930 resultados para b-N-méthylamino-L-alanine


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Hind-limb ischemia has been used in type 1 diabetic mice to evaluate treatments for peripheral arterial disease or mechanisms of vascular impairment in diabetes [1]. Vascular deficiency is not only a pathophysiological condition, but also an obvious circumstance in tissue regeneration and in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM) strategies. We performed a pilot experiment of hind-limb ischemia in streptozotocin(STZ)-induced type 1 diabetic mice to hypothesise whether diabetes influences neovascularization induced by biomaterials. The dependent variables included blood flow and markers of arteriogenesis and angiogenesis. Type 1 diabetes was induced in 8-week-old C57BL/6 mice by an i.p. injection of STZ (50 mg/kg daily for 5 days). Hind-limb ischemia was created under deep anaesthesia and the left femoral artery and vein were isolated, ligated, and excised. The contralateral hind limb served as an internal control within each mouse. Non-diabetic ischaemic mice were used as experiment controls. At the hind-limb ischemia surgical procedure, different types of biomaterials were placed in the blood vessels gap. Blood flow was estimated by Laser Doppler perfusion imager, right after surgery and then weekly. After 28 days of implantation, surrounding muscle was excised and evaluated by histological analysis for arteriogenesis and angiogenesis. The results showed that implanted biomaterials were promote faster restoration of blood flow in the ischemic limbs and improved neovascularization in the diabetic mice. Therefore, we herein demonstrate that the combined model of hind-limb ischemia in type 1 diabetes mice is suitable to evaluate the neovascularization potential of biomaterials and eventually tissue engineering constructs.  


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The relaxivity displayed by Gd3+ chelates immobilized onto gold nanoparticles is the result of complex interplay between nanoparticle size, water exchange rate and chelate structure. In this work we study the effect of the length of -thioalkyl linkers, anchoring fast water exchanging Gd3+ chelates onto gold nanoparticles, on the relaxivity of the immobilized chelates. Gold nanoparticles functionalized with Gd3+ chelates of mercaptoundecanoyl and lipoyl amide conjugates of the DO3A-N-(-amino)propionate chelator were prepared and studied as potential CA for MRI. High relaxivities per chelate, of the order of magnitude 28-38 mM-1s-1 (30 MHz, 25 ºC) were attained thanks to simultaneous optimization of the rotational correlation time and of the water exchange rate. Fast local rotational motions of the immobilized chelates around connecting linkers (internal flexibility) still limit the attainable relaxivity. The degree of internal flexibility of the immobilized chelates seems not to be correlated with the length of the connecting linkers. Biodistribution and MRI studies in mice suggest that the in vivo behavior of the gold nanoparticles is determined mainly by size. Small nanoparticles (HD= 3.9 nm) undergo fast renal clearance and avoidance of the RES organs while larger nanoparticles (HD= 4.8 nm) undergo predominantly hepatobiliary excretion. High relaxivities, allied to chelate and nanoparticle stability and fast renal clearance in vivo suggests that functionalized gold nanoparticles hold great potential for further investigation as MRI Contrast Agents. This study contributes to understand the effect of linker length on the relaxivity of gold nanoparticles functionalized with Gd3+ complexes. It is a relevant contribution towards “design rules” for nanostructures functionalized with Gd3+ chelates as Contrast Agents for MRI and multimodal imaging.


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Hyaluronan (HA) shows promise for detecting cancerous change in pleural effusion and urine. However, there is uncertainty about the localization of HA in tumor tissue and its relationship with different histological types and other components of the extracellular matrix, such as angiogenesis. We evaluated the association between HA and degree of malignancy through expression in lung tumor tissue and sputum. Tumoral tissue had significantly increased HA compared to normal tissue. Strong HA staining intensity associated with cancer cells was significant in squamous cell carcinoma compared to adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma. A significant direct association was found between tumors with a high percentage of HA and MVD (microvessel density) in tumoral stroma. Similarly significant was the direct association between N1 tumors and high levels of HA in cancer cells. Cox multivariate analysis showed significant association between better survival and low HA. HA increased in sputum from lung cancer patients compared to cancer-free and healthy volunteers and a significant correlation was found between HA in sputum and HA in cancer tissue. Localization of HA in tumor tissue was related to malignancy and reflected in sputum, making this an emerging factor for an important diagnostic procedure in patients suspected to have lung cancer. Further study in additional patients in a randomized prospective trial is required to finalize these results and to validate our quantitative assessment of HA, as well as to couple it to gold standard sputum cytology.


