489 resultados para Yunnan.
介绍了黄连山自然保护区非人灵长类的现状。利用现有统计资料中隐含的生态信息 对自然保护区中的非人灵长类的生存威胁因素作了分析。农村人口与农民收入、粮食面积、粮 食产量、茶叶产量、水果产量和紫胶产量呈正相关;农民收入与粮食产量、茶叶产量、水果产量、 紫胶产量和橡胶面积呈正相关。农村人口、农业发展和偷猎行为是保护区非人灵长类的威胁 因素;提高农业生产效率和加强保护区管理是改善非人灵长类现状的关键。
滇南、滇东南曾是黑冠长臂猿广泛分布的地区之一.为掌握该地区近年黑冠长臂猿分布及种群数量现状,从2003年7月~2004年12月,采用访问调查及利用鸣声定位法进行了实地调查.调查结果显示,在近40 000 km2的范围内,东黑冠长臂猿(Nomascus sp.cf.nasutus)在云南境内可能已消失;西黑冠长臂猿(N.concolor)亦仅发现4~7个种群,且孤立分布于3个地区(金平芭蕉河2群6只,金平西隆山1-2群,绿春黄连山1~3群,总计不超过25只),而在江城牛倮河自然保护区、马关古林箐自然保护区、麻栗坡老君山自然保护区及屏边大围山自然保护区可能已绝迹.滇南、滇东南黑冠长臂猿分布区缩小及种群数量剧减,主要与栖息地丧失及过度捕猎有关.
在澜沧江下游/ 湄公河上游的滇南西双版纳地区,通过样方法比较了热带雨林的连片与3 个小片断的物 种多样性变化趋势。与连续森林比较,片断热带雨林的植物物种丰富度和物种多样性指数都比较低,而且有相当低 比例的大高位芽、中高位芽和附生等生活型植物,而藤本、小高位芽和矮高位芽等生活型植物的比例则较高;泛热 带、热带亚洲至热带非洲的区系成分比例较高,而当地成分则减少;群落的上层树木比下层树木更加稳定。同样,动 物的物种多样性指数和均衡度在片断热带雨林中都较低,与其密切相关的是片断热带雨林的环境质量,而不是片 断的大小。此外,也探讨了片断热带雨林物种变化与森林小气候的关系,阐明了由凉湿向干暖转化的“林内效应"是 其物种变化的重要原因之一。
采用聚类分析测定云南地区9 个国家自然保护区珍稀濒危哺乳动物分布格局的相似性。以编码为 1 的有物种分布及编码为0 的无物种分布作为二元状态,建立二元数据列联表,应用类与类的空间距离Dpq聚类。 结果表明,珍稀濒危哺乳动物的分布未出现纬度梯度变异,横断山区省为一类,西南区省和华南区省与云南动物地 理区划系统基本一致,相邻保护区无量山与哀牢山分别为一类。在保护区之间应建立生物廊道,以促进物种基因 的交流,扩大面积较小的保护区,合并面积相对小的保护区。
:从云南西双版纳不同生境下的14 株热带兰菌根中分离到19 株真菌,分别鉴定为9 个属,其中优势 菌为镰孢霉属( Fusarium) 9 株占47. 37 %;组丝核菌属( Phacodium) 3 株占15. 79 %.
