717 resultados para controllers
A computer-based sliding mode control (SMC) is analysed. The control law is accomplished using a computer and A/D and D/A converters. Two SMC designs are presented. The first one is a continuous-time conventional SMC design, with a variable structure law, which does not take into consideration the sampling period. The second one is a discrete-time SMC design, with a smooth sliding law, which does not have a structure variable and takes into consideration the sampling period. Both techniques are applied to control an inverted pendulum system. The performance of both the continuous-time and discrete-time controllers are compared. Simulations and experimental results are shown and the effectiveness of the proposed techniques is analysed.
Relaxed conditions for stability of nonlinear, continuous and discrete-time systems given by fuzzy models are presented. A theoretical analysis shows that the proposed methods provide better or at least the same results of the methods presented in the literature. Numerical results exemplify this fact. These results are also used for fuzzy regulators and observers designs. The nonlinear systems are represented by fuzzy models proposed by Takagi and Sugeno. The stability analysis and the design of controllers are described by linear matrix inequalities, that can be solved efficiently using convex programming techniques. The specification of the decay rate, constrains on control input and output are also discussed.
In almost all cases, the goal of the design of automatic control systems is to obtain the parameters of the controllers, which are described by differential equations. In general, the controller is artificially built and it is possible to update its initial conditions. In the design of optimal quadratic regulators, the initial conditions of the controller can be changed in an optimal way and they can improve the performance of the controlled system. Following this idea, a LNU-based design procedure to update the initial conditions of PI controllers, considering the nonlinear plant described by Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models, is presented. The importance of the proposed method is that it also allows other specifications, such as, the decay rate and constraints on control input and output. The application in the control of an inverted pendulum illustrates the effectively of proposed method.
Neste trabalho é proposta uma metodologia de rastreamento de sinais e rejeição de distúrbios aplicada a sistemas não-lineares. Para o projeto do sistema de rastreamento, projeta-se os controladores fuzzy M(a) e N(a) que minimizam o limitante superior da norma H∞ entre o sinal de referência r(t) e o sinal de erro de rastreamento e(t), sendo e(t) a diferença entre a entrada de referência e a saída do sistema z(t). No método de rejeição de distúrbio utiliza-se a realimentação dinâmica da saída através de um controlador fuzzy Kc(a) que minimiza o limitante superior da norma H∞ entre o sinal de entrada exógena w(t) e o sinal de saída z(t). O procedimento de projeto proposto considera as não-linearidades da planta através dos modelos fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno. Os métodos são equacionados utilizando-se inequações matriciais lineares (LMIs), que quando factíveis, podem ser facilmente solucionados por algoritmos de convergência polinomial. Por fim, um exemplo ilustra a viabilidade da metodologia proposta.
Variable-Structure Control Design of Switched Systems With an Application to a DC-DC Power Converter
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work presents the application of the Decentralized Modal Control method for pole placement in multimachine power systems utilizing FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems), STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) and UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller) devices. For this, these devices are equipped with supplementary damping controllers, denominated POD ( Power Oscillation Damping), achieving a coordinated project with local controllers (Power System Stabilizers - PSS). Comparative analysis on the function of damping of the FACTS, STATCOM and UPFC is performed using the New England System that has 10 generators, 39 buses and 46 transmission lines. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, the use of differential evolution ( DE), a global search technique inspired by evolutionary theory, to find the parameters that are required to achieve optimum dynamic response of parallel operation of inverters with no interconnection among the controllers is proposed. Basically, in order to reach such a goal, the system is modeled in a certain way that the slopes of P-omega and Q-V curves are the parameters to be tuned. Such parameters, when properly tuned, result in system's eigenvalues located in positions that assure the system's stability and oscillation-free dynamic response with minimum settling time. This paper describes the modeling approach and provides an overview of the motivation for the optimization and a description of the DE technique. Simulation and experimental results are also presented, and they show the viability of the proposed method.
The study of algorithms for active vibration control in smart structures is an area of interest, mainly due to the demand for better performance of mechanical systems, such as aircraft and aerospace structures. Smart structures, formed using actuators and sensors, can improve the dynamic performance with the application of several kinds of controllers. This article describes the application of a technique based on linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to design an active control system. The positioning of the actuators, the design of a robust state feedback controller and the design of an observer are all achieved using LMI. The following are considered in the controller design: limited actuator input, bounded output (energy) and robustness to parametric uncertainties. Active vibration control of a flat plate is chosen as an application example. The model is identified using experimental data by an eigensystem realization algorithm (ERA) and the placement of the two piezoelectric actuators and single sensor is determined using a finite element model (FEM) and an optimization procedure. A robust controller for active damping is designed using an LMI framework, and a reduced model with observation and control spillover effects is implemented using a computer. The simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the approach, and show that the control system increases the damping in some of the modes.
