981 resultados para chronic Chagas infection
Introduction Most studies that have evaluated the stomachs of patients with Chagas disease were performed before the discovery of Helicobacter pylori and used no control groups. This study compared the gastric features of chagasic and non-chagasic patients and assessed whether gastritis could be associated with Chagas disease. Methods Gastric biopsy samples were taken from patients who underwent endoscopy for histological analysis according to the Updated Sydney System. H. pylori infection was assessed by histology, 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serology and the 13C-urea breath test. Patients were considered H. pylori-negative when all of these diagnostic tests were negative. Clinical and socio-demographic data were obtained by reviewing medical records and using a questionnaire. Results The prevalence of H. pylori infection (70.3% versus 71.7%) and chronic gastritis (92.2% versus 85%) was similar in the chagasic and non-chagasic groups, respectively; such as peptic ulcer, atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. Gastritis was associated with H. pylori infection independent of Chagas disease in a log-binomial regression model. However, the chagasic H. pylori-negative patients showed a significantly higher grade of mononuclear (in the corpus) and polymorphonuclear (PMN) (in the antrum) cell infiltration. Additionally, the patients with the digestive form of Chagas disease showed a significantly lower prevalence of corpus atrophy than those with other clinical forms. Conclusions The prevalence of H. pylori infection and of gastric histological and endoscopic features was similar among the chagasic and non-chagasic patients. Additionally, this is the first controlled study to demonstrate that H. pylori is the major cause of gastritis in patients with Chagas disease.
INTRODUCTION: Occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) is considered to be one of the major risks for patients suffering from end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on regular hemodialysis (HD) and patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. This study compared the prevalence of OBI among these two high-risk groups in the Suez Canal region, Northeastern Egypt, to obtain a better national overview of the magnitude of OBI in this region. METHODS: Serum samples were collected from 165 HD patients and 210 chronic HCV-infected patients. Anti-HCV antibody, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), total hepatitis B core (anti-HBc) antibody, and hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). HCV RNA was detected using a quantitative real-time RT-PCR assay, and HBV was detected using a nested PCR. RESULTS: All patients were negative for HBsAg. A total of 49.1% and 25.2% of the patients in the HD and HCV groups, respectively, were anti-HBc-positive. In addition, more anti-HBs-positive patients were detected in the HD group compared to the HCV group (52.1% and 11.4%, respectively). Three cases were positive for HBV DNA in the HD group, while eighteen positive cases were detected in the HCV group. Both study groups showed significant differences in serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) level as well as anti-HBc, anti-HBs and HBV-DNA positivity. CONCLUSIONS: OBI was more prevalent among chronic HCV patients than HD patients in the Suez Canal region, Egypt, with rates of 8.5% and 1.8%, respectively. However, more precise assessment of this infection requires regular patient follow-up using HBV DNA detection methods.
Chagas disease (CD) is a parasitic infection that originated in the Americas and is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. In the last few years, the disease has spread to countries in North America, Asia and Europe due to the migration of Latin Americans. In the Brazilian Amazon, CD has an endemic transmission, especially in the Rio Negro region, where an occupational hazard was described for piaçaveiros (piassaba gatherers). In the State of Amazonas, the first chagasic infection was reported in 1977, and the first acute CD case was recorded in 1980. After initiatives to integrate acute CD diagnostics with the malaria laboratories network, reports of acute CD cases have increased. Most of these cases are associated with oral transmission by the consumption of contaminated food. Chronic cases have also been diagnosed, mostly in the indeterminate form. These cases were detected by serological surveys in cardiologic outpatient clinics and during blood donor screening. Considering that the control mechanisms adopted in Brazil's classic transmission areas are not fully applicable in the Amazon, it is important to understand the disease behavior in this region, both in the acute and chronic cases. Therefore, the pursuit of control measures for the Amazon region should be a priority given that CD represents a challenge to preserving the way of life of the Amazon's inhabitants.
