973 resultados para electromagnetic valve


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This paper presents a method for electromagnetic torque ripple and copper losses reduction in (non-sinusoidal or trapezoidal) surface-mount permanent magnet synchronous machines (SM-PMSM). The method is based on an extension of classical dq transformation that makes it possible to write a vectorial model for this kind of machine (with a non-sinusoidal back-EMF waveform). This model is obtained by the application of that transformation in the classical machine per-phase model. That transformation can be applied to machines that have any type of back-EMF waveform, and not only trapezoidal or square-wave back-EMF waveforms. Implementation results are shown for an electrical converter, using the proposed vectorial model, feeding a non-sinusoidal synchronous machine (brushless DC motor). They show that the use of this vectorial mode is a way to achieve improvements in the performance of this kind of machine, considering the electromagnetic torque ripple and copper losses, if compared to a drive system that employs a classical six-step mode as a converter. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We describe the system of massive Weyl fields propagating in a background matter and interacting with an external electromagnetic field. The interaction with an electromagnetic field is due to the presence of anomalous magnetic moments. To canonically quantize this system first we develop the classical field theory treatment of Weyl spinors in frames of the Hamilton formalism which accounts for the external fields. Then, on the basis of the exact solution of the wave equation for a massive Weyl field in a background matter we obtain the effective Hamiltonian for the description of spin-flavor oscillations of Majorana neutrinos in matter and a magnetic field. Finally, we incorporate in our analysis the neutrino self-interaction which is essential when the neutrino density is sufficiently high. We also discuss the applicability of our results for the studies of collective effects in spin-flavor oscillations of supernova neutrinos in a dense matter and a strong magnetic field. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The first measurement of neutron emission in electromagnetic dissociation of Pb-208 nuclei at the LHC is presented. The measurement is performed using the neutron zero degree calorimeters of the ALICE experiment, which detect neutral particles close to beam rapidity. The measured cross sections of single and mutual electromagnetic dissociation of Pb nuclei at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV with neutron emission are sigma(singleEMD) = 187.4 +/- 0.2(stat)(-11.2)(+13.2) (syst) b and sigma(mutualEMD) = 5. 7 +/- 0.1(stat) +/- 0.4(syst) b, respectively. The experimental results are compared to the predictions from a relativistic electromagnetic dissociation model. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.252302


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A charged particle is considered in a complex external electromagnetic field. The field is a superposition of an Aharonov-Bohm field and some additional field. Here we describe all additional fields known up to the present time that allow exact solution of the Schrodinger equation in a complex field.


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Patients with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage may be submitted to ventricular shunt (VS) implant with antisiphon device. The objective of this study was to prospectively evaluate for two years the clinical and tomographic results of the implant of fixed-pressure valves with antisiphon device SPHERA (R) in 35 adult patients, with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage. Of these, 3 had congenital hydrocephalus in adult patients with very dilated ventricles (Evans index >50%), 3 had symptomatic overdrainage after previous VS implant (subdural hematoma, hygroma or slit ventricle syndrome), 1 had previous chronic subdural hematoma, 15 had normal pressure hydrocephalus with final lumbar pressure <5 cm H2O after tap test (40 mL), 6 had pseudotumor cerebri, and 7 had hydrocephalus due to other causes. Clinical improvement was observed and sustained in 94.3% of the patients during the two-year period with no computed tomography (CT) evidence of hypo or overdrainage, and no immediate early or late significant complications.


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Patients with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage may be submitted to ventricular shunt (VS) implant with antisiphon device. The objective of this study was to prospectively evaluate for two years the clinical and tomographic results of the implant of fixed-pressure valves with antisiphon device SPHERA® in 35 adult patients, with hydrocephalus and risk factors for overdrainage. Of these, 3 had congenital hydrocephalus in adult patients with very dilated ventricles (Evans index >50%), 3 had symptomatic overdrainage after previous VS implant (subdural hematoma, hygroma or slit ventricle syndrome), 1 had previous chronic subdural hematoma, 15 had normal pressure hydrocephalus with final lumbar pressure <5 cm H2O after tap test (40 mL), 6 had pseudotumor cerebri, and 7 had hydrocephalus due to other causes. Clinical improvement was observed and sustained in 94.3% of the patients during the two-year period with no computed tomography (CT) evidence of hypo or overdrainage, and no immediate early or late significant complications.


