975 resultados para frontal and nasal abnormalities


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INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos prévios, com técnicas de imagem, documentam de forma consistente a existência de alterações da substância branca cerebral relacionadas com o envelhecimento (ASBRE). Tais alterações poderão ter um papel importante no declínio funcional do idoso, reflectindo‐se sobretudo no desempenho motor e cognitivo, com repercussão evidente na prática clínica. Apesar disso, a caracterização em definitivo dos fenótipos clínicos e da evolução das ASBRE continua por esclarecer, possivelmente pelas dificuldades metodológicas de que se reveste o seu estudo, incluindo: a adequação das baterias neuropsicológicas, a utilização de amostras de doentes com diferentes graus de severidade e de envolvimento regional, as limitações das diferentes escalas e a sensibilidade dos diferentes métodos de imagem. A Ressonância Magnética (RM) de difusão tem revelado grande sensibilidade para as alterações isquémicas, admitindo‐se que poderá permitir uma melhor caracterização das ASBRE e deste modo possibilitar uma correlação mais precisa com as variáveis cognitivas e motoras, permitindo avaliar ainda a substância branca aparentemente normal (SBAN). OBJECTIVOS: Descrever a evolução imagiológica das ASBRE no intervalo de um ano e analisar a sua expressão clínica e impacto funcional; identificar factores preditivos de progressão das ASBRE e de declínio funcional associado. Descrever a expressão clínica e perfil evolutivo dos doentes com ASBRE com envolvimento preferencial da região parieto‐occipital; comparar este grupo de doentes com os doentes com ASBRE, sem envolvimento preferencial desta região. Medir os coeficientes de difusão aparente (CDA), utilizando regiões de interesse (RDI), em diferentes localizações da substância branca, incluindo substância branca lesada e SBAN, descrever sua evolução temporal no intervalo de um ano e determinar suas correlações clínicas e imagiológicas. MÉTODOS: Utilizando uma amostra de conveniência, foram estudados 30 doentes, com mais de 65 anos, sem incapacidade funcional ou com incapacidade mínima, avaliada pela escala de actividades instrumentais da vida diária (IADL), apresentando ASBRE em TC. Foi utilizado um protocolo exaustivo de avaliação clínica (com particular destaque para as funções motoras e cognitivas) e imagiológica, em dois momentos de avaliação separados por um ano de intervalo (t0 e t1). As ASBRE foram avaliadas com escalas visuais, escala ARWMC e escala de Fazekas, e os doentes foram estudados em função do grau de severidade (ligeiro versus moderado a grave na escala de Fazekas) e de um envolvimento preferencial posterior (definido como 2 ou mais pontos na escala ARWMC na região parieto‐occipital por comparação com a região frontal). Os CDA foram avaliados mediante estudo de RDI, na substância branca frontal lesada (SBFL) e SBAN frontal, parieto‐occipital e dos pedúnculos cerebelosos. Para verificar diferenças na ordem de distribuição das variáveis foi usado o teste de Mann‐Whitney e para comparação de proporções, o teste exacto de Fisher. Na comparação entre a avaliação em t0 e t1 foi usado o teste Wilcoxon Signed Ranks na comparação da distribuição da ordem das variáveis e o teste McNemar na análise de frequências. Na análise correlacional foram utilizados os testes de T para variáveis emparelhadas e as correlações entre estas foram efectuadas com o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman ou de Pearson. O trabalho foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética do hospital onde foi realizado e todos os doentes incluídos assinaram um consentimento informado. RESULTADOS: A idade média da população estudada foi 72,5 anos (17 doentes eram do sexo masculino). No final de um ano, 1 doente tinha falecido e 3 doentes não completaram a avaliação imagiológica. Registou‐se uma progressão significativa das ASBRE segundo a escala ARWMC (t0: 8,37 / t1: 9,65 ; p<0,001). Na análise funcional, motora e cognitiva, não houve um agravamento significativo. Avaliando os doentes em t0 e t1 segundo o grau de severidade das ASBRE, o grupo com atingimento moderado a grave (ASBRE2) comparado com o grupo com atingimento ligeiro (ASBRE1) apresentava: maior extensão de lesão da substância branca (ARWMC t0: 11,9 / 4,8 ; p<0.001 ; t1: 14,0 / 5,9 ; p<0,001); tendência a pior desempenho funcional (IADL t0: 90,7 / 99,2 ; p=0,023; t1: 86,4 / 96,7 ; p=n.s.) e motor (SPPB t0: 9,8 / 10,3 ; p=n.s. ; t1: 9,5 / 10,5 ; p=0,058); tendência a maior compromisso do humor (Escala Cornell t0: 6,7 / 3,5 ; p=0,037; t1: 6,2 / 4,5 ; p=n.s.). Analisando a evolução, de t0 para t1, de cada um dos grupos (ASBRE2 e ASBRE1) registou‐se: aumento da extensão da lesão da substância branca em ambos (ASBRE2: 12,0 / 14,0;z=‐2,687 ; p=0,007; ASBR1: 4,8 / 5,9 ; z=‐2,724 ; p=0,006); variação não significativa funcional e motora; tendência ao agravamento em ambos na prova de Cancelamento de dígitos (ASBRE2: 17,5 / 17,4 ; p=n.s. ; ASBRE1: 19,9 / 16,9 ; z=‐2,096 ; p=0,036);tendência à melhoria em ambos no MMS (ASBRE2: 25,7 / 27,5 ; z=‐2,155 ; p=0,031; ASBRE1: 27,5 / 28,2 ; p=n.s). Avaliando os doentes em t0 e t1 em função do padrão de distribuição das ASBRE, os doentes com um envolvimento preferencial posterior (ASBREP) comparados com os restantes (ASBREnP), apresentavam: maior extensão da lesão (ARWMC t0: 10,8 / 6,9 ; p=0,025; t1: 12,9 / 7,6 ; p=0,011); diferenças não significativas no desempenho motor; tendência a melhor desempenho na prova dos Labirintos (t0: 8,1 / 11,8 ; p=0,06; t1: 8,7 / 9,5 ; p=n.s.) e Cancelamento de dígitos (t0: 20,9 / 17,4 ; p=0,045; t1: 18,5 / 16,3 ; p=n.s.); tendência a maior compromisso depressivo na GDS (t0: 5,0 / 3,68 ; p=n.s. ; t1: 5,7 / 3,3 p=0,033). Analisando o perfil evolutivo de t0 para t1, registou‐se: aumento da extensão da lesão nos dois grupos (ASBREP: 10,8 / 12,9 ; z=‐2,555 ; P=0,011; ASBREnP: 6,4 / 7,6 ; z=‐2,877 ; p=0,04); variação em sentidos diferentes com melhoria funcional no grupo ASBREP (91,0 / 95,5 ; z=‐0,926 ; p=0,036) e agravamento no grupo ASBREnP (96,7 / 89,8 ; z=‐2,032 ; p=0,042); variação sem sentidos diferentes, com agravamento significativo no grupo ASBREnP no item estação de pé do SPPB (ASBREP 3,8/3,9 p=n.s.; ASBREnP 3,9/3,6; z=‐2,236 ; p=0,025); tendência à melhoria nos dois grupos no MMS (ASBREP: 27,2 / 28,2 ; p=n.s.; ASBREnP: 26,3 / 27,7 ; z=‐2,413 ; p=0,016) e tendência em sentidos diferentes no Trail Making, com eventual melhoria no grupo ASBREP (113,9 / 91,6 ; p=n.s.) e agravamento no grupo ASBREnP (113,7 / 152,0 ; z=‐2,155 ; p=0,031). Na análise da imagem, utilizando a escala ARWMC e o estudo dos CDA, na avaliação transversal na inclusão, a comparação entre as pontuações médias da escala ARWML nas diferentes regiões mostrava diferenças significativas (F=39,54 , p<0,0001). A análise comparativa post‐hoc de Bonferroni mostrou valores significativamente mais altos para as regiões frontais e parieto‐occipitais (p<0,0001). Os valores médios dos CDA eram significativamente diferentes entre regiões (F=44,56; p<0,0001), sendo mais altos na SBFL (p<0,0001). Não existia diferença significativa entre os valores registados na SBAN nas regiões frontais e parieto‐occipitais. As pontuações regionais da escala ARWMC e os valores médios dos CDA correlacionavam‐se todos de forma positiva. A pontuação da escala ARWMC na região frontal correlacionava‐se significativamente com os valores do CDA da SBFL (r=0,467 ; p=0,012). Existia tendência para uma correlação positiva entre as pontuações da escala ARWMC na região frontal e os valores médios dos CDA na SBAN frontal (r=0,276 ; p=0,155). As pontuações da escala ARWMC e os CDA correlacionavam‐se de forma positiva com a idade e com a tensão arterial (TA). Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre: idade e SBAN frontal (r=0,440 ; p=0,019); TA diastólica e SBFL (r=0,386 ; p=0,034); TA sistólica e SBAN Parieto‐occipital (r=0,407 ; P=0,032). Na avaliação motora e cognitiva, dado elevado número de variáveis, foi efectuada uma análise de factor principal. Registou‐se uma tendência global negativa na correlação entre as pontuações da escala visual na região frontal, os valores dos CDA, e o desempenho motor e cognitivo. Na análise evolutiva, (n=19), registou‐se variação significativa dos CDA, com aumento na SBFL (Direita: z=‐2,875 ; p=0,004 ; Esquerda: z=‐2,113 ; p=0,035) e diminuição na SBAN dos pedúnculos cerebelosos (Direita: z=‐2,094 ; p=0,036 ; Esquerda: z=‐1,989 ; p=0,047). Foi observada uma correlação negativa entre a variação do CDA na SBAN dos pedúnculos cerebelosos e na SBFL contralateral (SBAN pedúnculo cerebeloso Esquerdo / SBFL Direita: r=‐0,133 ; p=n.s.; SBAN pedúnculo cerebeloso Direito / SBFL Esquerda: r=‐0,561 ; p=0,012). Os valores dos CDA à direita correlacionavam‐se de forma positiva com a velocidade da marcha (r=0,562 ; p=0,012). CONCLUSÕES: A progressão das ASBRE pode ser observada com uma escala visual detalhada no intervalo de um ano. Contudo, o eventual agravamento da incapacidade funcional, motora e cognitiva, não parece ser apreciável em igual intervalo de tempo. A maior severidade das ASBRE associa‐se a uma tendência para um maior compromisso funcional, motor e possivelmente do humor. A questão da progressão em escalas simplificadas, de um estádio ligeiro para um estádio moderado a grave, não é elucidada pelos resultados do presente trabalho. Os doentes com um envolvimento preferencial da região parieto‐occipital poderão constituir um subgrupo distinto que, apesar de ter maior extensão de lesão, parece ter um melhor desempenho motor e cognitivo. O perfil evolutivo destes doentes parece igualmente ser distinto, não se observando a tendência ao agravamento funcional, motor e cognitivo (sobretudo em provas de função executiva) que se encontra nos restantes doentes. A análise transversal na inclusão, utilizando uma escala visual e o estudo dos CDA, sugere que a severidade das ASBRE se correlaciona com o compromisso motor e cognitivo, bem como com a idade e com a TA. Uma maior vulnerabilidade da substância branca frontal à lesão vascular parece ter um papel importante no compromisso motor e na disfunção executiva, (essencialmente à custa do compromisso da atenção), possivelmente associada à desconexão dos circuitos fronto‐subcorticais. A análise dos CDA sugere que isso é válido igualmente para a SBAN e sublinha que, as imagens de RM convencional poderão não traduzir a verdadeira extensão da lesão e consequentemente do compromisso motor e cognitivo. A relação entre a progressão da doença vascular em lesões frontais constituídas e a redução do CDA no pedúnculo cerebeloso contralateral poderá estar associada a um pior desempenho motor. A disrupção dos circuitos fronto‐cerebelosos, determinando hipometabolismo e diminuição da perfusão no cerebelo, poderá ser responsável pela diminuição do CDA no cerebelo. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Previous studies, with new imaging techniques, have consistently documented the presence of age‐related white matter lesions (ARWML), emphasizing their role in agerelated functional decline, mainly related to motor and cognitive impairment, and inherent consequences in clinical practice. However clinical significance of ARWML remains to be elucidated, probably on account of methodological difficulties such as: specific neuropsychological batteries, utilization of samples with different degrees of severity and regional involvement, utilization of different imaging scales and different sensitivity of imaging techniques. Recently, Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Ressonance imaging (DWI) has shown a higher sensitivity to ischemic lesions, suggesting it might be superior for characterization of ARWML, allowing more precise correlation with motor and cognitive variables, and evaluating also normal appearing white matter (NAWM). OBJECTIVES: To describe imagiologic evolution of ARWML within one year interval and to analyse its clinical and functional significance. To identify predictors of ARWML progression and associated functional impairment. To describe clinical characteristics and evolution profile of patients with predominantly posterior lesions; to compare this group of patients with patients without predominantly posterior lesions. To study average Apparent Diffusion Coeficcients (ADC) in different white matter regions using regions of interest (ROI); to analyse their evolution profile and to determine their clinical and imagiologic correlations. METHODS: A sample of 30 patients older than 65 years, without functional impairment or with minimal impairment, according to the Instrumental Activities of Daily Lliving scale, with ARWML on CT scan, were studied in a cross‐sectional design. An extensive clinical(with detailed motor and cognitive evaluation) and imagiologic protocol was applied in two one‐year interval separate moments (t0 and t1). ARWML were studied using visual scales, ARWMC and Fazekas’s scale, and patients were studied according to degree of severity (Fazekas scale mild versus moderate / severe) and preferential involvement of the posterior region (defined as 2 or more points in the ARWMC scale in the parietooccipital region compared with frontal region). Evaluation of ADC was performed using ROI in frontal lesioned white matter (FLWM) and NAWM (frontal, parieto‐occipital and cerebellar regions). To study differences in the distribution of variables the Mann‐Whitney test was used and to compare proportions the exact Fisher Test was used. To compare temporal evolution profile between t0 and t1, the Wilcoxon Signed ranks Test was used to analyse the distribution of variables and the Mc Nemar Test to analyse frequencies. Correlation analysis was performed using Spearman or Pearson tests. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee and all patients signed an informed consent. RESULTS: Mean age was 72.5 years (17 patients were male). By the end of the study, one patient was dead and 3 patients did not undergo brain imaging. There was a higher extent of ARWML evaluated with the ARWMC scale (t0: 8.37 / t1: 9.65 ; p<0.001). Functional, motor and cognitive performance did not progress significantly. Evaluating patients in t0 and t1 according to the degree of severity (Fazekas scale), the moderate / severe group of patients (WML2), compared with the mild group (WML1), showed: higher extent of lesion (ARWMC scale t0: 11.9 / 4.8 ; p<0.001 ; t1: 14.0 / 5.9 ; p<0.001); tendency to worse functional (IADL t0: 90.7 / 99.2 ; p=0.023; t1: 86.4 / 96.7 ; p=n.s.) and motor (SPPB t0: 9.8 / 10.3 ; p=n.s. ; t1: 9.5 / 10.5 ; p=0.058) performance; tendency to higher depressive scores (Cornell Scale t0: 6.7 / 3.5 ; p=0.037; t1: 6.2 / 4.5; p=n.s.). Analysing the evolution profile from t0 to t1 of each group (WML2 and WML1), there was a higher extent of lesion (ARWMC scale) in both (WML2: 12.0 / 14.0; z=‐2.687 ; p=0.007; WML1: 4.8 / 5.9 ; z=‐2.724 ; p=0.006); non‐significant variation in functional and motor performances; tendency to worse performance on the Digit Cancelling (WML2: 17.5 / 17.4 ; p=n.s. ; WML1: 19.9 / 16.9 ; z=‐2.096 ; p=0,036) and to better performance on the MMS (WML2: 25.7 / 27.5 ; z=‐2.155 ; p=0.031; WML1: 27.5/ 28.2 ; p=n.s). Evaluating patients in t0 and t1 according to the regional distribution of ARWML, patients with predominantly posterior lesions (WMLP) compared with the rest of the group (WMLnP), showed: higher extent of lesion (ARWMC scale t0: 10.8 / 6.9 ; p=0.025; t1:12.9 / 7.6 ; p=0.011); non significant differences on motor evaluation; tendency to a better performance on Maze (t0: 8.1 / 11.8 ; p=0.06; t1: 8.7 / 9.5 ; p=n.s.) and Digit cancelling (t0: 20.9 / 17.4 ; p=0.045; t1: 18.5 / 16.3 ; p=n.s.) tests;tendency to higher scores on GDS (t0: 5.0 / 3.68 ; p=n.s. ; t1: 5.7 / 3.3 p=0.033). Analysing the evolution profile from t0 to t1 of each group (WMLP and WMLnP), there was: higher extent of lesion (ARWMC scale) in both groups (WMLP: 10.8 / 12.9 ;z=‐2,555 ; P=0,011; WMLnP: 6.4 / 7.6 ; z=‐2.877; p=0.04); variation in different directions with better functional performance in the group WMLP (91.0 / 95.5 ;z=‐0.926 ; p=0.036) and worse in WMLnP (96.7 / 89.8 ; z=‐2.032 ; p=0.042); variation in different directions with worse motor performance in one SPPB item (total stands) in the group WMLnP (WMLP 3.8/3.9 p=n.s.; ASBREnP 3.9/3.6; z=‐2.236 ; p=0.025);tendency to improvement in both groups in MMS (WMLP: 27.2 / 28.2 ; p=n.s.; WMLnP:26.3 / 27.7 ; z=‐2.413 ; p=0.016); tendency to a variation in different directions in the Trail Making Test, with possible improvement in the group WMLP (113.9 / 91.6 ;p=n.s.) and worsening in the group WMLnP (113.7 / 152.0 ; z=‐2.155 ; p=0.031). Imaging analysis in the inclusion, using the ARWMC scale and ADC evaluation, showed significant differences in different regions (F=39.54, p<0.0001). Comparative post‐hoc Bonferroni analysis showed significantly higher scores in the frontal and parieto‐occipital regions (p<0.0001. ADC values were significantly different between regions (F=44.56; p<0.0001), being higher in FLWM (p<0‐0001). There was no significant difference between ADC in NAWM in frontal and parieto‐occipital regions. ARWMC scores and ADC values correlated positively. Significant correlations were found between frontal ARWMC score and FLWM ADC values (r=0.467 ; p=0.012). ARWMC scores and ADC values correlated positively with age and blood pressure. Significant correlations were: age and frontal NAWM (r=0.440 ; p=0.019); Diastolic blood pressure and FLWM (r=0.386 ; p=0.034); sistolic blood pressure and parietooccipital NAWM (r=0.407 ; P=0.032). Due to the higher number of motor and cognitive variables a preliminary study was done, using principal component analysis. A global tendency to a negative correlation was found between ARWMC scores, ADC values and motor and cognitive performances. Evolutive analysis of ADC (n=19), showed a significant variation, with higher values in t1 in FLWM (Right: z=‐2.875 ; p=0.004 ; Left: z=‐2.113 ; p=0.035) and lower values in t1 in cerebellar NAWM (Right: z=‐2.094 ; p=0.036 ; Left: z=‐1.989 ; p=0.047). A negative correlation was found between ADC variation in cerebellar NAWM and contralateral FLWM (Left cerebellar NAWM / Right FLWM: r=‐0.133 ; p=n.s.; Right cerebellar NAWM/ Left FLWM: r=‐0.561 ; p=0.012). ADC values on the right correlated positively with walking speed (r=0,562 ; p=0,012). CONCLUSIONS: Progression of ARWML can be documented with a detailed visual scale in a one year interval. However, functional, motor and cognitive impairment, do not seem to progress significantly within the same period. A higher severity of ARWML is associated with a tendency to a worse functional and motor performance (and possibly to higher scores in depression scales). The issue of progression in a simplified visual scale from a mild to a moderate / severe degree of ARWML is not further elucidated. Patients with predominantly posterior lesions may be a subset of ARWML patients, with a different profile, that despite higher extent of lesion, seem to fair better than the rest of the group, namely with better performance on motor and cognitive tests. Evolution profile of this subset of patients also seems to be different, without a clearcut tendency to worsening functional, motor and cognitive (particularly for executive function tests) performance that is observed in the rest of the group. Imaging analysis, with a visual scale and ADC evaluation, suggests that severity of ARWML correlates negatively with cognitive and motor performance and positively with age and blood pressure. A higher vulnerability of frontal white matter to vascular disease seems to play an important role in motor and cognitive dysfunction, mainly determined by impairment of attention skills associated with frontal‐subcortical disconnection. DWI results, suggest that this may also be true for NAWM, underlining that conventional MR images may not represent the true extent of cognitive decline. The relation between vascular disease progression inside frontal lesions and ADC reduction in contralateral cerebellar peduncles, may be associated with a worse motor performance. Disruption of fronto‐cerebellar cicuits, with associated regional hypometabolism, may be responsible for the reduction of cerebellar ADC.


