978 resultados para chemical recovery cycle
The accumulation of chemical elements in biological compartments is one of the strategies of tropical species to adapt to a low-nutrient soil. This study focuses on the Atlantic Forest because of its eco-environmental importance as a natural reservoir of chemical elements. About 20 elements were determined by INAA in leaf, soil, litter and epiphyte compartments. There was no seasonality for chemical element concentrations in leaves, which probably indicated the maintainance of chemical elements in this compartment. Considering the estimated quantities, past deforestation events could have released large amounts of chemical elements to the environment.
A method for simultaneous determination of Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As e Pb in liquid chemical waste using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique was evaluated. A small sample amount (200 mu L) was dried on a 6.35 mu m thickness Mylar film at 60 degrees C and the analyses were carried out using an EDXRF spectrometer operated with an X-ray Mo tube (Zr filter) at 30 kV/20 mA. The acquisition time was 300 s and the Ga element was utilized as internal standard at 25 mg/L for quantitative analysis. The method trueness was assessed by spiking and the detection limit for those elements ranged from 0.39 to 1.7 mg/L. This method is notable because it assists the choice of the more appropriated waste treatment procedure, in which inter elemental interference is a matter of importance. In addition, this inexpensive method allows a non-destructive determination of the elements from (19)K to (92)U simultaneously.
The quality of environmental studies depends on the utilization of adequate sampling protocol and analytical method for obtaining reliable results and minimizing analytical uncertainties. In order to demonstrate the applicability of INAA for determining chemical element composition of invertebrates, this work evaluated sample representativeness in terms of subsampling and sample size. Br, Co, Fe, K, Na, Sc and Zn could be determined in very small samples despite increasing of analytical uncertainties. Special attention should be directed to invertebrate species with small structures because of the high chemical variation observed among different sample sizes tested.
A flow injection (FI) micelle-mediated separation/preconcentration procedure for the determination of lead and cadmium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) has been proposed. The analytes reacted with 1-(2-thiazolylazo)-2-naphthol (TAN) to form hydrophobic chelates, which were extracted into the micelles of 0.05% (w/v) Triton X-114 in a solution buffered at pH 8.4. In the preconcentration stage, the micellar solution was continuously injected into a flow system with four mini-columns packed with cotton, glass wool. or TNT compresses for phase separation. The analytes-containing micelles were eluted from the mini-columns by a stream of 3 mol L(-1) HCl solution and the analytes were determined by FAAS. Chemical and flow variables affecting the preconcentration of the analytes were studied. For 15 mL. of preconcentrated solution, the enhancement factors varied between 15.1 and 20.3, the limits of detection were approximately 4.5 and 0.75 mu g L(-1) for lead and cadmium, respectively. For a solution containing 100 and 10 mu g L(-1) of lead and cadmium, respectively, the R.S.D. values varied from 1.6 to 3.2% (n = 7). The accuracy of the preconcentration system was evaluated by recovery measurements on spiked water samples. The method was susceptible to matrix effects, but these interferences were minimized by adding barium ions as masking agent in the sample solutions, and recoveries from spiked sample varied in the range of 95.1-107.3%. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A novel strategy for accomplishing zone trapping in flow analysis is proposed. The sample and the reagent solutions are simultaneously inserted into convergent carrier streams and the established zones merge together before reaching the detector, where the most concentrated portion of the entire sample zone is trapped. The main characteristics, potentialities and limitations of the strategy were critically evaluated in relation to an analogous flow system with zone stopping. When applied to the spectrophotometric determination of nitrite in river waters, the main figures of merit were maintained, exception made for the sampling frequency which was calculated as 189h(-1), about 32% higher relatively to the analogous system with zone stopping. The sample inserted volume can be increased up to 1.0 mL without affecting sampling frequency and no problems with pump heating or malfunctions were noted after 8-h operation of the system. In contrast to zone stopping, only a small portion of the sample zone is halted with zone trapping, leading to these beneficial effects. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Secondary forests are an increasingly common feature in tropical landscapes worldwide and understanding their regeneration is necessary to design effective restoration strategies. It has previously been shown that the woody species community in secondary forests can follow different successional pathways according to the nature of past human activities in the area, yet little is known about patterns of herbaceous species diversity in secondary forests with different histories of land use. We compared the diversity and abundance of herbaceous plant communities in two types of Central Amazonian secondary forests-those regenerating on pastures created by felling and burning trees and those where trees were felled only. We also tested if plant density and species richness in secondary forests are related to proximity to primary forest. In comparison with primary forest sites, forests regenerating on non-burned habitats had lower herbaceous plant density and species richness than those on burned ones. However, species composition and abundance in non-burned stands were more similar to those of primary forest, whereas several secondary forest specialist species were found in burned stands. In both non-burned and burned forests, distance from the forest edge was not related to herbaceous density and species richness. Overall, our results suggest that the natural regeneration of herbaceous species in secondary tropical forests is dependent on a site`s post-clearing treatment. We recommend evaluating the land history of a site prior to developing and implementing a restoration strategy, as this will influence the biological template on which restoration efforts are overlaid.