Trypanosoma cruzi, agente causal del Chagas, atraviesa la barrera placentaria y produce la enfermedad congénita. Objetivo general: Analizar si el T. cruzi, agente causal del Chagas, produce alteraciones trofoblásticas de las vellosidades coriónicas mediadas por óxido nítrico (principal agente deletéreo contra T. cruzi) y estrés oxidativo con variaciones que pudieran depender de la disponibiidad de L-arginine, sobre placentas en modelos in vitro de co-cultivos de explantos de vellosidades coriónicas, de sinciciotrofoblasto aislado y de células derivadas del trofoblasto de placentas humanas en interacción con distintas cepas del Trypanosoma cruzi, que pudieran dar alguna luz en la explicación de mecanismos involucrados en la infección placentaria y en algunos síndromes clínicos de la transmisión congénita del Chagas. Objetivos Específicos: a) Describir alteraciones estructurales y presencia de T. cruzi en vellosidades coriónicas de placentas humanas procedentes de co-cultivos con Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro (y sus respectivos controles), mediante técnicas histológicas y PCR analizando secuencias de ADN específicas del parásito.b) Establecer la localización y expresión proteica y la expresión transcripcional de las isoformas II y III de la Öxido Nítrico Sintasa sobre la misma población muestral de (a) mediante técnicas inmunohistoquímica, RT-PCR y semicuantificación con software adecuado. c) Analizar la susceptibilidad a la infección por el T. cruzi del citotrofoblasto (CTB) y sinciciotrofoblasto (STB) placentario aislado in vitro. d) Determinar concentraciones de óxido nítrico y estrés oxidativo del sinciciotrofoblasto (STB) aislado ante la infección por T. cruzi. e) Relacionar concentraciones de L-arginina con infección del trofoblasto aislado. f) Relacionar inhibiciones de la eNOS y de la arginasa con infección trofoblástica y óxido nítrico producido.Se emplearán métodos y técnicas de Biología celular y molecular, mediciones hormonales, enzimáticas, proteicas, parasitarias y bioquímicas en medios sobrenadantes de cultivo, de inmuno-detección de epitopes proteicos en tejidos, expresión de ARN por RT-PCR, Western blot, detección de DNA en tejidos por PCR, Cuantificaciones morfométricas. En general, el presente proyecto podría redundar en beneficios para un sector de la población de las áreas endémicas para esta enfermedad de bajos recursos económicos, sociales y culturales, mediante la obtención de datos que pudieran explicar algunos mecanismos de síndromes clínicos descriptos en esta patología y que pudieran participar en la transmisión congénita de la enfermedad de Chagas.
La producción de productos lácteos conforma un complejo productivo de larga trayectoria en Argentina, con grandes transformaciones en el sector lechero en los últimos años. La provincia de Córdoba es una de las principales áreas de producción lechera, participando del 34.5 por ciento de la producción nacional. Esta provincia cuenta con un alto número de industrias, principalmente localizadas en la cuenca de Villa María, y concentra el 35 por ciento de los establecimientos lecheros del país. La Mastitis bovina (MB) es la principal causa de pérdidas económicas para el productor y la industria láctea a nivel mundial y regional, por lo cual se plantea la necesidad de mejorar la calidad higiénica y sanitaria de la leche a través de un mayor control de la mastitis. La MB es una inflamación de la glándula mamaria (GM) asociada a una infección bacteriana. Es la enfermedad más común y de mayor incidencia en el ganado lechero, siendo la principal causa de pérdidas económicas para la industria láctea a nivel mundial. Las medidas actuales de control de MB están basadas en prácticas de higiene apropiadas, reducción de la exposición ambiental al patógeno y terapia antibiótica del ganado, las cuales no son totalmente efectivas en el control de la infección. La defensa de la GM contra los patógenos causantes de MB depende de factores anatómicos, celulares y solubles, siendo la eficiencia de esos mecanismos la que determina la resistencia a nuevas infecciones. Los mediadores inmunes innatos y adquiridos de los tejidos y secreciones de la GM actúan en forma coordinada en la protección de la glándula contra enfermedades contagiosas. Staphylococcus aureus es el agente etiológico más importante en la mastitis. Esta bacteria evade la respuesta inmune inflamatoria mediante la inducción de mecanismos inmunosupresores, llevando a la patología