968 resultados para common sense reasoning
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Includes bibliography
O presente trabalho trata da análise teórica da plurifuncionalidade da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN) no meio ambiente, que se sustenta como um dever de solidariedade agroambiental. O trabalho foi dividido em três partes, cada uma com dois capítulos, que foram desenvolvidos inicialmente com o estabelecimento do contexto em que se encontram os assuntos abordados, e finalizados com observações acerca das principais ideias estudadas, até a elaboração de considerações finais, que demonstram os resultados alcançados pelo trabalho. Utiliza-se a metodologia teórica e o raciocínio indutivo-crítico, pois se parte do estudo de um fenômeno individualizado, a SAN, para se prejetarem hipóteses que considerem seus efeitos e interações com o meio ambiente natural, para ao final buscar generalizar as soluções encontradas, notadamente a solidariedade em sua dimensão de dever jurídico. Procura-se sustentar a argumentação com obras de referência bibliográficas e outras produções científicas de entidades nacionais e estrangeiras. Discute-se introdutoriamente alguns motivos que levaram à realização da tese, quais sejam os graves problemas que envolvem a alimentação humana na contemporaneidade, destaca sua aproximação com os direitos humanos, especialmente com o princípio da solidariedade e suas características de transdisciplinaridade metodológica, que gera necessariamente efeitos em vários outros campos do conhecimento. São revisados criticamente conceitos firmados pela Organização das Nações Unidas para Agricultura e Alimentação (FAO), especialmente os referentes ao direito à alimentação, direito a estar alimentado, soberania alimentar, Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN), desnutrição, subnutrição e má nutrição. Considera-se a SAN em sua dimensão plurifuncional porque implica necessariamente em repercussões éticas e jurídicas no âmbito dos direitos humanos, a partir da ideia teórica da solidariedade, que é estudada desde a sua formação antiga, quando associada à virtude, até à modernidade e a aproximação com a política e o direito, entendida no presente como princípio que sustenta o dever jurídico ligado à gestão racional de bens ambientais voltados à alimentação, delimitados em especial no direito agroambiental, percebendo-se a solidariedade então como fundamento de direitos, valor superior qualificada pela fraternidade, e ao mesmo tempo prevista em documentos internacionais de direitos humanos e em diversas constituições. Os interesses difusos são necessariamente examinados, pois a SAN é um interesse geral da sociedade humana, e implica na preservação dos bens ambientais alimentares, considerados indivisíveis na visão solidária, que deve ser integrada aos valores liberdade e igualdade, tornando-os princípios com interpretação mais humana, limitando seu exercício absoluto e ainda justificando-os. A ideia de solidariedade faz com que seja possível chegar aos direitos partindo do dever agroambiental e, diante das várias correntes teóricas que tratam do dever jurídico, considera-se que seja autônomo em relação ao direito subjetivo, mas traduzindo deveres ligados a finalidades sociais, de interesse público, que se manifestam em ambiente democrático, podendo o dever agroambiental ser considerado fenômeno com raízes de ética pública, com elevados valores ambientais, decisivos em sua dimensão jurídica de obrigações e responsabilidades, de todos em relação a todos, inclusive com normas objetivas nacionais e internacionais de proteção de bens agroambientais. Sustenta-se que nesse sentido a ética pública ligada à ética ambiental pode ser decisiva na observância ao direito, para além do convencimento meramente externo, mas enquanto manifestação também interna, ética, que carrega de sentido o dever jurídico solidário ligado à plurifuncionalidade da SAN. Também são elaboradas críticas à tradicional argumentação acerca dos direitos das gerações futuras, pela imprecisão e incerteza científica que os cinge, afastando-os da possibilidade de figurarem como objeto do direito, para