Intense physical training and dietary energy restriction have been associated with consequences such as nutritional amenorrhea. We investigated the effects of intense physical training, food restriction or the combination of both strategies on estrous cyclicity in female rats, and the relationship between leptin ad these effects. Twenty-seven female Wistar rats were distributed into four groups: SF: sedentary, fed ad libitum; SR: sedentary subjected to 50% food restriction (based on the food intake of their fed counterparts); TF: trained (physical training on a motor treadmill with a gradual increase in speed and time), fed ad libitum; TR; trained with 50% food restriction. We analysed estrous cyclicity, plasma leptin and estradiol as well as chemical composition of the carcass, body weight variation. and weight of ovaries and perirenal adipose tissue. Data demonstrate that physical training alone was not responsible for significant modifications in either carcass chemical composition or reproductive function. Food restriction reduced leptin levels in all animals and interrupted the estrous cyclicity in some animals, but only the combination of food restriction and physical training was capable of interrupting the estrous cyclicity in all animals. Leptin was not directly related to estrous cyclicity. From our findings, it may be concluded that there is an additive or synergistic effect of energy intake restriction and energy expenditure by intense physical training on estrous cyclicity. Leptin appears to be one among others factors related to estrous cycle, but it probably acts indirectly.
The purpose of this study was to test the hypotheses that in obese children: 1) hypocaloric diet (D) improves both heart rate recovery at 1 min (Delta HRR1) cfter an exercise test, and cardiac autonomic nervous system activity (CANSA) in obese children; 2) Diet and exercise training (DET) combined leads to greater improvement in both Delta HRR1 after an exercise test and in CANSA, than D alone. Moreover, we examined the relationships among Delta HRR1, CANSA, cardiorespiratory fitness and anthropometric variables (AV) in obese children submitted to D and to DET. 33 obese children (10 +/- 0.2 years; body mass index (BMI) >95(th) percentile) were divided into 2 groups: D (n = 15; BMI = 31 +/- 1 kg/m(2)) and DET (n = 18; 29 +/- 1 kg/m(2)). All children performed a maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test on a treadmill. The Delta HRR1 was defined as the difference between heart rate at peak and at 1-min post-exercise. CANSA was assessed using power spectral analysis of heart rate variability at rest. The sympathovagal balance (low frequency and high frequency ratio, LF/HF) was measured. After interventions, all obese children showed reduced body weight (P < 0.05). The D group did not improve in terms of peak VO(2), Delta HRR1 or LF/HF ratio (P > 0.05). In contrast, the DET group showed increased peak VO(2) (P = 0.01) and improved Delta HRR1 (Delta HRR1 = 37.3 +/- 2.6; P = 0.01) and LF/HF ratio (P = 0.001). The DET group demonstrated significant relationships among Delta HRR1, peak VO(2) and CANSA (P < 0.05). In conclusion, DET, in contrast to D, promoted improved Delta HRR1 and CANSA in obese children, suggesting a positive influence of increased levels of cardiorespiratory fitness by exercise training on cardiac autonomic activity.
