965 resultados para children - genetic origin


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Like other vascular tumors, epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) is multifocal in approximately 50% of cases, and it is unclear whether the separate lesions represent multifocal disease or metastases. We hypothesized that the identification of an identical WWTR1-CAMTA1 rearrangement in different EHEs from the same patient supports the monoclonal origin of EHE. To test our hypothesis, we undertook a molecular analysis of two multicentric EHEs of the liver, including separate tumor samples from each patient. Matherial and Methods: We retrieved two cases of EHE with available tissue for molecular analysis. In both cases, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed to identify the presence of the WWTR1-CAMTA1 rearrangement to confirm the histologic diagnosis of EHE, as previously described. The reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) products were analyzed by electrophoresis and the RT-PCR–amplified products were sequenced using the Sanger method. Results: FISH analysis revealed signal abnormalities in both WWTR1 and CAMTA1. Combined results confirmed the presence of the t(1;3)(1p36.23;3q25.1) translocation in both cases of EHE. Using RT-PCR analysis, we found that the size of the rearranged bands was identical in the different tumors from each patient. The sequence of the fusion gene confirmed a different WWTR1-CAMTA1 rearrangement in each patient, but an identical WWTR1-CAMTA1 rearrangement in the different lesions from each patient. Discussion: Because of its generally indolent clinical course, EHE is commonly classified as a multifocal, rather than metastatic, disease. In this study, we examined two cases of multifocal liver EHE and found an identical WWTR1-CAMTA1 rearrangement in each lesion from the same patient, but not between the two patients. These findings suggest that multifocal EHE arises from metastasis of the same neoplastic clone rather than from the simultaneous formation of multiple neoplastic clones, which supports the monoclonal origin of multifocal EHE.


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Enterobacteriaceae genomes evolve through mutations, rearrangements and horizontal gene transfer (HGT). The latter evolutionary pathway works through the acquisition DNA (GEI) modules of foreign origin that enhances fitness of the host to a given environment. The genome of E. coli IHE3034, a strain isolated from a case of neonatal meningitis, has recently been sequenced and its subsequent sequence analysis has predicted 18 possible GEIs, of which: 8 have not been previously described, 5 fully meet the pathogenic island definition and at least 10 that seem to be of prophagic origin. In order to study the GEI distribution of our reference strain, we screened for the presence 18 GEIs a panel of 132 strains, representative of E. coli diversity. Also, using an inverse nested PCR approach we identified 9 GEI that can form an extrachromosomal circular intermediate (CI) and their respective attachment sites (att). Further, we set up a qPCR approach that allowed us to determine the excision rates of 5 genomic islands in different growth conditions. Four islands, specific for strains appertaining to the sequence type complex 95 (STC95), have been deleted in order to assess their function in a Dictyostelium discoideum grazing assays. Overall, the distribution data presented here indicate that 16 IHE3034 GEIs are more associated to the STC95 strains. Also the functional and genetic characterization has uncovered that GEI 13, 17 and 19 are involved in the resistance to phagocitation by Dictyostelium d thus suggesting a possible role in the adaptation of the pathogen during certain stages of infection.


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Genetic differences among human groups can be ascribed both to the broad-scale extents of pre-historical and historical migrations and to the fine-scale impacts of socio-cultural and geographic heterogeneity. In this thesis, the genetic information provided by uniparental markers were exploited to address different aspects of the Italian population history, by combining macro- and micro-geographic investigations at different spatial and temporal scales. To firstly assess the overall Italian variability, Y-chromosome and mtDNA markers were deeply typed in ~900 individuals from continental Italy, Sicily and Sardinia. Sex-biased patterns and contrasting demographic histories were observed for males and females. Differential European and Mediterranean contributions were invoked to explain the paternal genetic sub-structure observed in peninsular Italy, compared to the homogeneous maternal genetic landscape. If Neolithic showed to be one principal determinant of the detected paternal structure, local insights into specific Italian regional contexts highlighted the importance of Post-Neolithic contributions. Among them, migrations from the Balkans (particularly Greece) during late Metal Ages, played a relevant role in the cultural and genetic transitions occurred in Sicily and Southern Italy. On a finer geographic and temporal perspective, the more recent layers of Italian genetic history and some aspects of the gene-culture interaction were assessed by exploring the genetic variability within two “marginal populations”: Arbereshe of Southern Italy and Partecipanza in Northern Italy. The Arbereshe are Albanian-speaking communities settled in Sicily and Calabria since the end of Middle Ages. Despite sharing common genetic and cultural backgrounds, these groups revealed diverging micro-evolutionary histories, implying different founding events and different patterns of cultural isolation and local admixture. Partecipanza is an idiosyncratic institution of Medieval origin aimed at sharing and devolving collective lands. This case-study exemplified that socio-economic stratification within the same population may induce sex-biased genetic structuring and the maintenance of otherwise hidden historical genetic traces.