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A forty-year-old man underwent an allogeneic BMT from his HLA identical sister. GvHD prophylaxis was done with cyclosporine (CyA), methotrexate and prednisone (PDN). On day +90 extensive GvHD was noted and higher doses of immunosuppressive drugs alternating CyA with PDN were initiated. Patient's follow-up was complicated by intermittent episodes of leukopenia and monthly episodes of sinusitis or pneumonia. One year after BMT, the patient developed hoarseness and nasal voice. No etiologic agent could be identified on a biopsy sample of the vocal chord. Upon tapering the doses of immunosuppressive drugs, the patient had worsening of chronic GvHD and was reintroduced on high doses of cyclosporine alternating with prednisone on day +550. Three months later, GvHD remained out of control and the patient was started on azathioprine. On day +700, hoarseness and nasal voice recurred. Another biopsy of the left vocal chord failed to demonstrate infection. Episodes of sinusitis became more frequent and azathioprine was withheld 3 months after it was started. One month later, the patient had bloody nasal discharge and surgical drainage of maxillary sinuses was performed. Histopathology showed hyphae and cultures grew Scedosporium apiospermum. ltraconazole 800 mg/day was initiated. The patient developed progressive respiratory failure and died 15 days later.


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Background: Pentavalent antimonials have became of basic importance for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Their most severe side effects have been reported to be increased hepatic enzyme levels and electrocardiographic abnormalities. Nephrotoxicity has been rarely related. Observations: We report a case of generalized cutaneous leishmaniasis involving a 50-year old male patient who was submitted to treatment with meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime). He developed acute renal failure (ARF) due to acute tubular necrosis (ATN), followed by death after receiving a total of 53 ampoules of Glucantime. Conclusions: The treatment with Glucantime was responsible by ARF diagnosed in this patient. The previous urine osmolarity and serum creatinine levels were normal and the autopsy showed ATN. It should be pointed out if ARF may also be explained by massive deposits of immunocomplexes by leishmania antibodies and antigens due to the antigenic break by the antimonial compound, since our patient presented countless lesions covering the entire tegument, similar to the Hexheimer phenomenon, but at the autopsy no glomerular alterations were seen.


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Clinical history - A 4-year-old boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks (twin pregnancy), with periventricular leukomalacia and epilepsy underwent brain MRI. Neurological examination showed severe developmental retardation with axial hypotonia, spastic tetraparesis and convergent strabismus. Imaging findings - Cranial MRI revealed typical aspects of partial rhombencephalosynapsis with vermian hypoplasia, midline fusion of the cerebellar hemispheres and transversely oriented folia and fissures. There was also mild dilatation and dysmorphism of the ventricular system, the septum pellucidum was absent, the hippocampi were malrotated and had vertical orientation and additional finding of associated periventricular cystic leukomalacia. Discussion - Rhombencephalosynapsis (RS) is a rare congenital defect of the cerebellum classically characterised by vermian agenesis or hypogenesis, fusion of the hemispheres, and closely apposed or fused dentate nuclei. It is now considered to result from an absence of division of the cerebellar hemispheres, following an insult between the 28th and 44th day of gestation (i.e., before the formation of the vermis). Other features have also been described such as fusion of the thalami and cerebral peduncles, malrotated hippocampi, corpus callosum agenesis, hypoplastic chiasm, absence of the septum pellucidum, ventriculomegaly, agenesis of the posterior lobe of the pituitary and cortical malformations. Musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, urinary tract, and respiratory abnormalities have been reported. Typical symptoms consist of swallowing difficulties, delayed motor acquisitions, muscular hypotonia, spastic quadriparesis, cerebellar signs including dysarthria, gait ataxia, abnormal eye movements, and seizures and hydrocephalus. The major MRI signs consist of fused cerebellar hemispheres, with absent or hypoplastic vermis, narrow diamond-shaped fourth ventricle and fused dentate nuclei. In a minority of cases, partial RS has been identified by MRI, demonstrating the presence of the nodulus and the anterior vermis and absence of part of the posterior vermis with only partial fusion of the hemispheres in the inferior part. Other cerebellar malformations involving vermian agenesis or hypoplasia include the Dandy–Walker continuum, Joubert syndrome, tectocerebellar dysraphy or pontocerebellar hypoplasias, and are now easily distinguished from RS by both brain MRI and morphology.


