993 resultados para glycine-rich


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En el cultivo de soja, una vez que el número de vainas quedó fijado, la ocurrencia de defoliaciones puede disminuir el rendimiento al afectar el peso de las semillas; sin embargo, la magnitud del efecto de las defoliaciones tardías sobre el rendimiento es altamente variable. El objetivo general de la tesis fue obtener una aproximación cuantitativa para estimar las pérdidas del rendimiento en genotipos de soja con número y peso potencial de semillas contratantes ante defoliaciones tardías, basada en el entendimiento de las bases funcionales que definen el crecimiento de las semillas. Se realizaron tres experimentos en parcelas con manipulaciones de la fuente (0, 33, 67 y 100 por ciento de defoliación)y los destinos (desvainado de 0 y 40 por ciento de vainas)15 y 20 días después de R5. El índice de área foliar (IAF)y el porcentaje de radiación fotosintéticamente activa interceptada (porcentaje RFAi), medidos luego de los tratamientos, se usaron como estimadores de la fuente remanente y para calcular la relación Fuente/Destino (F/D)establecida. Estos atributos permitieron cuantificar adecuadamente las mermas en rendimiento y los cambios en el peso de las semillas, siendo el nivel de destinos sólo importante bajo nula o leve defoliación. La respuesta a la disponibilidad de fuente se manifestó principalmente en posiciones distales del tallo principal, y se debió a cambios en la tasa de crecimiento de la semilla más que a la duración del llenado efectivo. Las defoliaciones no alteraron el patrón de desecamiento de las semillas, a excepción de la defoliación total, que lo aceleró. El contenido máximo de agua se asoció con el peso final de los granos en cada uno de los tratamientos de defoliación. La removilización aparente de reservas no se incrementó ante la reducción de la relación F/D y se redujo con una defoliación total. No se encontraron evidencias que sugieran un rol moderador de las reservas para sostener el peso de las semillas, sin embargo existió una respuesta diferencial de los genotipos y entre años en el nivel de removilización. Puede concluirse que defoliaciones tardías reducen el rendimiento de soja debido a reducciones en la tasa de crecimiento de las semillas, que no fueron compensadas por removilización, por lo que podría estimarse la caída del rendimiento mediante la cuantificación de la fuente remanente luego de una defoliación.


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La maleza altamisa (Artemisia annua L.)interfiere con el cultivo de soja por competencia y alelopatía, moduladas por estreses bióticos y abióticos (e.g. densidad, herbicida). Los aleloquímicos de altamisa (e.g. artemisinina, aceite esencial)pueden afectar directamente el crecimiento del cultivo o, indirectamente, a través de Bradyrhizobium japonicum (bacteria fijadora de N). Comprender los efectos de las interacciones en el sistema soja-altamisa es agroecológicamente relevante para diseñar prácticas que optimicen la producción y minimicen el uso de insumos. El objetivo de esta tesis fue analizar las interferencias competitivas y alelopáticas entre soja-altamisa y su impacto sobre la nodulación y el rendimiento del cultivo ante cambios en la densidad de plantas y dosis de herbicida. La metodología incluyó ensayos en: (i)parcelas a campo con distintas combinaciones de densidades cultivo-maleza y niveles de alelopatía y de herbicida, (ii)macetas a campo con distintas fuentes de aleloquímicos (biomasa seca y verde de altamisa, artemisinina pura)y suelos (arcilloso y arenoso)y (iii)laboratorio con distintos tipos y niveles de aleloquímicos. (i)Altas densidades de altamisa junto con altos niveles de aleloquímicos en el suelo no redujeron el crecimiento y rendimiento de soja y promovieron la nodulación con o sin aplicación de dosis subletales de herbicida. (ii)El rendimiento fue mayor en presencia de aleloquímicos y sustrato arcilloso. La relación entre el rendimiento y el peso de los nódulos fue positiva y los mayores valores se registraron con biomasa seca de altamisa. (iii)La artemisinina y el aceite esencial provocaron un efecto sinérgico negativo sobre el crecimiento de B. japonicum. El efecto neto de las interacciones competitivas, alelopáticas y de mutualismo generadas entre soja y altamisa dependen no solo del ambiente explorado sino del nivel de organización estudiado. En condiciones de campo (parcelas y macetas), la interacción alelopática fue positiva o neutra, mientras que en laboratorio resultó negativa.


