952 resultados para distribution structure
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Zirconia-based ceramics that retain their metastable tetragonal phase at room temperature are widely studied due to their excellent mechanical and electrical properties. When these materials are prepared from precursor nanopowders with high specific surface areas, this phase is retained in dense ceramic bodies. In this work, we present a morphological study of nanocrystalline ZrO2-2.8 mol% Y2O3 powders synthesized by the gel-combustion method, using different organic fuels - alanine, glycine, lysine and citric acid - and calcined at temperatures ranging from 873 to 1173 K. The nanopore structures were investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering. The experimental results indicate that nanopores in samples prepared with alanine, glycine and lysine have an essentially single-mode volume distribution for calcination temperatures up to 1073 K, while those calcined at 1173 K exhibit a more complex and wider volume distribution. The volume-weighted average of the nanopore radii monotonically increases with increasing calcination temperature. The samples prepared with citric acid exhibit a size distribution much wider than the others. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller technique was used to determine specific surface area and X-ray diffraction, environmental scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were also employed for a complete characterization of the samples.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Com o objetivo de identificar os padrões de organização das comunidades de peixes dos rios Jogui e Iguatemi nós amostramos peixes através de redes de espera trimestralmente entre Novembro/1999 e Agosto/2000. Hypostomus ancistroides e Parauchenipterus galeatus foram as espécies de peixes mais abundantes nos rios Jogui e Iguatemi, respectivamente. A variação longitudinal foi mais importante que a sazonal na determinação da composição de espécies em ambos os rios e a diferença entre estações não foi significativa. A altitude foi o fator mais importante na determinação da distribuição das espécies.
In an area of tropical seasonal semideciduous forest, the soil characteristics, floristic composition, physiognomic structure, and the distribution of three regeneration and three dispersal guilds were studied for four stands within the forest that had documented histories of varying degrees of human disturbance. The aim was to study forest regeneration in areas of preserved forest and secondary forest, with parts of both types of forest experiencing either 'intensive' or 'occasional' cattle trampling. The study was carried out in the Sebastiao Aleixo da Silva Ecological Station, Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil. Two stands were called 'secondary' because they corresponded to forest tracts that were felled and occupied by crops and pastures in the past and then abandoned to forest regeneration ca. 40 years before this study. The other two stands, called 'preserved', corresponded to areas of the fragment where the forest has been maintained with only minor human impacts. The arboreal component of the tree community (diameter at breast height or dbh greater than or equal to 5 cm) was sampled in 20 plots of 40 m x 40 m, and the subarboreal component (diameter at the base of the stem or dbs < 5 cm and height greater than or equal to 0.5 m) in subplots of 40 m x 2 m. Physiognomic features, such as canopy height and density of climbing plants, were registered all over a 5 m x 5 m gridline laid on the sample plots. Soil bulk samples were collected for chemical and textural analyses. Most detected differences contrasted the secondary to the preserved forest stands. The soils of the secondary stands showed higher proportions of sand and lower levels of mineral nutrients and organic matter than those of the preserved stands, probably due to higher losses by leaching and erosion. Compared to the secondary stands, the preserved ones had higher proportions of tall trees, higher mean canopy height, lower species diversity, higher abundance of autochorous and shade-tolerant climax species, and lower abundance of pioneer and light-demanding climax species. Despite the high proportion of species shared by the preserved and secondary stands (108 out of 139), they differed consistently in terms of density of the most abundant species. on the other hand, the secondary and preserved stands held similar values for tree density and basal area, suggesting that 40 years were enough to restore these features. Effects of cattle trampling on the vegetation were detected for the frequency of trees of anemochorous and zoochorous species, which were higher in the stands under occasional and intensive cattle trampling, respectively. The density of thin climbers was lower in the stands with intensive trampling. