640 resultados para brochure


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La tesi tratta di strumenti finalizzati alla valutazione dello stato conservativo e di supporto all'attività di manutenzione dei ponti, dai più generali Bridge Management Systems ai Sistemi di Valutazione Numerica della Condizione strutturale. Viene proposto uno strumento originale con cui classificare i ponti attraverso un Indice di Valutazione Complessiva e grazie ad esso stabilire le priorità d'intervento. Si tara lo strumento sul caso pratico di alcuni ponti della Provincia di Bologna. Su un ponte in particolare viene realizzato un approfondimento specifico sulla determinazione approssimata dei periodi propri delle strutture da ponte. Si effettua un confronto dei risultati di alcune modellazioni semplificate in riferimento a modellazioni dettagliate e risultati sperimentali.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi s’inserisce all’interno del progetto Language Toolkit, nato dalla collaborazione tra la Camera di Commercio di Forlì-Cesena e la Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione di Forlì, al fine di avvicinare il mondo dell’università al mondo del lavoro. In particolare, la tesi è frutto della collaborazione tra la laureanda e la Graziani Packaging, azienda italiana leader nel settore del packaging ortofrutticolo e industriale, e consiste nella revisione di una brochure, nella localizzazione del sito web www.graziani.com e nella traduzione di una presentazione PowerPoint, il tutto dall’italiano al tedesco. Il lavoro si compone di tre capitoli. Nel primo, che rappresenta un approfondimento teorico sul tema della localizzazione, si analizza nel dettaglio l’acronimo GILT, si espongono brevemente le tappe principali che hanno caratterizzato la nascita e lo sviluppo del settore della localizzazione e si esaminano le caratteristiche linguistiche, culturali e tecniche della localizzazione di siti web. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato al concetto di qualità in ambito traduttivo e al tema della revisione. In particolare, nella prima parte si analizzano gli standard di qualità professionali, i criteri di qualità proposti da Scarpa (2008) e la classificazione degli errori di traduzione sviluppata da Mossop (2001), mentre l’ultima parte riguarda il processo di revisione in concreto. Nel terzo capitolo, infine, vengono analizzati i tre testi di partenza forniti dall’azienda al traduttore (brochure, sito web e presentazione PowerPoint), e viene esposto e commentato il lavoro di revisione, localizzazione e traduzione degli stessi, ponendo una particolare enfasi sugli aspetti linguistici, culturali e tecnici più interessanti che lo hanno caratterizzato. La tesi si chiude con un glossario terminologico contenente i termini chiave, in italiano e in tedesco, relativi al dominio del packaging ortofrutticolo e industriale, individuati nel corso del lavoro di revisione, localizzazione e traduzione.


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Die Idee zu der vorliegenden Masterarbeit entstand nach meinem Praktikum bei dem Bologneser Unternehmen Meccanica Sarti, das im Bereich der metallmechanischen Industrie tätig ist. Ziel meiner Masterarbeit ist die Lokalisierung der Unternehmenswebsite ins Deutsche und die deutsche Übersetzung der Unternehmensbroschüre. Vor beiden Projekten wurde jeweils eine Terminologiearbeit durchgeführt. Die Masterarbeit ist in vier Kapitel untergliedert. Das erste Kapitel ist Meccanica Sarti gewidmet, einem Unternehmen, das sich auf die Fertigung und Bearbeitung feinmechanischer Bauteile für die Industrie spezialisiert hat. Das zweite Kapitel bietet eine theoretische Einführung in die Lokalisierung: Insbesondere werden die wichtigsten mit ihr verknüpften Konzepte (z.B. das Akronym GILT), ihre Geschichte und ihre Entwicklung erläutert. Das Kapitel enthält auch einen Überblick auf die den ÜbersetzerInnen während der Lokalisierung zur Verfügung stehenden elektronischen Hilfsmittel und die Auszeichnungs- bzw. Programmiersprachen, mit denen die Webseiten geschrieben sind. Im dritten Kapitel werden die Fachsprachen und die Terminologiearbeit thematisiert. Die Übersetzung eines Fachtextes ist nur dann möglich, wenn die ÜbersetzerInnen den Wortschatz des betreffenden Fachgebiets, d.h. die Terminologie, kennen. Nach einer Übersicht über die Merkmale der Fachsprachen und der Terminologie wird auf die von Meccanica Sarti benutzte Terminologie eingegangen. Im Rahmen der Masterarbeit wurde zunächst ein Korpus mit den vom Unternehmen zur Verfügung gestellten Dokumenten erstellt und mit dem Programm AntConc wurden die häufigsten keyword und n-gram ermittelt. Im Anschluss daran wurden mit SDL MultiTerm die einschlägigen terminologischen Eintrage erstellt. Das vierte Kapitel beinhaltet die Analyse der Website und der Broschüre und die Auseinandersetzung mit ihren sprachlichen bzw. grafischen Merkmalen. An die Analyse schließt sich eine Überlegung zu SDL Trados, dem benutzen CAT Tool, an. Das Kapitel enthält auch die Lokalisierung der Website und die Übersetzung der Broschüre, die beide ins Deutsche durchgeführt wurden. Abschließend werden die Übersetzungsstrategien, -verfahren, -probleme und -schwierigkeiten anhand der theoretischen Überlegungen am Anfang des Kapitels beschrieben.


