766 resultados para food-intake


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GABAergic activation in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) induces sodium and water intake in satiated and normovolemic rats. In the present study we investigated the effects of GABA(A) receptor activation in the LPBN on 0.3 M NaCl, water, 2% sucrose and food intake in rats submitted to sodium depletion (treatment with the diuretic furosemide subcutaneously + sodium deficient food for 24 h), 24 h food deprivation or 24 h water deprivation. Male Holtzman rats with bilateral stainless steel cannulas implanted into the LPBN were used. In sodium depleted rats, muscimol (GABA(A) receptor agonist, 0.5 nmol/0.2 mu/l), bilaterally injected into the LPBN, produced an inconsistent increase of water intake and two opposite effects on 0.3 M NaCl intake: an early inhibition (4.3 +/- 2.7 versus saline: 14.4 +/- 1.0 ml/15 min) and a late facilitation (37.6 +/- 2.7 versus saline: 21.1 +/- 0.9 ml/180 min). The pretreatment of the LPBN with bicuculline (GABA(A) receptor antagonist, 1.6 nmol) abolished these effects of muscimol. Muscimol into the LPBN also reduced food deprivation-induced food intake in the first 30 min of test (1.7 +/- 0.6 g versus saline: 4.1 +/- 0.6 g), without changing water deprivation-induced water intake or 2% sucrose intake in sodium depleted rats. Therefore, although GABAA receptors in the LPBN are not tonically involved in the control of sodium depletion-induced sodium intake, GABAA receptor activation in the LPBN produces an early inhibition and a late facilitation of sodium depletion-induced sodium intake. GABAA activation in the LPBN also inhibits food intake, while it consistently increases only sodium intake and not water, food or sucrose intake. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Besides other physiological functions, adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) is also a neurotransmitter that acts on purinergic receptors. In spite of the presence of purinergic receptors in forebrain areas involved with fluid-electrolyte balance, the effect of ATP on water intake has not been investigated. Therefore, we studied the effects of intracerebroventricular (icv) injections of ATP (100, 200 and 300 nmol/µL) alone or combined with DPCPX or PPADS (P1 and P2 purinergic antagonists, respectively, 25 nmol/µL) on water intake induced by water deprivation. In addition, the effect of icv ATP was also tested on water intake induced by intragastric load of 12% NaCl (2 mL/rat), acute treatment with the diuretic/natriuretic furosemide (20 mg/kg), icv angiotensin II (50 ng/µL) or icv carbachol (a cholinergic agonist, 4 nmol/µL), on sodium depletion-induced 1.8% NaCl intake, and on food intake induced by food deprivation. Male Holtzman rats (280-320 g, N = 7-11) had cannulas implanted into the lateral ventricle. Icv ATP (300 nmol/µL) reduced water intake induced by water deprivation (13.1 ± 1.9 vs saline: 19.0 ± 1.4 mL/2 h; P < 0.05), an effect blocked by pre-treatment with PPADS, but not DPCPX. Icv ATP also reduced water intake induced by NaCl intragastric load (5.6 ± 0.9 vs saline: 10.3 ± 1.4 mL/2 h; P < 0.05), acute furosemide treatment (0.5 ± 0.2 vs saline: 2.3 ± 0.6 mL/15 min; P < 0.05), and icv angiotensin II (2.2 ± 0.8 vs saline: 10.4 ± 2.0 mL/2 h; P < 0.05), without changing icv carbachol-induced water intake, sodium depletion-induced 1.8% NaCl intake and food deprivation-induced food intake. These data suggest that central ATP, acting on purinergic P2 receptors, reduces water intake induced by intracellular and extracellular dehydration.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The main goal of this study was the identification of the items of the diet of the L. spinosa, based on the stomach contents analysis. The crabs were obtained from Ubatuba region north-eastern shore of São Paulo State. In the laboratory, all the individuals were dissected, the stomach was retreated and fixed in 10% formaline. The alimentary items were identified under stereomicroscope and analysed by the method of Frequency of Occurrence. A total of 194 stomachs was analysed and nine alimentary items were obtained. Unindentified material was found in 98% of analysed stomach and poriferan were present in less then 1% of stomachs. These results pointed a diversified diet explored by this crab, as well as the employment of some different methods for food intake. This suggested that these crabs could occupy different position in the trophic chain.