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Macroalgal species richness and diversity were analysed along a longitudinal profile in small and large scales during Spring, Fall and Winter, respectively in a small stream and a mid size river in the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil (20 degrees 23'-20 degrees 49'S, 49 degrees 26'-51 degrees 19'W). Longitudinal variation in species richness and diversity in small scale was strongly associated with incident light. Microhabitat distribution (from data taken by quadrat technique) revealed no significant correlations. Principal coordinates analysis (PCO) indicated no consistent groupings among sampling sites in distinct seasons (Spring, Fall and Winter). Longitudinal analysis in large scale revealed different patterns in the two seasons sampled (Spring and Winter), whereas species diversity presented a consistent tl end: high upstream, low in mid reaches and higher downstream. It was associated with type of substratum in Spring, rocky substrata presenting the highest values for species richness and diversity. Weak correlations were observed in Winter. Microhabitat distribution showed significant correlations between species abundance and the following variables: positive for rocky substrata and current velocity and negative for sandyclayish substratum and macrophyte-dominated substratum. PCO delineated only one consistent grouping formed by the two headwater sites. Small scale macroalgal distribution corroborated the longitudinal pattern predicted by the River Continuum Concept, whereas the large scale approach showed a distribution more associated with substratum type than to light availability. These results showed an opposite trend in relation to the expected distributional pattern. Longitudinal distribution in macroalgal community structure has yet to be better documented, particularly for tropical streams and no generalization is possible at this stage.
Microhabitat distribution was investigated in five populations of Characeae (two of Chara guairensis, two of Nitella subglomerata and one of Nitella sp.) to determine the distributional patterns, the morphometric and reproductive adaptations to varying environmental conditions and niche width on a scale of few centimeters. Variations in physical variables revealed some general trends of microhabitat distribution for the Characeae populations studied, with occurrence under the following conditions: slow and narrow current velocities; substrata predominantly composed of small particle size (sand-clay); variable and generally low depths. In terms of morphological adaptations, we found some general patterns: plants with longer whorl branchlets also had longer internodes in all populations studied, whereas longer plants had also thicker axis. The former were generally associated with higher biomass (percent cover). Few correlations of morphological characters were observed with environmental variables (e.g. plant length with irradiance: negative in two populations and positive in one population). Despite the general patterns of occurrence mentioned above, our results also indicated that each population differed in its responses to environmental variables and had particular morphological and reproductive adaptations. The Characean populations occurred under a narrower range of microhabitat conditions than other macroalgae from lotic habitats, particularly lower current velocity (6.7-9.8 cm s(-1)) and a more specific substratum type (sand-clay). Niche width values (0.60-0.99) of the Characeae populations studied indicate a high degree of habitat specialization and are among the highest yet found in lotic macroalgae. The relatively narrow variations in microhabitat conditions and high niche widths here reported for Characean populations, suggest a lower tolerance to variations in current velocity, depth, irradiance and substratum type. These characteristics probably explain the relatively restricted distribution of Characeae species in streams of S (a) over tildeo Paulo State with low frequency of records in most regions.
Silica gels were preparated from fixed proportion mixtures of tetraethoxysilane, water and hydrocloric acid, using either ultrasound stimulation (US) or conventional method (CO) in the hydrolysis step of the process. Wet gets were obtained with the same silica volume concentration and density. According to small-angle X-ray scattering, the structure of the wet gels can be described as mass fractal structures with mass fractal dimension D = 2.20 in a length scale xi = 7.9 nm, in the case of wet gels US, and D = 2.26 in a length scale 6.9 nm, in the case of wet gels CO. The mass fractal characteristics of the wet gels US and CO account for the different structures evolved in the drying of the gels US and CO in the obtaining of xerogels and aerogels. The pore structure of the dried gels was studied by nitrogen adsorption as a function of the temperature. Aerogels (US and CO) present high porosity with pore size distribution (PSD) curves in the mesopore region while xerogels (US and CO) present minor porosity with PSD curves mainly in the micropore region. The dried gels US (aerogels and xerogels) generally present pore volume and specific surface area greater than the dried gels CO. The mass fractal structure of the aerogels has been studied from an approach based on the PSD curves exclusively. (c) 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
A constructive heuristic algorithm to solve the transmission system expansion planning problem is proposed with the aim of circumventing some critical problems of classical heuristic algorithms that employ relaxed mathematical models to calculate a sensitivity index that guides the circuit additions. The proposed heuristic algorithm is in a branch-and-bound algorithm structure, which can be used with any planning model, such as Transportation model, DC model, AC model or Hybrid models. Tests of the proposed algorithm are presented on real Brazilian systems.
