973 resultados para gene loss


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Several lines of indirect evidence suggest that plasminogen activation plays a crucial role in degradation of the follicular wall during ovulation. However, single-deficient mice lacking tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), or PA inhibitor type 1(PAI-1) gene function were recently found to have normal reproduction, although mice with a combined deficiency of tPA and uPA were significantly less fertile. To investigate whether the reduced fertility of mice lacking PA gene function is due to a reduced ovulation mechanism, we have determined the ovulation efficiency in 25-day-old mice during gonadotropin-induced ovulation. Our results reveal that ovulation efficiency is normal in mice with a single deficiency of tPA or uPA but reduced by 26% in mice lacking both physiological PAs. This result suggests that plasminogen activation plays a role in ovulatory response, although neither tPA nor uPA individually or in combination is obligatory for ovulation. The loss of an individual PA seems to be functionally complemented by the remaining PA but this compensation does not appear to involve any compensatory up-regulation. Our data imply that a functionally redundant mechanism for plasmin formation operates during gonadotropin-induced ovulation and that PAs together with other proteases generate the proteolytic activity required for follicular wall degradation.


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Malignant mesotheliomas (MMs) are aggressive tumors that develop most frequently in the pleura of patients exposed to asbestos. In contrast to many other cancers, relatively few molecular alterations have been described in MMs. The most frequent numerical cytogenetic abnormality in MMs is loss of chromosome 22. The neurofibromatosis type 2 gene (NF2) is a tumor suppressor gene assigned to chromosome 22q which plays an important role in the development of familial and spontaneous tumors of neuroectodermal origin. Although MMs have a different histogenic derivation, the frequent abnormalities of chromosome 22 warranted an investigation of the NF2 gene in these tumors. Both cDNAs from 15 MM cell lines and genomic DNAs from 7 matched primary tumors were analyzed for mutations within the NF2 coding region. NF2 mutations predicting either interstitial in-frame deletions or truncation of the NF2-encoded protein (merlin) were detected in eight cell lines (53%), six of which were confirmed in primary tumor DNAs. In two samples that showed NF2 gene transcript alterations, no genomic DNA mutations were detected, suggesting that aberrant splicing may constitute an additional mechanism for merlin inactivation. These findings implicate NF2 in the oncogenesis of primary MMs and provide evidence that this gene can be involved in the development of tumors other than nervous system neoplasms characteristic of the NF2 disorder. In addition, unlike NF2-related tumors, MM derives from the mesoderm; malignancies of this origin have not previously been associated with frequent alterations of the NF2 gene.


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Fasciclin II (Fas II), an NCAM-like cell adhesion molecule in Drosophila, is expressed on a subset of embryonic axons and controls selective axon fasiculation. Fas II is also expressed in imaginal discs. Here we use genetic analysis to show that Fas II is required for the control of proneural gene expression. Clusters of cells in the eye-antennal imaginal disc express the achaete proneural gene and give rise to mechanosensory neurons; other clusters of cells express the atonal gene and give rise to ocellar photoreceptor neurons. In fasII loss-of-function mutants, the expression of both proneural genes is absent in certain locations, and, as a result, the corresponding sensory precursors fail to develop. In fasII gain-of-function conditions, extra sensory structures arise from this same region of the imaginal disc. Mutations in the Abelson tyrosine kinase gene show dominant interactions with fasII mutations, suggesting that Abl and Fas II function in a signaling pathway that controls proneural gene expression.


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In Drosophila, stripe (sr) gene function is required for normal muscle development. Some mutations disrupt embryonic muscle development and are lethal. Other mutations cause total loss of only a single muscle in the adult. Molecular analysis shows that sr encodes a predicted protein containing a zinc finger motif. This motif is homologous to the DNA binding domains encoded by members of the early growth response (egr) gene family. In mammals, expression of egr genes is induced by intercellular signals, and there is evidence for their role in many developmental events. The identification of sr as an egr gene and its pattern of expression suggest that it functions in muscle development via intercellular communication.


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Loss of function of any one of three UPF genes prevents the accelerated decay of nonsense mRNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We report the identification and DNA sequence of UPF3, which is present in one nonessential copy on chromosome VII. Upf3 contains three putative nuclear localization signal sequences, suggesting that it may be located in a different compartment than the cytoplasmic Upf1 protein. Epitope-tagged Upf3 (FLAG-Upf3) does not cofractionate with polyribosomes or 80S ribosomal particles. Double disruptions of UPF1 and UPF3 affect nonsense mRNA decay in a manner indistinguishable from single disruptions. These results suggest that the Upf proteins perform related functions in a common pathway.