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The Ph.D. thesis describes the simulations of different microwave links from the transmitter to the receiver intermediate-frequency ports, by means of a rigorous circuit-level nonlinear analysis approach coupled with the electromagnetic characterization of the transmitter and receiver front ends. This includes a full electromagnetic computation of the radiated far field which is used to establish the connection between transmitter and receiver. Digitally modulated radio-frequency drive is treated by a modulation-oriented harmonic-balance method based on Krylov-subspace model-order reduction to allow the handling of large-size front ends. Different examples of links have been presented: an End-to-End link simulated by making use of an artificial neural network model; the latter allows a fast computation of the link itself when driven by long sequences of the order of millions of samples. In this way a meaningful evaluation of such link performance aspects as the bit error rate becomes possible at the circuit level. Subsequently, a work focused on the co-simulation an entire link including a realistic simulation of the radio channel has been presented. The channel has been characterized by means of a deterministic approach, such as Ray Tracing technique. Then, a 2x2 multiple-input multiple-output antenna link has been simulated; in this work near-field and far-field coupling between radiating elements, as well as the environment factors, has been rigorously taken into account. Finally, within the scope to simulate an entire ultra-wideband link, the transmitting side of an ultrawideband link has been designed, and an interesting Front-End co-design technique application has been setup.


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The objective of the Ph.D. thesis is to put the basis of an all-embracing link analysis procedure that may form a general reference scheme for the future state-of-the-art of RF/microwave link design: it is basically meant as a circuit-level simulation of an entire radio link, with – generally multiple – transmitting and receiving antennas examined by EM analysis. In this way the influence of mutual couplings on the frequency-dependent near-field and far-field performance of each element is fully accounted for. The set of transmitters is treated as a unique nonlinear system loaded by the multiport antenna, and is analyzed by nonlinear circuit techniques. In order to establish the connection between transmitters and receivers, the far-fields incident onto the receivers are evaluated by EM analysis and are combined by extending an available Ray Tracing technique to the link study. EM theory is used to describe the receiving array as a linear active multiport network. Link performances in terms of bit error rate (BER) are eventually verified a posteriori by a fast system-level algorithm. In order to validate the proposed approach, four heterogeneous application contexts are provided. A complete MIMO link design in a realistic propagation scenario is meant to constitute the reference case study. The second one regards the design, optimization and testing of various typologies of rectennas for power generation by common RF sources. Finally, the project and implementation of two typologies of radio identification tags, at X-band and V-band respectively. In all the cases the importance of an exhaustive nonlinear/electromagnetic co-simulation and co-design is demonstrated to be essential for any accurate system performance prediction.


