374 resultados para biophilic urbanism


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A principios de la década de los 80' la ciudad de Málaga, con un centro histórico totalmente degradado, y un puerto, aún sin hacer frente a la demanda de contenedores y cruceros, deciden embaucarse en el desarrollo de un Plan Especial. Este plan permitiría por un lado que el puerto se modernizara y pudiera ser competitivo, liberando los muelles más próximos a la ciudad y adentrándose en el mar; y por otro lado que esos muelles liberados de actividad portuaria pudieran transformarse en terciario para la regeneración del centro histórico tal y como había ocurrido en Baltimore y otras tantas ciudades que habían adaptado ese modelo. Sin embargo, esto que en un principio parecía resolver los problemas de ambas realidades, dio lugar a más de 25 años de discusiones y propuestas distantes. Durante este largo periodo el Plan se quedó obsoleto. El tiempo de aprobación del Plan superó la previsión del mismo. Cuando llegaron a un acuerdo, tanto el puerto como la ciudad ya se habían desarrollado paralelamente, tanto en el tiempo como en el espacio, pero sin ninguna relación. Esto mismo se reflejaba en el Plan acordado que se limitaba a los muelles, sin relacionarse ni con la dársena ni con la ciudad. Sin embargo, a pesar de la discordancia, los ciudadanos han ido conquistando ambos terrenos, y aunque no existe ninguna continuidad física ni funcional, han sido ellos mismos los que han conseguido la integración del puerto-ciudad.


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La “ilha” es un tipo de vivienda clandestina para las clases trabajadoras que surge en la segunda mitad del S.XIX, fruto de la necesidad habitacional de una gran cantidad de población que abandonaba el rural en busca de empleo, en la emergente industria de Oporto. Estas viviendas de bajo coste, fueron declaradas insalubres y elementos a eliminar a partir del s. XX, existiendo numerosos planes para demolerlas. Puede ser la hora de cambiar la forma de pensar, definiendo una política de revitalización de los espacios urbanos, paralela a la búsqueda de nuevas formas de ver las “ilhas” y la ciudad de Oporto. El trabajo comienza con la idea de preguntar si la noción de “ilha” tiene algún significado en la ciudad. Saber qué hacen las “ilhas” - si es que lo hacen - que pueda ser útil a la ciudad de Oporto y cómo lo hacen. En respuesta a la problemática identificada se establecen dos objetivos. El primero se centra en Clasificar matrices morfo-tipológicas de las “ilhas” en la parroquia del Bonfim, para así conocer las diferentes formas y tipologías de las “ilhas”, seleccionando tres casos de estudio. Con los datos extraídos poder abordar el segundo objetivo que propone Definir principios para la valorización del carácter distintivo de las “ilhas” en el contexto urbano portuense. La investigación se estructura en siete capítulos, la fundamentación teórica como reflexión del urbanismo reciente, sobre las diferentes vertientes del urbanismo moderno y como éstas han afectado a las “ilhas” y a la ciudad de Oporto. Destaca la morfología urbana como ciencia que estudia la ciudad y el estado del arte que ha ayudado a poner de relieve las investigaciones realizadas sobre el tema en la actualidad. El siguiente capítulo explica la especificidad del urbanismo portugués y como a partir de éste surgen las “ilhas”, una nueva tipología de Oporto. Posteriormente con base en el análisis documental se escoge la parroquia del Bonfim para delimitar el ámbito, analizando tres casos de estudio con los datos necesarios para la obtención de respuestas y desenvolvimiento de las conclusiones finales. La metodología utilizada está dividida en dos fases: una primera fase corresponde con un marco muestral de las “Ilhas” del Bonfim (estudio mayormente cuantitativo) donde se clasifican todas las comunidades “ilha” que componen la parroquia. Y una segunda fase, estudio cualitativo, donde se analizan de manera individual tres casos de estudio, que se seleccionaran según criterios definidos, para después realizar un análisis comparativo. En conclusión, las “ilhas” se integran en una estructura social que las caracteriza, marcada por la arquitectura y apropiación del espacio que simbolizan estos núcleos habitacionales. Son ejemplo de la utilización del espacio público como espacio de convivencia, frente a multitud de unidades habitacionales con espacios públicos descuidados, sin uso, abandonados, espacios donde las personas no se identifican con el lugar convertidas en sobrantes entre los edificios o territorios vacios. Las “ilhas” muestran unos principios básicos para el diseño y la relevancia de un buen sistema de espacios públicos que permitan vivir mejor.