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RESUMO: A permeabilidade nasal (nasal patency) é um conceito importante na avaliação da função nasal. Pode ser explicado como uma medida do quanto a cavidade nasal está “aberta” e é determinada por fatores dependentes da sua estrutura anatómica que se relacionam com o fluxo e a resistência nasais e a existência de um fenómeno denominado ciclo nasal. Tradicionalmente, a avaliação da permeabilidade nasal baseia-se em indicadores subjetivos, nomeadamente Escalas Visuais Analógicas ou Scores de Sintomas, embora a sensação subjetiva de obstrução nasal seja difícil de quantificar e frequentemente não se correlacione com métodos mais objetivos de avaliação. A Rinometria Acústica (RA) tem adquirido um papel cada vez mais relevante na avaliação das alterações da permeabilidade nasal, pelo seu carácter não-invasivo, rápido, de fácil execução e por ser bem tolerada pelos pacientes. Contudo, não foram ainda publicados valores de referência para a população normal. Com o presente trabalho pretendeu-se determinar áreas transversais (AT) e volumes (Vol) da cavidade nasal em adultos saudáveis através de RA, em condições basais e após a administração de um fármaco descongestionante tópico nasal, relacionando estes parâmetros com variáveis demográficas e antropométricas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado em 32 adultos jovens, de ambos os sexos (18 mulheres e 14 homens), com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos, não fumadores, sem patologias crónicas ou infeção recente das vias aéreas superiores. Para a execução do exame de RA foi utilizado o equipamento SRE2000 com Software RhinoScan Interacoustics, Dinamarca). O rinograma foi analisado em condições basais e após descongestionamento até aos 5 cm de distância da narina, obtendo-se os valores médios entre cavidade nasal direita e esquerda das áreas transversais (AT) dos entalhes registados (AT1 e AT2), a sua localização e volumes nasais a diferentes distâncias (Vol.0-2; Vol.2-5 e Vol.0-5). RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos do género masculino apresentaram valores significativamente superiores aos do género feminino em todos os parâmetros estudados. A administração do fármaco descongestionante tópico nasal provocou um aumento generalizado das AT e volumes nasais, traduzindo uma diminuição da congestão da mucosa nasal, mais acentuada posteriormente ao nível dos cornetos. A comparação entre fossas nasais (direita versus esquerda) após descongestionamento, eliminando o efeito do ciclo nasal, revelou simetria significativa. De uma forma geral, os parâmetros rinométricos estudados revelaram correlação positiva significativa com a altura. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo foi pioneiro para a população portuguesa e representa uma contribuição para a obtenção de valores de referência em adultos jovens. Estudos futuros em amostras de maior dimensão e representatividade são necessários para a obtenção de valores de referência com utilidade clínica e em investigação.--------------ABSTRACT: Nasal patency is an important concept in the evaluation of nasal function. It may be explained as a measure of how open the nasal cavity is, and it depends of anatomical aspects, that relate to nasal airflow, resistance and nasal cycle. Nasal patency evaluation is based in subjective indicators like visual analogical scales or symptom scores, but subjective sensation of nasal obstruction is difficult to quantify and usually doesn’t correlate with more objective methods of evaluation. Acoustic rhinometry has gained an increasingly relevant role in assessing changes in nasal patency, because it is noninvasive, fast and easy to perform and well tolerated by patients However, reference values for the normal population have not yet been published. The aim of the present study was to determine nasal cross-sectional areas and volumes in healthy adults by acoustic rhinometry, before and after administration of a topical nasal decongestant drug, correlating these parameters with demographic and anthropometric variables. MATERIAL E METHODS: The study was performed in 32 young adults (18 females and 14 males), aged 18 years old or more, non-smokers, without chronic diseases or recent airway infection. Acoustic rhinometry evaluation was performed using SRE2000 with RhinoScan software (Interacoustics, Denmark). Nasal cavities were assessed up to 5 cm distance from the nostril, before and after administration of the topical nasal decongestant drug, and mean cross-sectional areas of the notches, their location and mean volumes at different distances from nostril were measured. RESULTS: Males presented significant higher values than females for all rhinometric parameters studied. The decongestant drug, significantly increased all the rhinometric parameters evaluated, in particular those corresponding to the more posterior regions. Comparison between nasal cavities after nasal decongestion showed no significant asymmetry. Globally,a positive correlation was found between rhinometric parameters and height . CONCLUSION: This study was pioneer in the Portuguese population and represents a contribution to acoustic rhinometry reference values in young adults . Further studies, on larger and representative samples, are necessary in order to obtain reference values, useful both to clinical and research applications of this technique.


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Dermatoscopy can be used to evaluate the nail apparatus (ie, onychoscopy), and it is helpful for the diagnosis of numerous nail diseases and tumors. This article reviews the information that can be obtained in cases of nail dyschromia and especially in cases of melanonychia, in which the distinction between benign melanocytic activation or proliferation and malignancy is crucial. Dermatoscopic changes that accompany specific nail diseases are also reviewed, such as those observed with subungual hemorrhage, bacterial and fungal nail infections, psoriasis of the nail, lichen planus of the nail, and vascular abnormalities of the nail fold.


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Objective: The epilepsy associated with the hypothalamic hamartomas constitutes a syndrome with peculiar seizures, usually refractory to medical therapy, mild cognitive delay, behavioural problems and multifocal spike activity in the scalp electroencephalogram (EEG). The cortical origin of spikes has been widely assumed but not specifically demonstrated. Methods: We present results of a source analysis of interictal spikes from 4 patients (age 2–25 years) with epilepsy and hypothalamic hamartoma, using EEG scalp recordings (32 electrodes) and realistic boundary element models constructed from volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs). Multifocal spike activity was the most common finding, distributed mainly over the frontal and temporal lobes. A spike classification based on scalp topography was done and averaging within each class performed to improve the signal to noise ratio. Single moving dipole models were used, as well as the Rap-MUSIC algorithm. Results: All spikes with good signal to noise ratio were best explained by initial deep sources in the neighbourhood of the hamartoma, with late sources located in the cortex. Not a single patient could have his spike activity explained by a combination of cortical sources. Conclusions: Overall, the results demonstrate a consistent origin of spike activity in the subcortical region in the neighbourhood of the hamartoma, with late spread to cortical areas.


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INTRODUCTION: Insulin resistance is the pathophysiological key to explain metabolic syndrome. Although clearly useful, the Homeostasis Model Assessment index (an insulin resistance measurement) hasn't been systematically applied in clinical practice. One of the main reasons is the discrepancy in cut-off values reported in different populations. We sought to evaluate in a Portuguese population the ideal cut-off for Homeostasis Model Assessment index and assess its relationship with metabolic syndrome. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We selected a cohort of individuals admitted electively in a Cardiology ward with a BMI < 25 Kg/m2 and no abnormalities in glucose metabolism (fasting plasma glucose < 100 mg/dL and no diabetes). The 90th percentile of the Homeostasis Model Assessment index distribution was used to obtain the ideal cut-off for insulin resistance. We also selected a validation cohort of 300 individuals (no exclusion criteria applied). RESULTS: From 7 000 individuals, and after the exclusion criteria, there were left 1 784 individuals. The 90th percentile for Homeostasis Model Assessment index was 2.33. In the validation cohort, applying that cut-off, we have 49.3% of individuals with insulin resistance. However, only 69.9% of the metabolic syndrome patients had insulin resistance according to that cut-off. By ROC curve analysis, the ideal cut-off for metabolic syndrome is 2.41. Homeostasis Model Assessment index correlated with BMI (r = 0.371, p < 0.001) and is an independent predictor of the presence of metabolic syndrome (OR 19.4, 95% CI 6.6 - 57.2, p < 0.001). DISCUSSION: Our study showed that in a Portuguese population of patients admitted electively in a Cardiology ward, 2.33 is the Homeostasis Model Assessment index cut-off for insulin resistance and 2.41 for metabolic syndrome. CONCLUSION: Homeostasis Model Assessment index is directly correlated with BMI and is an independent predictor of metabolic syndrome.