The population structure and reproductive biology of Mustelus schmitti was analysed during autumn (1994, 1995) and spring (1994) in the Rio dc la Plata occanic front. The samples consisted mainly of a adult males and immature females, indicating that nursery areas are Situated elsewhere. In autumn, the highest female densities occurred between 36 degrees S and 35 degrees S, with densities decreasing further south, and high male densities occurred over all latitudes of the study area. In Spring, both Sexes occurred north of latitude 36 degrees 30 degrees S. Males attained Maturity at. 59 cm total length (TL), and females at 72 cmTL Litter size varied From one to ten in spring and two to nine in autumn, With embryos ranging from 9 to 26 cm and 7 to 26 cm TL respcctivcly the mean TL of embryos was significantly higher in spring (22 cm), suggesting that parturition Occurs ill late spring and summer. Litter size was found to Increase with female TL..
Ellipticine and its derivatives are a class of molecules that show antitumor and cytotoxic activity with a multimodal mechanism of action. In this paper we report a preliminary Austin Method One (AM1) study of ellipticine and some molecules derived from it. We have observed a relationship between charge density distribution and biological selectivity. A mechanism that could improve cytotoxic activity is proposed.
In an effort to identify the contribution of TEs to bovine genome evolution, the abundance, distribution and insertional orientation of TEs were examined in all bovine nuclear genes identified in sequence build 2.1 (released October 11, 2005). Exons, introns and promoter segments (3 kb upstream the transcription initiation sites) were screened with the RepeatMasker program. Most of the genes analyzed contained TE insertions, with an average of 18 insertions/gene. The majority of TE insertions identified were classified as retrotransposons and the remainder classified as DNA transposons. TEs were inserted into exons and promoter segments infrequently, while insertion into intron sequences was strikingly more abundant. The contribution of TEs to exon sequence is of great interest because TE insertions can directly influence the phenotype by altering protein sequences. We report six cases where the entire exon sequences of bovine genes are apparently derived from TEs and one of them, the insertion of Charlie into a bovine transcript similar to the zinc finger 452 gene is analyzed in detail. The great similarity of the TE-cassette sequence to the ZNF452 protein and phylogenetic relationship strongly suggests the occurrence of Charlie 10 DNA exaptation in the mammalian zinc finger 452 gene. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
To obtain SnO2 films to be used for surface protection of fluoride glasses, a non-aqueous sol-gel route for the preparation was developed. An ethanolic SnO2 colloidal suspension was prepared by thermohydrolysis of SnCl4 solution at 70 degreesC. By using this procedure, redispersable powders with nanometer sized particles were obtained. Films were obtained by dip coating on glass and mica substrates. The structures of the ethanolic precursor suspension and films were compared to those of similar samples prepared by the classical aqueous sol-gel route. Comparative analyses performed by photon correlation spectroscopy demonstrated that the powders obtained by freeze-drying are fully redispersable either in aqueous or in alcoholic solutions at pH greater than or equal to 8. As prepared sols and redispersed colloidal suspensions have hydrodynamic radius distribution (2-14 nm) with an average size close to 7 nm. The variations in film structures with firing temperature were investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering and X-ray reflectometry. The experimental results show that the films have a two level porous structure composed of agglomerates of primary colloidal particles. The sintering of the primary particles leads to the densification of agglomerates and to the formation of inter-agglomerate spatially correlated pores. The volume fraction of intra-agglomerate pores is reduced from approximate to 50% to approximate to 30% by the precipitation of precursor salts partially hydrolyzed in ethanolic solution. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.