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Identification and genetic diversity of phytoplasmas infecting tropical plant species, selected among those most agronomically relevant in South-east Asia and Latin America were studied. Correlation between evolutionary divergence of relevant phytoplasma strains and their geographic distribution by comparison on homologous genes of phytoplasma strains detected in the same or related plant species in other geographical areas worldwide was achieved. Molecular diversity was studied on genes coding ribosomal proteins, groEL, tuf and amp besides phytoplasma 16S rRNA. Selected samples infected by phytoplasmas belonging to diverse ribosomal groups were also studied by in silico RFLP followed by phylogenetic analyses. Moreover a partial genome annotation of a ‘Ca. P. brasiliense’ strain was done towards future application for epidemiological studies. Phytoplasma presence in cassava showing frog skin (CFSD) and witches’ broom (CWB) diseases in Costa Rica - Paraguay and in Vietnam – Thailand, respectively, was evaluated. In both cases, the diseases were associated with phytoplasmas related to aster yellows, apple proliferation and “stolbur” groups, while only phytoplasma related to X-disease group in CFSD, and to hibiscus witches’ broom, elm yellows and clover proliferation groups in CWB. Variability was found among strains belonging to the same ribosomal group but having different geographic origin and associated with different disease. Additionally, a dodder transmission assay to elucidate the role of phytoplasmas in CWB disease was carried out, and resulted in typical phytoplasma symptoms in periwinkle plants associated with the presence of aster yellows-related strains. Lethal wilt disease, a severe disease of oil palm in Colombia that is spreading throughout South America was also studied. Phytoplasmas were detected in symptomatic oil palm and identified as ‘Ca. P. asteris’, ribosomal subgroup 16SrI-B, and were distinguished from other aster yellows phytoplasmas used as reference strains; in particular, from an aster yellows strain infecting corn in the same country.


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Der Fokus dieser Dissertation ist die populationsgenetische Analyse der neolithischen Bevölkerungswechsel in den 6.-5. Jahrtausende vor Christus, die im westlichen Karpatenbecken stattfanden. Die Zielsetzung der Studie war, mittels der Analyse von mitochondrialer und Y-chromosomaler aDNA, den Genpool der sechs neolithischen und kupferzeitlichen Populationen zu untersuchen und die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse mit anderen prähistorischen und modernen genetischen Daten zu vergleichen.rnInsgesamt wurden 323 Individuen aus 32 ungarischen, kroatischen und slowakischen Fundplätzen beprobt und bearbeitet in den archäogenetischen Laboren der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz. Die DNA Ergebnisse wurden mit verschiedenen populationsgenetischen Methoden ausgewertet. Vergleichsdaten von prähistorischen und modernen eurasiatischen Populationen wurden dazu gesammelt.rnDie HVS-I Region der mitochondrialen DNA konnten bei 256 Individuen reproduziert und authentifiziert werden (mit einer Erfolgsrate von 85.9%). Die Typisierung der HVS-II Region war in 80 Fällen erfolgreich. Testend alle gut erhaltene Proben, die Y-chromosomale Haplogruppe konnte in 33 männlichen Individuen typisiert werden.rnDie neolithischen, mitochondrialen Haplogruppen deuten auf eine hohe Variabilität des maternalen Genpools hin. Sowohl die mitochondrialen als auch die Y-chromosomalen Daten lassen Rückschlüsse auf eine nah-östliche bzw. südwestasiatische Herkunft der frühen Bauern zu. Die Starčevo- und linearbandkermaischen-Populationen in westlichem Karpatenbecken (letztere abgekürzt als LBKT) und die linearbandkermaischen-Population in Mitteleuropa (LBK) haben so starke genetische Ähnlichkeit, dass die Verbreitung der LBK nach Mitteleuropa mit vorangegangenen Wanderungsereignissen zu erklären ist. Die Transdanubische aDNA Daten zeigen hohe Affinität zu den publizierten prähistorischen aDNA Datensätzen von Mitteleuropa aus den 6.-4. Jahrtausende vor Chr. Die maternal-genetische Variabilität der Starčevo-Population konnte auch innerhalb der nachfolgenden Populationen Transdanubiens festgestellt werden. Nur kleinere Infiltrationen und Immigrationsereignissen konnten während der Vinča-, LBKT-, Sopot- und Balaton-Lasinja-Kultur in Transdanubien identifiziert werden. Zwischen den transdanubischen Regionen konnten mögliche genetische Unterschiede nur in der LBKT und in der Lengyel-Periode beobachtet werden, als sich die nördlichen Gruppen von den südlichen Populationen trennten. rnDie festgestellte Heterogenität der mtDNA in Zusammenhang mit der Y-chromosomalen Homogenität in den Starčevo- und LBK-Populationen, weisen auf patrilokale Residenzregeln und patrilineare Abstammungsregeln in den ersten Bauergemeinschaften hin. rnObwohl die hier präsentierten Daten einen großen Fortschritt in der Forschung von aDNA und Neolithikum des Karpatenbeckens und Mitteleuropas bedeuten, werfen sie auch mehrere Fragen auf, deren Beantwortung durch zukünftige Genomforschungen erbracht werden könnte.


