997 resultados para ddc: 900


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A compact electron cyclotron wave resonance (ECWR) source has been developed for the high rate deposition of hydrogenated tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C:H). The ECWR provides growth rates of up to 900 angstrom/min and an independent control of the deposition rate and ion energy. The ta-C:H was deposited using acetylene as the source gas and was characterized in terms of its bonding, stress and friction coefficient. The results indicated that the ta-C:H produced using this source fulfills the necessary requirements for applications requiring enhanced tribological performance.


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A compact electron cyclotron wave resonance (ECWR) source has been developed for the high rate deposition of hydrogenated tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C:H). The ECWR provides growth rates of up to 900 Å/min over a 4″ diameter and an independent control of the deposition rate and ion energy. The ta-C:H was deposited using acetylene as the source gas and was characterized in terms of its sp3 content, mass density, intrinsic stress, hydrogen content, C-H bonding, Raman spectra, optical gap, surface roughness and friction coefficient. The results obtained indicated that the film properties were maximized at an ion energy of approximately 167 eV, corresponding to an energy per daughter carbon ion of 76 eV. The relationship between the incident ion energy and film densification was also explained in terms of the subsurface implantation of carbon ions into the growing film.


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Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de diferentes opciones de manejo de antracnosis del café, causada hongo Colletotrichum sp, se realizó el presente trabajo en la finca La Virgen (900-1200 msnm), ubicada en el departamento de Boaco. El estudio se realizó entre septiembre 2001 y mayo 2002. El área experimental fue un lote de 1.7 mz de café variedad catuaí, en etapa de producción. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: Silvacur más bayfolán,carbendazín, caldo bordelés, caldo sulfocálcico, caldo sulfocálcico más nitrato de potasio y biofertilizante. Los muestreos se realizaron mensualmente en la época seca y quincenalmente en la época lluviosa. Las variables evaluadas fueron incidencia de antracnosis en hoja y número de hojas. Los resultados obtenidos indican que en general la incidencia de la enfermedad fue alta, alcanzando niveles de hasta 18% de incidencia, excepto en el mes de diciembre donde la enfermedad se bajó completamente en todos los tratamientos. En las parcelas tratadas con los tratamientos Caldo sulfocálcico, Biofertilizante y Caldo sulfocálcico más nitrato de potasio, la enfermedad tuvo un comportamiento similar; al inicio del estudio correspondiente a la época lluviosa (septiembre-noviembre) estos tratamientos presentaron la mayor incidencia de la enfermedad pero al final del estudio presentaron la menor incidencia. El tratamiento Silvacur más bayfolán fue el que presentó la menor incidencia de antracnosis en todo el ciclo, siendo por tanto el tratamiento más efectivo, debido a que en éste ocurrió menos defoliación que en los demás. Al final del estudio correspondiente a la época seca (febrero-abril) la mayor incidencia se presentó en los tratamientos Caldo Bordelés y Carbendazín, en los cuales se observó mas defoliación que en los demás tratamientos. Con relación a la retensión foliar el tratamiento de caldo sulfocálcico más nitrato de potasio fue el que mantuvo el mayor número de hojas, seguido por el silvacur más bayfolán; en cambio los tratamientos carbendazín y caldo bordelés fueron los que presentaron en todo el estudio el menor número de hojas por bandola, es decir que hubo mayor defoliación. A partir de estos resultados se puede concluir que los mejores tratamientos para ser usados por los productores son el silvacur más bayfolán, así como el caldo sulfocálcico más nitrato de potasio, en dependencia de la disponibilidad de recursos.