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Severe chronic kidney disease may lead to disturbances, such as hyperphosphatemia, increased secretion of fibroblast growth factor -23 (FGF -23) and vitamin D deficiency. These may increase plasmatic levels of parathyroid hormone, and decrease plasmatic levels of calcium. Altogether, these may contribute to the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism, and to abnormalities in mineral metabolism. Kidney transplantation is the best option to improve longevity and quality of life in end -stage chronic kidney disease patients. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death in chronic kidney disease. Therefore, diagnosing this deficiency may be pivotal for minimizing mortality in chronic kidney disease, because pharmacological treatments for this deficiency may be prescribed. Calcitriol is indicated for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, both in chronic kidney disease and in kidney transplanted patients. However, calcitriol may increase the plasmatic levels of calcium and phosphorous, which can lead to vascular calcifications, that have been associated with cardiovascular mortality. Selective vitamin D receptor activators are indicated for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency in chronic kidney disease. These have the advantage of being associated with lower increases of plasmatic levels of calcium and phosphorous. These drugs also seem to have additional effects that may minimise patient morbidity and mortality, especially due to potentially reducing cardiovascular events. Unfortunately, there are few studies about the use of these drugs in kidney transplanted patients. Here we present a review about the physiology of vitamin D, the consequences of its deficiency in chronic kidney disease and in kidney transplanted patients, and about the diagnosis and treatment of this deficiency. Finally, we discuss the new line of research about the efficacy and safety of selective vitamin D receptor activators in kidney transplanted patients.


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The first two cases of scorpion envenoming caused by Tityus neoespartanus (Buthidae) are described. The accidents took place within human environments (one inside a home and the other inside a school), in the village of La Sierra, Margarita Island, State of Nueva Esparta, northeastern Venezuela. Both cases were moderately severe and developed pancreatic involvement and electrocardiographic abnormalities. This report allows inclusion of Margarita Island among the endemic areas of scorpionism in Venezuela.


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INTRODUTION: A major concern with the visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is its high lethality rate, even with proper treatment. Low age, prior malnutrition, disease duration prior to diagnosis, severe anemia, fever for more than 60 days, diarrhea and jaundice are known poor prognostic factors. The goals of this study are to describe the clinical and laboratory characteristics of VL among children under 12 years of age and to identify the factors associated with VL poor outcome. METHODS: Two hundred and fifty children under 12 years of age with confirmed VL admitted to Hospital João Paulo II (FHEMIG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, between January 2001 and December 2005 were evaluated retrospectively. The primary outcome was the poor clinical evolution: sepsis, and/or pneumonia, and/or urinary tract infection, and/or of bleeding (expect epistaxis), and/or severe neutropenia (neutrophil < 500 cells/mm3). Odds ratio (crude and adjusted) and its 95% confidence interval for each variable were calculated. Values less than 0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: Average age was 3.3 years (3.6 months-11.6 years), 71.2% were younger than 5 years and 47.2% lived in Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte. The mean fatality rate was 3.6%. Sixty-six (26.4%) patients presented poor evolution. After a multivariate analysis, age <18 months, abnormal respiratory physical examination on hospital admission, and platelets <85,000/mm3 remained associated with increased chance of poor evolution. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that patients aged between 12 and 18 months, with platelet counts bellow 85,000/mm3, and respiratory abnormalities at admission should be considered potentially severe.


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IntroductionThe year 2009 marked the beginning of a pandemic caused by a new variant of influenza A (H1N1). After spreading through North America, the pandemic influenza virus (H1N1) 2009 spread rapidly throughout the world. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cases of pandemic influenza in a tropical/semi-arid region of Brazil.MethodsA retrospective study analyzed all suspected cases of pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009 reported in the Ceará State through the National Information System for Notifiable Diseases during the pandemic period between 28 April, 2009 and November 25, 2010.ResultsA total of 616 suspected cases were notified, 58 (9.4%) in the containment phase and 558 (90.6%) in the mitigation phase. Most cases were of affected young people resident in the City of Fortaleza, the largest urban center in the State of Ceará. The most frequent symptoms presented by the cases with confirmed infection were fever, cough, myalgia, arthralgia, and nasal congestion. Mortality rate was 0.0009/1,000 inhabitants and lethality was 5.6%. Deaths were observed only in the mitigation phase. Mortality rates were similar for both sexes but were higher in the age group under 5 years.ConclusionsThe study suggests that the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic in this tropical/semi-arid region had a lower magnitude when compared to states in the Southern and Southeastern regions of Brazil.


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Cardiac disturbances are relatively common and electrocardiographic abnormalities may be found in more than 70% of patients with leptospirosis. We report the case of a 68 year-old male with severe leptospirosis who developed atrial flutter. Effective treatment was done with amiodarone. The patient became clinical stable, with complete recovery. Rigorous clinical observation and continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring may facilitate the identification of rhythm disorders, and thus prevent a probable fatal outcome, in severe cases of leptospirosis.


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Abstract: Approximately 90% of the world population is infected by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Usually, it infects B lymphocytes, predisposing them to malignant transformation. Infection of epithelial cells occurs rarely, and it is estimated that about to 10% of gastric cancer patients harbor EBV in their malignant cells. Given that gastric cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide, with a global annual incidence of over 950,000 cases, EBV-positive gastric cancer is the largest group of EBV-associated malignancies. Based on gene expression profile studies, gastric cancer was recently categorized into four subtypes; EBV-positive, microsatellite unstable, genomically stable and chromosomal instability. Together with previous studies, this report provided a more detailed molecular characterization of gastric cancer, demonstrating that EBV-positive gastric cancer is a distinct molecular subtype of the disease, with unique genetic and epigenetic abnormalities, reflected in a specific phenotype. The recognition of characteristic molecular alterations in gastric cancer allows the identification of molecular pathways involved in cell proliferation and survival, with the potential to identify therapeutic targets. These findings highlight the enormous heterogeneity of gastric cancer, and the complex interplay between genetic and epigenetic alterations in the disease, and provide a roadmap to implementation of genome-guided personalized therapy in gastric cancer. The present review discusses the initial studies describing EBV-positive gastric cancer as a distinct clinical entity, presents recently described genetic and epigenetic alterations, and considers potential therapeutic insights derived from the recognition of this new molecular subtype of gastric adenocarcinoma.


