854 resultados para article, biomechanics, human, limb movement, locomotion, motor coordination, rock climbing, skill
In a biophysical approach to the study of swimming performance (blending biomechanics and bioenergetics), inter-limb coordination is typically considered and analysed to improve propulsion and propelling efficiency. In this approach, 'opposition' or 'continuous' patterns of inter-limb coordination, where continuity between propulsive actions occurs, are promoted in the acquisition of expertise. Indeed a 'continuous' pattern theoretically minimizes intra-cyclic speed variations of the centre of mass. Consequently, it may also minimize the energy cost of locomotion. However, in skilled swimming performance there is a need to strike a delicate balance between inter-limb coordination pattern stability and variability, suggesting the absence of an 'ideal' pattern of coordination toward which all swimmers must converge or seek to imitate. Instead, an ecological dynamics framework advocates that there is an intertwined relationship between the specific intentions, perceptions and actions of individual swimmers, which constrains this relationship between coordination pattern stability and variability. This perspective explains how behaviours emerge from a set of interacting constraints, which each swimmer has to satisfy in order to achieve specific task performance goals and produce particular task outcomes. This overview updates understanding on inter-limb coordination in swimming to analyse the relationship between coordination variability and stability in relation to interacting constraints (related to task, environment and organism) that swimmers may encounter during training and performance.
An established tool for the assessment of motor performance in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is the Movement-ABC-2 (M-ABC-2). The Zurich Neuromotor Assessment (ZNA) is also widely used for the evaluation of children's motor performance, but has not been compared with the M-ABC-2. Fifty-one children (39 males) between 5 and 7 years of age with suspected DCD were assessed using the M-ABC-2 and the ZNA. Rank correlations between scores of different test components were calculated. The structure of the tests was explored using canonical-correlation analysis. The correlation between total scores of the two motor tests was reasonable (0.66; p<0.001). However, ZNA scores were generally lower than those of M-ABC-2, due to poor performance in the fine motor adaptive component and increased contralateral associated movements (CAM). The canonical-correlation analysis revealed that ZNA measures components like pure motor skills and CAM that are not represented in the M-ABC-2. Furthermore, there was also no equivalent for the aiming and catching items of the M-ABC-2 in ZNA. The two tests measure different motor characteristics in children with suspected DCD and, thus, can be used complementary for the diagnosis of the disorder.
PURPOSE: The objective was to explore whether a satellite-based navigation system, global positioning system used in differential mode (DGPS), could accurately assess the speed of running in humans. METHODS: A subject was equipped with a portable GPS receptor coupled to a receiver for differential corrections, while running outdoors on a straight asphalt road at 27 different speeds. Actual speed (reference method) was assessed by chronometry. RESULTS: The accuracy of speed prediction had a standard deviation (SD) of 0.08 km x h(-1) for walking, 0.11 km x h(-1) for running, yielding a coefficient of variation (SD/mean) of 1.38% and 0.82%, respectively. There was a highly significant linear relationship between actual and DGPS speed assessment (r2 = 0.999) with little bias in the prediction equation, because the slope of the regression line was close to unity (0.997). CONCLUSION: the DGPS technique appears to be a valid and inconspicuous tool for "on line" monitoring of the speed of displacement of individuals located on any field on earth, for prolonged periods of time and unlimited distance, but only in specific environmental conditions ("open sky"). Furthermore, the accuracy of speed assessment using the differential GPS mode was improved by a factor of 10 as compared to non-differential GPS.