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The Regional Park Corno alle Scale, while often criticized for a lack of effort focussing on attracting tourism to the area, still maintains a vast potential for satisfying the visitors' curiosity for areas of natural beauty, outdoor activities, hand crafted artefacts, and local cuisine. With the intent of promoting the area of Corno alle scale in a more comprehensive and appealing fashion, this paper has two main parts. Four brochures have been translated detailing the history of the villages dotted around the regional park, their main features, the local flora and fauna, the full range of outdoor activities available in the area, and also the main seasonal attraction, the ski resort. Secondly the translation strategies will be commented.


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According to one’s personal biography, social background and the resultant degree of affectedness, a person has certain ideas about the meaning of, in our example, a World Heritage Site (WHS), what he or she can expect from it and what his or her relation to it can and should be. The handling of potentially different meaningful spaces is decisive, when it comes to the negotiation of pathways towards the sustainable development of a WHS region. Due to the fact that – in a pluralistic world – multiple realities exist, they have to be taken seriously and adequately addressed. In this article we identified the ways the Jungfrau-Aletsch- WHS was constructed by exploring the visual and verbal representations of the WHS during the decision-making process (1998-2001). The results demonstrate that in the visual representations (images), the WHS was to a large extent presented as an unspoiled natural environment similar to a touristy promotion brochure. Such a ‘picture-book’-like portrait has no direct link to the population’s daily needs, their questions and anxieties about the consequences of a WHS label. By contrast, the verbal representations (articles, letters-to-the-editor, comments) were dominated by issues concerning the economic development of the region, fears of disappropriation, and different views on nature. Whereas visual and verbal representations to a large extent differ significantly, their combination might have contributed to the final decision of the majority of people concerned to support the application for inscription of the Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn region into the World Heritage list. The prominence of economic arguments and narratives about intergenerational responsibility in the verbal representations and their combination with the aesthetic appeal of the natural environment in the visual representations might have built a common meaningful space for one part of the population.


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Editor's note: The text of this article originally appeared as the final chapter of a brochure entitled Mountains and Climate Change—From Understanding to Action, prepared at the Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland, for presentation by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) at a side event at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on 12 December 2009. Chapters of the brochure deal with various aspects of climate change and its impact in mountain regions. In light of the significance of the Copenhagen COP 15 conference, the editors of this publication believe MRD's readers will be interested in reading this summary written from the perspective of Swiss researchers and development experts. The full brochure may be viewed and downloaded at www.cde.unibe.ch/Research/MA_Re.asp


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This study focused on the effects of socioeconomic exclusivity indicators on college students¿ attitudes toward a hypothetical private liberal arts university. Students enrolled in two undergraduate courses in Education at an elite private liberal arts university in the northeast were randomly presented with one of three versions of an admissions brochure describing a fictitious university. The three versions of the brochure varied in their portrayals of the institution¿s financial exclusivity, ranging from high exclusivity to low exclusivity. Each student was asked to review the brochure and respond to a questionnaire, containing items pertaining to the overall desirability of the institution, as well as its student culture, academic program, campus traditions, and alumni network. Based on Thorstein Veblen¿s theory of the leisure class and Pierre Bourdieu¿s theory of social reproduction, it was hypothesized that students would judge the institution most favorably in all areas under the high exclusivity condition and least favorably under the low exclusivity condition. It was further hypothesized that differences in students¿ ratings of institutional desirability would be mediated by their own financial aid statuses. Results of a two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed significant (p < .05) interactive effects of institutional exclusivity and student aid status on the perceived desirability of the academic program and campus traditions of the institution. While recipients of need-based financial aid tended to rate more socioeconomically exclusive institutions more favorably on these two variables, those who were not receiving need-based financial aid tended to rate such institutions less favorably. Implications of the findings for student affairs practice are discussed and recommendations for further research are presented.


