999 resultados para dimensões foliares


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It is imortant to be able to evaluate the cardiact size . In 1995, was proposed by Buchanan and Bücheler a new way to measure the dimensions of the cardiac silhouette. This study aims to gather several studies of the cardiac dimensions by VHS method in the right lateral recumbency of of different breeds of dogs in a single work, facilitating the assess to information. Deep chest breeds have a smaller mean VHS value than the barrel chest breeds, showing that there is a variation of the VHS values acoording to the thoracic conformation of each breed, which indicates that there is a need to recognize the specific VHS values according to the breed standard to not to interpret the cardiac measurement in a wrong way through not compatible reference values for the animal. There is the individual variation that should be taken into accont at the time of measurement. The VHS is a helper method to a radiographic evaluation of the heart, and the ultrasonography remains the gold standard for the evaluation of the cardiac chambers and other changes of the heart


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Estudou-se a anatomia dos órgãos foliares (folhas basais, ou catafilos, no caso de folhas ausentes, e brácteas involucrais) de três espécies de Mapania Aubl. Os espécimes de Mapania macrophylla (Boeck) H.Pfeiff. e M. pycnostachya (Benth.) T.Koyama, pertencentes à seção Pycnocephala, e M. sylvatica Aubl., pertencente à seção Mapania, foram coletados durante expedições científicas na Reserva Florestal Ducke em Manaus, AM, e constituem representantes de um mesmo gênero que ocupam três ambientes distintos da Floresta Amazônica. Em todos os órgãos, as espécies apresentam epiderme uniestratificada, com células de paredes delgadas, e estômatos paracíticos na face abaxial, no mesmo nível ou um pouco acima das demais células epidérmicas. O mesofilo é homogêneo e apresenta dois padrões distintos nos órgãos foliares: o primeiro com feixes vasculares em um único nível, sem extensão de bainha, idioblastos fenólicos abundantes e aerênquima não conspícuo; e o segundo padrão com feixes vasculares maiores e menores intercalados, com extensão de bainha do feixe e interrompidos por aerênquima conspícuo com células translúcidas. O primeiro padrão foi encontrado em brácteas involucrais de M. sylvatica e o segundo em todos os órgãos foliares das demais espécies. Essa diferença corrobora com as seções estabelecidas e é importante na diferenciação de espécies dentro do gênero. No pseudopecíolo de M. pycnostachya foi observada a presença de hipoderme, caráter importante na diferenciação de Mapania e Hypolytrum e que, portanto, necessita ser melhor estudado no gênero. Ainda, a presença de aerênquima, células epidérmicas com parede delgada e posição dos estômatos refletem a adaptação dessas espécies a ambientes úmidos de várzea e igapó onde são encontradas


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Dentre as várias instituições das quais o ser humano participa, a escola é uma das mais importantes responsáveis pela construção da representação de quem somos. O educando é o objetivo maior da escola, mas na especificidade da Educação Física que, em geral, é totalmente desvinculada do projeto educacional das escolas, muito pouco tem sido feito, na prática, no sentido de educar os alunos “para a vida. Assim, esse trabalho tem como finalidade implementar aulas de Educação Física que contribuam para a formação do cidadão, e para isto foram elaboradas e desenvolvidas aulas que abordem o conteúdo handebol nas suas três dimensões: conceitual, procedimental e atitudinal. O método utilizado foi o da pesquisa-ação que, de natureza qualitativa, tem como característica o interrelacionamento entre o pesquisador e as pessoas participantes do estudo. As principais dificuldades foram: trabalhar novos conteúdos e a dimensão procedimental, e lidar com o número elevado de alunos. Porém, os momentos de tratar das dimensões conceituais e atitudinais foram muito bem sucedidos.