a un curso crónico. S. aureus además puede colonizar el tejido epitelial y formar películas bacterianas conocidas como biofilms. Así, S. aureus adquiere más resistencia a la terapia antibiótica y a la acción del sistema inmunológico determinando la persistencia de la enfermedad. Nuestra hipótesis es que una respuesta inmune desarrollada en un microambiente particular de citoquinas, quimioquinas y células, podría contribuir a la evasión del patógeno y al desarrollo de una infección crónica. El polisacárido Quitosano (Q) presenta un efecto antibacteriano e inmunoestimulante en cultivos de células inmunes de ganado bovino, un efecto protectivo en modelos murinos de mastitis y actividad anti-biofilms de distintas cepas bacterianas. Por sus propiedades intrínsecas, este polisacárido es un candidato ideal en la regulación de las respuestas inmunológicas. El objetivo de este proyecto es caracterizar el microambiente local y sistémico, las señales inducidas por el microorganismo que promueven una falla inmunológica y caracterizar el efecto de Q sobre las respuestas generadas en la GM, mediante la realización de numerosos estudios in vivo e in vitro. Las estrategias para controlar la MB por S. aureus y disminuir el impacto de esta patología en la industria láctea, podrían orientarse a la manipulación del sistema inmunológico de la GM bovina a fin de incrementar los mecanismos de defensa naturales del huésped. Los resultados que se desprendan del proyecto permitirán adquirir conocimiento para el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias de inmunointervención a fin de controlar la MB por S. aureus y disminuir el impacto de esta patología en la industria láctea. Siendo la MB una patología relevante no solo en lo que hace a status sanitario animal, línea prioritaria definida en el Plan Estratégico Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación "Bicentenario 2006-2010", sino también a las implicancias económicas de esta problemática, y dado el desarrollo de la actividad lechera en la región y en el país, los resultados obtenidos podrían tener un importante impacto socioeconómico.
Trypanosoma cruzi es el agente causal de la enfermedad de Chagas, un problema de salud importante en América Latina, así como también en América Central, ya que causa infección crónica afectando a millones de personas [1]. Durante esta enfermedad se han descripto varias alteraciones de la respuesta inmune, entre ellas una severa inmunosupresión durante la etapa aguda de la infección, tanto en humanos como en ratones. Células T provenientes de ratones infectados activadas in vitro, muestran reducción en la respuesta proliferativa a mitógenos, característica de un estado de inmunosupresión [2-4]. La falla del sistema inmune durante estadios tempranos de la infección probablemente colabore con la diseminación y el establecimiento del parásito. Un gran número de estudios se han focalizado en la identificación de mecanismos moleculares responsables del fenómeno de inmunosupresión, entre los mecanismos citados se ha demostrado presencia de células supresoras [5-9], factores inmunosupresores presentes en el parásito [2, 3, 10-13], producción excesiva de óxido nítrico [14], disminuida producción de IL-2 y reducida expresión del receptor de IL2 en células de bazo de animales infectados [9, 15-17]. Muchos de estos mecanismos han sido exhaustivamente investigados, sin embargo no está del todo claro si existen mecanismos adicionales involucrados en la inmunosupresión de la célula T. Adicionalmente, en los últimos años nuevas moléculas que median la regulación negativa de la célula T, entre las cuales están PD-1/PD1-L [18], arginasa [19] y E3 ubiquitina ligasas [20-22], han sido reportadas durante inmunosupresión en diversas infecciones. Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas’ disease, is parasite causing chronic infections in human and other mammalian species. There is an important immunosupresion during the acute phase of the infection that contribute to the dissemination and installation of the parasite. Several studies have been focused on identifying the mechanisms involved in the immunosupresion; however it is not clear if there are additional mechanisms implicated. In addition, during the last years new molecules involved in the negative T cell regulation such as PD-1/PD1-L pathway and E3 ubiquitin ligases (E3-Ub-Lig) have been reported. It has been demonstrated, that E3-Ub-Lig control the amount and localization of