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Human behavior is a major factor modulating the consequences of road tunnel accidents. We investigated the effect of information and instruction on drivers' behavior as well as the usability of virtual environments to simulate such emergency situations. Tunnel safety knowledge of the general population was assessed using an online questionnaire, and tunnel safety behavior was investigated in a virtual reality experiment. Forty-four participants completed three drives through a virtual road tunnel and were confronted with a traffic jam, no event, and an accident blocking the road. Participants were randomly assigned to a control group (no intervention), an informed group who read a brochure containing safety information prior to the tunnel drives, or an informed and instructed group who read the same brochure and received additional instructions during the emergency situation. Informed participants showed better and quicker safety behavior than the control group. Self-reports of anxiety were assessed three times during each drive. Anxiety was elevated during and after the emergency situation. The findings demonstrate problematic safety behavior in the control group and that knowledge of safety information fosters adequate behavior in tunnel emergencies. Enhanced anxiety ratings during the emergency situation indicate external validity of the virtual environment.


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In the decade following the World Food Summit in 1996, the SDC has committed itself to reaching the objective set for 2015. This commitment has garnered support from a very large number of public and private partners and has led to initiatives and projects aimed at improving agricultural production and research, encouraging greater stewardship of natural resources and developing rural areas in regions where food security is a critical problem. The brochure presents a selection of the manifold projects SDC iniatied and supported in order to increase food security.


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People in arid and semi-arid regions face difficult living conditions, increasingly aggravated by extended periods of drought and advancing desertification. However, the populations of arid and semi-arid regions can also rely on the great potential for innovation and adaptation that they have developed over centuries of living in these environments. This brochure presents the reality of people living in the world’s arid and semi-arid regions, and shows how SDC supports them in developing innovations and improving their livelihoods.


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Due to their biodiversity, forests generate a range of products and services that are of economic, social or cultural value to human beings. Natural resource management provisions should ensure the creation and maintenance of these goods and services in the long term. However, unsustainable management practices of forests do not only generate short-term benefits but also considerable costs for society. Payment by the beneficiaries of the services would enable us to internalise external costs and promote sustainable management. Two days of conferences on ”Forest and water”, on the multifunctionality of forests, on interactions between forests and water, on sustainable resource management, on payments for environmental services, their institutional and economic perspectives, were the basis of this brochure which presents an in-depth analysis of the information exchanged among conference participants and the public. It is intended for readers who work in international development cooperation and assistance in Switzerland and abroad. It offers additional information for local programmes in the field and at policy level.


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Evidence based public health requires knowledge about successful dissemination of public health measures. This study analyses (a) the changes in worksite tobacco prevention (TP) in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, between 2007 and 2009; (b1) the results of a multistep versus a “brochure only” dissemination strategy; (b2) the results of a monothematic versus a comprehensive dissemination strategy that aim to get companies to adopt TP measures; and (c) whether worksite TP is associated with health- related outcomes. A longitudinal design with randomized control groups was applied. Data on worksite TP and health-related outcomes were gathered by a written questionnaire (baseline


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L’objectif de cet article est d’approfondir le fonctionnement textuel des registres, vus comme des matrices d’écriture, dans un cas particulier de discours médiatique : les campagnes institutionnelles antitabac. Tout en montrant que ces campagnes s’appuient sur quatre registres (le délibératif, le didactique, l’épidictique et le pathémique), l’article analyse la distribution différenciée de ces derniers selon les genres (brochure ou affiche) dans lesquels ils s’intègrent. Par ailleurs, l’accent est mis sur l’ambiguïté interprétative de ces registres, à travers leur interaction entre le texte et l’image dans une affiche typique.