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En el planteamiento de la presente disertación, se tienen en consideración las premisas sobre los orígenes de la ciudad, su influencia industrial y su resolución a través de la Teoría de la Lógica Social del Espacio como herramienta de trabajo para los análisis sobre los planes urbanos propuestos para el municipio a estudio, su historia y para la elaboración de propuestas de interacción futuras. Inicialmente, la propuesta surge de la importancia de las vías de comunicación, como elemento creador urbano, es decir, de una determinada infraestructura, la calle-carretera como el “eje” de consolidación de la ciudad, donde se realizan la mayoría de recorridos o flujos en este caso, ejemplificado en la villa de Porriño. El urbanismo pos-moderno, hasta finales de 1970 e inicios de 1980, no abordaba una articulación entre social y técnica, una ciencia de lucha de clases. En este contexto, en 1984, Bill Hillier y Julienne Hanson escriben “La Lógica Social del Espacio” donde argumentan que los movimientos o flujos obedecen a una lógica racional, según la cual, cualquier desplazamiento es llevado a cabo por el menor recorrido y, por tanto, el urbanismo influye en esos flujos. La configuración urbana genera condiciones de accesibilidad y da origen a una diferenciación espacial jerarquizada con conceptos como la conectividad, integración y segregación en un espacio influenciado y construido por la dinámica social. De este modo, la Teoría de la Sintaxis Espacial describe la configuración del trazado urbano y las relaciones entre el espacio público y privado a través de medidas cuantitativas, las cuales permiten entender aspectos importantes del sistema urbano como la accesibilidad y la distribución y usos del suelo consolidado. Por tanto, en la teoría existe una correlación establecida entre las propiedades de los elementos presentados, espacio y sociedad, de modo que cada elemento incumbe al otro y no existiría sin su presencia, siendo fundamental para la definición de la forma. Esta herramienta, Space Syntax, busca la integración del espacio en la ciudad, mediante un análisis y una evaluación a diversas escalas en la red urbana, con una correcta distribución de los espacios, sus usos y las vías de transporte o comunicación necesarios para llegar a los diferentes lugares de la ciudad. La realización de la investigación se centrará en el análisis de la infraestructura viaria en el municipio de Porriño y sus regiones colindantes a lo largo del período histórico analizado, centrándose en tres momentos históricos, 1956, 1986 y la actualidad 2015, debido a los vuelos fotogramétricos de dichas etapas. Así, se obtendrán las respectivas mediciones correspondientes a través del programa informático Depthmap, las cuales se contrarrestarán y compararán entre sí en cada etapa analizada y entre los propios años examinados, para lograr obtener las consideraciones establecidas a lo largo del estudio en cuanto a la influencia comunicativa de los flujos de interacción social en el entorno urbano definido y la respectiva lucha de los sectores industriales y residenciales. En conclusión, se pretende la justificación del origen de la ciudad a través de la comparación sus vías, las cuales fueron fomentadas por el comercio e industria para su creación, dotando así a la industria del dominio del espacio para satisfacer sus necesidades, creando y ampliando su área de intervención, la cual puede ser analizada y tratada no sólo independientemente, sino en el conjunto urbano en el que se sitúa, Porriño.