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rates of glucose synthesis from several substrates were examined in renal tubule fragments from hyperthyroid rats. A hyperthyroid state was induced by daily intraperitoneal injections of thyroxine (T-4) (100 mu g/100 g body weight) for 14 days. At the end of the experimental period, plasma triiodothyronine and T-4 levels were six and eight times higher, respectively, than initial values. Hyperthyroid rats gained less weight and had lower blood glucose despite an increased food intake. In both control and hyperthyroid rats, rates of glucose production by renal tubule fragments were higher with glutamine and glycerol than with lactate, alanine, or glutamate. T-4 treatment induced a significant increase in the de novo glucose synthesis from all substrates, except glutamine. The highest percent increase was obtained with alanine (64%), compared with 31-40% for glutamate, lactate, and glycerol. The T-4 treatment induced increase in glucose synthesis by renal tubule fragments suggests that renal gluconeogenesis contributes to enhance glucose production in hyperthyroidism.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver uma dieta hiperlipídica de baixo custo, tendo farinha de soja como fonte proteica, que seja eficiente na seleção de ratos propensos e resistentes à obesidade e que permita alcançar fenótipo obeso nos animais propensos. Além desses requisitos, a dieta deve ser palatável e não rejeitada a curto prazo pelo animal. MÉTODOS: A dieta proposta foi obtida misturando-se leite condensado (15,5%), amendoim (18,5%), farinha de soja (20,0%), óleo de milho (6,0%), ração Bio Tec (30,0%) e bolacha wafer de chocolate (10,0%). A mistura foi peletizada e submetida à análise bromatológica. A dieta foi ofertada a ratos Wistar durante uma semana; posteriormente, os animais foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com o ganho de peso. O terço superior foi considerado propenso à obesidade e o terço inferior, resistente à obesidade. Após 80 dias de oferta da dieta, os animais foram sacrificados e foram quantificados o peso corpóreo, consumo alimentar, gorduras retroperitoneal, periepididimal, de carcaça e gorduras totais. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a dieta apresentava 5,31kcal/g, com a seguinte composição: 22,3% de gordura, 22,2% de proteína, 15,9% de fibra, estimando-se 35,7% de carboidrato. Ratos propensos à obesidade, alimentados por 87 dias com a dieta hipercalórica, apresentaram peso corpóreo, gorduras retroperitoneal, periepididimal e totais significativamente maiores do que animais resistentes à obesidade (p<0,05). O consumo de alimentos também foi maior em animais propensos (p<0,05). Verificou-se também que a substituição da caseína pela farinha de soja, como componente proteico da ração, levou à diminuição de 96,0% no custo do estudo. CONCLUSÃO: A dieta formulada com farinha de soja apresentou custo reduzido e foi capaz de desenvolver o fenótipo obeso em ratos propensos, à semelhança do observado na literatura com outras dietas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo visou avaliar a ingestão alimentar, ganho de peso e metabolismo muscular da glicose em ratos submetidos ao treinamento aeróbio durante recuperação de desnutrição protéica. Para isso, 60 ratos da linhagem Wistar, machos, foram separados nos grupos normoprotéico (NP) e hipoprotéico (HP), de acordo com a dieta NP (17% de proteína) ou HP (6% de proteína), respectivamente, recebida do desmame (21 dias) aos 90 dias de idade. Todos os animais passaram então, a receber a dieta NP e foram submetidos (treinado TRE) ou não (sedentário - SED) ao treinamento físico, que consistiu de corrida em esteira rolante, 25m/min, 50 minutos ao dia, cinco dias na semana, durante 30 dias, compondo os grupos NP-SED, NP-TRE, HP/NP-SED e HP/NP-TRE. Foi avaliado o metabolismo da glicose em fatias de músculo sóleo incubado em presença de insulina (100miU/L) e glicose (5,5mM, contendo [C14] glicose e [H³] 2-deoxiglicose). A ingestão alimentar diária (g/100g de peso corporal) do grupo HP/NP-TRE (24,39 ± 4,07) foi maior do que o grupo HP/NP-SED (21,62 ± 4,69). O ganho de peso (g) foi semelhante nos grupos HP/NP-TRE (203,80 ± 34,03) e HP/NP-SED (214,43 ± 30,54). Não houve diferença entre estes dois grupos quanto aos parâmetros: captação de glicose, oxidação de glicose e síntese de glicogênio pelo músculo sóleo. Desse modo, pudemos concluir que o treinamento aeróbio não teve impacto sobre a recuperação nutricional, visto que não houve diferenças metabólicas ou somáticas entre animais recuperados em presença ou ausência do treinamento.


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The present study aimed to verify action of alloxan in metabolic and immune parameters after 24 and 192 hours of the injection in Wistar rats. Thus, eight rats were fasted and received monohidrated alloxan Sigma (32 mg/kg body weight) via endovenous. Glycemia and trglyceridemia analyzes were performed before and 192 hours after alloxan application. After 24 hours, alloxan application increased water intake and decreased body mass, food intake and leucocytes counting. 192 hours after alloxan application, there was a recuperation in food intake and leucocytes counting. on the other hand, in this period there was an increase of glycemia and water intake and reduction of body mass. These results indicate that some of diabetic signs caused by alloxan occur in short-term after drug administration.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)