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A sequence of epithelial cell proliferation, allocation to four principal lineages, migration-associated differentiation, and cell loss occurs along the crypt-villus axis of the mouse intestine. The sequence is completed in a few days and is recapitulated throughout the life-span of the animal. We have used an intestine-specific fatty acid binding protein gene, Fabpi, as a model for studying regulation of gene expression in this unique developmental system. Promoter mapping studies in transgenic mice identified a 20-bp cis-acting element (5'-AGGTGGAAGCCATCACACTT-3') that binds small intestinal nuclear proteins and participates in the control of Fabpi's cephalocaudal, differentiation-dependent, and cell lineage-specific patterns of expression. Immunocytochemical studies using confocal and electron microscopy indicate that it does so by acting as a suppressor of gene expression in the distal small intestine/colon, as a suppressor of gene activation in proliferating and nonproliferating cells located in the crypts of Lieberkühn, and as a suppressor of expression in the growth factor and defensin-producing Paneth cell lineage. The 20-bp domain has no obvious sequence similarities to known transcription factor binding sites. The three functions modulated by this compact element represent the types of functions required to establish and maintain the intestine's remarkably complex spatial patterns of gene expression. The transgenes described in this report also appear to be useful in characterizing the crypt's stem cell hierarchy.


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Previous studies in transgenic mice and cultured cells have indicated that the major enhancer function for erythroid cell expression of the globin genes is provided by the heterodimeric basic-leucine zipper transcription factor NF-E2. Globin gene expression within cultured mouse erythroleukemia cells is highly dependent on NF-E2. To examine the requirement for this factor in vivo, we used homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells to generate mice lacking the hematopoietic-specific subunit, p45 NF-E2. The most dramatic aspect of the homozygous mutant mice was an absence of circulating platelets, which led to the death of most animals due to hemorrhage. In contrast, the effect of loss of NF-E2 on the erythroid lineage was surprisingly mild. Although neonates exhibited severe anemia and dysmorphic red-cell changes, probably compounded by concomitant bleeding, surviving adults exhibited only mild changes consistent with a small decrease in the hemoglobin content per cell. p45 NF-E2-null mice responded to anemia with compensatory reticulocytosis and splenomegaly. Globin chain synthesis was balanced, and switching from fetal to adult globins progressed normally. Although these findings are consistent with the substitution of NF-E2 function in vivo by one or more compensating proteins, gel shift assays using nuclear extracts from p45 NF-E2-null mice failed to reveal novel complexes formed on an NF-E2 binding site. Thus, regulation of globin gene transcription through NF-E2 binding sites in vivo is more complex than has been previously appreciated.


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Establishment of loss-of-function phenotypes is often a key step in determining the biological function of a gene. We describe a procedure to obtain mutant petunia plants in which a specific gene with known sequence is inactivated by the transposable element dTph1. Leaves are collected from batches of 1000 plants with highly active dTph1 elements, pooled according to a three-dimensional matrix, and screened by PCR using a transposon- and a gene-specific primer. In this way individual plants with a dTph1 insertion can be identified by analysis of about 30 PCRs. We found insertion alleles for various genes at a frequency of about 1 in 1000 plants. The plant population can be preserved by selfing all the plants, so that it can be screened for insertions in many genes over a prolonged period.


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Tuberculosis continues to be responsible for the deaths of millions of people, yet the virulence factors of the causative pathogens remain unknown. Genetic complementation experiments with strains of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex have identified a gene from a virulent strain that restores virulence to an attenuated strain. The gene, designated rpoV, has a high degree of homology with principal transcription or sigma factors from other bacteria, particularly Mycobacterium smegmatis and Streptomyces griseus. The homologous rpoV gene of the attenuated strain has a point mutation causing an arginine-->histidine change in a domain known to interact with promoters. To our knowledge, association of loss of bacterial virulence with a mutation in the principal sigma factor has not been previously reported. The results indicate either that tuberculosis organisms have an alternative principal sigma factor that promotes virulence genes or, more probably, that this particular mutant principal sigma factor is unable to promote expression of one or more genes required for virulence. Study of genes and proteins differentially regulated by the mutant transcription factor should facilitate identification of further virulence factors.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is known to mediate increases in regional cerebral blood flow elicited by CO2 inhalation. In mice with deletion of the gene for neuronal NO synthase (NOS), CO2 inhalation augments cerebral blood flow to the same extent as in wild-type mice. However, unlike wild-type mice, the increased flow in mutants is not blocked by the NOS inhibition, N omega-nitro-L-arginine, and CO2 exposure fails to increase brain levels of cGMP. Topical acetylcholine elicits vasodilation in the mutants which is blocked by N omega-nitro-L-arginine, indicating normal functioning of endothelial NOS. Moreover, immunohistochemical staining for endothelial NOS is normal in the mutants. Thus, following loss of neuronal NOS, the cerebral circulatory response is maintained by a compensatory system not involving NO.