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The urban expansion problem of Baía Formosa, a southern edge city of de Rio Grande do Norte eastern coast, which has been presented in other coast Brazilian towns, specially on those with tourist activities increase. Therefore, this situation brings huge concerns to their inhabitants, to their technical /scientific community and to the governments, because of the conflicts of interest and of the growth of urban problems that this has been created. At Baía Formosa, the situation is aggravated because the city is confined, once around it, there are large private proprieties, environmental preservation area and the sea, at the eastern edge. The objectives of this study are the analyses of this city expansion process in order to obtain adequate alternatives and defining methodology to apply in other urban nucleus that are subjected to similar situations. Of course, presents social relations, environmental conditions and promoting local population insertion should be considered in order that enjoin this process and contributing to a better social balance. This case study has used bibliography research, field data, maps and soil occupation recorders and photographs of the area, besides the primary data gathering by surveys carried out with many social actors. The present analysis shows that the urban expansion observed today is featured by a recent unsustainable model, which attacks the environment and brings either farm conflicts. On the other hand, the ecological tourism can represent an alternative in order to achieve an adequate expansion form, without forgetting the several structural parameters necessary to support the sustainable activities


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The present work analyzes the fast evolution of gated communities in Natal-RN´s urban space. Characterized by the occupation of large areas, providing private security and utilities, this kind of real estate use arises a long list of questions and issues from society and scholars, due to privatization of urban space, bending of law constraints and the lack of an integrated planning of the cities where they are built. The reasons for its fast growth in Brazil s urban areas are analyzed, considering the impact on formal urban planning and municipal services and on the identification of urbanistic, architectural pattern and constraints, as well as legal, social and economic issues. This study is based on the detailed analysis of the first three units of gated communities built in the urban space in Natal, between 1995 and 2003, including their evolution throughout time and the specific social and economic reasons for its present widespread adoption in Brazilian real estate market and, particulary, in our city. The main objective of this piece of work is to answer the why s and how s these phenomena evolved, setting a basis for the definition of adequate public policies and regulation of this kind of urban land use


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Contemporary studies have shown that the evolution of the heritage concepts is accompanied by an affirmation of the importance of social participation in recognizing heritage values and in managing cultural assets. We used the Brazilian context to emphasize the challenges for democratizing this process. This problematic is discussed based on the cases of Cidade Altaand Ribeira, neighborhoods that date from the formation of Natal-RNand have cultural assets recognized by levels of government. The study builds elements to answer the research question: what meanings and representations does the culturalheritage in the case study have for its users? The research method analyzes the representations and the meanings of the neighborhoods, firstly is based on historiographical studies, memories records of the city and on the process of heritage management. Secondly, it isbased on the field research, it is structured in environmental perception studies (areas of Environmental Psychology, Architecture and Urbanism) and has been applied with users with different bonds with the studied environment (residents, workers and visitors). The data were obtained with the multi-method which included direct observation, questionnaire survey and mentalmaps (that replicate Kevin Lynch). The analysis of result verified the research hypothesis, emphasizing aspects of the relationship between users and cultural heritage relevant to strengthening collective memory, local identity, contributing to heritage management. Among the results, the socio-environmental image obtained which emphasized a "cultural axis" linkingboth studied neighborhoods and confirms the influences of elements rein the memories records of the city and in the area s management. Identified aspects to strengthen the relationship between the users and cultural assets, such as the presence of placeswith affective ties to certain groups, as well as the need to fight off negative images (of degradation and insecurity) associated to the site and also expand the participation of the population, including residents, in policies and cultural activities. After all, recognition of value and the involvement of societycultural assets have the potential of contribute to integrate city development with heritage conservation