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ABSTRACT Objectives To compare and discuss the objects of awareness in Alzheimer’s disease (AD): awareness of cognitive deficits, of functional activities, of social-emotional functioning and behavioral impairment. Methods A search in the PsycINFo, Pilots, PubMed/Medline and ISI electronic databases according to Prisma methodology was performed. We included studies about awareness in people with AD published between 2010 and 2015, with the combination of keywords: “Alzheimer AND awareness of deficits”, “Alzheimer AND anosognosia”, “Alzheimer AND insight”, “dementia AND awareness of deficits”, “dementia AND anosognosia”, “dementia AND insight”. The articles were categorized according to the specific object of awareness. Results Seven hundred and ten records were identified and, after application of the exclusion criteria, 191 studies were retrieved for potential use. After excluding the duplicates, 46 studies were included. Most studies assessed the cognitive domain of awareness, followed by the functional, social-emotional, and behavioral impairment domains. Memory deficits were not sufficient to explain impaired awareness in AD. Longitudinal studies did not find discrepancies between patients and caregivers’ reports, indicating that awareness is not related to cognition. Conflicting findings were observed, including the relation between awareness, mood, severity of disease, and personal characteristics. Conclusions The studies show lack of conceptual consensus and significant methodological differences. The inclusion of samples without differentiation of dementia etiology is associated to symptomatic differences, which affect awareness domains. Awareness in AD is a complex and multidimensional construct. Different objects elicit different levels of awareness.


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Al plantear la dimensión ético-política de un texto se presupone un análisis axiológico de los valores que sostiene y sustrae en su emergencia discursiva, esto es la imagen de mundo, la concepción filosófica en que se sustenta y la voluntad práctica que propicia. Una lectura ético-política de un texto –en este orden– supone «usarlo» (al menos en el sentido que Humberto Eco le concede) al «autotelizarlo», es decir, transformarlo en vehículo de una reflexión colectiva. Potenciarlo en sus posibilidades y tornarlo acontecimiento de lenguaje; pragmatizarlo en su intención para leerlo documentaria y documentalmente, sin dejar de reconocerlo como ente en sí mismo. Se está haciendo referencia –claro está– a las implicancias ético-culturales y ético-políticas que los textos literarios presuponen, pero también a una dimensión productiva que opera en su enunciación, aquella que Saramago refiere cuando proclama la necesidad de una «insurrección ética» que devuelva a los seres humanos la capacidad de responsabilizarse de su lugar en el mundo. De allí el imperativo categórico que se imprime en sus textos y que al Equipo Saramaguiano de Teoría y Crítica Literarias le interesa explicitar. La lectura propuesta por el Equipo de investigación, además de explorar las potencialidades significativas de los textos, pretende contribuir a través de ellas a una segunda lectura, de orden refractaria esta última, es decir, inscripta en una dimensión situada: la perspectiva latinoamericana. No se trata de explorar el significado en sí mismo ni de ordenarlo conforme a una coordenada que le es referencialmente precisa, sino de aportar reflexiva y responsablemente a un análisis más profundo de la realidad inmediata en la que habitamos como investigadores. Se busca –en suma– potenciar los procedimientos heurísticos al máximo pero hacerlos conscientes de una mirada propia, al costurarlos con «nuestro» aquí y ahora de universitarios latinoamericanos.


