparando a remoção na pressão de 10 bar. Os resultados atestaram uma rejeição maior que 94 % para todos metais, na pressão de 10 bar, indicando um excelente desempenho e fluxo adequado, daí viabilidade de processo para todas as concentrações testadas. A pertinência do teste se justifica pela adequação do permeado ao atendimento aos padrões ambientais de concentração de metais e confirmam a eficácia do sistema de nanofiltração na remoção de metais pesados


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Elementos-traço, de fontes naturais ou antropogênicas, são despejados continuamente nos rios, fato que acarreta sérios problemas, devido a sua toxicidade, longa persistência, bioacumulação e biomagnificação na cadeia alimentar. O sistema lagunar Tijuca-Jacarepaguá-Marapendi recebe um enorme aporte de nutrientes e poluentes devido aos impactos antrópicos em seus rios. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal avaliar os níveis de cobre, zinco, chumbo e alumínio em músculo e víscera na espécie Sardinella brasiliensis (sardinha), que habita a saída do Canal de Sernambetiba, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Ao total foram analisados 44 indivíduos. O cobre em músculo apresentou uma concentração média de 0,5 0,66 mg/Kg e de 1,3 10,13 mg/Kg em víscera. Os valores de zinco em músculo e víscera foram de 5,2 3,69 mg/Kg e 25,6 48,16 mg/Kg, respectivamente. A concentração de chumbo foi de 2,48 3,09 mg/Kg (músculo) e 25,6 48,16 mg/Kg (víscera), enquanto a concentração de alumínio variou de 1,68 3,67 mg/Kg em músculo e 28,72 26,99 mg/Kg em víscera. Dentre as amostras, 56,8% apresentaram valores acima do limite estabelecido para consumo humano pela legislação brasileira para chumbo. Os elementos-traço apresentaram tendências de acumulação diferentes de acordo com o local (músculo ou víscera). As concentrações dos metais em músculo foram menores do que em vísceras. Os valores encontrados devem servir de alerta para uma contaminação da população de Sardinella brasiliensis que habita a saída do canal de Sernambetiba. Concluiu-se que a concentração de chumbo nos peixes encontrados estão acima dos limites permitidos para o consumo humano, e que a região encontra-se impactada


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Widespread pollution by heavy metals generated by various industries has serious adverse effects on human health and the environment. Cadmium is a heavy metal recognised as one of the most hazardous environmental pollutants. It is a non-essential and non-beneficial element to organisms, causing toxicity and other deleterious effects on various components of the aquatic environment. The ability of algal periphyton to concentrate cadmium from fresh water is well known. Moreover, periphyton communities are able to accumulate large amounts of cadmium despite its low concentration in fresh water. Many researchers use algal periphyton as an indicator of water quality in aquatic environments. In the present study, the authors ask two basic questions: Does cadmium accumulate along a food chain consisting of the periphyton community and a grazer species (Physa sp.) under semi-natural conditions provided by artificial streams? If not, which one can better indicate the water quality?


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Microalgas e cianobactérias têm sido amplamente recomendadas para biomonitoração de metais pesados e outros poluentes, sendo considerados indicadores sensíveis às alterações ambientais e utilizados como organismos testes na regulamentação dos níveis de metal. Estes micro-organismos fotossintetizantes são produtores primários da base da cadeia alimentar aquática e são os primeiros a serem afetados pela poluição por metais pesados. O cobre é um metal normalmente considerado como nutriente essencial para a vida aquática mas pode ser tóxico para algumas espécies. Portanto, neste estudo foram avaliados o efeito tóxico e a bioacumulação de cobre (II) em quatro espécies de micro-organismos fotoautotróficos componentes do fitoplâncton dulcícola, duas cianobactérias filamentosas (Anabaena sp. e Oscillatoria sp) e duas microalgas da classe das clorofíceas (Monorraphidium sp. e Scenedesmus sp.). O meio de cultivo utilizado nos ensaios foi o ASM-1 com e sem a presença de cobre (0,6 mg/L a 12 mg Cu2+/L) onde, o efeito tóxico do metal foi monitorado por contagem celular para as microalgas e por peso seco para as cianobactérias. A bioacumulação do metal foi avaliada da mesma forma para todos os micro-organismos, através de coletas de amostras no decorrer do experimento e determinação da concentração de cobre em solução por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o efeito tóxico do metal é diretamente proporcional à concentração inicial para os micro-organismos estudados, mas que o cobre (II) foi mais tóxico para as cianobactérias que para as microalgas verdes. A bioacumulação teve uma relação direta com o efeito tóxico do metal sobre os micro-organismos. Os resultados obtidos permitem sugerir que cobre (II) tem efeito negativo no fitoplâncton, inibindo o crescimento e alterando parâmetros metabólicos como a fotossíntese. A bioacumulação do metal pode comprometer os níveis tróficos da cadeia alimentar, afetando seu transporte para seres superiores


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The frequency upconversion properties of Er3+/Yb3+-codoped heavy metal oxide lead-germanium-bismuth oxide glasses under 975 mn excitation are investigated. Intense green and red emission bands centered at 536, 556 and 672 run, corresponding to the H-2(1/2) --> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) --> I-4(15/2) and F-4(9/2) -->I-4(15/2) transitions of Er3+, respectively, were simultaneously observed at room temperature. The influences of PbO on upconversion intensity for the green (536 and 556 nm) and red (672 nm) emissions were compared and discussed. The optimized rare earth doping ratio of Er3+ and Yb3+, is 1:5 for these glasses, which results in the stronger upconversion fluorescence intensities. The dependence of intensities of upconversion emission on excitation power and possible upconversion mechanisms were evaluated and analyzed. The structure of glass has been investigated by means of infrared (IR) spectral analysis. The results indicate that the Er3+/Yb3+-codoped heavy metal oxide lead-germanium-bismuth oxide glasses may be a potential materials for developing upconversion fiber optic devices. (C) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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