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The Adriatic Sea is considered a feeding and developmental area for Mediterranean loggerhead turtles, but this area is severely threatened by human impacts. In the Adriatic Sea loggerhead turtles are often found stranded or floating, but they are also recovered as by-catch from fishing activities. Nevertheless, information about population structuring and origin of individuals found in the Adriatic Sea are still limited. Cooperation with fishermen and a good network of voluntary collaborators are essential for understanding their distribution, ecology and for developing conservation strategies in the Adriatic Sea. In this study, a comparative analysis of biometric data and DNA sequence polymorphism of the long fragment of the mitochondrial control region was carried out on ninety-three loggerheads recovered from three feeding areas in the Adriatic Sea: North-western, North-eastern and South Adriatic. Differences in turtles body sizes (e.g. Straight Carapace Length) among the three recovery areas and relationship between SCL and the type of recovery were investigated. The origin of turtles from Mediterranean rookeries and the use of the Adriatic feeding habitats by loggerheads in different life-stages were assessed to understand the migratory pathway of the species. The analysis of biometric data revealed a significant difference in turtle sizes between the Southern and the Northern Adriatic. Moreover, size of captured turtles resulted significantly different from the size of stranded and floating individuals. Actually, neritic sub-adults and adults are more affected by incidental captures than juveniles because of their feeding behavior. The Bayesian mixed-stock analysis showed a strong genetic relationship between the Adriatic aggregates and Mediterranean rookeries, while a low pro¬portion of individuals of Atlantic origin were detected in the Adriatic feeding grounds. The presence of migratory pathways towards the Adriatic Sea due to the surface current system was reinforced by the finding of individuals bearing haplotypes endemic to the nesting populations of Libya, Greece and Israel. A relatively high contribution from Turkey and Cyprus to the Northwest and South Adriatic populations was identified when the three sampled areas were analyzed independently. These results have to be taken in account in a conservative perspective, since coastal hazards, affecting the population of turtles feeding in the Adriatic Sea may also affect the nesting populations of the Eastern Mediterranean with a unique genetic pattern.


