953 resultados para cellulose ester
Recombinant cellulose-binding domain (CBD) derived from the cellulolytic bacterium Clostridium cellulovorans was found to modulate the elongation of different plant cells in vitro. In peach (Prunus persica L.) pollen tubes, maximum elongation was observed at 50 μg mL−1 CBD. Pollen tube staining with calcofluor showed a loss of crystallinity in the tip zone of CBD-treated pollen tubes. At low concentrations CBD enhanced elongation of Arabidopsis roots. At high concentrations CBD dramatically inhibited root elongation in a dose-responsive manner. Maximum effect on root hair elongation was at 100 μg mL−1, whereas root elongation was inhibited at that concentration. CBD was found to compete with xyloglucan for binding to cellulose when CBD was added first to the cellulose, before the addition of xyloglucan. When Acetobacter xylinum L. was used as a model system, CBD was found to increase the rate of cellulose synthase in a dose-responsive manner, up to 5-fold compared with the control. Electron microscopy examination of the cellulose ribbons produced by A. xylinum showed that CBD treatment resulted in a splayed ribbon composed of separate fibrillar subunits, compared with a thin, uniform ribbon in the control.
The cortical microtubule array provides spatial information to the cellulose-synthesizing machinery within the plasma membrane of elongating cells. Until now data indicated that information is transferred from organized cortical microtubules to the cellulose-synthesizing complex, which results in the deposition of ordered cellulosic walls. How cortical microtubules become aligned is unclear. The literature indicates that biophysical forces, transmitted by the organized cellulose component of the cell wall, provide a spatial cue to orient cortical microtubules. This hypothesis was tested on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) protoplasts and suspension-cultured cells treated with the cellulose synthesis inhibitor isoxaben. Isoxaben (0.25–2.5 μm) inhibited the synthesis of cellulose microfibrils (detected by staining with 1 μg mL−1 fluorescent dye and polarized birefringence), the cells failed to elongate, and the cortical microtubules failed to become organized. The affects of isoxaben were reversible, and after its removal microtubules reorganized and cells elongated. Isoxaben did not depolymerize microtubules in vivo or inhibit the polymerization of tubulin in vitro. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that cellulose microfibrils, and hence cell elongation, are involved in providing spatial cues for cortical microtubule organization. These results compel us to extend the microtubule/microfibril paradigm to include the bidirectional flow of information.
Isothermal titration microcalorimetry is combined with solution-depletion isotherm data to analyze the thermodynamics of binding of the cellulose-binding domain (CBD) from the beta-1,4-(exo)glucanase Cex of Cellulomonas fimi to insoluble bacterial microcrystalline cellulose. Analysis of isothermal titration microcalorimetry data against two putative binding models indicates that the bacterial microcrystalline cellulose surface presents two independent classes of binding sites, with the predominant high-affinity site being characterized by a Langmuir-type Ka of 6.3 (+/-1.4) x 10(7) M-1 and the low-affinity site by a Ka of 1.1 (+/-0.6) x 10(6) M-1. CBDCex binding to either site is exothermic, but is mainly driven by a large positive change in entropy. This differs from protein binding to soluble carbohydrates, which is usually driven by a relatively large exothermic standard enthalpy change for binding. Differential heat capacity changes are large and negative, indicating that sorbent and protein dehydration effects make a dominant contribution to the driving force for binding.
Cellulose-binding domains (CBDs) bind specifically to cellulose, and form distinct domains of most cellulose degrading enzymes. The CBD-mediated binding of the enzyme has a fundamental role in the hydrolysis of the solid cellulose substrate. In this work we have investigated the reversibility and kinetics of the binding of the CBD from Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase I on microcrystalline cellulose. The CBD was produced in Escherichia coli, purified, and radioactively labeled by reductive alkylation with 3H. Sensitive detection of the labeled CBD allowed more detailed analysis of its behavior than has been possible before, and important novel features were resolved. Binding of the CBD was found to be temperature sensitive, with an increased affinity at lower temperatures. The interaction of the CBD with cellulose was shown to be fully reversible and the CBD could be eluted from cellulose by simple dilution. The rate of exchange measured for the CBD-cellulose interaction compares well with the hydrolysis rate of cellobiohydrolase I, which is consistent with its proposed mode of action as a processive exoglucanase.