对滇南和滇西茶叶害虫群落结构与生态分布进行了研究。该区域的茶叶害 虫隶属9 目, 57 科, 103 属, 167 种; 其中, 鳞翅目有16 科, 27 属, 53 种; 同翅目 13 科, 25 属, 35 种; 鞘翅目12 科, 23 属, 37 种; 直翅目4 科, 8 属, 17 种; 半翅 目4 科, 7 属, 10 种; 等翅目3 科, 5 属, 5 种; 缨翅目2 科, 4 属, 5 种; 竹节虫 目2 科, 2 属, 2 种; 双翅目1 科, 2 属, 3 种。同翅目、鳞翅目和鞘翅目的科、属、 种是整个茶园中优势类群; 直翅目、半翅目, 等翅目和缨翅目的科、属、种是茶叶 中常见类群; 竹节虫目和双翅目的科、属 种稀少。滇南和滇西的茶叶害虫绝大部 分属于东洋区成分种; 其生态类型可分为: 食嫩芽类型、食叶类型, 食果实类型, 为 害枝杆类型和食根及幼苗类型。
Rhesus macaques and stump-tailed macaques are sympatric in western Yunnan (China), coexisting or occupying habitats that show little difference. This paper tests hypotheses based on theoretical expectation from the differing biomechanical demands of terrestrial and arboreal quadrupedalism in stump-tailed macaques and rhesus macaques, respectively. Individuals of these two macaque taxa were markedly separated by the first two principal components and discriminant analyses based on 18 variables of the upper limb. The rhesus macaques appear to be more adapted for arboreal quadruped habits because of elongation of the clavicle and forearm, a larger humeral head and greater midshaft sagittal diameters of the radius and ulna.
The black-crested gibbon, Hylobates concolor, is one of the few species of gibbons that has not yet been the subject of a long term field study. Field observations in the Ai Lao and Wu Liang Mountains of Yunnan Province, China indicate that in this area the habitat and ecology of this species differ markedly from those of other gibbons that have been studied to date. These differences are correlated with some behavioral differences. In particular, these gibbons apparently have greater day ranges than other gibbons. It has also been suggested that this species lives in polygynous groups. To demonstrate this requires observation of groups with two or more females with young. Our own observations and those from other recent studies suggest that there are alternative explanations consistent with available data.
In order to study the differentiation of Asian colobines, 14 variables measured on 123 skulls, including Rhinopithecus, Presbytis, Presbytiscus (Rhinopithecus avunculus), Pygathrix and Nasalis were analyzed by one-way, cluster and discriminant function analyses. Information on paleoenvironmental changes in China and southeast Asia since the late Tertiary was used to examine the influences of migratory routes and range of distribution in Asian colobines. A cladogram for 6 genera of Asian colobines was constructed from the results of various analyses. Some new points or revisions were suggested: (1) Following one of two migratory routes, ancient species of Asian colobines perhaps passed through Xizang (Tibet) along the northern bank of the Tethys sea and through the Heng Duan Shan regions of Yunnan into Vietnam. An ancient landmass linking Yunnan and Xizang was already present on the east bank of the Tethys sea. Accordingly, Asian colobines would have two centers of evolutionary origin: Sundaland and the Heng Duan Shan regions of China. (2) Pygathrix shares more cranial features with Presbytiscus than with Rhinopithecus. This differs somewhat from the conclusion reached by Groves. (3) Nasalis (karyotype: 2n = 48) may be the most primitive genus among Asian colobines. Certain features shared with Rhinopithecus, e.g. large body size, terrestrial activity and limb proportions, can be interpreted as symple-siomorphic characters. (4) Rhinopithecus, with respect to craniofacial features, is a special case among Asian colobines. It combines a high degree of evolutionary specialization with retention of some primitive features thought to have been present in the ancestral Asian colobine.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of six breeds of native domestic pigs from Yunnan province, southwest China, and two wild boars obtained from Sichuan, China, and Vietnam was analyzed using 20 restriction endonucleases that recognize six nucleotides. Restriction maps were made by double-digestion methods and polymorphic sites were located on the map. According to their mtDNA restriction types, all the breeds were classified into six groups. Genetic distances among groups were calculated to define their phylogenetic relationships. The relationship between the Sichuan wild boar and domestic pigs is close, while the Vietnamese wild boar is relatively far from them, so the domestic pigs in southwest China are likely to have originated from a wild pig which distributed in west China. We compare our results with previous reports in literature and discuss the relationship among Chinese pigs, Japanese pigs, and European pigs. The mtDNA cleavage pattern of the Mingguang pig digested by EcoRV was identical to that of Duroc; mutations at the EcoRI site, detected in the mtDNA of two Dahe pigs, are the same as in the Vietnamese wild boar, suggesting that mutational hot spots exist in the mtDNA of pigs.