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Hip-hopin juuret juontavat 1970-luvulle Yhdysvaltoihin, mutta hip-hop-kulttuuri ja musiikkityyli ovat sen jälkeen levinneet ympäri maailmaa osana globalisaatiokehitystä. Myös monet nuoret muslimit tekevät nykyään hip-hop-musiikkia, ja yhä useampi tuo myös sanoituksiinsa vaikutteita Islamista ja elämästään muslimina. Musiikin asema on islamissa varsin kiistelty, eikä sitä ole selvästi sallittu (halal) tai kielletty (haram) muslimeilta. Muslimien tekemää hip-hoppia on toistaiseksi tutkittu hyvin vähän. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan diskurssianalyysin keinoin, miten tapaustutkimuksena toimivalla muslimhiphop.com-internetsivustolla argumentoidaan ja konstruoidaan käsityksiä muslimi-identiteetistä. Teoreettisena ja analyyttisenä viitekehyksenä toimii sosiaalikonstruktivistinen näkemys identiteetistä kontekstisidonnaisena sekä puheessa ja teksteissä diskursiivisesti rakentuvana. Tutkielma kyseenalaistaa aiempien tutkimusten oletuksen hip-hopista vaikutuksiltaan yksinomaan positiivisena muslimi-identiteetille sekä muslimeja yhdentävänä tekijänä. Aineisto on kerätty edellä mainitulta sivustolta syksyn 2010 ja kevään 2011 aikana, josta analyysiin on rajattu vain itse sivusto ja sen hip-hoppia käsittelevät osiot. Sivusto ja sen perustaja ovat yhdysvaltalaisia, mutta sivustolla esiteltävien artistien tausta on hyvin monikulttuurinen. Moni on myös maahanmuuttajana nykyisessä kotimaassaan. Aineistossa esiintyviä teemoja ja diskursseja eritellään ja analysoidaan tutkielmassa lainauksien avulla. Sivuston periaatteissa ja artistien esillepääsyn kriteereissä määritellään tarkasti asennoituminen Islamin ja musiikin yhdistämiseen: mikäli sanoitukset ja artistit noudattavat Islamin oppeja, on muslimin sallittua tehdä ja kuunnella tällaista musiikkia. Islam-aiheisen hip-hopin perustellaan olevan ennen kaikkea vaihtoehto valtavirran hip-hopille, jota konstruoidaan aineistossa moraalisesti arveluttavaksi. Hip-hopille sekä muslimeille sallittuja ja kiellettyjä elementtejä erottelevan halal-haram-diskurssin ohella aineistosta nousee esiin opetusdiskurssi. Muslimien tekemän hip-hopin perustellaan edistävän Islamin opettamista erityisesti nuorille muslimeille ja siten vahvistavan positiivista muslimi-identiteettiä. Myös positiivisen muutoksen diskurssia käytetään aineistossa runsaasti liittyen mm. muslimiyhteisöihin sekä muslimeihin kohdistuviin taloudellisiin ja sosiaalipoliittisiin epäkohtiin ja stereotypioihin; musiikin sisältöä ja sen tekemistä perustellaan sen voimalla muuttaa asioita parempaan suuntaan. Monet muslimiartistit kamppailevat yhdistääkseen toisaalta Islamin ja taiteellisen luovuuden ja ilmaisuvapauden, toisaalta menestyäkseen kaupallisesti unohtamatta uskonnollista vakaumustaan. Monilla heistä hip-hop on ollut vahvasti läsnä kasvuympäristössä, mutta sen yhdistäminen Islamin periaatteisiin aiheuttaa kysymyksiä ja kyseenalaistuksia oman musiikillisen ja uskonnollisen identiteetin muodosta ja sisällöstä. Aineiston perusteella monet muslimiartistit ja Islam-aiheista hip-hoppia kuuntelevat muslimit joutuvat jatkuvasti puolustamaan musiikkia siihen kielteisesti suhtautuville muslimeille sekä ei-muslimeille, jotka vierastavat sen uskonnollisuutta. Muslimi-identiteettiä neuvotellaan jatkuvasti, ja se näyttäytyy aineistossa moniulotteisena ja tilanteisesti rakentuvana. Avainsanat: Muslimit, Islam, hip-hop, identiteetti, Internet, diskurssi, diskurssianalyysi
A strategy for the modular construction of synthetic protein mimics based on the ability non-protein amino acids to act as stereochemical directors of polypeptide chain folding, is described. The use of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) to construct stereochemically rigid helices has been exemplified by crystallographic and spectroscopic studies of several apolar peptides, ranging in length from seven to sixteen residues. The problem of linker design in elaborating alpha,alpha motifs has been considered. Analysis of protein crystal structure data provides a guide to choosing linking sequences. Attempts at constructing linked helical motifs using linking Gly-Pro segments have been described. The use of flexible linkers, like epsilon-aminocaproic acid has been examined and the crystallographic and solution state analysis of a linked helix motif has been presented. The use of bulky sidechain modifications on a helical scaffold, as a means of generating putative binding sites has been exemplified by a crystal structure of a peptide packed in a parallel zipper arrangement.