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The present research deals with the modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba2, between 1850 and 1924, and its relation with the cotton economy, which represented the main source of wealth accumulation for both the private and the public sectors throughout the First Republic. This study on urban history was developed by focusing on the understanding of the city s spatial formation, and despite its emphasis on the economic aspects involved, other factors that also contribute to the development of the social life were not put aside. The modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba was also analyzed during the period established for the study according to a chronological and thematic approach that established comparisons with the financial situation of the State, whenever this was necessary, with special attention to the contribution of the cotton economy to the State´s revenues. It was possible to detect a lack of financial help and loans from the federal and municipal administrations for finishing several public works already underway in the capital, since the federal funds allocated to the State of Parahyba do Norte were rather employed in emergency works against droughts and in agricultural development. One can then conclude that the financial resources required for the urban interventions were withdrawn from the State s treasury itself, resources that were collected mainly from activities such as cotton exportation and cotton trading. Another factor shows the interdependence between the urban remodeling and the cotton economy: during the years marked by great droughts or by hard plagues on the cotton plantations, cotton production decreased, as well as the State s finances. The first measures taken by the State s administrators were to halt all projects of urban remodeling in progress in the Cidade da Parahyba, which was, clearly, the most privileged city by the State s presidents during the period analyzed. 2 The city of João Pessoa was named Cidade da Parahyba, a designation that remained until September 1930, when it received its present-day name in order to pay homage to the president of the State, João Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, murdered in the city of Recife in August of that same year. At that time, the State of Paraíba was known as Parahyba do Norte. Since this work is limited to a period of time comprised within the First Republic, the names employed respect the terms used in those days


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In 2004, the discourse of ‘legacy’ was woven into the constitutional fabric of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Bidding for Olympic events is now premised on procuring post-event legacies that will resonate through local communities and host countries long after the flame is extinguished. Given vast expenditures in security, policing, and emergency management operations at major sporting events, it is notable that the IOC and its official partners have disproportionately under-represented security and policing legacies. This paper addresses research into security and policing legacies of major events by turning much needed empirical attention towards institutional level geographies of security and policing – particularly on legacies of policing and militarisation in Olympic host cities. Accordingly, the paper traces the institutional trajectory of the Military Liaison Unit (MLU) in the Vancouver Police Department who were heavily involved in coordinating the joint civilian–military effort throughout the lifecycle of the Vancouver 2010 inter Games. Theoretically, the paper furthers Stephen Graham’s (2010) New Military Urbanism that considers the circulation of military expertise between neo-colonial frontiers of military intervention with Western urban spaces. In doing so, this paper unpacks an empirically guided temporal approach that discerns key drivers of militarisation as localised, empirical-based ‘trajectories’ of development of security and policing institutions, which are linked to, and circumscribed by, critical juncture episodes in the context of mega event security. The paper traces processes of the MLU to explain how conditions underpinning the civil–military divide in urban policing, as a series of jurisdictional, institutional, and by extension, geographical configurations have continued, changed or been abandoned in the context of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. As such, this paper contributes to much needed debate on the controversies and opportunities inherent in security legacies and major events, which implicate the wider securitisation and militarisation of Western cities.


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Religion and Urbanism contributes to an expanded understanding of 'sustainable cities' in South Asia by demonstrating the multiple, and often conflicting ways in which religion enables or challenges socially equitable and ecologically sustainable urbanisation in the region. In particular, this collection focuses on two aspects that must inform the sustainable cities discourse in South Asia: the intersections of religion and urban heritage, and religion and various aspects of informality.

This book makes a much-needed contribution to the nexus between religion and urban planning for researchers, postgraduate students and policy makers in Sustainable Development, Development Studies, Urban Studies, Religious Studies, Asian Studies, Heritage Studies and Urban and Religious Geography.


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Religion and Urbanism contributes to an expanded understanding of 'sustainable cities' in South Asia by demonstrating the multiple, and often conflicting ways in which religion enables or challenges socially equitable and ecologically sustainable urbanisation in the region. In particular, this collection focuses on two aspects that must inform the sustainable cities discourse in South Asia: the intersections of religion and urban heritage, and religion and various aspects of informality.

This book makes a much-needed contribution to the nexus between religion and urban planning for researchers, postgraduate students and policy makers in Sustainable Development, Development Studies, Urban Studies, Religious Studies, Asian Studies, Heritage Studies and Urban and Religious Geography.