intracellular signal mediators, limiting T cell activation. Moreover, these mechanisms mediate the immunosupresion observed during several infections leading to the persistence of the pathogen in the host. In this project the role of E3-Ub-Lig on the T cell immunosupresion and hipo-response mechanisms observed during T. cruzi infection will be studied. On the other hand, it has been reported that some pathogens release proteins with E3-Ub-Lig activity modifying the ubiquitination process to promote their survival and replication in the host. Recently, a protein with E3-Ub-Lig activity was identified in T. cruzi, however its target molecule has not been discovered yet. Therefore, one of the aims of this project consists on studying different potential target molecules for this novel E3-Ub-Lig. In addition, during the last years, important progress has been done about the biological rol of PD-1/PD1-L pathway on the regulation of the immune response in several infections. However, it is not well known how PD-1/PD1-L pathway transduces signals at intracelular level to block T cell response. Because of this, it is interesting to study if there is any relation between the PD-1/PD1-L pathway and E3-Ub-Lig on the mechanism of T cell immunosupression during T. cruzi infection.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2015
In recent speech in Curitiba (May 22nd, 1954), Dr. Mario Pinotti, Director, Serviço Nacional da Malaria, informed that his personnel started on February, 1953, a survey upon chagas Disease in 23 counties of the State of Paraná, South Brazil. out of 895 places surveyed, 678, or 75.7%, were infected by Triatoma infestans klug 1834 and in 234 out of those 678, or 34.5%, this vector was infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. The general natural infection of the insects examined reached 18.86%. The serological survey (Machado-Guerreiro test) was positive in 10.7% of the persons examined in jacarezinho and in 28.3% of those living in Bôa Vista. These data suggested the author to actualise the subject. During his control of severe outbreack of malaria in the North part of Paraná, from march to June 1917 he worked in 8 counties. March 1917 he photographed in Boa Vista four girls, severe cases of chronic malaria, two of which showed bi-palpebral oedema, later on considered by Dr. Pinho Simões (1943) as Romanã syndrome (created in 1935) and Prof. Salvador Mazza (1946) classified as typical cases of Chagas' Disease. now, being elapsed 36 years, the National Service of Malaria confirmed the discovery. The region surveyed was populated, in the beginning of this century, by immigrants from the State of Minas Gerais, from where the author believes that were imported the disease and its vectors. In April 1917 the A. discovered that the old town Jatahy was a big focus of Triatoma megista (now Panstrongylus megistus0. All its 43 houses were strongly infested by such hematophagus and amongst the 200 inhabitants seen many were suspicious cases of chronic cases of Chagas's Disease. In the Indians town (three tribes) of S. Pedro D' Alcantara, situated in front of Jatahy, in the left side of the river Tibagy, there were no Triatomas nor suspicious cases of trypanosomiasis. In 1919 the author started the control of the endemics by destroying the foci of Triatomas and reforming the housing. In 1946 he returned to jatahy and found the sanitary conditions of the town and its inhabitants much better. Climate of the region is favorable to spreading of all tropical diseases, being very suitable one for an extensive sanitary survey. In 1943 Dr. Pinho Simões examined 85 triatomas ( T. infestans) from six counties of the North region and found 40, or 46% infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. The highest incidences were; Joaquim Tavora 74.2% and Carlópolis 26.9%. These counties seem to be infested by Itaporanga county of São Paulo State. in 1953 Serviço nacional da Malária proved that 19 out of 23 counties surveyed were infested by Triatoma infestans. They examined 7,701 of this insect and found 1,453 positive for Trypanosoma cruzi, or 18.9%. in two counties, Jacarezinho and Sengés, were examined 2,588 human bloods, not selected, and 323, or 12.6% of such samples were positive for Chagas' Disease. This year the Malaria Service is doing insects survey in 25 other counties and DDTising infested domiciles of another eight. Such activity is very promising and should be extended to other places.