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Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus contributes to an increased risk of developing an infection with the same bacterial strain. Genetic regulatory elements and toxin-expressing genes are virulence factors associated with the pathogenic potential of S. aureus. We undertook an extensive molecular characterization of methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) carried by children. MSSA were recovered from the nostrils of children. The presence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), exfoliatins A and B (exfoA and exfoB), and the toxic-shock staphylococcal toxin (TSST-1) and agr group typing were determined by quantitative PCR. A multiple-locus variable-number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) assay was also performed for genotyping. Five hundred and seventy-two strains of MSSA were analysed. Overall, 30% were positive for toxin-expressing genes: 29% contained one toxin and 1.6% two toxins. The most commonly detected toxin gene was tst, which was present in 145 (25%) strains. The TSST-1 gene was significantly associated with the agr group 3 (OR 56.8, 95% CI 32.0-100.8). MLVA analysis revealed a large diversity of genetic content and no clonal relationship was demonstrated among the analysed MSSA strains. Multilocus sequence typing confirmed this observation of diversity and identified ST45 as a frequent colonizer. This broad diversity in MSSA carriage strains suggests a limited selection pressure in our geographical area.


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The objective of this study is to compare dental arch relationship following one-stage and three-stage surgical protocols of unilateral cleft lip and palate. Dental casts of 61 children (mean age, 11.2 years; SD, 1.7), consecutively treated in one center with one-stage closure of the complete cleft at 9.2 months (SD, 2.0), were compared with a sample of 97 patients (mean age, 8.7 years; SD, 0.9), consecutively treated with a three-stage protocol including delayed hard palate closure in another center. The dental casts were assigned random numbers to blind their origin. Four raters graded dental arch relationship and palatal morphology using the EUROCRAN index. The strength of agreement of rating was assessed with kappa statistics. Independent t tests were run to compare the EUROCRAN scores between one-stage and three-stage samples, and Fisher's exact tests were performed to evaluate differences of distribution of the EUROCRAN grades. The intra- and inter-rater agreement was moderate to very good. Dental arch relationship in the one-stage sample was less favorable than in three-stage group (mean scores, 2.58 and 1.97 for one-stage and three-stage samples, respectively; p?-stage sample was more favorable than in the three-stage group (mean scores, 1.79 and 1.96 for one-stage and three-stage samples, respectively; p?=?0.047). The dental arch relationship following one-stage repair was less favorable than the outcome of three-stage repair. The palatal morphology following one-stage repair, however, was more favorable than the outcome of three-stage repair.


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Nail melanoma in children is rarely reported in the literature, and all of the published cases were diagnosed in dark-skinned phototypes or in Asians. We report two cases of in situ nail matrix melanoma presenting as longitudinal melanonychia (LM) in fair-skinned children of Italian origin. Nail plate dermatoscopy revealed a brown background with lines of irregular color, spacing, and thickness in both cases. Histopathology of the excised lesions showed melanoma in situ. Clinical, dermatoscopic, and pathological criteria that permit clear differentiation of benign melanocytic activation or proliferation from nail matrix melanoma are not established for children. The presence of a pigmented band of a single nail in a child usually represents a problem for clinicians, because the clinical and dermatoscopic features that are considered possible indicators of nail unit melanoma in adults are frequently observed in benign melanocytic hyperplasia and nevi in children. There is therefore the need to find parameters useful for clinical and dermatoscopic diagnosis in childhood nail pigmentation and to reach a consensus on management of children with a band of LM.


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Kinetic investigations in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are based on all blast cells and, therefore, reflect the proliferative characteristics of the predominant immunophenotype of leukemic cells. Nothing is known about proliferation of immunologically defined rare subpopulations of leukemic cells. In this study, mononuclear cells from the bone marrow of 15 children with untreated CD19 B-cell precursor ALL were examined for proliferative features according to the immunophenotype. After exclusion of highly proliferating residual normal hematopoietic cells, ∼ 3% of blast cells were CD19 and showed a low percentage of cells in S-phase assessed by the bromodeoxyuridine labeling index (BrdU-LI): median BrdU-LI, 0.19% [interquartile range (IQR), 0.15-0.40%]. In contrast, a median BrdU-LI of 7.2% (IQR, 5.7-8.8%) was found for the major CD19 blast cell compartment. Staining smears of sorted CD19 cells for CD10 or CD34 revealed a small fraction of CD19CD10 or CD19CD34 blast cells. These cells were almost nonproliferating with a median BrdU-LI of <0.1% (IQR, 0-0.2%). This proliferative behavior is suggestive of a stem/progenitor cell function and, in addition, the low proliferative activity might render them more resistant to an antiproliferation-based chemotherapy. However, xenotransplantation experiments will be necessary to demonstrate a possible stem cell function.