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En los meses de Diciembre (2003) y Enero (2004) se realizó en los departamentos de Masaya y Carazo, en la Zona del Pacífico de Nicaragua una caracterización de sistemas agroforestales con café, bajo diferentes niveles tecnológicos, cafetal con sombra de árboles leguminosos + moderado insumo químico, cafetal con sombra de árboles leguminosos + moderado insumo orgánico, cafetal con sombra de árboles leguminosos + bajo insumo orgánico, cafetal con árboles de sombra no leguminosos + moderado insumo químico, cafetal con árboles de sombra no leguminosos + moderado insumo orgánico, cafetal con árboles de sombra no leguminosos + bajo insumo orgánico y pleno sol. Se seleccionó un área de 40 a 45 m2 para realizar la caracterización física de suelo la cual se realizó en el centro de esta, recolección de hojarasca en cinco puntos de 0.25 m2 cada uno en calle e hilera, caracterización química de suelo la cual se llevó a cabo en los mismos cinco puntos donde se recolectó la hojarasca a profundidades de 0-5, 5-15 y 15-30 cm, la caracterización de los árboles de sombra se realizó proyectando la misma área del cafetal 5m sobre el surco y 5m en posición vertical a este obteniendo un área mayor a los 225 m2. Los cafetales del sistema pleno sol y un cafetal con sombra leguminoso + moderado químico presentaron la producción más alta de café en los últimos cinco años (1998-2003) mayor a los 900 kg ha-1, la diversidad de los árboles de sombra en esta zona es de 1 a 3 especies diferentes predominando la especie Gliricidia sepium Jacq., con un 47 % del total. Los sistemas con sombra leguminoso + moderado orgánico y no leguminoso + moderado químico presentaron densidades mayores a los 6000 plantas ha-1, mientras pleno sol fue el de menor densidad con 3480 plantas ha-1, el sistema con sombra leguminoso + moderado orgánico presentó mayor porcentaje de sombra 76.96 % y densidad de árboles 395 plantas ha-1. Por lo general los sistemas presentaron textura franca a franco limoso (FL), con colores que van de pardo (10YR 4/3) a pardo oscuro (10 YR3/3) y profundidades que van de 33 a mayores de 100 cm, con presencia de talpetate y grava fina. El sistema con sombra no leguminoso + moderado orgánico presentó las mayores cantidades de los elementos N, P, K en las hojas y cantidad de materia seca de hojarasca. Estos suelos son ricos en materia orgánica mayores a 9.5 % con altos porcentajes de carbono 5 %, con contenido medio a altos de Nitrógeno de 0.08 a 0.46 %, con buena disponibilidad de Fósforo mayores a 13 ppm, con pH que van de ácidos a ligeramente ácidos y con buena capacidad de intercambio catiónico de 35 a 50 meq / 100g de suelo.


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The subthreshold slope, transconductance, threshold voltage, and hysteresis of a carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNT FET) were examined as its configuration was changed from bottom-gate exposed channel, bottom-gate covered channel to top-gate FET. An individual single wall CNT was grown by chemical vapor deposition and its gate configuration was changed while determining its transistor characteristics to ensure that the measurements were not a function of different chirality or diameter CNTs. The bottom-gate exposed CNT FET utilized 900 nm SiO2 as the gate insulator. This CNT FET was then covered with TiO2 to form the bottom-gate covered channel CNT FET. Finally, the top-gate CNT FET was fabricated and the device utilized TiO 2 (K ∼ 80, equivalent oxide thickness=0.25 nm) as the gate insulator. Of the three configurations investigated, the top-gate device exhibited best subthreshold slope (67-70 mV/dec), highest transconductance (1.3 μS), and negligible hysteresis in terms of threshold voltage shift. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Actualmente, el manejo de arvenses en las Cucurbitaceae es a base de herbicidas, repercutiendo en serios problemas al ambiente y al hombr e. En la finca experimental El Plantel, ubicado en el km 43 ½ carretera Tipitapa – Masaya, se estableció un estudio con el objetivo de conocer la dinámica poblacional de arvenses y su incidencia en el cultivo de pipián Cucurbita pepo L; producido bajo dos sistemas de manejo. Se evaluó un sistema convencional con el uso de Completo (12 - 30 - 10) 522.98 Kg/Ha, Urea 190.06 Kg/Ha, y un sistema orgánico con el uso Humus 10,886.95Kg/Ha, Compost: 21,900.62Kg/Ha, Biofertilizante: 14,765.21 Kg/Ha En una área 525m2, en tres parcelas de 80.5 m2, alternando con el pipián, el caupí. ( Vigna unguiculata . (L) Walp). En la diversidad se encontraron 13 especies en el sistema orgánico, predominando Tithonia rotundifolia (Mill) Blake, Boerhavia erecta L., Sorghum halepense (L) P e rs. Y 10 familias, entre ellas, Portulacaceae, Asteraceae, Nyctaginaceae, y Cyperaceae. Y en el sistema convencional 11 especies, predominando, Ixophorus unicetus (Presl), Sorghum halepense (L) P ers, Tithonia rotundifolia (Mill) Blake, y 9 familias, sobres alieron Poaceae, Portulacaceae, Asteraceae, y Nyctaginaceae. El porcentaje de cobertura en los dos sistemas de manejo se presento similar. La biomasa por familia, especie y cultivo, fue mayor en el sistema orgánico. El rendimiento del cultivo no reflejo di ferencia significativa entre los dos sistemas de manejo evaluados. Los resultados demostraron que presencia de arvenses no afectó el desarrollo y crecimiento del cultivo. El manejo orgánico puede verse como una alternativa viable para el productor y para l a conservación del ambiente, a pesar de ser este un corto ciclo, este manejo muestra que a futuro se pueden obtenerse mejores resultados