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In the United States, public school enrollment is typically organized by neighborhood boundaries. This dissertation examines whether the federally funded HOPE VI program influenced performance in neighborhood public schools. In effect since 1992, HOPE VI has sought to revitalize distressed public housing using the New Urbanism model of mixed income communities. There are 165 such HOPE VI projects nationwide. Despite nearly two decades of the program’s implementation, the literature on its connection to public school performance is thin. My dissertation aims to narrow this research gap. There are three principal research questions: (1) Following HOPE VI, was there a change in socioeconomic status (SES) in the neighborhood public school? The hypothesis is that low SES (measured as the proportion of students qualifying for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program) would reduce. (2) Following HOPE VI, did the performance of neighborhood public schools change? The hypothesis is that the school performance, measured by the proportion of 5th grade students proficient in state wide math and reading tests, would increase. (3) What factors relate to the performance of public schools in HOPE VI communities? The focus is on non-school, neighborhood factors that influence the public school performance. For answering the first two questions, I used t-tests and regression models to test the hypotheses. The analysis shows that there is no statistically significant change in SES following HOPE VI. However, there are statistically significant increases in performance for reading and math proficiency. The results are interesting in indicating that HOPE VI neighborhood improvement may have some relationship with improving school performance. To answer the third question, I conducted a case study analysis of two HOPE VI neighborhood public schools, one which improved significantly (in Philadelphia) and one which declined the most (in Washington DC). The analysis revealed three insights into neighborhood factors for improved school performance: (i) a strong local community organization; (ii) local community’s commitment (including the middle income families) to send children to the public school; and (iii) ties between housing and education officials to implement the federal housing program. In essence, the study reveals how housing policy is de facto education policy.


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It is generally assumed that Le Corbusier’s urban planning made a break with the past, and that the public spaces designed by him had nothing to do with anything that existed before – a conviction fostered by both the innovative character of his proposals and by the proliferation in his manifestos of watchwords that mask any evocation of the past – words like civilisation machiniste, l’esprit nouveau, l’architecture de demain. However, in his writings, Le Corbusier often mentioned the powerful analogy that exists between the architecture of other times and the logic of modern production. Vers une architecture, for example, contains a mixture of photographs showing silos, cars, aeroplanes, ships (i.e. the fruits of 19th and 20th century civil architecture and mechanical engineering) alongside photographs of Greek and Roman buildings. While Le Corbusier, at the end of the 1920s, claimed “I have only one teacher: the past; only one education: the study of the past”, a series of sketches in the first volume of the Œuvre complète, done during his youth at the archaeological sites visited during his Grand Tour, shows that his interest in the past went far beyond a simple reference.