assentar que os direitos de que se falam são precisamente traduzidos como deveres das gerações presentes, sendo estes deveres o vínculo jurídico entre gerações sucessivas. Nesse sentido, a solidariedade intergeracional passa a ter um liame jurídico contínuo, estudado através da teoria dos direitos fundamentais, o que lhe confere como característica a fluidez entre as gerações, e que por isso exige o aproveitamento racional dos recursos ambientais naturais, amparado nos princípios da precaução e informação, na ética da responsabilidade dirigida a todas as gerações, que demanda a incorporação de longo tempo nas ações humanas, que possibilite a ampla educação ambiental, e o desenvolvimento do pensamento altruísta, transtemporal, que considere problemas ambientais transfonteiriços e os bens ambientais naturais finitos, sendo indispensável conscientização da geração presente e de sua classe política para a afirmação da solidariedade. Estuda-se ainda que o dever de gestão racional dos bens ambientais naturais alimentares é dever de solidariedade, pois se considera que cada indivíduo usa uma parcela imaterial e indivisa desse bem coletivo, que pode ser público ou privado, mas que se sujeita à solidariedade. Nesse contexto só prevalece o direito de propriedade, em relação aos seus atributos tradicionais, se o objetivo comum de preservação dos bens ambientais alimentares não fornecer uma justificativa suficiente para impor readequação da atividade, abstenção de conduta, ou mesmo medidas sancionadoras decorrentes de responsabilização objetiva. Finalmente, enquanto contribuição científica, o trabalho apresenta um ensaio para a construção das características do dever de solidariedade agroambiental, quais sejam, o seu objeto e os sujeitos, a sua estrutura, que abrange a natureza das obrigações dele decorrente, e o regime principiológico. A conclusão geral apresentada é que o dever de solidariedade agroambiental, demonstrado sua ocorrência pela plurifuncionalidade da SAN, corresponde à ideia de justiça e moralidade política, fenômeno no qual é percebida intensa conexão entre o direito e a ética ambiental, compreensão relevante para resolução de conflitos que envolvam alimentação humana e a utilização de bens ambientais naturais.
Chlorophyll determination with a portable chlorophyll meter can indicate the period of highest N demand of plants and whether sidedressing is required or not. In this sense, defining the optimal timing of N application to common bean is fundamental to increase N use efficiency, increase yields and reduce the cost of fertilization. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficiency of N sufficiency index (NSI) calculated based on the relative chlorophyll index (RCI) in leaves, measured with a portable chlorophyll meter, as an indicator of time of N sidedressing fertilization and to verify which NSI (90 and 95 %) value is the most appropriate to indicate the moment of N fertilization of common bean cultivar Perola. The experiment was carried out in the rainy and dry growing seasons of the agricultural year 2009/10 on a dystroferric Red Nitosol, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with five treatments, consisting of N managements (M1: 200 kg ha-1 N (40 kg at sowing + 80 kg 15 days after emergence (DAE) + 80 kg 30 DAE); M2: 100 kg ha-1 N (20 kg at sowing + 40 kg 15 DAE + 40 kg 30 DAE); M3: 20 kg ha-1 N at sowing + 30 kg ha-1 when chlorophyll meter readings indicated NSI < 95 %; M4: 20 kg ha-1 N at sowing + 30 kg ha-1 N when chlorophyll meter readings indicated NSI < 90 % and, M5: control (without N application)) and four replications. The variables RCI, aboveground dry matter, total leaf N concentration, production components, grain yield, relative yield, and N use efficiency were evaluated. The RCI correlated with leaf N concentrations. By monitoring the RCI with the chlorophyll meter, the period of N sidedressing of common bean could be defined, improving N use efficiency and avoiding unnecessary N supply to common bean. The NSI 90 % of the reference area was more efficient to define the moment of N sidedressing of common bean, to increase N use efficiency.