During free walking, gait is automatically adjusted to provide optimal mechanical output and minimal energy expenditure; gait parameters, such as cadence, fluctuate from one stride to the next around average values. It was described that this fluctuation exhibited long-range correlations and fractal-like patterns. In addition, it was suggested that these long-range correlations disappeared if the participant followed the beep of metronome to regulate his or her pace. Until now, these fractal fluctuations were only observed for stride interval, because no technique existed to adequately analyze an extended time of free walking. The aim of the present study was to measure walking speed (WS), step frequency (SF) and step length (SL) with high accuracy (<1 cm) satellite positioning method (global positioning system or GPS) in order to detect long-range correlations in the stride-to-stride fluctuations. Eight participants walked 30 min under free and constrained (metronome) conditions. Under free walking conditions, DFA (detrended fluctuation analysis) and surrogate data tests showed that the fluctuation of WS, SL and SF exhibited a fractal pattern (i.e., scaling exponent alpha: 0.5 < alpha < 1) in a large majority of participants (7/8). Under constrained conditions (metronome), SF fluctuations became significantly anti-correlated (alpha < 0.5) in all participants. However, the scaling exponent of SL and WS was not modified. We conclude that, when the walking pace is controlled by an auditory signal, the feedback loop between the planned movement (at supraspinal level) and the sensory inputs induces a continual shifting of SF around the mean (persistent anti-correlation), but with no effect on the fluctuation dynamics of the other parameters (SL, WS).
Over the last century, numerous techniques have been developed to analyze the movement of humans while walking and running. The combined use of kinematics and kinetics methods, mainly based on high speed video analysis and forceplate, have permitted a comprehensive description of locomotion process in terms of energetics and biomechanics. While the different phases of a single gait cycle are well understood, there is an increasing interest to know how the neuro-motor system controls gait form stride to stride. Indeed, it was observed that neurodegenerative diseases and aging could impact gait stability and gait parameters steadiness. From both clinical and fundamental research perspectives, there is therefore a need to develop techniques to accurately track gait parameters stride-by-stride over a long period with minimal constraints to patients. In this context, high accuracy satellite positioning can provide an alternative tool to monitor outdoor walking. Indeed, the high-end GPS receivers provide centimeter accuracy positioning with 5-20 Hz sampling rate: this allows the stride-by-stride assessment of a number of basic gait parameters--such as walking speed, step length and step frequency--that can be tracked over several thousand consecutive strides in free-living conditions. Furthermore, long-range correlations and fractal-like pattern was observed in those time series. As compared to other classical methods, GPS seems a promising technology in the field of gait variability analysis. However, relative high complexity and expensiveness--combined with a usability which requires further improvement--remain obstacles to the full development of the GPS technology in human applications.
Take-off, the most important phase in ski jumping, has been primarily studied in terms of spatio-temporal parameters; little is known about its motor control aspects. This study aims to assess the inter-segment coordination of the shank-thigh and thigh-sacrum pairs using the continuous relative phase (CRP). In total 87 jumps were recorded from 33 athletes with an inertial sensor-based system. The CRP curves indicated that the thighs lead the shanks during the first part of take-off extension and that the shanks rotated faster at the take-off extension end. The thighs and sacrum first rotated synchronously, with the sacrum then taking lead, with finally the thighs rotating faster. Five characteristic features were extracted from the CRP and their relationship with jump length was tested. Three features of the shank-thigh pair and one of the thigh-sacrum pair reported a significant association with jump length. It was observed that athletes who achieved longer jumps had their thighs leading their shanks during a longer time, with these athletes also having a more symmetric movement between thighs and sacrum. This study shows that inter-segment coordination during the take-off extension is related to performance and further studies are necessary to contrast its importance with other ski jumping aspects.
