373 resultados para aldehyde


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Ellipticine is a natural product which possesses multimodal anti-cancer activity. This thesis encompasses the synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ellipticine and isoellipticine derivatives as anti-cancer agents. Expanding on previous work within the group utilising vinylmagnesium bromide, derivatisation of the C5 position of ellipticine was accomplished by reaction of a key ketolactam intermediate with Grignard reagents. Corresponding attempts to introduce diverse substitution at the C11 position were unsuccessful, although one novel C11 derivative was produced using an alkyllithium reagent. A panel of novel ellipticinium salts encompassing a range of substitutions at the N2, C9 and N6 positions were prepared. Extensive derivatisation of the N10 position of isoellipticine was undertaken for the first time. Novel substitution in the form of acid and methyl ester functionalities were introduced at the C7 position of isoellipticine while novel C7 aldehyde and alcohol derivatives were synthesised. A large panel of isoellipticinium salts were prepared with conditions adjusted for the reactivity of the alkyl halide. Novel coupling reactions to increase the yield of isoellipticine were attempted but proved unsuccessful. A panel of 54 novel derivatives was prepared and a multimodal analysis of their anti-cancer activity was conducted. The NCI 60-human tumour cell lines screen was a primary source of information on the in vitro activity of compounds with derivatives found to exert potent anticancer effects, with mean GI50 values as low as 1.01 μM across the full range of cancer types and as low as 16 nM in individual cell lines. A second in vitro screen in collaboration with researchers in the University of Nantes identified derivatives which could potently inhibit growth in a p53 mutant NSCLC cell line. The cell cycle effects of a selected panel of isoellipticines were studied in leukaemia cell lines by researchers in the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, UCC. Emerging from this, the therapeutic potential of one of the derivatives in AML was then assessed in vivo in an AML xenograft mouse model, with tumour weight reduced by a factor of 7 in treated mice relative to control.


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The impact of environmental pollution on the homeostasis of sea turtles remains scarce, particularly in the southern Gulf of Mexico. As many municipalities do not rely on a waste treatment plant along the coastline of the Yucatan Peninsula, the vulnerability of these specimens could results enhanced. We searched for relationships between presence of organochlorine pesticides (OCP) and the level of several oxidative and pollutant stress indicators of the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) during the egg-laying period 2010 at Punta Xen (Campeche, Mexico). Endosulfans, aldrin related (aldrin, endrin, dieldrin, endrin ketone, endrin aldehyde) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDT) families were detected in 17, 21 and 26 of the 30 sampled sea turtles, respectively. Significant correlation existed between the size of sea turtles with the concentration of methoxychlor, cholinesterase activity in plasma and heptachlors family, and catalase activity and hexachlorohexane family. Cholinesterase activity in washed erythrocytes and lipid peroxidation were positively correlated with glutathione reductase activity. Antioxidant enzyme actions seem adequate as no lipids damages were correlated with any OCPs. Future studies are necessary to evaluate the effect of OCPs on males of the area because of the significant detection of methoxychlor that target endocrine functioning and increase its concentration with size of the sea turtles.


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Recent studies suggest that lung cancer stem cells (CSCs) may play major roles in lung cancer development, metastasis and drug resistance. Therefore, identification of lung CSC drivers may provide promising targets for lung cancer. TAZ (transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif) is a transcriptional co-activator and key downstream effector of the Hippo pathway, which plays critical roles in various biological processes. TAZ has been shown to be overexpressed in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and involved in tumorigenicity of lung epithelial cells. However, whether TAZ is a driver for lung CSCs and tumor formation in vivo is unknown. In addition, the molecular mechanism underlying TAZ-induced lung tumorigenesis remains to be determined. In this study, we provided evidence that constitutively active TAZ (TAZ-S89A) is a driver for lung tumorigenesis in vivo in mice and formation of lung CSC. Oncogenes upregulated in TAZ-overexpressing cells were identified with further validation. The most dramatically activated gene, Aldh1a1 (Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member a1), a well-established CSC marker, showed that TAZ induces Aldh1a1 transcription by activating its promoter activity through interaction with the transcription factor TEA domain (TEAD) family member. Most significantly, inhibition of ALDH1A1 with its inhibitor A37 or CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) gene knockout in lung cancer cells suppressed lung tumorigenic and CSC phenotypes in vitro, and tumor formation in mice in vivo. In conclusion, this study identified TAZ as a novel inducer of lung CSCs and the first transcriptional activator of the stem cell marker ALDH1A1. Most significantly, we identified ALDH1A1 as a critical meditator of TAZ-induced tumorigenic and CSC phenotypes in lung cancer. Our studies provided preclinical data for targeting of TAZ-TEAD-ALDH1A1 signaling to inhibit CSC-induced lung tumorigenesis and drug resistance in the future.


