960 resultados para Wood, Helen


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Quassia amara L., a neotropical forest shrub of the Simaroubaceae family, is widely used in Caribbean folk medicine and in some northern states of Brazil for the treatment of gastric ulcers. This plant is a source of numerous compounds including both beta-carbonile and cantin-6 alkaloids as well as, primarily, the bitter compounds known as quassinoids. We analyzed the possible antiulcerogenic activities of four extracts of different polarities: 70% ethanol (70% EtOH), 100% EtOH, 100% dichloromethane (DCM), and 100% hexane (HEX) obtained from Quassia amara bark. All extracts, administered at doses of 5000 mg/kg orally and 1000 mg/kg intraperitoneally, caused neither toxicity or death. In the indomethacin[bethanechol-induced gastric ulcer, 70% EtOH, 100% EtOH, DCM and HEX extracts, 100 mg/kg, p.o., inhibited the gastric ulcer (22.5, 23.4, 50.5, 46.8%, respectively). 70% EtOH, 100% EtOH, DCM, and HEX extracts reduced the gastric injury induced by the hypothermic restraint-stress test in mice (70.7, 80, 60, 82.7%, respectively). In the pylorus ligature of the mouse stomach, following pre-treatment with a single intraduodenal administration of 100 mg/kg of each extract, only 70% EtOH did not change the biochemical parameters of gastric juice. 100% EtOH, DCM and HEX extracts presented decreased gastric juice content, increased pH values and decreased acid output. We also determined the antiulcerogenic activity on HCl-EtOH-induced gastric ulcers in mice at four doses (25, 50, 75, 100 mg/kg, p.o.), then evaluated the possible dose-dependent relation and calculated the ED50 values. Except for 70% EtOH at a dose of 25 mg/kg, the other extracts showed significantly activity (p<0.05). The free mucous amount in the gastric stomach content was also evaluated. All extracts showed significant increases (p<0.05) of free mucous. This effect was abolished when the animals were pre-treated with indomethacin. Prostaglandin synthesis was evaluated by the administration of HEX extracts by the oral route (100 mg/kg). Prostaglandin synthesis was significantly, increased by 52.3% (p<0.05), and this effect was abolished with prior administration of indomethacin. We concluded that Quassia amara is a probable source for a new drug to treat gastric ulcers, and the mechanism of its activity relates to cytoprotective factors, such as mucous and prostaglandins, but there is still the possibility that antisecretory activity is involved in its antiulcerogenic effect.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were measured in smoke samples from wood carbonization during charcoal production, in both particulate matter (PM) and gaseous phases. Samples were acquired using a medium-volume air sampler at 1.5 m distance from the furnace. Particle-bound PAH were collected on Fluoropore polytetrafluoroethylene filters and gas-phase PAH were collected into sorbent tubes with XAD-2 resin. PAH were extracted with dichloromethane-methanol and analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed total emission from the furnace of 26 mu g/m(3) for the 16 PAH and 2.8 mu g/m(3) for the 10 genotoxic PAH (from fluoranthene to benzo[g,h,i]perylene). High emission of 16 PAH in the first 8 h of wood carbonization was detected (64 mu g/m(3); 56% of the total emission). Associated with PM, 11% of the total emission of 16 PAH (in both phases) and 60% of 10 genotoxic PAH were found. Relative ratios (for example, [Phe]/[Phe] + [Ant]) for the PAH of the same molecular weight were obtained and compared with the published data. The concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene equivalent (BaPeq) were estimated using the list of toxic equivalent factors suggested by Nisbet and LaGoy, 1992. The values of 0.30 and 0.06 mg/m3 were obtained for the total concentrations of BaPeq in PM and gaseous phase, respectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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More than 130 organic substances in dichloromethane-methanol (4: 1) extracts of particulate matter and the gaseous phase from wood burning for the production of charcoal have been identified by capillary gas chromatography coupled with low-resolution mass spectrometry (GC-MS), use of GC retention indices, and comparison with authentic standards. Many of the substances identified are methoxyphenols (derivatives of syringol and guaiacol), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), oxidized PAH (oxy-PAH), and levoglucosan, the last being a monosoccharide derivative from the thermal breakdown of cellulose. The amount of unsubstituted PAH was greater than that of methyl- and dimethyl-substituted homologs.