This paper shows a physically cogent model for electrical noise in resistors that has been obtained from Thermodynamical reasons. This new model derived from the works of Johnson and Nyquist also agrees with the Quantum model for noisy systems handled by Callen and Welton in 1951, thus unifying these two Physical viewpoints. This new model is a Complex or 2-D noise model based on an Admittance that considers both Fluctuation and Dissipation of electrical energy to excel the Real or 1-D model in use that only considers Dissipation. By the two orthogonal currents linked with a common voltage noise by an Admittance function, the new model is shown in frequency domain. Its use in time domain allows to see the pitfall behind a paradox of Statistical Mechanics about systems considered as energy-conserving and deterministic on the microscale that are dissipative and unpredictable on the macroscale and also shows how to use properly the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem.
Context: This paper addresses one of the major end-user development (EUD) challenges, namely, how to pack today?s EUD support tools with composable elements. This would give end users better access to more components which they can use to build a solution tailored to their own needs. The success of later end-user software engineering (EUSE) activities largely depends on how many components each tool has and how adaptable components are to multiple problem domains. Objective: A system for automatically adapting heterogeneous components to a common development environment would offer a sizeable saving of time and resources within the EUD support tool construction process. This paper presents an automated adaptation system for transforming EUD components to a standard format. Method: This system is based on the use of description logic. Based on a generic UML2 data model, this description logic is able to check whether an end-user component can be transformed to this modeling language through subsumption or as an instance of the UML2 model. Besides it automatically finds a consistent, non-ambiguous and finite set of XSLT mappings to automatically prepare data in order to leverage the component as part of a tool that conforms to the target UML2 component model. Results: The proposed system has been successfully applied to components from four prominent EUD tools. These components were automatically converted to a standard format. In order to validate the proposed system, rich internet applications (RIA) used as an operational support system for operators at a large services company were developed using automatically adapted standard format components. These RIAs would be impossible to develop using each EUD tool separately. Conclusion: The positive results of applying our system for automatically adapting components from current tool catalogues are indicative of the system?s effectiveness. Use of this system could foster the growth of web EUD component catalogues, leveraging a vast ecosystem of user-centred SaaS to further current EUSE trends.
Si hubiese un denominador común entre todas las artes en lo que ha venido llamándose postmodernidad, éste tendría mucho que ver con el final del origen de la obra. Desde la literatura y la música hasta las artes plásticas y la arquitectura, la superación de la modernidad ha estado caracterizada por la sustitución del concepto de creación por el de intervención artística, o lo que es lo mismo, la interpretación de lo que ya existe. A principios del siglo XX los conceptos modernos de creación y origen implicaban tener que desaprender y olvidar todo lo anterior con el ánimo de partir desde cero; incluso en un sentido material Mies sugería la construcción literal de la materia y su movimiento de acuerdo a unas leyes. A partir de la segunda mitad de siglo los planteamientos historicistas empezaron a surgir como reacción ante la amnesia y la supuesta originalidad de los modernos. En este contexto surgen los libros Learning from Las Vegas, 1972 y Delirious New York, 1978, ambos deudores en muchos aspectos con el anterior libro de Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 1966. Estos dos libros sobre ciudades, alejándose decididamente de las tendencias historicistas de la época, proponían utilizar el análisis crítico de la realidad existente como vehículo para la teoría y el proyecto de manera simultánea, convirtiéndose indirectamente en Manifiestos. Si en un primer momento Venturi, Rossi y otros planteaban acabar con los límites formales establecidos por la modernidad, así como por cualquiera de los cánones anteriores, tomando la totalidad de la obra construida como sistema de referencia, - al igual que hiciera Eliot en literatura, - los libros de Las Vegas y Nueva York sugerían directamente borrar los límites de la propia disciplina, llegando a poner en duda ¿Qué puede ser considerado arquitectura? Sin embargo, debido precisamente a la ausencia total de límites y a la inmensidad del sistema referencial planteado, “todo puede ser arquitectura”, como apuntaba Hans Hollein en 1968, los libros proponen al mismo tiempo definir el campo de actuación de cada cual de manera individual. Los escritos sobre Las Vegas y Nueva York suponen por un lado la eliminación de los limites disciplinares y por otro, la delimitación de ámbitos de trabajo concretos para sus autores: los propios de cada una de las ciudades