A common synthetic approach to the recently reported sesquiterpene kelsoene 1 and the tetraterpene poduran 5, bearing a novel tricyclo[,6)]decane framework, from commercially available 1,5-COD and leading to the first construction of the carbocyclic core present in these natural products is delineated.
This paper reports the results of employing an artificial bee colony search algorithm for synthesizing a mutually coupled lumped-parameter ladder-network representation of a transformer winding, starting from its measured magnitude frequency response. The existing bee colony algorithm is suitably adopted by appropriately defining constraints, inequalities, and bounds to restrict the search space and thereby ensure synthesis of a nearly unique ladder network corresponding to each frequency response. Ensuring near-uniqueness while constructing the reference circuit (i.e., representation of healthy winding) is the objective. Furthermore, the synthesized circuits must exhibit physical realizability. The proposed method is easy to implement, time efficient, and problems associated with the supply of initial guess in existing methods are circumvented. Experimental results are reported on two types of actual, single, and isolated transformer windings (continuous disc and interleaved disc).
This paper reports the results of employing an artificial bee colony search algorithm for synthesizing a mutually coupled lumped-parameter ladder-network representation of a transformer winding, starting from its measured magnitude frequency response. The existing bee colony algorithm is suitably adopted by appropriately defining constraints, inequalities, and bounds to restrict the search space and thereby ensure synthesis of a nearly unique ladder network corresponding to each frequency response. Ensuring near-uniqueness while constructing the reference circuit (i.e., representation of healthy winding) is the objective. Furthermore, the synthesized circuits must exhibit physical realizability. The proposed method is easy to implement, time efficient, and problems associated with the supply of initial guess in existing methods are circumvented. Experimental results are reported on two types of actual, single, and isolated transformer windings (continuous disc and interleaved disc).
Background information. The pathology causing stages of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum reside within red blood cells that are devoid of any regulated transport system. The parasite, therefore, is entirely responsible for mediating vesicular transport within itself and in the infected erythrocyte cytoplasm, and it does so in part via its family of 11 Rab GTPases. Putative functions have been ascribed to Plasmodium Rabs due to their homology with Rabs of yeast, particularly with Saccharomyces that has an equivalent number of rab/ypt genes and where analyses of Ypt function is well characterized. Results. Rabs are important regulators of vesicular traffic due to their capacity to recruit specific effectors. In order to identify P. falciparum Rab (PfRab) effectors, we first built a Ypt-interactome by exploiting genetic and physical binding data available at the Saccharomyces genome database (SGD). We then constructed a PfRab-interactome using putative parasite Rab-effectors identified by homology to Ypt-effectors. We demonstrate its potential by wet-bench testing three predictions; that casein kinase-1 (PfCK1) is a specific Rab5B interacting protein and that the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PfPKA-C) is a PfRab5A and PfRab7 effector. Conclusions. The establishment of a shared set of physical Ypt/PfRab-effector proteins sheds light on a core set Plasmodium Rab-interactants shared with yeast. The PfRab-interactome should benefit vesicular trafficking studies in malaria parasites. The recruitment of PfCK1 to PfRab5B+ and PfPKA-C to PfRab5A+ and PfRab7+ vesicles, respectively, suggests that PfRab-recruited kinases potentially play a role in early and late endosome function in malaria parasites.