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Styrax camporum Pohl is a shrub common in the cerrado vegetation of south-eastern Brazil. Root and stem wood in Styrax camporum differ quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative differences follow normal expectations: roots have wider and longer vessel elements, a lower vessel frequency, a lower ray frequency, and wider rays. Qualitative features of the roots are: simple perforation plates, vestured pits, and septate libriform fibres; qualitative features of the stems are: multiple perforation plates, non-vestured pits, and non-septate fibre-tracheids. Based on generally accepted evolutionary trends, root wood of Styrax camporum has more specialized features than stem wood. Additional comparative studies of stem and root anatomy are needed to determine if such differences between root and stem anatomy are widespread, and consistent with the lines of specialization observed in monocotyledons.


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The quantity and distribution of vegetal biomass are important aspects to consider in ecosystem studies. However, little information is available about Brazil's Pantanal woodland savannas. This work involved the development of regression equations of the aerial biomass and wood volume of native tree species in a region of woodland savanna on Rio Negro farm in the Pantanal of Nhecolandia, Brazil. Samples were taken from 10 trees of each of five species: Protium heptaphyllum (Aub1.) Marchand, Magonia pubescens A. St.-Hil., Diptychandra aurantiaca Tul., Terminalia argentea Mart. and Zucc. and Licania minutiflora (Sagot) Fritsch and from a miscellaneous group of I I different species. Linear and nonlinear regression analyses were developed relating the diameter at breast height to the dry weight of wood, branches and leaves, wood volume and total aerial biomass. All the regressions showed a significance of P < 0.05 and an R-2 close to or above 0.8. The biomass curve predicted by linear regression analysis of the studied species was similar to the nonlinear regression, with the exception of L. minutiflora and the miscellaneous group. The breast height diameter proved a good choice for estimating biomass and wood volume. The estimated wood volume and biomass of the Pantanal woodland savanna is crucial information for understanding the carbon cycle and for ensuring the region's conservation and sustainable use. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Brazilian Standard ABNT NBR7190:1997 for timber structures design, adopts a first degree equation to describe the influence of wood moisture content. Periodically, when necessary, the referred standard is revised in order to analyze inconsistencies and to adopt considerations according new realities verified. So, the present paper aims to examine the adequacy of its equation which corrects to 12% of moisture the values of rigidity properties obtained on experimental tests. To quantify the moisture influence on modulus of elasticity, it was applied tests of compression parallel to the grain for six specimens of different strength classes, considering nominal moisture of 12; 20; 25; 30%. As results, modulus of elasticity in the moisture range 25-30% showed statistically equivalents, and was obtained a first degree equation to correlate the studied variables which leads to statically equivalent estimations when compared with results by ABNT NBR7190:1997 equation. However, it was indicated to maintain the current expression for the next text of the referred document review, without prejudice to statistical significance of the estimates.


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Stem diameter in Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng.) Harms (Phytolaccaceae) increases by forming concentric rings of xylem alternating with phloem, which show frequent anastomoses. After a period of primary growth and the formation of first (normal) ring of vascular cambium, further successive rings are initiated outside this cambium. The second ring of cambium originates from the pericycle parenchyma located between the proto-phloem, and the pericycle fibres. Each cambium produces centripetally secondary xylem and centrifugally secondary phloem. Differentiation of xylem precedes that of phloem and the first elements formed are always xylem fibres. Structurally, the vascular cylinder is composed by successive rings of secondary xylem and phloem. These rings are separated by wide bands of conjunctive parenchyma tissue. Presence of collateral vascular bundles with irregular orientation is observed in the region of anastomoses of two or more bands of conjunctive tissue. These bundles are surrounded by isodiametric, lignified and thick-walled cells. In some of the cambial rings, occurrence of polycentric rays was also noticed; these rays are tall, and characterized by the presence of meristematic regions that differentiated into thick-walled elements of secondary xylem. Origin and development of the successive cambia and the structure of xylem are discussed.