La progression d’un individu au travers d’un environnement diversifié dépend des informations visuelles qui lui permettent d’évaluer la taille, la forme ou même la distance et le temps de contact avec les obstacles dans son chemin. Il peut ainsi planifier en avance les modifications nécessaires de son patron locomoteur afin d’éviter ou enjamber ces entraves. Ce concept est aussi applicable lorsque le sujet doit atteindre une cible, comme un prédateur tentant d’attraper sa proie en pleine course. Les structures neurales impliquées dans la genèse des modifications volontaires de mouvements locomoteurs ont été largement étudiées, mais relativement peu d’information est présentement disponible sur les processus intégrant l’information visuelle afin de planifier ces mouvements. De nombreux travaux chez le primate suggèrent que le cortex pariétal postérieur (CPP) semble jouer un rôle important dans la préparation et l’exécution de mouvements d’atteinte visuellement guidés. Dans cette thèse, nous avons investigué la proposition que le CPP participe similairement dans la planification et le contrôle de la locomotion sous guidage visuel chez le chat. Dans notre première étude, nous avons examiné l’étendue des connexions cortico-corticales entre le CPP et les aires motrices plus frontales, particulièrement le cortex moteur, à l’aide d’injections de traceurs fluorescents rétrogrades. Nous avons cartographié la surface du cortex moteur de chats anesthésiés afin d’identifier les représentations somatotopiques distales et proximales du membre antérieur dans la partie rostrale du cortex moteur, la représentation du membre antérieur située dans la partie caudale de l’aire motrice, et enfin la représentation du membre postérieur. L’injection de différents traceurs rétrogrades dans deux régions motrices sélectionnées par chat nous a permis de visualiser la densité des projections divergentes et convergentes pariétales, dirigées vers ces sites moteurs. Notre analyse a révélé une organisation topographique distincte de connexions du CPP avec toutes les régions motrices identifiées. En particulier, nous avons noté que la représentation caudale du membre antérieur reçoit majoritairement des projections du côté rostral du sillon pariétal, tandis que la partie caudale du CPP projette fortement vers la représentation rostrale du membre antérieur. Cette dernière observation est particulièrement intéressante, parce que le côté caudal du sillon pariétal reçoit de nombreux inputs visuels et sa cible principale, la région motrice rostrale, est bien connue pour être impliquée dans les fonctions motrices volontaires. Ainsi, cette étude anatomique suggère que le CPP, au travers de connexions étendues avec les différentes régions somatotopiques du cortex moteur, pourrait participer à l’élaboration d’un substrat neural idéal pour des processus tels que la coordination inter-membre, intra-membre et aussi la modulation de mouvements volontaires sous guidage visuel. Notre deuxième étude a testé l’hypothèse que le CPP participe dans la modulation et la planification de la locomotion visuellement guidée chez le chat. En nous référant à la cartographie corticale obtenue dans nos travaux anatomiques, nous avons enregistré l’activité de neurones pariétaux, situés dans les portions des aires 5a et 5b qui ont de fortes connexions avec les régions motrices impliquées dans les mouvements de la patte antérieure. Ces enregistrements ont été effectués pendant une tâche de locomotion qui requiert l’enjambement d’obstacles de différentes tailles. En dissociant la vitesse des obstacles de celle du tapis sur lequel le chat marche, notre protocole expérimental nous a aussi permit de mettre plus d’emphase sur l’importance de l’information visuelle et de la séparer de l’influx proprioceptif généré pendant la locomotion. Nos enregistrements ont révélé deux groupes de cellules pariétales activées en relation avec l’enjambement de l’obstacle: une population, principalement située dans l’aire 5a, qui décharge seulement pendant le passage du membre au dessus del’entrave (cellules spécifiques au mouvement) et une autre, surtout localisée dans l’aire 5b, qui est activée au moins un cycle de marche avant l’enjambement (cellules anticipatrices). De plus, nous avons observé que l’activité de ces groupes neuronaux, particulièrement les cellules anticipatrices, était amplifiée lorsque la vitesse des obstacles était dissociée de celle du tapis roulant, démontrant l’importance grandissante de la vision lorsque la tâche devient plus difficile. Enfin, un grand nombre des cellules activées spécifiquement pendant l’enjambement démontraient une corrélation soutenue de leur activité avec le membre controlatéral, même s’il ne menait pas dans le mouvement (cellules unilatérales). Inversement, nous avons noté que la majorité des cellules anticipatrices avaient plutôt tendance à maintenir leur décharge en phase avec l’activité musculaire du premier membre à enjamber l’obstacle, indépendamment de sa position par rapport au site d’enregistrement (cellules bilatérales). Nous suggérons que cette disparité additionnelle démontre une fonction diversifiée de l’activité du CPP. Par exemple, les cellules unilatérales pourraient moduler le mouvement du membre controlatéral au-dessus de l’obstacle, qu’il mène ou suive dans l’ordre d’enjambement, tandis que les neurones bilatéraux sembleraient plutôt spécifier le type de mouvement volontaire requis pour éviter l’entrave. Ensembles, nos observations indiquent que le CPP a le potentiel de moduler l’activité des centres moteurs au travers de réseaux corticaux étendus et contribue à différents aspects de la locomotion sous guidage visuel, notamment l’initiation et l’ajustement de mouvements volontaires des membres antérieurs, mais aussi la planification de ces actions afin d’adapter la progression de l’individu au travers d’un environnement complexe.