Construction of high rate Space Time Block Codes (STBCs) with low decoding complexity has been studied widely using techniques such as sphere decoding and non Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoders such as the QR decomposition decoder with M paths (QRDM decoder). Recently Ren et al., presented a new class of STBCs known as the block orthogonal STBCs (BOSTBCs), which could be exploited by the QRDM decoders to achieve significant decoding complexity reduction without performance loss. The block orthogonal property of the codes constructed was however only shown via simulations. In this paper, we give analytical proofs for the block orthogonal structure of various existing codes in literature including the codes constructed in the paper by Ren et al. We show that codes formed as the sum of Clifford Unitary Weight Designs (CUWDs) or Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (CIODs) exhibit block orthogonal structure. We also provide new construction of block orthogonal codes from Cyclic Division Algebras (CDAs) and Crossed-Product Algebras (CPAs). In addition, we show how the block orthogonal property of the STBCs can be exploited to reduce the decoding complexity of a sphere decoder using a depth first search approach. Simulation results of the decoding complexity show a 30% reduction in the number of floating point operations (FLOPS) of BOSTBCs as compared to STBCs without the block orthogonal structure.
This paper presents the case history of the construction of a 3 m high embankment on the geocell foundation over the soft settled red mud. Red mud is a waste product from the Bayer process of Aluminum industry. Geotechnical problems of the site, the design of the geocell foundation based on experimental investigation and the construction sequences of the geocell foundations in the field are discussed in the paper. Based on the experimental studies, an analytical model was also developed to estimate the load carrying capacity of the soft clay bed reinforced with geocell and combination of geocell and geogrid. The results of the experimental and analytical studies revealed that the use of combination of geocell and the geogrid is always beneficial than using the geocell alone. Hence, the combination of geocell and geogrid was recommended to stabilize the embankment base. The reported embankment is located in Lanjigharh (Orissa) in India. Construction of the embankment on the geocell foundation has already been completed. The constructed embankmenthas already sustained two monsoon rains without any cracks and seepage. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In continuation of our interest in pyrazole based multifunctional metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), we report herein the construction of a series of Co(II) MOFs using a bis-pyrazole ligand and various benzene polycarboxylic acids. Employment of different acids has resulted in different architectures ranging from a two-dimensional grid network, porous nanochannels with interesting double helical features such as supramolecular chicken wire, to three-dimensional diamondoid networks. One of the distinguishing features of the network is their larger dimensions which can be directly linked to a relatively larger size of the ligand molecule. Conformational flexibility of the ligand also plays a decisive role in determining both the dimensionality and topology of the final structure. Furthermore, chirality associated with helical networks and magnetic properties of two MOFs have also been investigated.
Consider the domain E in defined by This is called the tetrablock. This paper constructs explicit boundary normal dilation for a triple (A, B, P) of commuting bounded operators which has as a spectral set. We show that the dilation is minimal and unique under a certain natural condition. As is well-known, uniqueness of minimal dilation usually does not hold good in several variables, e.g., Ando's dilation is known to be not unique, see Li and Timotin (J Funct Anal 154:1-16, 1998). However, in the case of the tetrablock, the third component of the dilation can be chosen in such a way as to ensure uniqueness.