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Calcitic belemnite rostra are usually employed to perform paleoenvironmental studies based on geochemical data. However, several questions, such as their original porosity and microstructure, remain open, despite they are essential to make accurate interpretations based on geochemical analyses.This paper revisits and enlightens some of these questions. Petrographic data demonstrate that calcite crystals of the rostrum solidum of belemnites grow from spherulites that successively develop along the apical line, resulting in a “regular spherulithic prismatic” microstructure. Radially arranged calcite crystals emerge and diverge from the spherulites: towards the apex, crystals grow until a new spherulite is formed; towards the external walls of the rostrum, the crystals become progressively bigger and prismatic. Adjacent crystals slightly vary in their c-axis orientation, resulting in undulose extinction. Concentric growth layering develops at different scales and is superimposed and traversed by a radial pattern, which results in the micro-fibrous texture that is observed in the calcite crystals in the rostra.Petrographic data demonstrate that single calcite crystals in the rostra have a composite nature, which strongly suggests that the belemnite rostra were originally porous. Single crystals consistently comprise two distinct zones or sectors in optical continuity: 1) the inner zone is fluorescent, has relatively low optical relief under transmitted light (TL) microscopy, a dark-grey color under backscatter electron microscopy (BSEM), a commonly triangular shape, a “patchy” appearance and relatively high Mg and Na contents; 2) the outer sector is non-fluorescent, has relatively high optical relief under TL, a light-grey color under BSEM and low Mg and Na contents. The inner and fluorescent sectors are interpreted to have formed first as a product of biologically controlled mineralization during belemnite skeletal growth and the non-fluorescent outer sectors as overgrowths of the former, filling the intra- and inter-crystalline porosity. This question has important implications for making paleoenvironmental and/or paleoclimatic interpretations based on geochemical analyses of belemnite rostra.Finally, the petrographic features of composite calcite crystals in the rostra also suggest the non-classical crystallization of belemnite rostra, as previously suggested by other authors.


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A new synthesis of (+)-brefeldin A is reported via Padwa allenylsulfone [3+2]-cycloadditive elimination. Cycloadduct 13 was initially elaborated into iodide
27, which, following treatment with Zn, gave aldehyde 28 whose C(9) stereocenter was epimerized. Further elaboration into enoate 38 and Julia−Kocienski olefination with 5 subsequently afforded 39, which was deprotected at C(1) and O(15). Yamaguchi macrolactonization of the seco-acid thereafter afforded a macrocycle that underwent O-desilylation and inversion at C(4) to give (+)-brefeldin A following deprotection


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Two novel strains of Gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped, obligately anaerobic, non-spore-forming, non-motile bacteria were isolated from the faeces of healthy human subjects. The strains, designated as 585-1T and 668, were characterized by mesophilic fermentative metabolism, production of d-lactic acid, succinic acid and acetic acid as end products of d-glucose fermentation, prevalence of C18 : 1 ω9, C18 : 1 ω9 aldehyde, C16 : 0 and C16 : 1 ω7c fatty acids, presence of glycine, glutamic acid, lysine, alanine and aspartic acid in the petidoglycan peptide moiety and lack of respiratory quinones. Whole genome sequencing revealed the DNA G+C content was 56.4–56.6 mol%. The complete 16S rRNA gene sequences of the two strains shared 91.7/91.6 % similarity with Anaerofilum pentosovorans FaeT, 91.3/91.2 % with Gemmiger formicilis ATCC 27749T and 88.9/88.8 % with Faecalibacterium prausnitzii ATCC 27768T. On the basis of chemotaxonomic and genomic properties it was concluded that the strains represent a novel species in a new genus within the family Ruminococcaceae , for which the name Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans is 585-1T (=DSM 100348T=VKM B-2901T).


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Personal exposure and possible cancer risk to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were appraised in 8 work places at a university in Brazil. Levels of formaldehyde measured ranged from 22.5 to 161.5 g·m 3 and from 18.3 to 91.2 g·m 3 for acetaldehyde. The personal exposure, expressed as the potential dose in indoor air, was calculated to range from 129.8 to 930.4 g·day 1 (low exposure) and 183.9 to 1318.1 g·day 1 (medium exposure) for formaldehyde and 105.5 to 525.3 g·day 1 (low exposure) and 149.5 to 744.2 g·day 1 (medium exposure) for acetaldehyde. The indoor/outdoor ratio showed the existence of indoor sources of the compounds which were mainly in practical classes and research laboratories. The highest formaldehyde and acetaldehyde levels were found where chemical reagents were manipulated. Relating the levels found to the permissible limit given by the US OSHA showed there was no particular risk although some formaldehyde levels did exceed the lower exposure limit of the US agency NIOSH. Any cancer risk would be highest for female technicians and teaching researchers.


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Procedimiento y catalizador para la oxidación selectiva de grupos aldehído. La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento para la oxidación selectiva de grupos aldehído que comprende poner en contacto en el medio de reacción acuoso el compuesto o compuestos que comprenden el grupo aldehído con un compuesto de coordinación soluble en agua. Dicho compuesto de coordinación, que es el catalizador para la oxidación selectiva, está constituido por un metal, que preferiblemente se selecciona entre rutenio y/o hierro, coordinado a un ligando perteneciente al grupo de las fosfinas.