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A partir de la hipótesis según la cual en muchos campos de la realidad cordobesa primaron accionares y resultados que, si bien se adecuaron a las correspondientes a nivel nacional, mostraron también un alto grado de originalidad, el objetivo fundamental de este proyecto es avanzar en el conocimiento de la evolución política, económica y social de la provincia de Córdoba entre 1946 y 1976 -tres décadas del pasado cordobés reciente de las cuales la historiografía sólo ha abordado algunos aspectos, potenciando el fenómeno peronista y descuidando, en general, etapas en que éste fue oposición o estuvo proscrito- y comprobar la originalidad o no de las políticas públicas locales estableciendo en qué medida replican las nacionales, o fueron rearticuladas y redescritas en función de la realidad local. Con ese fin y a través de una amplia compulsa de fuentes oficiales y privadas, éditas e inéditas, se analizarán las políticas públicas, su incidencia en los grupos sociales participantes y diferencias con los proyectos homogenizadores implementados por gobiernos nacionales democráticos o de facto y la cultura, prácticas políticas y legislación, con las interpretaciones y orientaciones que generaron, para conocer el grado de comprensión que de ellas tuvo el común de los actores sociales; la evolución del empleo industrial en las ramas que atrajeron los mayores contingentes de mano de obra, las condiciones de vida material y el papel del Estado en la determinación de las mismas; la política energética, en relación con la creación de organismos públicos, al avance del proceso de electrificación, al esfuerzo por crear una infraestructura en cuanto a generación y transmisión de energía y al papel de las cooperativas eléctricas en la distribución y comercialización, sobre todo en las áreas rurales; el desarrollo industrial en general y relacionando la demanda de fuerza motriz con la evolución de la oferta de energía eléctrica; los instrumentos utilizados por el Estado con fines de promoción tanto industrial como del cooperativismo eléctrico; y, finalmente, y como una cuestión de particular interés la escritura de la historia a través de las prácticas y de los discursos de los historiadores, centrando la atención en la producción referida a la provincia de Córdoba.


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Las tres nociones teóricas que constituyen el dispositivo conceptual de la propuesta aquí presentada, que lleva por título: Memoria, responsabilidad, resistencia (apuntes sobre ética y política en la ficción de José Saramago) y que tienen como eje articulador la marginalidad (desde que opera –benjaminianamente – sobre las relaciones de desigualdad y exclusión), orientan el trabajo heurístico con los textos escogidos como corpus y circunscriben sus alcances y limitaciones. Lo que se pretende en esta nueva etapa –entendida como continuidad de un proceso – es construir una teoría de análisis del discurso saramaguiano desde su intelección ético-política , tomando como referenciales las nociones bajtinianas de «discurso, epistemología, antagonismo, ideología, sujeto y poder». Y para ello, el «recorte» procedimental de las categorías enunciadas sirve como línea transversal de lectura que despliega las significaciones narrativas y las transforma en enunciados de valor y toma de posición. «Memoria» entendida en singular recoge las tesis benjaminianas sobre el «concepto de historia» que operan sobre ese radical campo de estudio que es el «pasado» y recuperan las voces acalladas de los «oprimidos» de la historia, postulando una lectura «a contrapelo » de la historia nacional y global. Situándose, en el caso de las referencialidades saramaguianas, en el contexto que articula la dictadura antes y después de su presencia en el escenario del siglo XX, el trabajo analítico focalizará en los modos de perduración de la memoria y la capacidad pregnante de irrumpir en el presente instaurando nuevos modos discursivos de resistencia. La noción de «responsabilidad» tiene una herencia múltiple en el equipo de investigación pero –sobre todo– conjuga con las tesis de Tzvetan Todorov sobre la ética de las víctimas, adentrándose en el estudio de la «alteridad» como presupuesto indiscutible y con el concepto de eticidad, vinculado a la teoría del reconocimiento desarrollada por Axel Honneth. Por último, la «resistencia» abre hacia una lectura política de la ficción de José Saramago que el procedimiento heurístico y hermenéutico de la investigación, a partir de los enunciados de Foucault y de Said –entre otros– pretende radicalizar. La conjunción tripartita de las nociones destacadas y su dinamicidad dialéctica aseguran la constitución de un referencial teórico que pretende instalar en el aparato crítico sobre la ficción del autor portugués, un dispositivo conceptual a partir del cual dialogar con el pensamiento y la filosofía contemporánea