In spite of much effort, no one has succeeded in isolating and characterizing the enzyme(s) responsible for synthesis of cellulose, the major cell wall polymer of plants. We have characterized two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) cDNA clones and identified one rice (Oryza sativa) cDNA that are homologs of the bacterial celA genes that encode the catalytic subunit of cellulose synthase. Three regions in the deduced amino acid sequences of the plant celA gene products are conserved with respect to the proteins encoded by bacterial celA genes. Within these conserved regions, there are four highly conserved subdomains previously suggested to be critical for catalysis and/or binding of the substrate UDP-glucose (UDP-Glc). An overexpressed DNA segment of the cotton celA1 gene encodes a polypeptide fragment that spans these domains and binds UDP-Glc, while a similar fragment having one of these domains deleted does not. The plant celA genes show little homology at the N- and C-terminal regions and also contain two internal insertions of sequence, one conserved and one hypervariable, that are not found in the bacterial gene sequences. Cotton celA1 and celA2 genes are expressed at high levels during active secondary wall cellulose synthesis in developing cotton fibers. Genomic Southern blot analyses in cotton demonstrate that celA forms a small gene family.
It has been reported that His-119 of ribonuclease A plays a major role as an imidazolium ion acid catalyst in the cyclization/cleavage of normal dinucleotides but that it is not needed for the cyclization/cleavage of 3'-uridyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate. We see that this is also true for simple buffer catalysis, where imidazole (as in His-12 of the enzyme), but not imidazolium ion, plays a significant catalytic role with the nitrophenyl substrate, but both are catalytic for normal dinucleotides such as uridyluridine. Rate studies show that the enzyme catalyzes the cyclization of the nitrophenylphosphate derivative 47,000,000 times less effectively (kcat/kuncat) than it does uridyladenosine, indicating that approximately 50% of the catalytic free energy change is lost with this substrate. This suggests that the nitrophenyl substrate is not correctly bound to take full advantage of the catalytic groups of the enzyme and is thus not a good guide to the mechanism used by normal nucleotides. The published data on kinetic effects with ribonuclease A of substituting thiophosphate groups for the phosphate groups of normal substrates has been discussed elsewhere, and it was argued that these effects are suggestive of the classical mechanism for ribonuclease action, not the novel mechanism we have recently proposed. The details of these rate effects, including stereochemical preferences in the thiophosphate series, can be invoked as support for our newer mechanism.
Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), an active component of propolis from honeybee hives, is known to have antimitogenic, anticarcinogenic, antiinflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. The molecular basis for these diverse properties is not known. Since the role of the nuclear factor NF-kappa B in these responses has been documented, we examined the effect of CAPE on this transcription factor. Our results show that the activation of NF-kappa B by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is completely blocked by CAPE in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Besides TNF, CAPE also inhibited NF-kappa B activation induced by other inflammatory agents including phorbol ester, ceramide, hydrogen peroxide, and okadaic acid. Since the reducing agents reversed the inhibitory effect of CAPE, it suggests the role of critical sulfhydryl groups in NF-kappa B activation. CAPE prevented the translocation of the p65 subunit of NF-kappa B to the nucleus and had no significant effect on TNF-induced I kappa B alpha degradation, but did delay I kappa B alpha resynthesis. The effect of CAPE on inhibition of NF-kappa B binding to the DNA was specific, in as much as binding of other transcription factors including AP-1, Oct-1, and TFIID to their DNA were not affected. When various synthetic structural analogues of CAPE were examined, it was found that a bicyclic, rotationally constrained, 5,6-dihydroxy form was superactive, whereas 6,7-dihydroxy variant was least active. Thus, overall our results demonstrate that CAPE is a potent and a specific inhibitor of NF-kappa B activation and this may provide the molecular basis for its multiple immunomodulatory and antiinflammatory activities.