The effect of attentional focus in bimanual coordination was investigated from a developmental perspective by examining performance of right- and left-handed children, 5-8-years and 9-12-years old, on bimanual reciprocal tapping tasks. Attentional focus was either specified, by asking the children to attend to the preferred or to the non-preferred hand, or unspecified for the execution of the tasks. When attention was oriented to the non-preferred hand we found a reduced movement time and a lower frequency of errors. Performance differences for handedness and age-groups were observed when the children were oriented to attend to the preferred hand or when there was no instruction regarding attention. These differences in performance were eliminated when attention was oriented to the non-preferred hand. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A dynamical systems approach to the study of locomotor intralimb coordination in those with hemiparesis led to an examination of the utility of the shank-thigh relative phase (RP) as a collective variable and the identification of potential constraints that may shape this coordination. Eighteen non-disabled individuals formed three groups matched to the age and gender of six participants with chronic right hemiparesis. The three groups differed in the constraints imposed on their walking: (1) walking at their preferred walking speed; (2) walking as slowly as those with hemiparesis; and, (3) walking slowly with a right ankle-foot orthosis (AFO). The results revealed an asymmetry in intralimb coordination between the unaffected and affected leg of those with hemiparesis localized to the latter third of the gait cycle when the limb is advanced from the end of stance to the reestablishment of a new stance. Walking slowly with or without an AFO resulted in no measureable effect in the non-disabled, but accounts for 22% of the variance in the intralimb coordination of the hemiplegic's affected limb and 16% in the unaffected limb. The AFO offered little additional contribution. These results derive from shank-thigh RP that is shown to provide more information about intralimb coordination than knee angle displacement. Implications for these results and the use of RP for rehabilitation are discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved. PsycINFO classification. 3297. 2330.
Given that the auditory system is rather well developed at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, it is likely that couplings between acoustics and motor activity can be integrated as early as at the beginning of postnatal life. The aim of the present mini-review was to summarize and discuss studies on early auditory-motor integration, focusing particularly on upper-limb movements (one of the most crucial means to interact with the environment) in association with auditory stimuli, to develop further understanding of their significance with regard to early infant development. Many studies have investigated the relationship between various infant behaviors (e.g., sucking, visual fixation, head turning) and auditory stimuli, and established that human infants can be observed displaying couplings between action and environmental sensory stimulation already from just after birth, clearly indicating a propensity for intentional behavior. Surprisingly few studies, however, have investigated the associations between upper-limb movements and different auditory stimuli in newborns and young infants, infants born at risk for developmental disorders/delays in particular. Findings from studies of early auditory-motor interaction support that the developing integration of sensory and motor systems is a fundamental part of the process guiding the development of goal-directed action in infancy, of great importance for continued motor, perceptual, and cognitive development. At-risk infants (e.g., those born preterm) may display increasing central auditory processing disorders, negatively affecting early sensorymotor integration, and resulting in long-term consequences on gesturing, language development, and social communication. Consequently, there is a need for more studies on such implications.
This conference paper serves to examine the evolutionary linkages of a brachiating ancestor in humans, the biomechanical and neurophysiology of modern day brachiators, and the human rediscovery of this form of locomotion. Brachiation is arguably one of the most metabolically effective modes of travel by any organism and can be observed most meritoriously in Gibbons. The purpose of the research conducted for this paper was to encourage further exploration of the neurophysiological similarities and differences between humans and non-human primates. The hope is that in spurring more interest and research in this area, further possibilities for rehabilitating brain injury will be developed, or even theories on how to better train our athletes, using the biomechanics and neurophysiology of brachiation as a guide.