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Os autores estudam a influência do café Rio em ligas com cafés brasileiros de bebida Mole. Foram ensaiadas porcentagens crescentes de Café Rio: 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,5; 4,0; 4,5; 5,0; 7,5; 10,0; 12,5; 15,0; 20,0; 25,0; 30,0; 35,0; 40,0; 50,0. Realizaram-se dois experimentos em blocos incompletos equilibrados, com t = 21 tratamentos (os mencionados acima), k = 3 parcelas por bloco, r = 10 repetições, b = 70 blocos, L = 1. Cada parcela era formada de 3 xícaras, de tipo padrão, sobre as quais cada degustador dava uma só opinião. Cada parcela era provada por 3 degustadores. Os dados coletados são, pois, 630 para cada ensaio (210 parcelas, 3 degustadores). Atribuia-se a cada parcela, para fins de análise estatística, a média das opiniões dos 3 degustadores. Os dois ensaios deram resultados bem concordantes, que levaram às seguintes conclusões: a) Faz-se necessária a transformação dos dados, pois as variâncias relativas aos diversos tratamentos são muito discrepantes. b) A transformação T = √ Y dá resultados satisfatórios. c) O café Rio prejudica sensivelmente a bebida do café Mole, para teores a partir de 2,0%. d) Para teores de 4,5% em diante a liga tem bebida Riada ou Rio. e) A regressão obtida não é estritamente linear, mas a linha reta da uma aproximação razoável. f) Consideradas as porcentagens de 0,0 a 10,0%,a equação de regressão para os dados transformados pela transformação T = √ Y é: T = 1,7045 - 0,127 X, onde X é a porcentagem de café Rio e T dá a bebida, na escala numérica adotada, transformada pela raíz quadrada. g) A equação de regressão para os tratamentos de 0,0 a 10,0% de cafe Rio é Y = 3,0997 - 0,3281 X, isto é, há uma queda de 0,3281 na escala numérica da bebida, para cada unidade de porcentagem de café Rio.


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A larva de Agathomerus (Agathomeroides) flavomaculatus (Klug, 1824), coletada em Capsicum baccatum L. (Solanaceae), é descrita e ilustrada. A redescrição do adulto inclui caracteres das peças bucais, venação da asa, endosternitos e terminálias masculina e feminina. Pela primeira vez uma larva da subfamília Megalopodinae é descrita.


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A região da cuesta de Botucatu caracteriza-se por um gradiente topográfico contendo um mosaico de ambientes com diferentes formações de vegetação natural (floresta estacional semidecidual, cerrado e matas ciliares), além de áreas antropizadas com a predominância de pastagens, plantações de cana-de-açúcar, laranja, e reflorestamentos de eucalipto, com paisagem fragmentada. Inserida nesta região, a Fazenda Experimental Edgardia, pertencente à Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, representa uma amostra desta heterogeneidade ambiental, tendo grande importância para a conservação da biodiversidade, tanto de flora como fauna. Entretanto, poucos são os estudos sobre a sua fauna, principalmente de mamíferos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a fauna de mamíferos de médio e grande porte nesta área, e sua relação com o mosaico de habitats. Foram obtidos registros indiretos da presença de mamíferos através de vestígios (pegadas e fezes) em transectos (trilhas pré-existentes), ao longo de um ano. De março de 2004 a março de 2005 foram registradas 18 espécies de mamíferos silvestres de médio e grande porte. Quanto à ocorrência destacou-se Mazama sp., presente em todos os ambientes, com maior abundância relativa no ambiente de transição de floresta/Cerradão. Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771), Leopardus pardalis (Linnaeus, 1758), Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766), Procyon cancrivorus (Cuvier, 1798) e Dasypus novemcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) também foram encontradas em praticamente todos os ambientes, e espécies como Chironectes minimus (Zimmermann, 1780), Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766, Eira barbara (Linnaeus, 1758) e uma espécie do gênero Conepatus Gray, 1837 estiveram restritas a ambientes específicos. A análise de correspondência mostrou oito espécies com ocorrência em todos os ambientes: sete mais associadas aos ambientes de várzea, floresta e pastagem e três aos ambientes de cultura de arroz, transição entre floresta/Cerradão e vegetação natural em estádio sucessional secundário. Os resultados sugerem que a fauna de mamíferos de médio e grande porte na Fazenda Experimental Edgardia está sujeita às modificações ambientais que a região vem sofrendo. Embora existam preferências de algumas espécies por determinados hábitats, parece ocorrer certa plasticidade em relação às modificações de seus hábitats originais.