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Background: A number of factors are known to influence food preferences and acceptability of new products. These include their sensory characteristics and strong, innate neural influences. In designing foods for any target group, it is important to consider intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics which may contribute to palatability, and acceptability of foods. Objective: To assess age and gender influences on sensory perceptions of novel low cost nutrient-rich food products developed using traditional Ghanaian food ingredients. Materials and Methods: In this study, a range of food products were developed from Ghanaian traditional food sources using the Food Multimix (FMM) concept. These products were subjected to sensory evaluation to assess the role of sensory perception on their acceptability among different target age groups across the life cycle (aged 11-68 years olds) and to ascertain any possible influences of gender on preference and choice. Variables including taste, odour, texture, flavour and appearance were tested and the results captured on a Likert scale and scores of likeness and acceptability analysed. Multivariate analyses were used to develop prediction models for targeted recipe development for different target groups. Multiple factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) and logistic linear regression were employed to test the strength of acceptability and to ascertain age and gender influences on product preference. Results: The results showed a positive trend in acceptability (r = 0.602) which tended towards statistical significance (p = 0.065) with very high product favourability rating (91% acceptability; P=0.005). However, age [odds ratios=1.44 (11-15 years old) odds ratios=2.01 (18-68 years old) and gender (P=0.000)] were major influences on product preference with children and females (irrespective of age) showing clear preferences or dislike of products containing certain particular ingredients. Conclusion: These findings are potentially useful in planning recipes for feeding interventions involving different vulnerable and target groups.


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AIM: To investigate the effect of repeated culture in a rich medium on certain genetic, metabolic, pathogenic and structural characteristics of fresh isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Four strains of B. thuringiensis, which had been isolated in vegetative form from leaf surfaces, were grown for 500 generations in batch culture in a rich medium. One of the strains, S4g, differed from the parent in the following respects: greater cell width; changed plasmid profile; complete loss of ability to produce delta-endotoxins; loss of ability to produce beta-exotoxin and disruption of vip3 gene; radically different fatty acid composition; and altered metabolic activity. Two of the other evolved strains (S1g and S6g) showed differences in fatty acid profiles compared with the parents. Genetic finger-printing showed that there were also mutations in the cry genes of two of the evolved strains (S1g and S2g). The delta-endotoxins of strain S6g were significantly less toxic to the larvae of Pieris brassica compared with those of the parent and it also differed in the plasmid content. CONCLUSION: Radical and unpredictable changes can occur in fresh isolates of B. thuringiensis when subjected to growth in the laboratory. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first analysis of a Gram positive and biotechnologically significant bacterium after repeated laboratory culture. It is of great relevance to the biotechnological exploitation of B. thuringiensis that prolonged growth of environmental isolates on laboratory culture media can have profound effects on their structure, genome and virulence determinants.


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Microplastic litter is a pervasive pollutant present in aquatic systems across the globe. A range of marine organisms have the capacity to ingest microplastics, resulting in adverse health effects. Developing methods to accurately quantify microplastics in productive marine waters, and those internalized by marine organisms, is of growing importance. Here we investigate the efficacy of using acid, alkaline and enzymatic digestion techniques in mineralizing biological material from marine surface trawls to reveal any microplastics present. Our optimized enzymatic protocol can digest >97% (by weight) of the material present in plankton-rich seawater samples without destroying any microplastic debris present. In applying the method to replicate marine samples from the western English Channel, we identified 0.27 microplastics m−3. The protocol was further used to extract microplastics ingested by marine zooplankton under laboratory conditions. Our findings illustrate that enzymatic digestion can aid the detection of microplastic debris within seawater samples and marine biota.


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Toxin production in marine microalgae was previously shown to be tightly coupled with cellular stoichiometry. The highest values of cellular toxin are in fact mainly associated with a high carbon to nutrient cellular ratio. In particular, the cellular accumulation of C-rich toxins (i.e., with C:N > 6.6) can be stimulated by both N and P deficiency. Dinoflagellates are the main producers of C-rich toxins and may represent a serious threat for human health and the marine ecosystem. As such, the development of a numerical model able to predict how toxin production is stimulated by nutrient supply/deficiency is of primary utility for both scientific and management purposes. In this work we have developed a mechanistic model describing the stoichiometric regulation of C-rich toxins in marine dinoflagellates. To this purpose, a new formulation describing toxin production and fate was embedded in the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM), here simplified to describe a monospecific batch culture. Toxin production was assumed to be composed by two distinct additive terms; the first is a constant fraction of algal production and is assumed to take place at any physiological conditions. The second term is assumed to be dependent on algal biomass and to be stimulated by internal nutrient deficiency. By using these assumptions, the model reproduced the concentrations and temporal evolution of toxins observed in cultures of Ostreopsis cf. ovata, a benthic/epiphytic dinoflagellate producing C-rich toxins named ovatoxins. The analysis of simulations and their comparison with experimental data provided a conceptual model linking toxin production and nutritional status in this species. The model was also qualitatively validated by using independent literature data, and the results indicate that our formulation can be also used to simulate toxin dynamics in other dinoflagellates. Our model represents an important step towards the simulation and prediction of marine algal toxicity.