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In dieser Arbeit aus dem Bereich der Wenig-Nukleonen-Physik wird die neu entwickelte Methode der Lorentz Integral Transformation (LIT) auf die Untersuchung von Kernphotoabsorption und Elektronenstreuung an leichten Kernen angewendet. Die LIT-Methode ermoeglicht exakte Rechnungen durchzufuehren, ohne explizite Bestimmung der Endzustaende im Kontinuum. Das Problem wird auf die Loesung einer bindungzustandsaehnlichen Gleichung reduziert, bei der die Endzustandswechselwirkung vollstaendig beruecksichtigt wird. Die Loesung der LIT-Gleichung wird mit Hilfe einer Entwicklung nach hypersphaerischen harmonischen Funktionen durchgefuehrt, deren Konvergenz durch Anwendung einer effektiven Wechselwirkung im Rahmem des hypersphaerischen Formalismus (EIHH) beschleunigt wird. In dieser Arbeit wird die erste mikroskopische Berechnung des totalen Wirkungsquerschnittes fuer Photoabsorption unterhalb der Pionproduktionsschwelle an 6Li, 6He und 7Li vorgestellt. Die Rechnungen werden mit zentralen semirealistischen NN-Wechselwirkungen durchgefuehrt, die die Tensor Kraft teilweise simulieren, da die Bindungsenergien von Deuteron und von Drei-Teilchen-Kernen richtig reproduziert werden. Der Wirkungsquerschnitt fur Photoabsorption an 6Li zeigt nur eine Dipol-Riesenresonanz, waehrend 6He zwei unterschiedliche Piks aufweist, die dem Aufbruch vom Halo und vom Alpha-Core entsprechen. Der Vergleich mit experimentellen Daten zeigt, dass die Addition einer P-Wellen-Wechselwirkung die Uebereinstimmung wesentlich verbessert. Bei 7Li wird nur eine Dipol-Riesenresonanz gefunden, die gut mit den verfuegbaren experimentellen Daten uebereinstimmt. Bezueglich der Elektronenstreuung wird die Berechnung der longitudinalen und transversalen Antwortfunktionen von 4He im quasi-elastischen Bereich fuer mittlere Werte des Impulsuebertrages dargestellt. Fuer die Ladungs- und Stromoperatoren wird ein nichtrelativistisches Modell verwendet. Die Rechnungen sind mit semirealistischen Wechselwirkungen durchgefuert und ein eichinvarianter Strom wird durch die Einfuehrung eines Mesonaustauschstroms gewonnen. Die Wirkung des Zweiteilchenstroms auf die transversalen Antwortfunktionen wird untersucht. Vorlaeufige Ergebnisse werden gezeigt und mit den verfuegbaren experimentellen Daten verglichen.


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Spannungsumlagerungen in Mineralen und Gesteinen induzieren in geologisch aktiven Bereichen mikromechanische und seismische Prozesse, wodurch eine schwache natürliche elektromagnetische Strahlung im Niederfrequenzbereich emittiert wird. Die elektromagnetischen Emissionen von nichtleitenden Mineralen sind auf dielektrische Polarisation durch mehrere physikalische Effekte zurückzuführen. Eine gerichtete mechanische Spannung führt zu einer ebenso gerichteten elektromagnetischen Emission. Die Quellen der elektromagnetischen Emissionen sind bekannt, jedoch können sie noch nicht eindeutig den verschiedenen Prozessen in der Natur zugeordnet werden, weshalb im Folgenden von einem seismo-elektromagnetischen Phänomen (SEM) gesprochen wird. Mit der neuentwickelten NPEMFE-Methode (Natural Pulsed Electromagnetic Field of Earth) können die elektromagnetischen Impulse ohne Bodenkontakt registriert werden. Bereiche der Erdkruste mit Spannungsumlagerungen (z.B. tektonisch aktive Störungen, potenzielle Hangrutschungen, Erdfälle, Bergsenkungen, Firstschläge) können als Anomalie erkannt und abgegrenzt werden. Basierend auf dem heutigen Kenntnisstand dieser Prozesse wurden Hangrutschungen und Locker- und Festgesteine, in denen Spannungsumlagerungen stattfinden, mit einem neuentwickelten Messgerät, dem "Cereskop", im Mittelgebirgsraum (Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland) und im alpinen Raum (Vorarlberg, Österreich, und Fürstentum Liechtenstein) erkundet und die gewonnenen Messergebnisse mit klassischen Verfahren aus Ingenieurgeologie, Geotechnik und Geophysik in Bezug gesetzt. Unter Feldbedingungen zeigte sich großenteils eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen den mit dem "Cereskop" erkundeten Anomalien und den mit den konventionellen Verfahren erkundeten Spannungszonen. Auf Grundlage der bisherigen Kenntnis und unter Einbeziehung von Mehrdeutigkeiten werden die Messergebnisse analysiert und kritisch beurteilt.


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For the detection of hidden objects by low-frequency electromagnetic imaging the Linear Sampling Method works remarkably well despite the fact that the rigorous mathematical justification is still incomplete. In this work, we give an explanation for this good performance by showing that in the low-frequency limit the measurement operator fulfills the assumptions for the fully justified variant of the Linear Sampling Method, the so-called Factorization Method. We also show how the method has to be modified in the physically relevant case of electromagnetic imaging with divergence-free currents. We present numerical results to illustrate our findings, and to show that similar performance can be expected for the case of conducting objects and layered backgrounds.