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1.-Since the parietal endocarditis represents a chapter generally neglected, owing to the relative lack of cases, and somewhat confused because there various terms have been applied to a very same morbid condition, it justifies the work which previously we tried to accomplish, of nosographic classification. Taking into account the functional disturbances and the anatomical changes, all cases of parietal endocarditis referred to in the litterature were distributed by the following groups: A-Group-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis. 1st . type-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis per continuum. 2nd. type-Metastatic valvulo-parietal endocarditis. 3rd. type-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis of the mitral stenosis. B-Group-Genuine parietal endocarditis. a) with primary lesions in the myocardium. b) with primary lesions in the endocardium. 4th type-Fibrous chronic parietal endocarditis (B A Ü M L E R), « endocarditis parietalis simplex». 5th type-Septic acute parietal endocarditis (LESCHKE), «endocarditis parietalis septica». 6th type-Subacute parietal endocarditis (MAGARINOS TORRES), «endocarditis muralis lenta». 2.-Studying a group of 14 cases of fibrous endomyocarditis with formation of thrombi, and carrying together pathological and bacteriological examinations it has been found that some of such cases represent an infectious parietal endocarditis, sometimes post-puerperal, of subacute or slow course, the endocardic vegetations being contamined by pathogenic microörganisms of which the most frequent is the Diplococcus pneumoniae, in most cases of attenuated virulence. Along with the infectious parietal endocarditis, there occur arterial and venous thromboses (abdominal aorta, common illiac and femural arteries and external jugular veins). The case 5,120 is a typical one of this condition which we name subacute parietal endocarditis (endocarditis parietalis s. muralis lenta). 3.-The endocarditis muralis lenta encloses an affection reputed to be of rare occurrence, the «myocardite subaigüe primitive», of which JOSSERAND and GALLAVARDIN published in 1901 the first cases, and ROQUE and LEVY, another, in 1914. The «myocardite subaigüe primitive» was, wrongly, in our opinion, included by WALZER in the syndrome of myocardia of LAUBRY and WALZER, considering that, in the refered cases of JOSSERAND and GALLAVARDIN and in that of ROQUE and LEVY, there are described rather considerable inflammatory changes in the myocardium and endocardium. The designation «myocardia» was however especially created by LAUBRY and WALZER for the cases of heart failure in which the most careful aetiologic inquiries and the most minucious clinical examination were unable to explain, and in which, yet, the post-mortem examination did not reveal any anatomical change at all, it being forcible to admit, then, a primary functional change of the cardiac muscle fibre. This special cardiac condition is thoroughly exemplified in the observation that WALZER reproduces on pages 1 to 7 of his book. 4.-The clinical picture of the subacute parietal endocarditis is that of heart failure with oedemas, effusion in the serous cavities and passive chronic congestion of the lungs, liver, kideys and spleen associated, to that of an infectious disease of subacute course. The fever is rather transient oscillating around 99.5 F., being intersected with apyretic periods of irregular duration; it is not dependent on any evident extracardiac septic infection. In other cases the fever is slight, particularly in the final stage of the disease, when the heart failure is well established. The rule is to observe then, hypothermy. The cardiac-vascular signs consist of enlargement of the cardiac dullness, smoothing of the cardiac sounds, absence of organic murmurs and accentuated and persistent tachycardia up to a certain point independent of fever. The galloprhythm is present, in most cases. The signs of the pulmonary infarct are rather expressed by the aspect of the sputum, which is foamy and blood-streaked than by the classic signs. Cerebral embolism was a terminal accident on various cases. Yet, in some of them, along with the signs of septicemia and of cardiac insufficiency, occurred vascular, arterial (abdominal aorta, common illiac and femurals arteries) and venous (extern jugular veins) thromboses. 5. The autopsy revealed an inflammatory process located on the parietal endocardium, accompanied by abundant formation of ancient and recent thrombi, being the apex of the left ventricle, the junction of the anterior wall of the same ventricle, with the interventricular septum, and the right auricular appendage, the usual seats of the inflammatory changes. The region of the left branch of HIS’ bundle is spared. The other changes found consist of fibrosis of the myocardium (healed infarcts and circumscribed interstitial myocarditis), of recent visceral infarcts chiefly in lungs, spleen and brain, of recent or old infarcts in the kidneys (embolic nephrocirrhosis) and in the spleen, and of vascular thromboses (abdominal aorta, common illiacs and femurals arteries and external jugular veins), aside from hydrothorax, hydroperitoneum, cutaneous oedema, chronic passive congestion of the liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys and slight ictericia. 6. In the subacute parietal endocarditis the primary lesions sometimes locate themselves at the myocardium, depending on the ischemic necrosis associated to the arteriosclerosis of the coronariae arteries, or on an specific myocarditis. Other times, the absence of these conditions is suggestive of a primary attack to the parietal endocardium which is then the primary seat of the lesions. It matters little whatever may be the initial pathogenic mechanism; once injured the parietal endocardium and there being settled the infectious injury, the endocarditis develops with peculiar clinical and anatomical characters of remarkable uniformity, constituting an anatomo-clinical syndrome. 7.-The histologic sections show that recent lesions…


