996 resultados para finite cyclic group
Reactions of the model acylium ion (CH3)(2)N-C+=O with acyclic, exocyclic, and Spiro acetals of the general formula (RO)-O-1-(CRR4)-R-3-OR2-upole mass spectrometry. Characteristic intrinsic reactivities were observed for each of these classes of acetals. The two most Characteristic intrinsic reactivities were observed for each of these classes of acetals. The two most common reactions observed were hydride and alkoxy anion [(RO-)-O-1 and (RO-)-O-2] abstraction. Other specific reactions were also observed: (a) a secondary polar [4(+) + 2] cycloaddition for acetals bearing alpha,beta-unsaturated R-3 or R-4 substituents and (b) OH- abstraction for exocyclic and spiro acetals. These structurally diagnostic reactions, in conjunction with others observed previously for cyclic acetals, are shown to reveal the class of the acetal molecule and its ring type and substituents and to permit their recognition and distinction from other classes of isomeric molecules.
In situ and ex situ studies concerning the new hybrid material vanadium pentoxide xerogel in the presence of the cationic surfactant cetyl pyridinium chloride (V(2)O(5)/CPC) are presented. The in situ characterization studies revealed the presence of a lamellar structure for the V(2)O(5)/CPC hybrid material. The intercalation reaction was evidenced on the basis of the increase in the d-spacing as well as the displacement of the infrared bands toward lower energy levels. Electrochemical studies comprising the cyclic voltammetry and the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques showed that the behavior of the hybrid material is considerably influenced by the electrolyte composition. The ion insertion/de-insertion into the V(2)O(5) xerogel structure accompanying the charge transfer process is influenced by the solid-state diffusion process modeled by using the finite-space Warburg element.
We examined (N = 76) how social creativity strategies such as intergroup differentiation and intragroup respect suppress the negative impact of threat to an ingroup's value on group identification. Threat was manipulated through false feedback concerning how other groups perceived an ingroup. Both intergroup differentiation and intragroup respect were higher when participants learned that the ingroup was devalued compared to when it was valued. Mediational analyses demonstrated that these factors suppressed the direct negative relationship between value threat and group identification. Discussion focused on the consequences of these social creativity strategies for group identification and collective action. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Phylogenetic trees can provide a stable basis for a higher-level classification of organisms that reflects evolutionary relationships. However, some lineages have a complex evolutionary history that involves explosive radiation or hybridisation. Such histories have become increasingly apparent with the use of DNA sequence data for phylogeny estimation and explain, in part, past difficulties in producing stable morphology-based classifications for some groups. We illustrate this situation by using the example of tribe Mirbelieae (Fabaceae), whose generic classification has been fraught for decades. In particular, we discuss a recent proposal to combine 19 of the 25 Mirbelieae genera into a single genus, Pultenaea sens. lat., and how we might find stable and consistent ways to squeeze something as complex as life into little boxes for our own convenience. © CSIRO.
The secreted phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)s) are water-soluble enzymes that bind to the surface of both artificial and biological lipid bilayers and hydrolyze the membrane phospholipids. The tissue expression pattern of the human group IID secretory phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA(2)-IID) suggests that the enzyme is involved in the regulation of the immune and inflammatory responses. With an aim to establish an expression system for the hsPLA(2)-IID in Escherichia coli, the DNA-coding sequence for hsPLA(2)-IID was subcloned into the vector pET3a, and expressed as inclusion bodies in E. coli (BL21). A protocol has been developed to refold the recombinant protein in the presence of guanidinium hydrochloride, using a size-exclusion chromatography matrix followed by dilution and dialysis to remove the excess denaturant. After purification by cation-exchange chromatography, far ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra of the recombinant hsPLA(2)-IID indicated protein secondary structure content similar to the homologous human group IIA secretory phospholipase A(2). The refolded recombinant hsPLA(2)-IID demonstrated Ca(2+)-dependent hydrolytic activity, as measuring the release free fatty acid from phospholipid liposomes. This protein expression and purification system may be useful for site-directed mutagenesis experiments of the hsPLA(2)-IID which will advance our understanding of the structure-function relationship and biological effects of the protein. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We consider a kinetic Ising model which represents a generic agent-based model for various types of socio-economic systems. We study the case of a finite (and not necessarily large) number of agents N as well as the asymptotic case when the number of agents tends to infinity. The main ingredient are individual decision thresholds which are either fixed over time (corresponding to quenched disorder in the Ising model, leading to nonlinear deterministic dynamics which are generically non-ergodic) or which may change randomly over time (corresponding to annealed disorder, leading to ergodic dynamics). We address the question how increasing the strength of annealed disorder relative to quenched disorder drives the system from non-ergodic behavior to ergodicity. Mathematically rigorous analysis provides an explicit and detailed picture for arbitrary realizations of the quenched initial thresholds, revealing an intriguing ""jumpy"" transition from non-ergodicity with many absorbing sets to ergodicity. For large N we find a critical strength of annealed randomness, above which the system becomes asymptotically ergodic. Our theoretical results suggests how to drive a system from an undesired socio-economic equilibrium (e. g. high level of corruption) to a desirable one (low level of corruption).