interpretadas. La primera parte de la Tesis, Lecciones, se ocupa del necesario proceso de aprendizaje y experimentación previo a la acción crítica propiamente dicha. Los arquitectos contemporáneos necesitan acumular material, conocimiento, documentación, experiencias... antes de lanzarse a proponer mediante la crítica y la edición; y al contrario que ocurría con los modernos, cuanto más abundante sea ese bagaje previo más rica será la interpretación. Las ciudades de Roma, Londres y Berlín se entienden por tanto como experiencias capaces de proporcionar a Venturi, Scott Brown y Koolhaas respectivamente, sus “personales diccionarios”, unas interminables imaginerías con las que posteriormente se enfrentarían a los análisis de Las Vegas y Nueva York. La segunda parte, Críticas, se centra en la producción teórica en sí: los dos libros de ciudades analizados en estrecha relación con el Complexity and Contradiction. El razonamiento analógico característico de estos libros ha servido de guía metodológica para la investigación, estableciéndose relaciones, no entre los propios escritos directamente, sino a través de trabajos pertenecientes a otras disciplinas. En primer lugar se plantea un importante paralelismo entre los métodos de análisis desarrollados en estos libros y los utilizados por la crítica literaria, observando que si el new criticism y el nuevo periodismo sirvieron de guía en los escritos de Venturi y Scott Brown, la nouvelle critique y su propuesta de identificación poética fueron el claro referente de Koolhaas al abordar Nueva York. Por otro lado, la relevancia ganada por la actividad de comisariado artístico y la aparición de la figura del curator, como autoridad capaz de utilizar la obra de arte por encima de las intenciones de su propio autor, sirve, al igual que la figura del editor, como reflejo de la acción transformadora y de apropiación llevada a cabo tanto en Learning from Las Vegas, como en Delirious New York. Por último y a lo largo de toda la investigación las figuras de Bergson y Baudelaire han servido como apoyo teórico. A través de la utilización que de sus ideas hicieron Venturi y Koolhaas respectivamente, se ha tratado de mostrar la proximidad de ambos planteamientos desde un punto de vista ideológico. La Inclusión propuesta por Venturi y la ironía utilizada por Koolhaas, la contradicción y la paradoja, no son sino el reflejo de lógicas que en ambos casos reaccionan al mismo tiempo contra idealismo y materialismo, contra modernidad y antimodernidad, en un continuo intento de ser lo uno y lo otro simultáneamente. ABSTRACT If there was a common denominator among all the arts in what has been called postmodernism, it would have much to do with the end of the origin of the artwork. From literature and music to fine arts and architecture, overcoming modernity has been characterized by replacing the concept of artistic creation by the one of intervention, in other words, the interpretation of what already exists. In the early twentieth century modern concepts of creation and origin involved unlearning and forgetting everything before with the firm intention of starting from scratch. Even in a material sense Mies suggested the literal construction of matter and its motion according to laws. From the mid-century historicist approaches began to emerge in response to the amnesia and originality alleged by moderns. In this context appeared the books Learning from Las Vegas, 1972 and Delirious New York, 1978, both debtors in many respects to the previous book by Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 1966. These two books on cities, which broke away decidedly with the historicist trends of the time, proposed using critical analysis of the existing reality as a vehicle for theory and projecting at the same time, indirectly becoming manifests. If at first Venturi, Rossi and others pose to erase the formal limits set by modernity, as well as any of the canons before, taking the entire work built as a reference system, - as did Eliot in literature - the books on Las Vegas and New York proposed directly erasing the boundaries of the discipline itself, coming to question what could be considered architecture? However, and precisely because of the absence of limits and the immensity of the established framework, - “everything could be architecture” as Hans Hollein pointed in 1968, - the books suggested at the same time the definition of a field of action for each one individually. The cities of Las Vegas and New York represented on the one hand the elimination of disciplinary limits and on the other, the delimitation of specific areas of work to its authors: Those on each of the cities interpreted. The first part of the thesis, Lessons, attend to the necessary process of learning and experimentation before the critical action itself. Contemporary architects need to accumulate material, knowledge, information, experiences... before proposing through criticism and editing; and unlike happened with moderns, the most abundant this prior baggage is, the richest will be the interpretation. Rome, London and Berlin are therefore understood as experiences capable of providing Venturi, Scott Brown and Koolhaas respectively, their “personal dictionaries”, interminable imageries with which they would later face the analysis of Las Vegas and New York. The second part, Critiques, focuses on the theoretical production