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RESUMO: Os mais recentes métodos de neuro imagem tal como a Ressonância Magnética (RM) permitiram obter imagens detalhadas do cérebro humano in vivo. Essas imagens revelam, muitas vezes, achados imprevistos face ao padrão normal, com elevada propensão para os indivíduos idosos e franca coexistência com fatores de risco vascular, como característica dum processo de envelhecimento normal. Embora na última década tenham surgido várias publicações sobre este assunto, ele continua ainda pouco explicado. Um pouco por todo o mundo têm emergido os programas de prevenção da doença e promoção da saúde desenvolvidos pela Saúde Pública suportadas sobretudo pelo avanço das tecnologias médicas que resultaram, entre outros impactos, num crescimento da população idosa. Estima-se, em 2030, uma composição demográfica com 20% de indivíduos acima dos 65 anos. Neste contexto, a doença microvascular cerebral é a causa mais frequente de comprometimento cognitivo vascular no idoso sendo as características senescentes na imagem por RM do tipo lesões isquémicas da Substância Branca (Leukoaraiosis) e enfartes lacunares (Status lacunar), atrofia cerebral, gliose e acumulação excessiva de ferro nos núcleos da base. Esta tese, considerando a linha de investigação de que deriva – Ciências da Vida - especialização em Medicina Clinica - Biotecnologia, reúne e reflete sobre três vertentes ligadas à RM e interdependentes em relação a uma problemática comum. A primeira trata da caracterização da Tecnologia por Ressonância Magnética existente em Portugal, a qual inclui uma avaliação exploratória da aplicação da técnica de Difusão Anisotrópica nos estudos cerebrais. As dimensões analíticas estudadas foram a Tecnológica, Sociodemográfica e Económica. Na recolha de dados recorreu-se a várias fontes de informação e a uma metodologia exploratória faseada, validada pela triangulação dos resultados. A sua análise obedeceu a critérios de estratificação e agrupamento segundo as mesmas dimensões analíticas. Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular A segunda descreve o estudo anátomo – radiológico que recaiu sobre parâmetros de quantificação assente na temática do cérebro do idoso em cadáver segundo uma metodologia experimental aplicada às métricas da difusão por RM. Na terceira, e última, é apresentado o estudo técnico - radiológico para avaliação e otimização da imagem ponderada em difusão em estudos clínicos associados ao cérebro do idoso “The Usual Brain Aging” ou Envelhecimento Cerebral Normal, com base metodológica assente nos critérios e indicadores estabelecidos pelo Estudo de Imagem de Roterdão (Rotterdam Scan Study - RSS). Como principais resultados obteve-se que não existem em Portugal estruturas para avaliação dos equipamentos pesados ou Agência de Avaliação das Tecnologias da Saúde para desenvolver o importante papel da produção de estudos comparativos entre os equipamentos disponíveis no mercado, a relação preço-qualidade e a sua afetação às necessidades clínico-epidemiológicas. Constatou-se que a implementação de equipamentos de RM está fortemente assente em critérios económicos carecendo de recomendações e diretivas para o uso racionalizado destas tecnologias. Quanto a dados quantitativos concluímos que a maioria dos equipamentos está instalada em instituições privadas (80,2%); a intensidade de campo magnético mais frequente é [1,5T] com 119 equipamentos; os equipamentos estão instalados maioritariamente nos distritos de Lisboa (55 unidades) e do Porto (39 unidades); o rácio médio de equipamentos por habitante em Portugal é de 1 para 65 195 habitantes; a amplitude de gradientes com maior expressão na amostra é 30-39mT/m; a maioria dos equipamentos foi instalada no intervalo temporal [2009-2012] com 59 equipamentos; apenas 6 instituições desenvolvem investigação clinica e a maioria das bobinas para estudos de crânio são do tipo Array. O estudo de otimização da técnica da difusão revelou, quanto à avaliação dos valoresb, que os mais baixos (b=500 s/mm2 e b=1000 s/mm2), apresentam maior IS e SNR sendo esta uma boa medida referente à qualidade de imagem, no entanto, os valores-b mais elevados (b=2000 s/mm2) apresentam maior CNR e CR, face aos anteriores, o Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular que apesar de proporcionar inferior detalhe anatómico e consequentemente inferior qualidade de imagem, num encéfalo normal, pode auxiliar na interpretação e apresentar vantagens na identificação de lesões microvasculares sempre que persistirem dúvidas em relação ao diagnóstico diferencial de doença microvascular do tipo status lacunar ou Hiperintensidades da Substância Branca. As alterações deste parâmetro são particularmente refletidas nas diferenças da avaliação da qualidade de imagem na região fronto-calos Concluímos da avaliação quantitativa da concentração média de ferro (26Fe) em todas as faixas etárias que os núcleos da base que apresentam maior concentração são, por ordem decrescente: Substância Nigra, Globus Pallidus, Putamen, Tálamo, Núcleo Rubro e Núcleo Caudado; que existe uma predominância na concentração de ferro (26Fe) no hemisfério esquerdo e que os indivíduos do género masculino apresentam mais ferro (26Fe) que os do género feminino nas faixas etárias [30-40[, [40-50[ e [50-60[. Como principal conclusão do estudo da concentração média de ferro em relação à idade destacamos que a concentração média de ferro (26Fe) é superior nos grupos etários superiores, logo aumenta com a idade, sobretudo na Substância Nigra e no Núcleo Lenticular. No estudo técnico-radiológico encontrámos evidências do aumento da difusibilidade da água na substância branca subcortical dos sujeitos idosos comparativamente aos mais jovens. Uma relação idêntica foi avaliada nos tálamos. O aumento relacionado com a idade parece ser predominantemente observado em doentes com mais de 65 anos de idade o que pode refletir alterações estruturais ligeiras associados ao envelhecimento normal. Os resultados indicam que a análise quantitativa das imagens ponderadas em difusão fornece informações, sobre a estrutura do cérebro, as quai s não estão disponíveis apenas por inspeção visual, tanto nas imagens ponderadas em difusão como em outras sequências de aplicação clínica de rotina. Para fazer face às desvantagens dos sistemas de quantificação das HSB os quais são dispendiosos, complexos, requererem tecnologia e formação específicas, recomendamos que a aplicação automatizada GUIAL, desenvolvida ao longo do nosso trabalho é de utilização elementar e prática para que seja introduzida nos sistemas de aquisição de imagem por RM com o fim de integrar o processamento de imagem nos indivíduos portadores de fatores de risco vascular. A avaliação do ADC, nesta amostra, permitiu concluir que a variação desta variável é explicada estatisticamente pela existência da condição clínica de status lacunar em ambos os hemisférios ou por outras palavras, o status lacunar influencia o valor de ADC. Embora uma pequena percentagem da variação do ADC seja explicada pelo género, o ADC nos homens foi superior ao das mulheres o que não nos surpreende, pois são também os homens onde a frequência de doença microvascular se revelou mais expressiva. Os valores do ADC, globalmente, entre os hemisférios cerebrais não mostraram alterações exceto na SB entre os idosos e não idosos. A SB da região frontal mostrou valores diminuídos na anisotropia e isotropia face às restantes áreas anatómicas. Os estudos indicam que na idade avançada existe uma maior predisposição para suscetibilidades de estrutura com status de desconexão. A classificação das HSB foi superior em indivíduos mais velhos e com status lacunar, e em menor quantidade (inferior rating de classificação) nos indivíduos idosos sem status lacunar. As alterações volumétricas foram mais frequentes no homem do que na mulher, presumivelmente devido à associação com a elevada classificação de status lacunar. Um aumento do índice de Evan correspondeu, neste estudo, ao aumento das HSB, à diminuição do volume cerebral total, à expansão ventrículo-sulcal frontal e ao aumento da medida do ângulo caloso. Estes resultados foram agravados pela classificação elevada de status lacunar nos indivíduos que apresentaram indícios de doença de pequenos vasos, com manifesto aumento dos espaços de Virchow-Robin,enfartes lacunares