918 resultados para ego ideal
Internal combustion engines are, and will continue to be, a primary mode of power generation for ground transportation. Challenges exist in meeting fuel consumption regulations and emission standards while upholding performance, as fuel prices rise, and resource depletion and environmental impacts are of increasing concern. Diesel engines are advantageous due to their inherent efficiency advantage over spark ignition engines; however, their NOx and soot emissions can be difficult to control and reduce due to an inherent tradeoff. Diesel combustion is spray and mixing controlled providing an intrinsic link between spray and emissions, motivating detailed, fundamental studies on spray, vaporization, mixing, and combustion characteristics under engine relevant conditions. An optical combustion vessel facility has been developed at Michigan Technological University for these studies, with detailed tests and analysis being conducted. In this combustion vessel facility a preburn procedure for thermodynamic state generation is used, and validated using chemical kinetics modeling both for the MTU vessel, and institutions comprising the Engine Combustion Network international collaborative research initiative. It is shown that minor species produced are representative of modern diesel engines running exhaust gas recirculation and do not impact the autoignition of n-heptane. Diesel spray testing of a high-pressure (2000 bar) multi-hole injector is undertaken including non-vaporizing, vaporizing, and combusting tests, with sprays characterized using Mie back scatter imaging diagnostics. Liquid phase spray parameter trends agree with literature. Fluctuations in liquid length about a quasi-steady value are quantified, along with plume to plume variations. Hypotheses are developed for their causes including fuel pressure fluctuations, nozzle cavitation, internal injector flow and geometry, chamber temperature gradients, and turbulence. These are explored using a mixing limited vaporization model with an equation of state approach for thermopyhysical properties. This model is also applied to single and multi-component surrogates. Results include the development of the combustion research facility and validated thermodynamic state generation procedure. The developed equation of state approach provides application for improving surrogate fuels, both single and multi-component, in terms of diesel spray liquid length, with knowledge of only critical fuel properties. Experimental studies are coupled with modeling incorporating improved thermodynamic non-ideal gas and fuel
Surgery and other invasive therapies are complex interventions, the assessment of which is challenged by factors that depend on operator, team, and setting, such as learning curves, quality variations, and perception of equipoise. We propose recommendations for the assessment of surgery based on a five-stage description of the surgical development process. We also encourage the widespread use of prospective databases and registries. Reports of new techniques should be registered as a professional duty, anonymously if necessary when outcomes are adverse. Case series studies should be replaced by prospective development studies for early technical modifications and by prospective research databases for later pre-trial evaluation. Protocols for these studies should be registered publicly. Statistical process control techniques can be useful in both early and late assessment. Randomised trials should be used whenever possible to investigate efficacy, but adequate pre-trial data are essential to allow power calculations, clarify the definition and indications of the intervention, and develop quality measures. Difficulties in doing randomised clinical trials should be addressed by measures to evaluate learning curves and alleviate equipoise problems. Alternative prospective designs, such as interrupted time series studies, should be used when randomised trials are not feasible. Established procedures should be monitored with prospective databases to analyse outcome variations and to identify late and rare events. Achievement of improved design, conduct, and reporting of surgical research will need concerted action by editors, funders of health care and research, regulatory bodies, and professional societies.
Die "Wemütige Klage der frommen Unschültigen" des ehemaligen Rheinbacher Schöffen Hermann Löher (gedruckt zu Amsterdam 1676) war gedacht als eine Anklageschrift gegen den Wahnsinn der Hexenverfolgungen und richtete sich in erster Linie an den Papst, den Kaiser und alle Fürsten und hohen Geistlichen des Reiches. Damit fällt die "Wemütige Klage" eigentlich unter die Kategorie 'Sachbuch' und nicht unter 'Autobiographie'. Doch durch den Erzählstil des Autors, der selbst bei der Diskussion der dämonologischen Literatur seiner Zeit immer wieder sein eigenes Erleben als Gerichtsschöffe einbringt, gerät die sachliche Erörterung unversehens zum Ego-Dokument.
Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die 1604 verfasste und bislang unveröffentlichte Autobiographie des kurtrierischen, jülich-bergischen und nach dem Zerfall der Vereinigten Herzogtümer Jülich-Kleve-Berg pfalz-neuburgischen Rates Petrus Simonius Ritz (1562-1622) vor. Seit 1595 stand der Schreiber in jülich-bergischen Diensten und nahm bis zu seinem Tod an fast allen bedeutsamen Ereignissen der damals angespannten politischen Situation am Niederrhein teil. Bei Beachtung der Klischees, die Simonius in seiner Selbstdarstellung verwendet, dürfte die mitunter sehr detaillierte und aufmerksame Beschreibung seiner alltäglichen Wahrnehmungen den besonderen Wert der Aufzeichnungen ausmachen. Er erzählt von seinem Bildungsweg, von Heirat, Krankheit und dem Tode seiner ersten Frau, der anschließenden Wiederverheiratung und natürlich auch vom Alltag bei Hofe.
Der Beitrag führt in die methodologische Diskussion um Ego-Dokumente und Selbstzeugnisse ein. Diese zielt insbesondere im deutschsprachigen Raum auf eine adäquate Begrifflichkeit zur Charakterisierung beziehungsweise quellentypologischen Einordnung der betreffenden Texte. Trotz aller formalen Unterschiede, die sich aus einer solchen Typologisierung ergeben, werden Ego-Dokumente/Selbstzeugnisse in ihrer Gesamtheit als Quellen verstanden, die einen Zugang zum historischen Individuum und seinen Lebensäußerungen ermöglichen. Aber welche Art von 'Ich' begegnet uns in einem Tagebuch, einer Autobiographie, einem Brief oder einem Verhörprotokoll? Wie jeder historiographische Text ist eine Äußerung zur eigenen Person stets eine narrative Sinnkonstruktion, die das 'Ich' eines Menschen nicht unmittelbar oder unverfälscht zeigt. Vielmehr konstruiert sich das historische Subjekt im Text jeweils neu und begegnet letztlich immer nur als Bild seiner selbst. Diese Ich-Konstruktion spiegelt dennoch die historische Mentalität des jeweiligen Verfassers wider und ermöglicht im besten Fall Einblicke in seine individuelle Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt.
This paper contrasts the decision-usefulness of prototype accounting regimes based on perfect accounting for value, i.e. ideal value accounting (IVA), and perfect matching of cost, i.e. ideal cost accounting (ICA). The regimes are analyzed in the context of a firm with overlapping capacity investments where projects earn excess returns and residual income is utilized as performance indicator. Provided that IVA and ICA systematically differ based on the criterion of unconditional conservatism, we assess their respective decision-usefulness for different valuation- and stewardship-scenarios. Assuming that addressees solely observe current accounting data of the firm, ICA provides information which is useful for valuation and stewardship without reservation whereas IVA entails problems under specific assumptions.