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Small proline-rich protein-2 (SPRR2) functions as a determinant of flexibility and permeability in the mature cornified envelope of the skin. SPRR2 is strongly upregulated by the commensal flora and may mediate signaling to differentiated epithelia of the small intestine and colon. Yet, SPRR2 function in the GI tract is largely unexplored. Using the Caco-2 model of intestinal epithelial differentiation along the crypt-villus axis, we hypothesized that SPRR2 would be preferentially expressed in post-confluent differentiated Caco-2 cells and examined SPRR2 regulation by the protein kinase A pathway (PKA) and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). Differentiation-dependent SPRR2 expression was examined in cytoskeletal-, membrane-, and nuclear-enriched fractions by immunoblotting and confocal immunofluorescence. We studied the effect of SCFAs, known inducers of differentiation, on SPRR2 expression in pre-confluent undifferentiated Caco-2 cells and explored potential mechanisms involved in this induction using MAP kinase inhibitors. SPRR2 expression was also compared between HIEC crypt cells and 16 to 20 week primary fetal villus cells as well as in different segments in mouse small intestine and colon. We determined if SPRR2 is increased by gram negative bacteria such as S. typhimurium. SPRR2 expression increased in a differentiation-dependent manner in Caco-2 cells and was present in human fetal epithelial villus cells but absent in HIEC crypt cells. Differentiation-induced SPRR2 was down-regulated by 8-Br-cAMP as well as by forskolin/IBMX co-treatment. SPRR2 was predominantly cytoplasmic and did not accumulate in Triton X-100-insoluble cytoskeletal fractions. SPRR2 was present in the membrane- and nuclear-enriched fractions and demonstrated co-localization with F-actin at the apical actin ring. No induction was seen with the specific HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A, while SCFAs and the HDAC inhibitor SBHA all induced SPRR2. SCFA responses were inhibited by MAP kinase inhibitors SB203580 and U0126, thus suggesting that the SCFA effect may be mediated by orphan G-protein receptors GPR41 and GPR43. S. typhimurium induced SPRR2 in undifferentiated cells. We conclude that SPRR2 protein expression is associated with differentiated epithelia and is regulated by PKA signaling and by by-products of the bowel flora. This is the first report to establish an in vitro model to study the physiology and regulation of SPRR2.


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Local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) absolute and differential abundances are presented for a peculiar metal-rich B-type star, HD 135485. These suggest that HD 135485 has a general enrichment of similar to0.5 dex in all the metals observed (C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe and Sr), except for nickel. The helium enhancement and hence hydrogen deficiency can account for less than or equal to 0.2 dex of this enhancement of metals, with the additional enhancement probably being representative of the progenitor gas. However, some of the metals appear to have greater enhancements, which may have occurred during the star's evolution. The significantly larger nitrogen abundance coupled with a modest helium enhancement observed in HD 135485 indicates that carbon- nitrogen (CN) processed material has possibly contaminated the stellar surface. Neon and carbon enhancements may indicate that helium core flashes have also occurred in HD 135485. Some of the iron-group elements (viz. Mn and Ni) appear to have similar abundance patterns to that of silicon Ap stars, but it is uncertain how these abundance patterns formed if they were not present in the progenitor gas. From a kinematical investigation it is unclear whether this star formed in a metal-rich region as implied by its chemical composition. From its position in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, HD 135485 would appear to be an evolved star lying close to or on the horizontal branch.


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High resolution spectra of seven early B-type giant/supergiant stars in the SMC cluster NGC330 are analysed to obtain their chemical compositions relative to SMC field and Galactic B-type stars. It is found that all seven stars are nitrogen rich with an abundance approximately 1.3 dex higher than an SMC main- sequence field B-type star, AV304. They also display evidence for deficiencies in carbon, but other metals have abundances typical of the SMC. Given the number of B-type stars with low projected rotational velocities in NGC330 (all our targets have v sin i <50 km s(-1)), we suggest that it is unlikely that the stars in our sample are seen almost pole-on, but rather that they are intrinsically slow rotators. Furthermore, none of our objects displays any evidence of significant Balmer emission excluding the possibility that these are Be stars observed pole-on. Comparing these results with the predictions of stellar evolution models including the effects of rotationally induced mixing, we conclude that while the abundance patterns may indeed be reproduced by these models, serious discrepancies exist. Most importantly, models including the effects of initially large rotational velocities do not reproduce the observed range of effective temperatures of our sample, nor the currently observed rotational velocities. Binary models may be able to produce stars in the observed temperature range but again may be incapable of producing suitable analogues with low rotational velocities. We also discuss the clear need for stellar evolution calculations employing the correct chemical mix of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen for the SMC.