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Order Glomales, Class Zygomycetes) are a diverse group of soil fungi that form mutualistic associations with the roots of most species of higher plants. Despite intensive study over the past 25 years, the phylogenetic relationships among AM fungi, and thus many details of evolution of the symbiosis, remain unclear. Cladistic analysis was performed on fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles of 15 species in Gigaspora and Scutellospora (family Gigasporaceae) by using a restricted maximum likelihood approach of continuous character data. Results were compared to a parsimony analysis of spore morphological characters of the same species. Only one tree was generated from each character set. Morphological and developmental data suggest that species with the simplest spore types are ancestral whereas those with complicated inner wall structures are derived. Spores of those species having a complex wall structure pass through stages of development identical to the mature stages of simpler spores, suggesting a pattern of classical Haeckelian recapitulation in evolution of spore characters. Analysis of FAME profiles supported this hypothesis when Glomus leptotichum was used as the outgroup. However, when Glomus etunicatum was chosen as the outgroup, the polarity of the entire tree was reversed. Our results suggest that FAME profiles contain useful information and provide independent criteria for generating phylogenetic hypotheses in AM fungi. The maximum likelihood approach to analyzing FAME profiles also may prove useful for many other groups of organisms in which profiles are empirically shown to be stable and heritable.
The protein-tyrosine phosphatase epsilon (PTP epsilon) is a transmembranal, receptor-type protein that possesses two phosphatase catalytic domains characteristic of transmembranal phosphatases. Here we demonstrate the existence of a nontransmembranal isoform of PTP epsilon, PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic. PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic and the transmembranal isoform of PTP epsilon have separate, nonoverlapping expression patterns. Further, the data clearly indicate that control of which of the two isoforms is to be expressed is initiated at the transcriptional level, suggesting that they have distinct physiological roles. PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic mRNA is the product of a delayed early response gene in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, and its transcription is regulated through a pathway that requires protein kinase C. The human homologue of PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic has also been cloned and is strongly up-regulated in the early stages of phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate-induced differentiation of HL-60 cells. Sequence analysis indicates and cellular fractionation experiments confirm that this isoform is a cytoplasmic molecule. PTP epsilon-cytoplasmic is therefore the initial example to our knowledge of a nontransmembranal protein-tyrosine phosphatase that contains two tandem of catalytic domains.
Sucrose synthase (SuSy; EC; sucrose + UDP reversible UDPglucose + fructose) has always been studied as a cytoplasmic enzyme in plant cells where it serves to degrade sucrose and provide carbon for respiration and synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides and starch. We report here that at least half of the total SuSy of developing cotton fibers (Gossypium hirsutum) is tightly associated with the plasma membrane. Therefore, this form of SuSy might serve to channel carbon directly from sucrose to cellulose and/or callose synthases in the plasma membrane. By using detached and permeabilized cotton fibers, we show that carbon from sucrose can be converted at high rates to both cellulose and callose. Synthesis of cellulose or callose is favored by addition of EGTA or calcium and cellobiose, respectively. These findings contrast with the traditional observation that when UDPglucose is used as substrate in vitro, callose is the major product synthesized. Immunolocalization studies show that SuSy can be localized at the fiber surface in patterns consistent with the deposition of cellulose or callose. Thus, these results support a model in which SuSy exists in a complex with the beta-glucan synthases and serves to channel carbon from sucrose to glucan.
CD28 is a costimulatory receptor found on the surface of most T lymphocytes. Engagement of CD28 induces interleukin 2 (IL-2) production and cell proliferation when combined with an additional signal such as treatment with phorbol ester, an activator of protein kinase C. Recent studies have established that after CD28 ligation, the cytoplasmic domain of CD28 can bind to the 85-kDa subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3 kinase). There is a concomitant increase in PI3 lipid kinase activity that may be important in CD28 signaling. Despite the requirement of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) for effector function, we have found, however, that treatment of Jurkat T cells with the phorbol ester PMA dramatically inhibits (i) the association of PI3 kinase with CD28, (ii) the ability of p85 PI3 kinase to be immunoprecipitated by anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies, and (iii) the induction of PI3 kinase activity after stimulation of the cells with the anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody 9.3. These changes occur within minutes of PMA treatment and are persistent. In addition, we have found that wortmannin, a potent inhibitor of PI3 kinase, does not interfere with the induction of IL-2 after stimulation of Jurkat T cells with anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody and PMA. We conclude that PI3 kinase activity may not be required for CD28-dependent IL-2 production from Jurkat T cells in the presence of PMA.