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The human VHL tumor suppressor gene has been implicated in the inherited disorder von Hippel-Lindau disease and in sporadic renal carcinoma. The homologous rat gene encodes a 185-amino acid protein that is 88% sequence identical to the aligned 213-amino acid human VHL gene product. When expressed in COS-7 cells, both the human and the rat VHL proteins showed predominant nuclear, nuclear and cytosolic, or predominant cytosolic VHL staining by immunofluorescence. A complicated pattern of cellular proteins was seen that could be specifically coimmunoprecipitated with the introduced VHL protein. A complex containing VHL and proteins of apparent molecular masses 16 and 9 kDa was the most consistently observed. Certain naturally occurring VHL missense mutations demonstrated either complete or partial loss of the p16-p9 complex. Thus, the VHL tumor suppressor gene product is a nuclear protein, perhaps capable of specifically translocating between the nucleus and the cytosol. It is likely that VHL executes its functions via formation of specific multiprotein complexes. Identification of these VHL-associated proteins will likely clarify the physiology of this tumor suppressor gene.


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The yeast gene KEM1 (also named SEP1/DST2/XRN1/RAR5) produces a G4-DNA-dependent nuclease that binds to G4 tetraplex DNA structure and cuts in a single-stranded region 5' to the G4 structure. G4-DNA generated from yeast telomeric oligonucleotides competitively inhibits the cleavage reaction, suggesting that this enzyme may interact with yeast telomeres in vivo. Homozygous deletions of the KEM1 gene in yeast block meiosis at the pachytene stage, which is consistent with the hypothesis that G4 tetraplex DNA may be involved in homologous chromosome pairing during meiosis. We conjectured that the mitotic defects of kem1/sep1 mutant cells, such as a higher chromosome loss rate, are also due to failure in processing G4-DNA, especially at telomeres. Here we report two phenotypes associated with a kem1-null allele, cellular senescence and telomere shortening, that provide genetic evidence that G4 tetraplex DNA may play a role in telomere functioning. In addition, our results reveal that chromosome ends in the same cells behave differently in a fashion dependent on the KEM1 gene product.


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Translocations involving chromosome band 11q23, found in 5-10% of human acute leukemias, disrupt the ALL-1 gene. This gene is fused by reciprocal translocation with a variety of other genes in acute lymphoblastic and myelogenous leukemias, and it undergoes self-fusion in acute myeloid leukemias with normal karyotype or trisomy 11. Here we report an alteration of the ALL-1 gene in a gastric carcinoma cell line (Mgc80-3). Characterization of this rearrangement revealed a three-way complex translocation, involving chromosomes 1 and 11, resulting in a partial duplication of the ALL-1 gene. Sequencing of reverse transcription-PCR products and Northern blot analysis showed that only the partially duplicated ALL-1 gene was transcribed, producing an mRNA with exon 8 fused to exon 2. This report of ALL-1 gene rearrangement in a solid tumor suggests that ALL-1 plays a role in the pathogenesis of some solid malignancies. The absence of the normal transcript in this cell line, in association with the loss-of-heterozygosity studies on chromosome 11q23 seen in solid tumors, suggests that ALL-1 is involved in tumorigenesis by a loss-of-function mechanism.


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In aerobic organisms, protection against oxidative damage involves the combined action of highly specialized antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of another gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that plays a critical role in detoxification of reactive oxygen species. This gene, named ATX1, was originally isolated by its ability to suppress oxygen toxicity in yeast lacking SOD. ATX1 encodes a 8.2-kDa polypeptide exhibiting significant similarity and identity to various bacterial metal transporters. Potential ATX1 homologues were also identified in multicellular eukaryotes, including the plants Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In yeast cells, ATX1 evidently acts in the transport and/or partitioning of copper, and this role in copper homeostasis appears to be directly relevant to the ATX1 suppression of oxygen toxicity: ATX1 was incapable of compensating for SOD when cells were depleted of exogenous copper. Strains containing a deletion in the chromosomal ATX1 locus were generated. Loss of ATX1 function rendered both mutant and wild-type SOD strains hypersensitive toward paraquat (a generator of superoxide anion) and was also associated with an increased sensitivity toward hydrogen peroxide. Hence, ATX1 protects cells against the toxicity of both superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide.


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The DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) consists of three polypeptide components: Ku-70, Ku-80, and an approximately 350-kDa catalytic subunit (p350). The gene encoding the Ku-80 subunit is identical to the x-ray-sensitive group 5 complementing gene XRCC5. Expression of the Ku-80 cDNA rescues both DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair and V(D)J recombination in group 5 mutant cells. The involvement of Ku-80 in these processes suggests that the underlying defect in these mutant cells may be disruption of the DNA-PK holoenzyme. In this report we show that the p350 kinase subunit is deleted in cells derived from the severe combined immunodeficiency mouse and in the Chinese hamster ovary cell line V-3, both of which are defective in DSB repair and V(D)J recombination. A centromeric fragment of human chromosome 8 that complements the scid defect also restores p350 protein expression and rescues in vitro DNA-PK activity. These data suggest the scid gene may encode the p350 protein or regulate its expression and are consistent with a model whereby DNA-PK is a critical component of the DSB-repair pathway.