itself: the two books on both cities analyzed closely with the Complexity and Contradiction. The analogical reasoning characteristic of these books has served as a methodological guide for the research, establishing relationships, not directly between the writings themselves, but through works belonging to other disciplines. First, an important parallel is set between the methods of analysis developed in these books and those used by literary criticism, noting that if the new criticism and new journalism guided Venturi and Scott Brown´s writings, the nouvelle critique and its poetic identification were clear references for Koolhaas when addressing New York. On the other hand, the relevance gained by curating and the understanding of the figure of the curator as an authority capable to use artworks above the intentions of their authors, like the one of the Editor, reflects the appropriation and processing actions carried out both in Learning from Las Vegas, and Delirious New York. Finally and over all the research Bergson and Baudelaire figures resonate continuously. Through the use of their ideas done by Venturi and Koolhaas respectively, the research has tried to show the proximity of both approaches from an ideological point of view. Inclusion, as posed by Venturi and irony, as used by Koolhaas, contradiction and paradox are reflections of the logic that in both cases allow them to react simultaneously against idealism and materialism, against modernism and anti-modernism.
Antisense-mediated gene silencing (ASGS) and posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS) with sense transgenes markedly reduce the steady-state mRNA levels of endogenous genes similar in transcribed sequence. RNase protection assays established that silencing in tobacco plants transformed with plant-defense-related class I sense and antisense chitinase (CHN) transgenes is at the posttranscriptional level. Infection of tobacco plants with cucumber mosaic virus strain FN and a necrotizing strain of potato virus Y, but not with potato virus X, effectively suppressed PTGS and ASGS of both the transgenes and homologous endogenes. This suggests that ASGS and PTGS share components associated with initiation and maintenance of the silent state. Small, ca. 25-nt RNAs (smRNA) of both polarities were associated with PTGS and ASGS in CHN transformants as reported for PTGS in other transgenic plants and for RNA interference in Drosophila. Similar results were obtained with an antisense class I β-1,3-glucanase transformant showing that viral suppression and smRNAs are a more general feature of ASGS. Several current models hold that diverse signals lead to production of double-stranded RNAs, which are processed to smRNAs that then trigger PTGS. Our results provide direct evidence for mechanistic links between ASGS and PTGS and suggest that ASGS could join a common PTGS pathway at the double-stranded RNA step.
Executive Summary. Both the Commission’s proposal for a ‘Competitiveness and Convergence Instrument’ and the ‘contractual arrangement’ presented by President Van Rompuy share a common concept: associating EU money with national structural reforms under a binding arrangement. The targeted ‘structural reforms’ are the labour market reforms and product and services market reforms in eurozone ‘peripheral’ countries facing the most severe external imbalances. Their implementation would speed up and facilitate the ‘internal devaluation’ process of these countries. In the worst case scenario, failure to adopt the necessary reforms and to adjust wages and prices downwards may lead the most vulnerable countries to leave the eurozone under social and political pressure. Contracts seek to reduce this risk by increasing compliance with the country-specific recommendations for structural reforms issued by the EU institutions within the European Semester, and in particular with the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP). As for the financial support, it follows two different, albeit overlapping rationales. First, the perspective of obtaining EU funding would incentivize the governments of vulnerable countries to adopt reforms that would bear a high political and social cost in the short term. That is, without some form of incentive, it is unlikely that the necessary reforms would be undertaken and this could have significant negative consequences for the EMU as a whole. The second rationale amounts to outright solidarity: EU support is needed to cushion the inevitable socio-economic costs implied not only by the structural reform, but also by the internal devaluation taking place. To make sense of contractual arrangements, some points should be considered in future discussions: 1. Contracts on a voluntary basis only: Contracts cannot be mandatory unlike initially suggested in the Van Rompuy report. This stems not only from the inherent definition of a ‘contract’ – where mutual consent is key – but also from the non-binding nature of the preventive arm of the MIP. Making the country-specific recommendations issued by the EU institutions systematically binding would imply transfers of sovereignty from the national to the EU level that go well beyond the present discussion. Instead, contracts would introduce the possibility of making the preventive arm binding for some countries where corrections are most needed and urgent for the EMU as a whole.