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In this work we study extra dimensional theories, taking emphasis in braneworld models generated by real scalar fields. Firstly, we revise the Randall-Sundrum models and we discuss about some thick braneworld scenarios already considered in the literature. We introduce a new thick brane model in order to address the Standard Model hierarchy problem. Furthermore, we show that there exists a class of scalar fields models which are very interesting for analytical studies of thick brane scenarios. Finally, we analyze the braneworld consistency conditions in the context of f(R) and Brans-Dicke gravities, where we show that it is possible to evade a no-go theorem regarding thick brane scenarios


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Understanding and assessing the extent of psychological mechanisms that operate in actions of specific violence acts such as bullying can contribute to the discussion of educational interventions that promote moral education as desired by educational institutions. The current research aimed toD correlateD this form of violence called bullying to representations of the self and even to the ways in which the subjects self-regulate themselves in hypothetical situations which pose the problem, thus identifying their moral commitments or non-commitments. The procedures followed to check the presence of these correlationsDindicate that subjects whose self-representations are individualistic are less morally committed and more likely to be perpetrators in bullying situations. This shows that more than a social problem, the issues of coexistence should be treated from a moral perspective.


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The deficiency of data in the literature took us to evaluate the Bionator of Balters appliance in the alterations of the dimensions and the relationship of the dental archs in children with malocclusion Class II, division 1 of Angle. The experimental group was constituted by 36 pairs cast Caucasians patients, aged between 7 years and 10 months - 11 years and 8 months, being 10 females and 8 males. The Levene´s test showed statistical evidences of likeness among the groups. Statistical analysis was preceded and showed significant alterations (p < 0,005) in the variable indicatives of maxillary first molars' distance, overjet, upper arch total length, upper arch anterior length, right molar relationship, left molar relationship, right canine relationship and left canine relationship. On the other hand, there wasn't significant alteration related to the lower arch and maxillary intercanines distance. The Balters' Bionator appliance had a favorable effect in the improvement of the correction of the malocclusion in Class II (foremost in molars and canines relationship) and transversal increase of the upper arch, mainly in the posterior area of arch.


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The objective of the study was to analyze the size of buccal corridor during the smile of individuals from 10 to 19 years of age and to determine whether there is a relationship among buccal corridor, inter premolar distance, inter commissure width. Standard digital frontal photographs in posed broad smiles and dental casts were taken of a sample of 150 individuals divided into 5 age groups of 30 individuals: 10-11 years old (G1), 12-13 years old (G2), 14-15 years old (G3), 16-17 years old (G4), 18-19 years old (G5). Distances among the cusps of superior first premolars and buccal corridors were measured for subsequent comparisons using the Image Tool 3.0 program. Data was analyzed using Anova. The SNK test and Tamhane test were applied. The mean values of the buccal corridor ranged from 4.00-to 10.69 mm on the right side and from 4.06 to 11.43 mm on the left side. In percentage related with intercomissure width each side of the buccal corridor ranged from 7.46 to 16.47% on the right side and from 7.58% to 17.61% on the left side. Buccal corridors were different between genders and increased with age. Males have bigger buccal corridors than females, but there is no difference between gender when calculated as a percentage related with the inter commissure width. The inter premolar width is significantly correlated with inter commissure widths of female individuals 14-15 years old and 18-19 years old, and with the right linear buccal corridor of males and females aged 14-15 years old.