Concurrent training is recommended for health improvement, but its acute effects on cardiovascular function are not well established. This study analyzed hemodynamics and autonomic modulation after a single session of aerobic (A), resistance (R), and concurrent (A + R) exercises. Twenty healthy subjects randomly underwent four sessions: control (C:30 min of rest), aerobic (A:30 min, cycle ergometer, 75% of VO(2) peak), resistance (R:6 exercises, 3 sets, 20 repetitions, 50% of 1 RM), and concurrent (AR: A + R). Before and after the interventions, blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), cardiac output (CO), and HR variability were measured. Systolic BP decreased after all the exercises, and the greatest decreases were observed after the A and AR sessions (-13 +/- 1 and -11 +/- 1 mmHg, respectively, P < 0.05). Diastolic BP decreased similarly after all the exercises, and this decrease lasted longer after the A session. CO also decreased similarly after the exercises, while systemic vascular resistance increased after the R and AR sessions in the recovery period (+4.0 +/- 1.7 and +6.3 +/- 1.9 U, respectively, P < 0.05). Stroke volume decreased, while HR increased after the exercises, and the greatest responses were observed after the AR session (SV, A = -14.6 +/- 3.6, R = -22.4 +/- 3.5 and AR = -23.4 +/- 2.4 ml; HR, A = +13 +/- 2, R = +15 +/- 2 vs. AR = +20 +/- 2 bpm, P < 0.05). Cardiac sympathovagal balance increased after the exercises, and the greatest increase was observed after the AR session (A = +0.7 +/- 0.8, R = +1.0 +/- 0.8 vs. AR = +1.2 +/- 0.8, P < 0.05). In conclusion, the association of aerobic and resistance exercises in the same training session did not potentiate postexercise hypotension, and increased cardiac sympathetic activation during the recovery period.
Ide, BN, Leme, TCF, Lopes, CR, Moreira, A, Dechechi, CJ, Sarraipa, MF, da Mota, GR, Brenzikofer, R, and Macedo, DV. Time course of strength and power recovery after resistance training with different movement velocities. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 2025-2033, 2011-The purpose of this study was to evaluate the time course of strength and power recovery after a single bout of strength training designed with fast and slow contraction velocities. Nineteen male subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups: the slow-velocity contraction (SV) group and the fast velocity contraction (FV) group. Resistance training protocols consisted of 5 sets of 12 repetition maximum (5 x 12RM) with 50 seconds of rest between sets and 2 minutes between exercises. Contraction velocity was controlled by the execution time for each repetition (SV-6 seconds to complete concentric and eccentric phases and for FV-1.5 seconds). Leg Press 45 degrees 1RM (LP 1RM), horizontal countermovement jump (HCMJ), and right thigh circumference (TC) were accessed in 6 distinct moments: base (1 week before exercise), 0 (immediately after exercises), 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after exercise protocol. The SV and FV presented significant LP 1RM decrements at 0, and these were still evident 24-48 hours postexercise. The magnitude of decline was significantly (p<0.05) higher for FV. The SV and FV presented significant HCMJ decrements at 0, but only for FV were these still evident 24-72 hours postexercise. The SV and FV presented significant TC increments at 0, and these were still evident 24-48 hours postexercise for SV but for FV it continued up to 96 hours. The magnitude of increase was significantly (p<0.05) higher for FV. In conclusion, the fast contraction velocity protocol resulted in greater decreases in LP 1RM and HCMJ performance, when compared with slow velocity. The results lead us to interpret that this variable may exert direct influence on acute muscle strength and power generation capacity.