We calculate the density profiles and density correlation functions of the one-dimensional Bose gas in a harmonic trap, using the exact finite-temperature solutions for the uniform case, and applying a local density approximation. The results are valid for a trapping potential that is slowly varying relative to a correlation length. They allow a direct experimental test of the transition from the weak-coupling Gross-Pitaevskii regime to the strong-coupling, fermionic Tonks-Girardeau regime. We also calculate the average two-particle correlation which characterizes the bulk properties of the sample, and find that it can be well approximated by the value of the local pair correlation in the trap center.
Suramin is a polysulphonated napthylurea used as an antiprotozoal/anthelminitic drug, which also inhibits a broad range of enzymes. Suramin binding to recombinant human secreted group IIA phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA(2)GIIA) was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations (MD) and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). MD indicated two possible bound suramin conformations mediated by hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions with amino-acids in three regions of the protein. namely the active-site and residues located in the N- and C-termini, respectively. All three binding sites are located on the phospholipid membrane recognition surface, suggesting that suramin may inhibit the enzyme, and indeed a 90% reduction in hydrolytic activity was observed in the presence of 100 nM suramin. These results correlated with ITC data, which demonstrated 2.7 suramin binding sites on the hsPLA(2)GIIA, and indicates that suramin represents a novel class of phosphohpase A(2) inhibitor. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This study uses a molecular-dating approach to test hypotheses about the biogeography of Nothofagus. The molecular modelling suggests that the present-day subgenera and species date from a radiation that most likely commenced between 55 and 40 Myr ago. This rules out the possibility of a reconciled all-vicariance hypothesis for the biogeography of extant Nothofagus. However, the molecular dates for divergences between Australasian and South American taxa are consistent with the rifting of Australia and South America from Antarctica. The molecular dates further suggest a dispersal of subgenera Lophozonia and Fuscospora between Australia and New Zealand after the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and west wind drift. It appears likely that the New Caledonian lineage of subgenus Brassospora diverged from the New Guinean lineage elsewhere, prior to colonizing New Caledonia. The molecular approach strongly supports fossil-based estimates that Nothofagus diverged from the rest of Fagales more than 84 Myr ago. However, the mid-Cenozoic estimate for the diversification of the four extant subgenera conflicts with the palynological interpretation because pollen fossils, attributed to all four extant subgenera, were widespread across the Weddellian province of Gondwana about 71 Myr ago. The discrepancy between the pollen and molecular dates exists even when confidence intervals from several sources of error are taken into account. In contrast, the molecular age estimates are consistent with macrofossil dates. The incongruence between pollen fossils and molecular dates could be resolved if the early pollen types represent extinct lineages, with similar types later evolving independently in the extant lineages.