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报道了硬度HRC为20和40的两种30CrMnSi材料在100-900℃的力学性能及升温率、应变率和热处理条件对抗拉强度、屈服强度的影响。在低温区,材料性能随温度的升高,呈现缓慢下降,其数值与常温相差不多,热处理状态对该区影响甚大,升温率有一定影响; 在高温区,材料强度大大降低,其数值随温度变化不大,不同升温速率的影响及热处理状态影响消失; 在中温区,材料性能随温度升高呈现快速下降趋势,热处理状态对材料性能影响大,不同升温率对材料性能影响不大。


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A liquid bridge of a floating half zone consisting of liquid mercury sealed in a glass tube with nitrogen atmosphere was used for the experiment of thermocapillary convection with a low Prandtl number liquid. A non-contacted diagnostic method was developed to monitor the surface flow and the surface oscillation. A growing surface film (or skin) is a crucial source to suppress thermocapillary convection, and is discussed in this paper. For the case of a mercury Liquid bridge, the critical Marangoni number was obtained as 900, and the oscillatory frequency was around 5 Hz.


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Developing guidelines for sustainable freshwater aquaculture planning in Vietnam. Aquaculture production, certification and trade: Challenges and opportunities for the small-scale farmer in Asia. The successful development of backyard hatcheries for crustaceans in Thailand. Alternate carp species for diversification in freshwater aquaculture in India. Genetic and reproduction technologies for enhanced aquaculture and fisheries management of Murray cod. Effluent and disease management in traditional practices of shrimp farming: A case study on the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia. Status of sahar domestication and its development in the Himalayan Region of Nepal. Vaccination benefits highlighted as Schering-Plough reinforces commitment to Asian aquaculture. Comparative advantage analysis of shrimp production in Asia. Strategies to improve livelihood of the rural poor: A case study in two small reservoirs in Binh Phuoc Province, Vietnam. Cambodian Government ban on snakehead farming enforced. Marine finfish aquaculture developments at ‘Indonesian Aquaculture 2007’. Production update – marine finfish aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region. Body size of rotifers from estuaries in North Sulawesi. NACA Newsletter.


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A pesquisa procura identificar e analisar as circunstâncias e motivações teóricas que levaram ao surgimento, no final do século XIX, da área de estudo denominada Documentação. Apresenta informações biográficas sobre os principais artífices deste projeto, os advogados e bibliógrafos belgas, Paul Otlet e Henri La Fontaine, que visaram ampliar a compreensão sobre o meio social e cultural em que atuaram. Procura ampliar a discussão sobre os fatores que motivaram em 1895 a proposta de organização racional de toda a produção intelectual do homem. Apresenta em linhas gerais a visão abrangente e integradora da Documentação que eliminando barreiras físicas, acessava acervos arquivísticos, bibliográficos e museológicos para o registro integral dos assuntos pesquisados. Discute a utilização da Classificação Decimal de Dewey (CDD) na criação do Repertório Bibliográfico Universal e analisa o processo que levou ao surgimento da Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU). Conclui sugerindo a inclusão desta visão extensiva e integradora da documentação ao referencial teórico da Ciência da Informação. Sugere que o resgate deste aporte teórico poderá contribuir para um melhor enfrentamento dos problemas da gestão do conhecimento registrado, produzido e acumulado até os dias atuais, nos mais diversos formatos, suportes e repositórios.