Vascular endothelial cells, serving as a barrier between vessel and blood, are exposed to shear stress in the body. Although endothelial responses to shear stress are important in physiological adaption to the hemodynamic environments, they can also contribute to pathological conditions--e.g., in atherosclerosis and reperfusion injury. We have previously shown that shear stress mediates a biphasic response of monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1) gene expression in vascular endothelial cells and that the regulation is at the transcriptional level. These observations led us to functionally analyze the 550-bp promoter region of the MCP-1-encoding gene to define the cis element responding to shear stress. The shear stress/luciferase assay on the deletion constructs revealed that a 38-bp segment (-53 to -90 bp relative to the transcription initiation site) containing two divergent phorbol ester "12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate" (TPA)-responsive elements (TRE) is critical for shear inducibility. Site-specific mutations on these two sites further demonstrated that the proximal one (TGACTCC) but not the distal one (TCACTCA) was shear-responsive. Shear inducibility was lost after the mutation or deletion of the proximal site. This molecular mechanism of shear inducibility of the MCP-1 gene was functional in both the epithelial-like HeLa cells and bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). In a construct with four copies of the TRE consensus sequences TGACTACA followed by the rat prolactin minimal promoter and luciferase gene, shear stress induced the reporter activities by 35-fold and 7-fold in HeLa cells and BAEC, respectively. The application of shear stress on BAEC also induced a rapid and transient phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Pretreatment of BAEC with TPA attenuated the shear-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, suggesting that shear stress and TPA share a similar signal transduction pathway in activating cells. The present study provides a molecular basis for the transient induction of MCP-1 gene by shear stress.
A plethora of extracellular signals is known to induce a common set of immediate early genes. The immediate early response, therefore, must not be sufficient to determine the biological outcome. An example of this is found with the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). A potent activator of protein kinase C, TPA can either stimulate or inhibit cell proliferation, depending on the cell type. This cell context-dependent response to TPA is observed with two subclones of NIH 3T3 cells, the P- and the N-3T3 clones. TPA is a mitogen for the P-3T3 but an antimitogen for the N-3T3 cells. The immediate early pathway is activated by TPA in both cell types, indicating that this pathway alone does not activate DNA synthesis. The delayed induction of cyclin D1 expression by TPA is observed only in the P-3T3 cells, correlating with mitogenesis. N-Acetylcysteine does not affect the immediate early pathway but can inhibit the TPA-mediated induction of cyclin D1 and DNA synthesis. In the N-3T3 cells, TPA causes an inhibition of the cyclin E-associated kinase at the G1/S transition, correlating with growth inhibition. The growth-inhibitory activity of TPA is not affected by N-acetylcysteine. Thus, the two TPA-regulated G1 pathways can be distinguished by their sensitivity to N-acetylcysteine. These results demonstrate that TPA can activate alternative G1 pathways. Moreover, the selection of the alternative G1 pathways is determined by the cell context, which, in turn, dictates the biological response to TPA.
Poly(lactic acid) (PLA)-based high performance nano-biocomposites were prepared to be used in active food packaging. Pristine (CNC) and surfactant modified cellulose nanocrystals (s-CNC) with silver (Ag) nanoparticles were used as the matrix modifiers. Binary and ternary systems were prepared. Morphological investigations revealed the good distribution of silver nanoparticles in PLA ternary systems. The combination of s-CNC and Ag nanoparticles increased the barrier effect of the produced films while the results of overall migration for the PLA nano-biocomposites revealed that none of the samples exceeded the overall migration limit, since results were well below 60 mg kg−1 of simulant.