Background: The objective of this study was to compare bleeding patterns of women using a contraceptive combination of 30 mcg ethinylestradiol (EE) and 3 mg drospirenone (DRSP) continuously or cyclically. Menstrual-related symptoms were also evaluated. Study Design: This open, prospective, randomized study evaluated 78 women using the EE/DRSP combination continuously for 168 days or for six 28-day cycles, each followed by a 7-day hormone-free interval. A diary with pre-established scales was used to assess the frequency and intensity of bleeding and menstrual-related symptoms. Results: Amenorrhea increased with continuous use; 62.2% of women with continuous use were amenorrheic at the end of treatment (95% CI: 46.6-77.8%). Dysmenorrhea, headache, acne, nausea, edema and increased appetite improved significantly in the continuous-use group, and mastalgia and edema in the cyclic-use group (p<.05). Six subjects in the continuous-use group (15.4%) and three in the cyclic-use group (7.7%) discontinued due to adverse events. Conclusions: Continuous use was associated with amenorrhea and fewer menstrual-related symptoms compared to cyclic use. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The preset study adopted an intergroup approach to information sharing and communication in three organisational samples during change. In Study 1, employees from a public hospital (N = 142) completed a survey measuring perceptions of organisational communication and strength of identification with the work unit and the organisation as a whole. Consistent with predictions, team members rated communication from double ingroup members (same work unit/same occupational group) more favourably than communication from partial group members (same work unit/different occupational group). Also as predicted, work unit identification was related to favourable ratings of work unit communication across occupational groups, whereas occupational identification was related to favourable ratings of work unit communication within occupational groups. In Study 2, strength of identification with three organisational groups was associated with positive ratings of communication among employees from the same public hospital (N = 189) and a military organisation (N = 2119). Based on these results, intergroup strategies for the management of information sharing and organisational communication during change are discussed.
Study Design. Systematic Review. Objectives. To assess the effects of massage therapy for nonspecific low back pain. Summary of Background Data. Low back pain is one of the most common and costly musculoskeletal problems in modern society. Proponents of massage therapy claim it can minimize pain and disability, and speed return to normal function. Methods. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL from their beginning to May 2008. We also searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library 2006, issue 3), HealthSTAR and Dissertation abstracts up to 2006. There were no language restrictions. References in the included studies and in reviews of the literature were screened. The studies had to be randomized or quasi-randomized trials investigating the use of any type of massage (using the hands or a mechanical device) as a treatment for nonspecific low back pain. Two review authors selected the studies, assessed the risk of bias using the criteria recommended by the Cochrane Back Review Group, and extracted the data using standardized forms. Both qualitative and meta-analyses were performed. Results. Thirteen randomized trials were included. Eight had a high risk and 5 had a low risk of bias. One study was published in German and the rest in English. Massage was compared to an inert therapy (sham treatment) in 2 studies that showed that massage was superior for pain and function on both short- and long-term follow-ups. In 8 studies, massage was compared to other active treatments. They showed that massage was similar to exercises, and massage was superior to joint mobilization, relaxation therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, and self-care education. One study showed that reflexology on the feet had no effect on pain and functioning. The beneficial effects of massage in patients with chronic low back pain lasted at least 1 year after the end of the treatment. Two studies compared 2 different techniques of massage. One concluded that acupuncture massage produces better results than classic (Swedish) massage and another concluded that Thai massage produces similar results to classic (Swedish) massage. Conclusion. Massage might be beneficial for patients with subacute and chronic nonspecific low back pain, especially when combined with exercises and education. The evidence suggests that acupuncture massage is more effective than classic massage, but this need confirmation. More studies are needed to confirm these conclusions, to assess the impact of massage on return-to-work, and to determine cost-effectiveness of massage as an intervention for low back pain.
The main problem with current approaches to quantum computing is the difficulty of establishing and maintaining entanglement. A Topological Quantum Computer (TQC) aims to overcome this by using different physical processes that are topological in nature and which are less susceptible to disturbance by the environment. In a (2+1)-dimensional system, pseudoparticles called anyons have statistics that fall somewhere between bosons and fermions. The exchange of two anyons, an effect called braiding from knot theory, can occur in two different ways. The quantum states corresponding to the two elementary braids constitute a two-state system allowing the definition of a computational basis. Quantum gates can be built up from patterns of braids and for quantum computing it is essential that the operator describing the braiding-the R-matrix-be described by a unitary operator. The physics of anyonic systems is governed by quantum groups, in particular the quasi-triangular Hopf algebras obtained from finite groups by the application of the Drinfeld quantum double construction. Their representation theory has been described in detail by Gould and Tsohantjis, and in this review article we relate the work of Gould to TQC schemes, particularly that of Kauffman.
In this study, blood serum trace elements, biochemical and hematological parameters were obtained to assess the health status of an elderly population residing in So Paulo city, SP, Brazil. Results obtained showed that more than 93% of the studied individuals presented most of the serum trace element concentrations and of the hematological and biochemical data within the reference values used in clinical laboratories. However, the percentage of elderly presenting recommended low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations was low (70%). The study indicated positive correlation between the concentrations of Zn and LDL-cholesterol (p < 0.06).