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Background. Accurate quantification of the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) drug resistance in patients who are receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) is difficult, and results from previous studies vary. We attempted to assess the prevalence and dynamics of resistance in a highly representative patient cohort from Switzerland. Methods. On the basis of genotypic resistance test results and clinical data, we grouped patients according to their risk of harboring resistant viruses. Estimates of resistance prevalence were calculated on the basis of either the proportion of individuals with a virologic failure or confirmed drug resistance (lower estimate) or the frequency-weighted average of risk group-specific probabilities for the presence of drug resistance mutations (upper estimate). Results. Lower and upper estimates of drug resistance prevalence in 8064 ART-exposed patients were 50% and 57% in 1999 and 37% and 45% in 2007, respectively. This decrease was driven by 2 mechanisms: loss to follow-up or death of high-risk patients exposed to mono- or dual-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor therapy (lower estimates range from 72% to 75%) and continued enrollment of low-risk patients who were taking combination ART containing boosted protease inhibitors or nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors as first-line therapy (lower estimates range from 7% to 12%). A subset of 4184 participants (52%) had 1 study visit per year during 2002-2007. In this subset, lower and upper estimates increased from 45% to 49% and from 52% to 55%, respectively. Yearly increases in prevalence were becoming smaller in later years. Conclusions. Contrary to earlier predictions, in situations of free access to drugs, close monitoring, and rapid introduction of new potent therapies, the emergence of drug-resistant viruses can be minimized at the population level. Moreover, this study demonstrates the necessity of interpreting time trends in the context of evolving cohort populations.