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The study of green chemistry is dedicated to eliminating or reducing toxic waste. One route to accomplish this goal is to explore alternative reaction conditions and parameters resulting in the development of more benign synthetic routes and reagents. The primary focus of this research is to find optimal reaction conditions for the oxidation of a primary alcohol to an aldehyde. As a case study, the oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde, a common industrial process, was examined. Traditionally carried out using the Jones Reagent, commonly referred to as chromium (IV) oxide or chromium trioxide (CrO3) in sulphuric acid, a great deal of research went into utilizing less toxic reagents, such as MnO2 or KMnO4 supported on a clay base. This research has led to an improvement on these alternatives, using a lithium chloride (LiCl) catalyst in a montmorillonite K10 clay solid phase, together with the oxidizing agent hydrogen peroxide, as even greener alternatives to these traditional oxidizing agents. Experiments were carried out to determine the lifetime of this LiCl/clay system as compared to MnO2 and KMnO4, to investigate its ability to catalyze the oxidation of other aromatic alcohols (such as 4-methoxybenzyl alcohol and diphenylmethanol), and to further improve the system’s adherence to green chemistry principles. Green solvent alternatives were examined by replacing the toluene solvent with dimethylcarbonate (DMC), and reaction conditions were optimized to improve product yield. It was determined that the LiCl/H2O2 system was, in most cases, equally as effective at catalyzing the oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde. Although the catalyst and oxidizing agent eliminated the toxic waste generated from chromium reagents, it offered significant challenges in product isolation, because of an aqueous-organic phase separation.


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Wydział Chemii: Zakład Syntezy i Struktury Związków Organicznych


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Objective: Identify and characterize polymorphisms of genes ADH2, ADH3, ALDH2 and CYP2E1 in a Colombian population residing in the city of Bogotá and determine its possible relationship to the alcoholism. Methods: ADH2, ADH3, ALDH2, and CYP2E1 genotypes a population of 148 individuals with non-problematic alcohol and 65 individuals with alcoholism were determined with TaqMan probes and PCR-RFLP. DNA was obtained from peripheral blood white cells. Results: Significant difference was found in family history of alcoholism and use of other psychoactive substances to compare alcoholics with controls. When allelic frequencies for each category (gender) were considered, frequency of A2 allele carriers in ADH2 was found higher in male patients than controls. In women, the relative frequency for c1 allele in CYP2E1 was lower in controls than alcoholics. The ALDH2 locus is monomorphic. No significant differences in allele distributions of the loci examined to compare two populations were observed, however when stratifying the same trend was found that these differences tended to be significant. Conclusions: This study allows us to conclude the positive association between family history of alcoholism and alcoholism suggesting that there is a favorable hereditary predisposition. Since substance dependence requires interaction of multiple genes, the combination of genotypes ADH2*2, CYP2E1*1 combined with genotype homozygous ALDH2*1 found in this study could be leading to the population to a potential risk to alcoholism.


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Objective: Identify and characterize polymorphisms of genes ADH2, ADH3, ALDH2 and CYP2E1 in a Colombian population residing in the city of Bogotá and determine its possible relationship to the alcoholism. Methods: ADH2, ADH3, ALDH2, and CYP2E1 genotypes a population of 148 individuals with non-problematic alcohol and 65 individuals with alcoholism were determined with TaqMan probes and PCR-RFLP. DNA was obtained from peripheral blood white cells. Results: Significant difference was found in family history of alcoholism and use of other psychoactive substances to compare alcoholics with controls. When allelic frequencies for each category (gender) were considered, frequency of A2 allele carriers in ADH2 was found higher in male patients than controls. In women, the relative frequency for c1 allele in CYP2E1 was lower in controls than alcoholics. The ALDH2 locus is monomorphic. No significant differences in allele distributions of the loci examined to compare two populations were observed, however when stratifying the same trend was found that these differences tended to be significant. Conclusions: This study allows us to conclude the positive association between family history of alcoholism and alcoholism suggesting that there is a favourable hereditary predisposition. Since substance dependence requires interaction of multiple genes, the combination of genotypes ADH2*2, CYP2E1*1 combined with genotype homozygous ALDH2*1 found in this study could be leading to the population to a potential risk to alcoholism.


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We report an efficient methodology for the direct oxidative esterification of primary alcohols to diether-esters using pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC). Numerous studies were carried out to probe the reaction mechanism and at the same time optimize the reaction conditions. The reaction could be conducted with 1 equivalent of PCC and 1 equivalent of BF3 center dot OEt2. Indications based on literature precedent were that the reaction may proceed via a sequential alcohol oxidation to the aldehyde followed by a putative Cr or boron catalyzed Claisen-Tishchenko-type reaction. Using this efficient methodology, we synthesized a family of novel diether-esters in very good yields; some of these molecules were subsequently tested against both acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE). In addition, we also disclose a new synthetic strategy for the synthesis of lactam macrocycles with potential biological activity. This methodology included the regioselective borylation of the ester substrate and a subsequent Suzuki-Miyaura coupling to obtain the desired lactam macrocycle.