ou HSB. Esses resultados foram mais expressivos no género masculino do que no feminino revelando uma maior vulnerabilidade sobretudo na atrofia frontal nos homens. Por sua vez as dimensões do Corpo Caloso tornaram-se reduzidas devido à compressão dos ventrículos laterais e terceiro ventrículo. Estes indicadores tiveram expressão particularmente nos indivíduos com mais de 65 anos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The latest neuroimaging methods, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), have enabled detailed images of in vivo human brain. These images reveal often unexpected findings related to the normal pattern, with high predisposition for the elderly people with forthright coexistence with vascular risk factors such as characteristics of a normal aging process. Although it has been, in the last decade, several publications on this subject, it is still little explained. All over the world have emerged disease prevention programs and health promotion developed by the Public Health sector, supported mainly by the advancement of medical technologies that have resulted, among other impacts, in a growing of the elderly population. It is estimated, in 2030, a demographic composition with 20% o people over 65 years. In this context, microvascular disease is the most common cause of cognitive vascular impairment in the elderly and senescent characteristics in the MRI trough ischemic lesions of the white matter (Leukoaraiosis) and lacunar infarcts (lacunar status), cerebral atrophy, gliosis and iron accumulation in the basal ganglia in excess.This thesis, considering the research line that stems - Life Sciences - specialization in Clinical Medicine, Biotechnology, gathers and reflects on three aspects linked to MR, interdependent and related to a common problem. The first deals with the Magnetic Resonance Technology characterization in Portugal, which includes an exploratory evaluation of the implementation of Anisotropic Diffusion technique in brain studies. The analytical dimensions studied were the Technologic, Socio-demographic and Economics. Collecting data was supported by different sources of information and was applied an exploratory methodology whose results were validated by triangulation. The research method was grouped and stratified criteria under the same analytical dimensions. The second describes the anatomical study - which was focused on radiological measurement parameters, based on the brain’s specimen under an experimental methodology applied to MRI diffusion metrics. Radiological evaluation and optimization of the weighted image diffusion in clinical studies were associated with the brain of the elderly "The Usual Brain Aging" with methodological basis based on established criteria and indicators by Rotterdam Scan Study (RSS). The main results obtained reveal the inexistence frameworks in Portugal for evaluation of equipments or Agency of Health Technology to produce studies comparing the equipment available on the market, the value for money and its allocation to clinical and epidemiological needs. It was found that the implementation of MRI equipment is strongly based on economic criteria lacking recommendations and guidelines for the rationalized use of these technologies. As the quantitative data we conclude that most of the scanners are located in private clinical institutions (80,2%); the most frequent magnetic field intensity is [1.5T] with 119 scanners; the scanners are mainly installed in Lisbon (55 units) and Porto (39 units) districts; the average ratio of equipment per capita in Portugal is 1 to 65 195 people; the gradient power with higher expression in the sample is 30-39mT / m;most of the scanners were installed in the years range [2009-2012 years] with 59 equipment; only 6 clinical placements develop clinical research and the most coils for brain studies are of Array type. The optimization study of diffusion technique revealed, as the assessment of the bvalues, the lower (b = 500 s / mm2 and b = 1000 s / mm 2), promotes an increase in the SI and SNR being this measure related to a higher image quality, however the highest b values (b = 2000 s / mm 2) have a higher CNR (Contrast to Noise-Ratio) and CR (Contrast Ratio), compared to the previous ones. This may provide less anatomical details and, thus, ower image quality, of a normal brain, however can help the interpretation and have advantages in identifying microvascular injuries when doubts persist regarding the differential diagnosis of microvascular disease of lacunar or WMH (White Matter Hyperintensities) status type. Changes on this parameter are Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular particularly reflected in the differences of image quality evaluation in the frontocallosum anatomical area. We conclude from the quantitative assessment of the average concentration of iron (26Fe), in all age groups to the basal ganglia, that the higher concentrations are, in descending order: Nigral Substantia, Globus pallidus, Putamen, Thalamus, Rubio nucleus and Caudate nucleus; that there is a predominance in the concentration of iron (26Fe) in the left hemisphere and that male gender show higher iron (26Fe) level tha females, in the age groups [30-40 [[40-50 [and [50- 60 [. Regarding a main conclusion of the mean concentration study of iron, in terms of age we point out that the average concentration of iron (26Fe) is higher among older groups and increases with age, especially in Nigral Substantia and Lenticular Nucleus. On the technical and radiological study we found evidence of an increased in water /diffusivity in the ubcortical white matter of the elderly compared with younger subjects. A similar relationship was assessed in the Thalamus. The increase agerelated seems to be predominantly observed in patients over 65 years which may reflect minor structural changes associated with normal aging. The results indicate that quantitative analysis of diffusion weighted imaging can provide information about the structure of the brain which is not reached only by visual inspection or standard sequences applied in clinical routine. To address the disadvantages the systems of quantification of WMH which the authors state that are costly, complex, require specific technology and training, we recommend that the automated application GUIAL, developed over our work is basic and practical to use and to be introduced in MR image systems acquisition in order to integrate image processing in patients with vascular risk factors. The evaluation of the ADC showed that its variation is statistically explained by the existence of the medical condition of lacunar status, in both hemispheres, or in other words, the lacunar status influences the ADC value. Although a small percentage of the ADC variation is explained by gender, the ADC in men was higher than women which Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular do not surprise us, since they are also men where the frequency of microvasculardisease has proved more significant. The values of ADC, overall, between the cerebral hemispheres showed no changes but were different in WM among the elderly and non-elderly subjects.The WM's forehead showed decreased values in anisotropy and isotropy face the other anatomical areas. The studies indicate that in old age there is a greater tendency to higher susceptibility to disconnection- status framework. The classification of WMH was higher in elderly people and lacunar status, and fewer (lower classification rating) in the elderly without lacunar status. volumetric changes were more frequent in men than in women, most probably because of its association with high lacunar status rating. An increase of Evan index corresponded, in this study, to an increase in WMH, to a decreased of total brain volume, to a ventricle sulcal frontal and callous angle expansion. These results were wound up by high ranking of lacunar status in subjects who had small vessel disease, clear increase in spaces of Virchow-Robin, lacunar infarctions or WMH. These results were more significant in males than in females revealing vulnerability particularly in the frontal atrophy in men. In turn the size of Corpus Callosum because reduced due to the compression of the lateral and third ventricles. These indicators had expression particularly in individuals over 65 years.