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The Teggiolo zone is the sedimentary cover of the Antigorio nappe, one of the lowest tectonic units of the Penninic Central Alps. Detailed mapping, stratigraphic and structural analyses, and comparisons with less metamorphic series in several well-studied domains of the Alps, provide a new stratigraphic interpretation. The Teggiolo zone is comprised of several sedimentary cycles, separated by erosive surfaces and large stratigraphic gaps, which cover the time span from Triassic to Eocene. At Mid-Jurassic times it appears as an uplifted, partially emergent block, marking the southern limit of the main Helvetic basin (the Limiting South-Helvetic Rise LSHR). The main mass of the Teggiolo calcschists, whose base truncates the Triassic-Jurassic cycles and can erode the Antigorio basement, consists of fine-grained clastic sediments analogous to the deep-water flyschoid deposits of Late Cretaceous to Eocene age in the North-Penninic (or Valais s.l.) basins. Thus the Antigorio-Teggiolo domain occupies a crucial paleogeographic position, on the boundary between the Helvetic and Penninic realms: from Triassic to Early Cretaceous its affinity is with the Helvetic; at the end of Cretaceous it is incorporated into the North-Penninic basins. An unexpected result is the discovery of the important role played by complex formations of wildflysch type at the top of the Teggiolo zone. They contain blocks of various sizes. According to their nature, three different associations are distinguished that have specific vertical and lateral distributions. These blocks give clues to the existence of territories that have disappeared from the present-day level of observation and impose constraints on the kinematics of early folding and embryonic nappe emplacement. Tectonics produced several phases of superimposed folds and schistosities, more in the metasediments than in the gneissic basement. Older deformations that predate the amplification of the frontal hinge of the nappe generated the dominant schistosity and the km-wide Vanzèla isoclinal fold.


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The stable isotope composition of waters (delta H-2, delta O-18) can be used as a natural tracer of hydrologic processes in systems affected by acid mine drainage. We investigated the delta H-2 and delta O-18 values of pore waters from four oxidizing sulfidic mine tailings impoundments in different climatic regions of Chile (Piuquenes at La Andina with Alpine climate, Cauquenes and Caren at El Teniente with Mediterranean climate, and Talabre at the Chuquicamata deposit with hyperarid climate). No clear relationship was found between altitude and isotopic composition. The observed displacement of the tailings pore waters from the local meteoric water line toward higher delta O-18 values (by similar to +2% delta O-18 relative to delta H-2) is partly due to water-rock interaction processes, including hydration and O-isotope exchange with sulfates and Fe(III) oxyhydroxides produced by pyrite oxidation. In most tailings, from the saturated zone toward the surface, isotopically different zones can be distinguished. Zone I is characterized by an upward depletion of H-2 and O-18 in the pore waters from the saturated zone and the lowermost vadose zone, due to ascending diffused isotopically light water triggered by the constant loss of water vapor by evaporation at the surface. In zone II, the capillary flow of a mix of vapor and liquid water causes an evaporative isotopic enrichment in H-2 and O-18. At the top of the tailings in dry climate a zone III between the capillary zone and the surface contains isotopically light diffused and atmospheric water vapor. In temperate climates, the upper part of the profile is affected by recent rainfall and zone III may not differ isotopically from zone II.


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BACKGROUND: The presence of multiple melanocytic naevi is a strong risk factor for melanoma. Use of the whole body naevus count to identify at-risk patients is impractical. OBJECTIVES: To (i) identify a valid anatomical predictor of total naevus count; (ii) determine the number of naevi that most accurately predict total naevus count above 25, 50 and 100; and (iii) evaluate determinants of multiple melanocytic naevi and atypical naevi. METHODS: Clinical data from 292 consecutive Spanish patients consulting for skin lesions requiring debriding were collected throughout 2009 and 2010. Correlations between site-specific and whole body naevus counts were analysed. Cut-offs to predict total naevus counts were determined using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. RESULTS: The studied population was young (median age 31 years, interquartile range 28-43). The naevus count on the right arm correlated best with the total nevus count (R(2) 0·80 for men, 0·86 for women). Presence of at least five naevi on the right arm was the strongest determinant of a total naevus count above 50 [odds ratio (OR) 34·4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 13·9-85·0] and of having at least one atypical naevus (OR 5·7, 95% CI 2·4-13·5). Cut-off values of 6, 8 and 11 naevi on the right arm best predicted total naevus count above 25, 50 and 100, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the arm as a practical and reliable site to estimate the total naevus count when screening or phenotyping large populations. Threshold values for the number of naevi on the arm are proposed to help identify patients for melanoma screening.