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Hypertension is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Although accumulating evidence suggests tracking of blood pressure from childhood into adult life, there is little information regarding the relative contributions of genetic, prenatal, biological, behavioral, environmental, and social determinants to childhood blood pressure.


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After a proper medical history, growth analysis and physical examination of a short child, followed by radiological and laboratory screening, the clinician may decide to perform genetic testing. We propose several clinical algorithms that can be used to establish the diagnosis. GH1 and GHRHR should be tested in children with severe isolated growth hormone deficiency and a positive family history. A multiple pituitary dysfunction can be caused by defects in several genes, of which PROP1 and POU1F1 are most common. GH resistance can be caused by genetic defects in GHR, STAT5B, IGF1, IGFALS, which all have their specific clinical and biochemical characteristics. IGF-I resistance is seen in heterozygous defects of the IGF1R. If besides short stature additional abnormalities are present, these should be matched with known dysmorphic syndromes. If no obvious candidate gene can be determined, a whole genome approach can be taken to check for deletions, duplications and/or uniparental disomies.


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Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are pervasive developmental disorders that affect approximately 1 in 50 children (Blumberg et al., 2013). Due to the social nature of the deficits that characterize the disorders, many have classified them as disorders of social cognition, which is the process that individuals use in order to successfully interact with members of their own species (Frith & Frith, 2007). Previous research has typically neglected the spectrum nature of ASD in favor of a more categorical approach of ¿autistic¿ versus ¿non-autistic,¿ but the spectrum requires a more continuous approach. Thus, the present study sought to examine the genetic, social-cognitive, and neural correlates of ASD-like traits as well as the relationship between these dimensions in typically developing children. Parents and children completed several quantitative measures examining several areas of social-cognitive functioning, including theory of mind and social functioning, restricted/repetitive behaviors and interests, and adaptive/maladaptive functioning. Children were also asked to undergo an EEG and both parents and children contributed a saliva sample that was used to sequence four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the OXTR gene, rs1042778, rs53576, rs2254298, and rs237897. We successfully demonstrated a significant relationship between behavioral measures of social-cognition and differences in face perception via the N170. However, the directionality of these relationships varied based on the behavioral measure and particular N170 difference scores. We also found support for the associations between the G_G allelic combination of rs1042778 and the A_A and A_G allelic combinations of rs2254298 and increased ASD-like behavior with decreased social-cognitive functioning. In contrast, our results contradict previous findings with rs237897 and imply that individuals with the A_A and A_G genotypes are less similar to those with ASD and have higher social cognitive functioning than those with the G_G genotype. In conclusion, we have demonstrated the existence of ASD-like traits in typically developing children and have shown a link between behavioral, genetic, and neural correlates of social-cognition. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering autism as a spectrum disorder and provide support for the move to a more continuous approach to neurodevelopmental disorders.


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Bipolar disorder (BD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may share common genetic risk factors as indicated by the high co-morbidity of BD and ADHD, their phenotypic overlap especially in pediatric populations, the high heritability of both disorders, and the co-occurrence in families. We therefore examined whether known polygenic BD risk alleles are associated with ADHD. We chose the eight best SNPs of the recent genome-wide association study (GWAS) of BD patients of German ancestry and the nine SNPs from international GWAS meeting a 'genome-wide significance' level of α = 5 × 10(-8). A GWAS was performed in 495 ADHD children and 1,300 population-based controls using HumanHap550v3 and Human660 W-Quadv1 BeadArrays. We found no significant association of childhood ADHD with single BD risk alleles surviving adjustment for multiple testing. Yet, risk alleles for BD and ADHD were directionally consistent at eight of nine loci with the strongest support for three SNPs in or near NCAN, BRE, and LMAN2L. The polygene analysis for the BP risk alleles at all 14 loci indicated a higher probability of being a BD risk allele carrier in the ADHD cases as compared to the controls. At a moderate power to detect association with ADHD, if true effects were close to estimates from GWAS for BD, our results suggest that the possible contribution of BD risk variants to childhood ADHD risk is considerably lower than for BD. Yet, our findings should encourage researchers to search for common genetic risk factors in BD and childhood ADHD in future studies.