819 resultados para fuzzy linear systems
This paper presents a theorem based on the hyper-rectangle defined by the closed set of the time derivatives of the membership functions of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. This result is also based on Linear Matrix Inequalities and allows the reduction of the conservatism of the stability analysis in the sense of Lyapunov. The theorem generalizes previous results available in the literature. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.
This paper proposes a new switched control design method for some classes of linear time-invariant systems with polytopic uncertainties. This method uses a quadratic Lyapunov function to design the feedback controller gains based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The controller gain is chosen by a switching law that returns the smallest value of the time derivative of the Lyapunov function. The proposed methodology offers less conservative alternative than the well-known controller for uncertain systems with only one state feedback gain. The control design of a magnetic levitator illustrates the procedure. © 2013 Wallysonn A. de Souza et al.
In this study, a novel approach for the optimal location and contract pricing of distributed generation (DG) is presented. Such an approach is designed for a market environment in which the distribution company (DisCo) can buy energy either from the wholesale energy market or from the DG units within its network. The location and contract pricing of DG is determined by the interaction between the DisCo and the owner of the distributed generators. The DisCo intends to minimise the payments incurred in meeting the expected demand, whereas the owner of the DG intends to maximise the profits obtained from the energy sold to the DisCo. This two-agent relationship is modelled in a bilevel scheme. The upper-level optimisation is for determining the allocation and contract prices of the DG units, whereas the lower-level optimisation is for modelling the reaction of the DisCo. The bilevel programming problem is turned into an equivalent single-level mixed-integer linear optimisation problem using duality properties, which is then solved using commercially available software. Results show the robustness and efficiency of the proposed model compared with other existing models. As regards to contract pricing, the proposed approach allowed to find better solutions than those reported in previous works. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Este trabalho propõe uma estratégia fuzzy, do tipo Rede de Controladores Locais, aplicável à melhoria da estabilidade dinâmica em sistemas elétricos de potência, visando compensar possíveis perdas de sintonia devido à ocorrência de variações nas condições operacionais da planta. A adaptação dos ganhos do controlador fuzzy é efetuada on-line, interpolando-se os ganhos de um conjunto finito de controladores locais fixos. Ao ocorrer variações nas condições operacionais da planta, os ganhos da lei de controle são ajustados automaticamente de modo a manter satisfatório o desempenho do sistema de controle. O desempenho do controle foi avaliado através de estudos de simulação, utilizando-se um modelo dinâmico não-linear, do tipo máquina barra infinita. Os resultados mostram que o emprego da estratégia proposta permite obter melhorias no desempenho dinâmico do sistema.
Quando a área a ser irrigada apresenta um elevado gradiente de declive na direção das linhas de derivação, uma opção de dimensionamento é o uso de tubulações com vários diâmetros para economizar no custo e também para manter a variação de pressão dentro dos limites desejados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um modelo de programação linear para dimensionar sistemas de irrigação por microaspersão com linhas de derivação com mais de um diâmetro e operando em declive, visando a minimização do custo anualizado da rede hidráulica e do custo anual com energia elétrica, além de assegurar que a máxima variação de carga hidráulica na linha será respeitada. Os dados de entrada são: configuração da rede hidráulica do sistema de irrigação, custo de todos os componentes da rede hidráulica e custo da energia. Os dados de saída são: custo anual total, diâmetro da tubulação em cada linha do sistema, carga hidráulica em cada ponto de derivação e altura manométrica total. Para ilustrar a potencialidade do modelo desenvolvido, ele foi aplicado em um pomar de citros no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O modelo demonstrou ser eficiente no dimensionamento do sistema de irrigação quanto à obtenção da uniformidade de emissão desejada. O custo anual com bombeamento deve ser considerado no dimensionamento de sistemas de irrigação por microaspersão porque ele gera menores valores de custo anual total quando comparado com a mesma alternativa que não considera aquele custo.
This work presents a strategy to control nonlinear responses of aeroelastic systems with control surface freeplay. The proposed methodology is developed for the three degrees of freedom typical section airfoil considering aerodynamic forces from Theodorsen's theory. The mathematical model is written in the state space representation using rational function approximation to write the aerodynamic forces in time domain. The control system is designed using the fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno modeling to compute a feedback control gain. It useds Lyapunov's stability function and linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to solve a convex optimization problem. Time simulations with different initial conditions are performed using a modified Runge-Kutta algorithm to compare the system with and without control forces. It is shown that this approach can compute linear control gain able to stabilize aeroelastic systems with discontinuous nonlinearities.
This paper is concerned with the controllability and stabilizability problem for control systems described by a time-varyinglinear abstract differential equation with distributed delay in the state variables. An approximate controllability propertyis established, and for periodic systems, the stabilization problem is studied. Assuming that the semigroup of operatorsassociated with the uncontrolled and non delayed equation is compact, and using the characterization of the asymptoticstability in terms of the spectrum of the monodromy operator of the uncontrolled system, it is shown that the approximatecontrollability property is a sufficient condition for the existence of a periodic feedback control law that stabilizes thesystem. The result is extended to include some systems which are asymptotically periodic. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley &Sons, Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
On the Limit Cycles for a Class of Continuous Piecewise Linear Differential Systems with Three Zones
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
This work addresses the solution to the problem of robust model predictive control (MPC) of systems with model uncertainty. The case of zone control of multi-variable stable systems with multiple time delays is considered. The usual approach of dealing with this kind of problem is through the inclusion of non-linear cost constraint in the control problem. The control action is then obtained at each sampling time as the solution to a non-linear programming (NLP) problem that for high-order systems can be computationally expensive. Here, the robust MPC problem is formulated as a linear matrix inequality problem that can be solved in real time with a fraction of the computer effort. The proposed approach is compared with the conventional robust MPC and tested through the simulation of a reactor system of the process industry.