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A Revolução Industrial consistiu num amplo conjunto de mudanças que ocorreu nos séculos XVIII e XIX na Europa, em que a grande metamorfose na sociedade sucedeu devido à substituição do trabalho manual pelo uso da máquina. Constituiu-se como fenómeno abrangente que congregou fatores demográficos, sociais, ideológicos, políticos e económicos. A busca de melhores condições de vida e de trabalho, foi fator decisivo para o aumento de população nos grandes núcleos urbanos, circunstância que determinou a procura de uma solução que resolvesse a questão do alojamento da classe trabalhadora. Surgiram assim teorias utópicas e sociais e também modelos urbanísticos dos quais se salientam: o Falanstério de Charles Fourier, Familistério de Jean-Baptiste Godin entre outros. Em Portugal, a industrialização ocorreu mais tarde que na restante Europa, assim como as evoluções e transformações associadas a esta. É neste contexto, que a partir do século XIX, o sector agrícola no país foi sendo gradualmente substituído pela indústria. O aumento da industrialização conduziu a um incremento da concentração de mão-de-obra próxima de grandes cidades industriais, ocorrência que fomentou o aparecimento dos primeiros núcleos habitacionais destinados à classe operária. A cidade sofreu, assim, alterações assinaladas por uma série de acontecimentos resultantes da Revolução Industrial, a par da falta de estratégias ligadas à questão da habitação para as classes desfavorecidas. É neste enquadramento que surge o Bairro do Pessoal da Empresa de Cimento de Leiria, Maceira-Liz. Este procurou responder às necessidades dos trabalhadores oferecendo-lhes boa qualidade de vida. Foi dotado de infraestruturas e equipamentos como a “Casa do Pessoal” ou a Cooperativa Abastecedora, entre outros, necessários ao bom funcionamento e permitindo uma maior sociabilidade entres os seus habitantes Desta forma, para demostrar a sua importância, introduz-se o Bairro do Pessoal da E.C.L no estudo do contexto internacional e nacional. Observam-se e criam-se relações com os modelos das cidades utópicas do século XIX e os conjuntos industriais em Portugal, detentores de alojamento destinado à classe trabalhadora, fazendo uma análise urbanística detalhada do Bairro do Pessoal de Maceira- Liz, uma “Utopia” construída segundo o espirito progressista do seu fundador Henrique Sommer.A partir do estudo dos fundamentos teórico-práticos, da forma de implantação e construção, bem como dos vários planos elaborados para este complexo - que demonstravam uma tentativa de inovar, através da construção de respostas às mudanças da sociedade e arquitetura em Portugal- poderá observar- -se que Maceira-Liz tinha alternativas para resolver a situação sócio- laboral dos operários e tentava resolver questões como a insalubridade da habitação operária da I República. O Bairro do Pessoal de E.C.L. ou Bairro de Maceira-Liz é um dos mais significativos exemplos de urbanismo do tipo fabril em Portugal, que permite fazer uma reflexão crítica e arquitetónica do papel que a arquitetura assume face à questão das diferenças sociais de classes, ao mesmo tempo que se propõe uma solução de revitalização do Bairro a fim de contribuir para a sua preservação e conservação da sua identidade; ABSTRACT: The Industrial Revolution consisted in a wide range of changes that occurred in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Europe, where the great metamorphosis in society succeeded due to the replacement of manual work by the use of machinery. It was established as a wide-ranging phenomenon which gathered demographic, social, ideological, political and economic factors. The search of better conditions of life and work was a decisive factor for the increase of population in major urban centers, a circumstance that led to the search for a solution to solve the question of working-class housing. Thus, utopian and social theories emerged, as also as urban models, of which we stand out: the Charles Fourier Phalanstery, Jean- Baptiste Godin Familistère and others. In Portugal, the industrialization occurred later than in the rest of Europe, as well as developments and changes associated with this. It is in this context that, starting in the nineteenth century, the agricultural sector in the country had been gradually replaced by the industry. The increased industrialization has led to an enlarged concentration of labor work close to major industrial cities, occurrence that fomented the appearance of the first housing units for the working class. So, the city suffered changes shown by a series of events resulting from the Industrial Revolution, together with the lack of strategies linked to the issue of housing for disadvantaged classes. It is in this context that comes the Neighborhood “Bairro do Pessoal da Empresa de Cimento de Leirio, Maceira – Liz”. This tried to respond to workers’ needs by offering them good quality of life. It was gifted with infrastructure and equipment as the “Staff Home” or the Cooperative Supplying, among others, needed for a proper functioning and allowing a greater sociability among its inhabitants. So, to demonstrate its importance, the Quarter of the Cement Company is introduced in the study of national and international context. Relationships with models of utopian cities in the nineteenth and the industrial plants in Portugal, owners of housing for the working class, are observed and created, making a detailed and urban analysis of the Quarter of the Cement Company, a “utopia “ built according to the progressive spirit of its founder Henry Sommer . From the study of the theoretical and practical fundamentals, the way of implementation and construction, as well as the various plans drawn up for this complex - which showed a determination to innovate by building responses to changes in society and architecture in Portugal - it can be founded that Maceira -Liz had alternatives to solve the socio- labor situation of the workers and tried to solve issues such as the unhealthiness of the working room of the First Republic. The Quarter of the Cement Company is one of the most significant examples of the industrial type urbanism in Portugal, which allows a critical and architectural reflection of the role that architecture assumes in what concerns the social class differences issues, while it is proposed a revitalization solution for the Neighborhood in order to contribute to the preservation and conservation of its identity