This paper describes the development of experimental Chagas' disease in 64 out-bred young dogs. Twenty-nine animals were inoculated with the Be-62 and 35 with Be-78 Trypanosoma cruzi strains. Twenty-six were infected with blood trypomastigotes by different inoculation routes and 38 with metacyclic trypomastigotes from the vector via the conjunctival route. Twenty of the 26 dogs infected with blood trypomastigotes were autopsied during the acute phase. Eleven died spontaneously and nine were sacrificed. Six remained alive until they died suddenly (two) or were autopsied (four). Twelve of the 38 dogs infected with metacyclic trypomastigotes evolved naturally to the chronic phase and remained alive for 24-48 months. The parasitemia, clinical aspects and serology (IgM and IgG) as well as electrocardiogram, hemogram and heart anatomo-histopathologic patterns of acute and chronic cardiac forms of Chagas' disease as seen in human infections, were reproduced. The most important finding is the reproductibility of diffuse fibrosing chronic chagasic cardiopathy in all dogs infected with Be-78 T. cruzi strain autopsied between the 90th and 864th days of infection. Thus, the dog can be considered as a suitable experimental model to study Chagas' disease according to the requisites of the World Health Organization (1984). Futhermore the animal is easily obtained and easy to handle and maintain in experimental laboratory conditions.
Little is known about the risks associated with Trypanosoma cruzi infection in non-pregnant and pregnant women. From a limited number of studies it appears that in rural areas, parasite rates and rates of serological positivity are similar in both sexes. Abnormal ECG tracings are consistently more frequent in men suggesting that immunity to T. cruzi may be different in females. Complications arising from Chagas' disease in pregnancy are only infrequently reported. Evidence for increased risk of abortion or prematurity is inconclusive except in cases of congenital infection. Most cases of congenital Chagas' disease have been reported from non-endemic areas and there is a suggestion that parasitemic episodes during pregnancy may influence pregnancy outcome. Preliminary evidence indicates that chronic infection can result in in-utero sensitization via passively acquired maternal antibodies. The review concludes that maternal T. cruzi infection carries risks for the child and these warrant systematic research because of their public health significance.
During the course of experimental Chagas' disease, several immune disorders occur. In the acute phase, T and B cell plyclonal activation is associated to immunossupression. At the chronic stage. T cells - of the TH2 subset - participate to the pathology characteristic of Chagas'disease. Data obtained after infection of BALB/Xid mice suggest that polyclonal activation may be dependent on B1 (CD5) cell activation. Moreover, these mice fail to develop the pathological features of the chronic infection. Control of lymphokine secretion might play a key role in the clinical status of Chagas'disease.
Reactivation of chronic chagasic patients may occur upon use of immunosuppressive drugs related to kidney or heart transplantation or when they are affected by concomitant HIV infection. This recrudescence, however, does not occur in all chagasic patients exposed to immunosuppressive agents. We therefore investigated the influence of Trypanosoma cruzi strains in the recrudescence of the parasitism in mice at the chronic phase treated with cyclophosphamide, an immunosuppressor that blocks lymphocytes DNA synthesis and therefore controls B cells response. A large variation was detected in the percentages of newly established acute phases in the groups of mice inoculated with the different strains. We suggest that reactivation of chronic T. cruzi infections is influenced by the parasite intrinsic characteristics, a phenomenon that might occur in the human disease.
In order to investigate the value of the rabbit as an experimental model for Chagas' disease, seventy one animals were inoculated with different Trypanosoma cruzi strains and routes. The rabbits were submitted to necropsy in acute (earlier than three months of infection), recent chronic (three to six months) and late chronic (later than six months) phases. Myocarditis, generally focal and endomysial, occurred in 94.1%, 66.7% and 70.8% of the infected rabbits respectively in the acute, recent chronic and late chronic phases. The myocardial inflammatory exudate was composed by mononuclear cells, and also polymorphonuclear cells in the acute phase. In most cases of the late chronic phase, the myocarditis was similar to that described in the indeterminate form of human chagasic patients. Initial fibrosis occurred in the three phases but was more severe and frequent in the early chronic. Advanced fibrosis occurred only in the late chronic phase. Tissue parasites occurred only in the acute phase. The digestive tract and skeletal muscles showed mild and occasional lesions. Our data indicate that experimentally infected chagasic rabbits repeat some lesions similar to that of humans chagasic patients, specially that of the indeterminate form. So, it may be a useful, however not an ideal, model.