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The aim of an orthodontic treatment is the achievement of a balanced, esthetic and, most of all, stable, intra and inter arches relationship. A common problem observed in occlusion is posterior crossbite and atresic maxilla. This problem may be treated by slow expansion, rapid expansion or surgically assisted expansion. For the present study cast models of 14 children between 7 and 11 years old were evaluated. There were 7 male and 7 female subjects that presented posterior crossbite and needed rapid maxillary expansion. The Hyrax appliance performed the therapy for correction of this transversal alteration, which is a common possibility in the treatment of this malocclusion. It was observed that the distance between the upper first molars and upper cuspids increased significantly; the length of the upper arch decreased and its perimeter increased significantly. At the lower arch there were no dimensional changes.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of specimen size, in comparison with the ISO Standard, on the three point flexural strength of resin composite restorative materials Filtek Supreme and Filtek Z-250. Forty specimens were fabricated for each material with the following length, width and thickness measurements (n = 10): 1) 20 × 2 × 2 mm (ISO 4049); 2) 10 × 2 × 1 mm; 3) 10 × 1 × 1 mm; 4) 8 × 0.8 × 0.8 mm. The composites were inserted in a single increment into two-piece metal device and light-polymerized. The specimens were dry stored at 37 ± 1 °C and protected from light for 7 days. After this period, flexural strength was measured by three-point flexure test using MTS 810 equipment, with a load cell of 10 kN at a speed of 0.5 mm/min. For the evaluated sizes, the results showed significant variability (p = 0.00) with values when compared with the ISO Standard (116.700 MPa), being statistically higher for the test specimens measuring 10 × 1 × 1 mm (142.530 MPa), similar for those of 10  ×  2  ×  1  mm (115.815 MPa) and lower for those of 8 × 0.8 × 0.8 mm (86.650 MPa). There was statistical equality (p = 0.08) for the studied composites (Filtek Supreme, 125.270 MPa; Filtek Z-250, 108.130 MPa). Specimens measuring 10 × 2 × 1 mm provided flexural strength values equivalent to those obtained in the sizes recommended by the ISO 4049 standard, with lower consumption of material, energy and time.


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The aim of this in vitro study was to comparatively evaluate the mesio and distal furcation entrance measurements of first maxillary premolar. The measurements were compared with different curette blades. A caliper was used by an examinator to acquire the measurements of root trunk (TR); 1 mm (D1) and 2 mm (D2) both below the furcation entrance. For this study Gracey, Mini Gracey, Padua Lima (PL) and Goldman Fox 4 curettes (Millenium) were selected. Measurements of DT - total distance of the active blade length, DI - width of the active blade, DM - width of the medium part of the active blade were obtained for the curettes. The measurements were obtained in both the coronary face and in the lateral face. The data TR, D1 and D2 presented normal distribution and were statistically analyzed by paired t-test. Statistically significant differences were found in the mesial root trunk region (TR) of both premolars. The mean of the measurements was greater than the distal. Mean and standard deviation were obtained, and both Gracey and Mini Gracey showed mean measurements compatible with the closer furcation entrance (D1 - 1 mm). Goldman Fox 4 showed adaptation only in the mesial face, and Padua Lima showed no access to any of the faces. Thereby it is concluded that the access of the furcation is narrow (D1). The mesial face of the root trunk (TR) showed mean measurement greater than distal face. Gracey and Mini Gracey curettes demonstrated to be compatible for both faces, mesial and distal of the first maxillary premolars studied.


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The knowledge of Forensic Anthropology is very importance in cases of identification of human remains. One phase of this process is the study of human height, which can be accomplished with relative ease when intact corpses, complete skeletons or long bones are available. However, the experience of Forensic Dentistry is essential in situations in which there is only information of the skull or of the teeth. The objective of this study was to review in the literature and evaluate works concerning the estimate of the height calculated from dental dimensions. Carrea, in 1920, proposed the estimation of the probable height of an individual by developing formulas for maximum and minimum heights from measurements of the lower central and lateral incisors and canines. The method was used in the case "Josef Mengele", to complement estimates. Tested in the Brazilian population, 70% of match between the actual and the estimated stature were obtained. Using more precise instruments, in the modified method, 96% of correct matching were verified. Recently, a new formula was introduced to estimate height, from measurements of upper teeth, because the technique cannot be used when jaw is not available. The correlation between height and dental dimensions is demonstrated. However, there is still a lack in scientific literature in this field, and further studies are necessary. The estimate of height from dental dimensions can be very useful and important, especially in situations where the complete skeleton it not found, and long bones are not available.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (CAPES)