In this study, we investigated the effects of rapid weight loss followed by a 4-h recovery on judo-related performance. Seven weight-cycler athletes were assigned to a weight loss group (5% body weight reduction by self-selected regime) and seven non-weight-cyclers to a control group (no weight reduction). Body composition, performance, glucose, and lactate were assessed before and after weight reduction (5-7 days apart; control group kept weight stable). The weight loss group had 4 h to re-feed and rehydrate after the weigh-in. Food intake was recorded during the weight loss period and recovery after the weigh-in. Performance was evaluated through a specific judo exercise, followed by a 5-min judo combat and by three bouts of the Wingate test. Both groups significantly improved performance after the weight loss period. No interaction effects were observed. The energy and macronutrient intake of the weight loss group were significantly lower than for the control group. The weight loss group consumed large amounts of food and carbohydrate during the 4-h recovery period. No changes were observed in lactate concentration, but a significant decrease in glucose during rest was observed in the weight loss group. In conclusion, rapid weight loss did not affect judo-related performance in experienced weight-cyclers when the athletes had 4 h to recover. These results should not be extrapolated to inexperienced weight-cyclers.
The objective of the present study was to verify if active recovery (AR) applied after a judo match resulted in a better performance when compared to passive recovery (PR) in three tasks varying in specificity to the judo and in measurement of work performed: four upper-body Wingate tests (WT); special judo fitness test (SJFT); another match. For this purpose, three studies were conducted. Sixteen highly trained judo athletes took part in study 1, 9 in study 2, and 12 in study 3. During AR judokas ran (15 min) at the velocity corresponding to 70% of 4 mmol l(-1) blood lactate intensity (similar to 50% (V) over dotO(2) peak), while during PR they stayed seated at the competition area. The results indicated that the minimal recovery time reported in judo competitions (15 min) is long enough for sufficient recovery of WT performance and in a specific high-intensity test (SJFT). However, the odds ratio of winning a match increased ten times when a judoka performed AR and his opponent performed PR, but the cause of this phenomenon cannot be explained by changes in number of actions performed or by changes in match`s time structure.
Spent coffee grounds (SCG) the residual materials obtained during the processing of raw coffee powder to prepare instant coffee are the main coffee Industry residues In the present work this material was chemically characterized and subsequently submitted to a dilute acid hydrolysis aiming to recover the hemicellulose sugars Reactions were performed according to experimental designs to verify the effects of the variables H(2)SO(4) concentration liquid-to-solid ratio temperature and reaction time on the efficiency of hydrolysis SCG was found to be rich in sugars (45 3% w/w) among of which hemicellulose (constituted by mannose galactose and arabinose) and cellulose (glucose homopolymer) correspond to 367% (w/w) and 8 6% (w/w) respectively Optimal conditions for hemicellulose sugars extraction consisted in using 100 mg acid/g dry matter 10g liquid/g solid at 163 degrees C for 45 min Under these conditions hydrolysis efficiencies of 100% 774% and 895% may be achieved for galactan mannan and arabinan respectively corresponding to a hemicellulose hydrolysis efficiency of 874% (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
BACKGROUND: This work deals with the xylitol production by biotechnological routes emphasizing the purification process using crystallization. RESULTS: Xylitol volumetric productivity of 0.665 g L(-1) h(-1) and yield of 0.7024 g g(-1) were obtained after 92 h fermentation. The fermented broth (61.3 g L(-1) xylitol) was centrifuged, treated and concentrated obtain a syrup (745.3 g L(-1) xylitol) which was crystallized twice, xylitol crystals with 98.5-99.2% purity being obtained. CONCLUSION: The hypothetical distribution obtained permits the determination of modeling parameters, which make possible the estimation of crystal dominant size from different initial experimental conditions. (C) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry
Nyvlt method Was used to determine the kinetic parameters of commercial xylitol in ethanol:water (50:50 %w/w) Solution by batch cooling crystallization. The kinetic exponents (n, g and in) and the system kinetic constant (B(N)) were determined. Model experiments were carried Out in order to verify the combined effects of saturation temperatures (40, 50 and 60 degrees C) and cooling rates (0.10, 0.25 and 0.50 degrees C/min) on these parameters. The fitting between experimental and Calculated crystal sizes has 11.30% mean deviation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.