We propose a method for the timing analysis of concurrent real-time programs with hard deadlines. We divide the analysis into a machine-independent and a machine-dependent task. The latter takes into account the execution times of the program on a particular machine. Therefore, our goal is to make the machine-dependent phase of the analysis as simple as possible. We succeed in the sense that the machine-dependent phase remains the same as in the analysis of sequential programs. We shift the complexity introduced by concurrency completely to the machine-independent phase.
This work is supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), grant T042706.
In recent years, there has been an increas-ing interest in learning a distributed rep-resentation of word sense. Traditional context clustering based models usually require careful tuning of model parame-ters, and typically perform worse on infre-quent word senses. This paper presents a novel approach which addresses these lim-itations by first initializing the word sense embeddings through learning sentence-level embeddings from WordNet glosses using a convolutional neural networks. The initialized word sense embeddings are used by a context clustering based model to generate the distributed representations of word senses. Our learned represen-tations outperform the publicly available embeddings on 2 out of 4 metrics in the word similarity task, and 6 out of 13 sub tasks in the analogical reasoning task.
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in learning a distributed representation of word sense. Traditional context clustering based models usually require careful tuning of model parameters, and typically perform worse on infrequent word senses. This paper presents a novel approach which addresses these limitations by first initializing the word sense embeddings through learning sentence-level embeddings from WordNet glosses using a convolutional neural networks. The initialized word sense embeddings are used by a context clustering based model to generate the distributed representations of word senses. Our learned representations outperform the publicly available embeddings on half of the metrics in the word similarity task, 6 out of 13 sub tasks in the analogical reasoning task, and gives the best overall accuracy in the word sense effect classification task, which shows the effectiveness of our proposed distributed distribution learning model.
When required to represent a perspective that conflicts with one's own, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) suggests that the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (rvlPFC) supports the inhibition of that conflicting self-perspective. The present task dissociated inhibition of self-perspective from other executive control processes by contrasting belief reasoning-a cognitive state where the presence of conflicting perspectives was manipulated-with a conative desire state wherein no systematic conflict existed. Linear modeling was used to examine the effect of continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) to rvlPFC on participants' reaction times in belief and desire reasoning. It was anticipated that cTBS applied to rvlPFC would affect belief but not desire reasoning, by modulating activity in the Ventral Attention System (VAS). We further anticipated that this effect would be mediated by functional connectivity within this network, which was identified using resting state fMRI and an unbiased model-free approach. Simple reaction-time analysis failed to detect an effect of cTBS. However, by additionally modeling individual measures from within the stimulated network, the hypothesized effect of cTBS to belief (but, importantly, not desire) reasoning was demonstrated. Structural morphology within the stimulated region, rvlPFC, and right temporoparietal junction were demonstrated to underlie this effect. These data provide evidence that inconsistencies found with cTBS can be mediated by the composition of the functional network that is being stimulated. We suggest that the common claim that this network constitutes the VAS explains the effect of cTBS to this network on false belief reasoning. Hum Brain Mapp, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.