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Seventy-five fungal strains from different groups of basidiomycetes, newly isolated from rotten wood, were screened for pectinolytic activity. Despite the fact that basidiomycetes are scarcely referred to as pectinase producers, the polygalacturonase (PG) activity was detected in 76 % of the strains; 16 % with activity higher than 40 nkat/g, 40 % between 13.3 and 40 nkat/g, and 44 % with activity lower than 13.3 nkat/g. The highest productions were obtained among the fungi from order Aphyllophorales, family Polyporaceae. The characterization of the enzymes from the highest PG producers (Lentinus sp., Gloeophyllum striatum, Pycnoporus sanguineus, Schizophyllum commune) showed optimum temperature for catalytic activity at 60-70°C and two peaks of pH optimum (3.5-4.5 and 8.5-9.5). The enzymes exhibited high pH stability (3.0-11.0) but after incubation at 40°C for 1 h their activity dropped by 18-73 %.


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Wood is generally considered an anisotropic material. In terms of engineering elastic models, wood is usually treated as an orthotropic material. This paper presents an analysis of two principal anisotropic elastic models that are usually applied to wood. The first one, the linear orthotropic model, where the material axes L (Longitudinal), R(radial) and T(tangential) are coincident with the Cartesian axes (x, y, z), is more accepted as wood elastic model. The other one, the cylindrical orthotropic model is more adequate of the growth caracteristics of wood but more mathematically complex to be adopted in practical terms. Specifically due to its importance in wood elastic parameters, this paper deals with the fiber orientation influence in these models through adequate transformation of coordinates. As a final result, some examples of the linear model, which show the variation of elastic moduli, i.e., Young's modulus and shear modulus, with fiber orientation are presented.


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Over the past few years there have significantly been increased the articles that approach the constructions in wood or with structure in wood in the specialized Brazilian magazines. This increase brings up indications that the incorporated values to these habitations are modifying, however it is not so simple to conclude that these issues can be associated to the development of incorporated technologies to the constructive system. The work presents, firstly, a survey performed in these publications that had the objective to verify which the constructive systems in wood is being more executed, under which cultural and technician standards. From that survey it was performed a study of the habitations constructed in mixing system whose structures are timbers and walls in masonry. The aesthetic and cultural questions involved are argued considering mainly that these habitations belong to a social class whose purchasing power increased.


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The majority of the Brazilian schools of Civil Engineering have taught the subject works with wood in the traditional only by disciplines of Metallic Structures and Wood at a topic in the content of the program on disciplines at the Materials of Civil Construction. To extend of the wood studies is being made possible that all the pupils have a wider understanding of this material and its adapted use is the goal of the proposal, that by the means of the education modality e-learning, disclosing the first one: Module I - Introduction to the Study of the Wood. This methodology tries to use the theoretical beddings in projects that are related to the pupil daily tasks and its practical professional. The article presents the theoretical bases of the conception proposal and its structure, and at the conclusions, the problems found during its application are displayed. Basically, the methodology considers that the professor and the pupil must share the learning, and adopt it as main in the interdisciplinary.


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We analyze here the spin and pseudospin symmetry for the antinucleon spectra solving the Dirac equation with scalar and vector Wood-Saxon potentials. In relativistic nuclear mean field theories where these potentials have large magnitudes and opposite signs we show that contrary to the nucleon case where pseudospin interaction is never very small and cannot be treated perturbatively, for antinucleon systems this interaction is perturbative and an exact pseudospin symmetry is possible. This result manifests the relativistic nature of the nuclear pseudospin symmetry. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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Two discussions are imposed to the designers of wood constructions. The first one deals with the technical knowledge to project and execute buildings; the second one is concerned with the preservation of the environment, use of the wood in a sustainable way. The work presents the tendencies of the wood used in the Brazilian habitation architecture characterizing the used woods; how the construction technical solutions have developed and discusses about the necessity of using the wood in a conscious way, knowing its origin and control, sustainable use of the forests resources. It focalizes, mainly, the search of the designers to harmonize the use of the wood and the preservation of the forest biodiversity, when it deals with the native forest.