Larger body parts are somatotopically represented in the primary motor cortex (M1), while smaller body parts, such as the fingers, have partially overlapping representations. The principles that govern the overlapping organization of M1 remain unclear. We used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to examine the cortical encoding of thumb movements in M1 of healthy humans. We performed M1 mapping of the probability of inducing a thumb movement in a particular direction and used low intensity TMS to disturb a voluntary thumb movement in the same direction during a reaction time task. With both techniques we found spatially segregated representations of the direction of TMS-induced thumb movements, thumb flexion and extension being best separated. Furthermore, the cortical regions corresponding to activation of a thumb muscle differ, depending on whether the muscle functions as agonist or as antagonist for flexion or extension. In addition, we found in the reaction time experiment that the direction of a movement is processed in M1 before the muscles participating in it are activated. It thus appears that one of the organizing principles for the human corticospinal motor system is based on a spatially segregated representation of movement directions and that the representation of individual somatic structures, such as the hand muscles, overlap.
The validation of rodent models for restless legs syndrome (Willis-Ekbom disease) and periodic limb movements during sleep requires knowledge of physiological limb motor activity during sleep in rodents. This study aimed to determine the physiological time structure of tibialis anterior activity during sleep in mice and rats, and compare it with that of healthy humans. Wild-type mice (n = 9) and rats (n = 8) were instrumented with electrodes for recording the electroencephalogram and electromyogram of neck muscles and both tibialis anterior muscles. Healthy human subjects (31 ± 1 years, n = 21) underwent overnight polysomnography. An algorithm for automatic scoring of tibialis anterior electromyogram events of mice and rats during non-rapid eye movement sleep was developed and validated. Visual scoring assisted by this algorithm had inter-rater sensitivity of 92-95% and false-positive rates of 13-19% in mice and rats. The distribution of the time intervals between consecutive tibialis anterior electromyogram events during non-rapid eye movement sleep had a single peak extending up to 10 s in mice, rats and human subjects. The tibialis anterior electromyogram events separated by intervals <10 s mainly occurred in series of two-three events, their occurrence rate in humans being lower than in mice and similar to that in rats. In conclusion, this study proposes reliable rules for scoring tibialis anterior electromyogram events during non-rapid eye movement sleep in mice and rats, demonstrating that their physiological time structure is similar to that of healthy young human subjects. These results strengthen the basis for translational rodent models of periodic limb movements during sleep and restless legs syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease.
The field of exoskeletons and wearable devices for walking assistance and rehabilitation has advanced considerably over the past few years. Currently, commercial devices contain joints with stiff actuators that cannot adapt to unpredictable environments. These actuators consume more energy and may not be appropriate for human-machine interactions. Thus, adjustable compliant actuators are being cautiously incorporated into new exoskeletons and active orthoses. Some simulation-based studies have evaluated the benefits of incorporating compliant joints into such devices. Another reason that compliant actuators are desirable is that spasticity and spasmodic movements are common among patients with motor deficiencies; compliant actuators could efficiently absorb these perturbations and improve joint control. In this paper, we provide an overview of the requirements that must be fulfilled by these actuators while evaluating the behavior of leg joints in the locomotion cycle. A brief review of existing compliant actuators is conducted, and our proposed variable stiffness actuator prototype is presented and evaluated. The actuator prototype is implemented in an exoskeleton knee joint operated by a state machine that exploits the dynamics of the leg, resulting in a reduction in actuation energy demand and better adaptability to disturbances.
To examine the role of the effector dynamics of the wrist in the production of rhythmic motor activity, we estimated the phase shifts between the EMG and the task-related output for a rhythmic isometric torque production task and an oscillatory movement, and found a substantial difference (45-52degrees) between the two. For both tasks, the relation between EMG and task-related output (torque or displacement) was adequately reproduced with a physiologically motivated musculoskeletal model. The model simulations demonstrated the importance of the contribution of passive structures to the overall dynamics and provided an account for the observed phase shifts in the dynamic task. Additional simulations of the musculoskeletal model with added load suggested that particular changes in the phase relation between EMG and movement may follow largely from the intrinsic muscle dynamics, rather than being the result of adaptations in the neural control of joint stiffness. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to (models of) interlimb coordination in rhythmic tasks. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.