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An assessment of the status of the Atlantic stock of red drum is conducted using recreational and commercial data from 1986 through 1998. This assessment updates data and analyses from the 1989, 1991, 1992 and 1995 stock assessments on Atlantic coast red drum (Vaughan and Helser, 1990; Vaughan 1992; 1993; 1996). Since 1981, coastwide recreational catches ranged between 762,300 pounds in 1980 and 2,623,900 pounds in 1984, while commercial landings ranged between 60,900 pounds in 1997 and 422,500 pounds in 1984. In weight of fish caught, Atlantic red drum constitute predominantly a recreational fishery (ranging between 85 and 95% during the 1990s). Commercially, red drum continue to be harvested as part of mixed species fisheries. Using available length-frequency distributions and age-length keys, recreational and commercial catches are converted to catch in numbers at age. Separable and tuned virtual population analyses are conducted on the catch in numbers at age to obtain estimates of fishing mortality rates and population size (including recruitment to age 1). In tum, these estimates of fishing mortality rates combined with estimates of growth (length and weight), sex ratios, sexual maturity and fecundity are used to estimate yield per recruit, escapement to age 4, and static (or equilibrium) spawning potential ratio (static SPR, based on both female biomass and egg production). Three virtual analysis approaches (separable, spreadsheet, and FADAPT) were applied to catch matrices for two time periods (early: 1986-1991, and late: 1992-1998) and two regions (Northern: North Carolina and north, and Southern: South Carolina through east coast of Florida). Additional catch matrices were developed based on different treatments for the catch-and-release recreationally-caught red drum (B2-type). These approaches included assuming 0% mortality (BASEO) versus 10% mortality for B2 fish. For the 10% mortality on B2 fish, sizes were assumed the same as caught fish (BASEl), or positive difference in size distribution between the early period and the later period (DELTA), or intermediate (PROP). Hence, a total of 8 catch matrices were developed (2 regions, and 4 B2 assumptions for 1986-1998) to which the three VPA approaches were applied. The question of when offshore emigration or reduced availability begins (during or after age 3) continues to be a source of bias that tends to result in overestimates of fishing mortality. Additionally, the continued assumption (Vaughan and Helser, 1990; Vaughan 1992; 1993; 1996) of no fishing mortality on adults (ages 6 and older), causes a bias that results in underestimates of fishing mortality for adult ages (0 versus some positive value). Because of emigration and the effect of the slot limit for the later period, a range in relative exploitations of age 3 to age 2 red drum was considered. Tuning indices were developed from the MRFSS, and state indices for use in the spreadsheet and FADAPT VPAs. The SAFMC Red Drum Assessment Group (Appendix A) favored the FADAPT approach with catch matrix based on DELTA and a selectivity for age 3 relative to age 2 of 0.70 for the northern region and 0.87 for the southern region. In the northern region, estimates of static SPR increased from about 1.3% for the period 1987-1991 to approximately 18% (15% and 20%) for the period 1992-1998. For the southern region, estimates of static SPR increased from about 0.5% for the period 1988-1991 to approximately 15% for the period 1992-1998. Population models used in this assessment (specifically yield per recruit and static spawning potential ratio) are based on equilibrium assumptions: because no direct estimates are available as to the current status of the adult stock, model results imply potential longer term, equilibrium effects. Because current status of the adult stock is unknown, a specific rebuilding schedule cannot be determined. However, the duration of a rebuilding schedule should reflect, in part, a measure of the generation time of the fish species under consideration. For a long-lived, but relatively early spawning, species as red drum, mean generation time would be on the order of 15 to 20 years based on age-specific egg production. Maximum age is 50 to 60 years for the northern region, and about 40 years for the southern region. The ASMFC Red Drum Board's first phase recovery goal of increasing %SPR to at least 10% appears to have been met. (PDF contains 79 pages)


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