PLCs (acronym for Programmable Logic Controllers) perform control operations, receiving information from the environment, processing it and modifying this same environment according to the results produced. They are commonly used in industry in several applications, from mass transport to petroleum industry. As the complexity of these applications increase, and as various are safety critical, a necessity for ensuring that they are reliable arouses. Testing and simulation are the de-facto methods used in the industry to do so, but they can leave flaws undiscovered. Formal methods can provide more confidence in an application s safety, once they permit their mathematical verification. We make use of the B Method, which has been successfully applied in the formal verification of industrial systems, is supported by several tools and can handle decomposition, refinement, and verification of correctness according to the specification. The method we developed and present in this work automatically generates B models from PLC programs and verify them in terms of safety constraints, manually derived from the system requirements. The scope of our method is the PLC programming languages presented in the IEC 61131-3 standard, although we are also able to verify programs not fully compliant with the standard. Our approach aims to ease the integration of formal methods in the industry through the abbreviation of the effort to perform formal verification in PLCs
The robustness and performance of the Variable Structure Adaptive Pole Placement Controller are evaluated in this work, where this controller is applied to control a synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus. The evaluation of the robustness of this controller will be accomplished through simulations, where the control algorithm was subjected to adverse conditions, such as: disturbances, parametric variations and unmodeled dynamic. It was also made a comparison of this control strategy with another one, using classic controllers. In the simulations, it is used a coupled model of the synchronous generator which variables have a high degree of coupling, in other words, if there is a change in the input variables of the generator, it will change all outputs simultaneously. The simulation results show which control strategy performs better and is more robust to disturbances, parametric variations and unmodeled dynamics for the control of Synchronous Generator
The separation methods are reduced applications as a result of the operational costs, the low output and the long time to separate the uids. But, these treatment methods are important because of the need for extraction of unwanted contaminants in the oil production. The water and the concentration of oil in water should be minimal (around 40 to 20 ppm) in order to take it to the sea. Because of the need of primary treatment, the objective of this project is to study and implement algorithms for identification of polynomial NARX (Nonlinear Auto-Regressive with Exogenous Input) models in closed loop, implement a structural identification, and compare strategies using PI control and updated on-line NARX predictive models on a combination of three-phase separator in series with three hydro cyclones batteries. The main goal of this project is to: obtain an optimized process of phase separation that will regulate the system, even in the presence of oil gushes; Show that it is possible to get optimized tunings for controllers analyzing the mesh as a whole, and evaluate and compare the strategies of PI and predictive control applied to the process. To accomplish these goals a simulator was used to represent the three phase separator and hydro cyclones. Algorithms were developed for system identification (NARX) using RLS(Recursive Least Square), along with methods for structure models detection. Predictive Control Algorithms were also implemented with NARX model updated on-line, and optimization algorithms using PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). This project ends with a comparison of results obtained from the use of PI and predictive controllers (both with optimal state through the algorithm of cloud particles) in the simulated system. Thus, concluding that the performed optimizations make the system less sensitive to external perturbations and when optimized, the two controllers show similar results with the assessment of predictive control somewhat less sensitive to disturbances
This research aims at developing a variable structure adaptive backstepping controller (VS-ABC) by using state observers for SISO (Single Input Single Output), linear and time invariant systems with relative degree one. Therefore, the lters were replaced by a Luenberger Adaptive Observer and the control algorithm uses switching laws. The presented simulations compare the controller performance, considering when the state variables are estimated by an observer, with the case that the variables are available for measurement. Even with numerous performance advantages, adaptive backstepping controllers still have very complex algorithms, especially when the system state variables are not measured, since the use of lters on the plant input and output is not something trivial. As an attempt to make the controller design more intuitive, an adaptive observer as an alternative to commonly used K lters can be used. Furthermore, since the states variables are considered known, the controller has a reduction on the dependence of the unknown plant parameters on the design. Also, switching laws could be used in the controller instead of the traditional integral adaptive laws because they improve the system transient performance and increase the robustness against external disturbances in the plant input
This paper presents the control and synchronization of chaos by designing linear feedback controllers. The linear feedback control problem for nonlinear systems has been formulated under optimal control theory viewpoint. Asymptotic stability of the closed-loop nonlinear system is guaranteed by means of a Lyapunov function which can clearly be seen to be the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation thus guaranteeing both stability and optimality. The formulated theorem expresses explicitly the form of minimized functional and gives the sufficient conditions that allow using the linear feedback control for nonlinear system. The numerical simulations were provided in order to show the effectiveness of this method for the control of the chaotic Rossler system and synchronization of the hyperchaotic Rossler system. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Studies of cooking-generated NO2 effects are rare in occupational epidemiology. In the present study, we evaluated the lung function of professional cooks exposed to NO2 in hospital kitchens. We performed spirometry in 37 cooks working in four hospital kitchens and estimated the predicted FVC, FEV1 and FEF25-75, based on age, sex, race, weight, and height, according to Knudson standards. NO2 measurements were obtained for 4 consecutive days during 4 different periods at 20-day intervals in each kitchen. Measurements were performed inside and outside the kitchens, simultaneously using Palm diffusion tubes. A time/exposure indicator was defined as representative of the cumulative exposure of each cook. No statistically significant effect of NO2 exposure on FVC was found. Each year of work as a cook corresponded to a decrease in predicted FEV1 of 2.5% (P = 0.046) for the group as a whole. When smoking status and asthma were included in the analysis the effect of time/exposure decreased about 10% and lost statistical significance. on predicted FEF25-75, a decrease of 3.5% (P = 0.035) was observed for the same group and the inclusion of controllers for smoking status and asthma did not affect the effects of time/exposure on pulmonary function parameter. After a 10-year period of work as cooks the participants of the study may present decreases in both predicted FEV1 and FEF25-75 that can reach 20 and 30%, respectively. The present study showed small but statistically significant adverse effects of gas stove exposure on the lung function of professional cooks.
BaTiO3 is usually doped to achieve the temperature stability required by device applications, as well as to obtain a large positive temperature coefficient anomaly of resistivity (PTCR). Uniform distribution of dopants among the submicron dielectric particles is the key for optimal control of grain size and microstructure to maintain a high reliability. The system Ba0.84Pb0.16TiO3 was synthesized from high purity BaCO3, TiO2, PbO oxide powders as raw materials. Sb2O3, MnSO4 and ZnO were used as dopants and Al2O3, TiO2 and SiO2 as grain growth controllers. Phase composition was analyzed by using XRD and the microstructure was investigated by SEM. EDS attached to SEM was used to analyze phase composition specially related to abnormal grain growth. Electrical resistivities were measured as a function of temperature and the PTCR effect characterized by an abrupt increase on resistivity.