971 resultados para Wilson, Karin
The maintenance of masticatory function is especially important for patients wearing complete dentures due to their limitations. Thus, the bilateral balanced occlusal concept is used to achieve greater masticatory efficiency. However, a critical review of the literature reveals that there is not sufficient scientific evidence to support bilateral balanced occlusion as the most appropriate occlusal concept in complete dentures. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the masticatory efficiency in complete dentures wearers with bilateral balanced occlusion and canine guidance. A double-blinded controlled crossover clinical trial was conducted. The sample was composed by 24 edentulous patients who wore sets of complete dentures with both occlusal concepts during equal periods of 3 months. Objective data were collected through the masticatory efficiency test performed by the colorimetric method with the beads, in which capsules of a synthetic material enclosing fuchsine-containing granules were used. Subjective data were recorded by patient's ratings of their chewing function. No significant statistical difference was found for masticatory efficiency (p=0.095) between the two occlusal concepts studied. The results suggest that bilateral balanced occlusion does not improve the masticatory efficiency in complete denture wearers.
TEMA: a avaliação da eficiência mastigatória pela análise colorimétrica com beads, pode ser um método promissor, mas não há relatos sobre a sua confiabilidade. OBJETIVO: investigar a confiabiabilidade das beads para teste de eficiência mastigatória e a correlação com a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos masseter e temporal anterior. MÉTODO: participaram dezenove sujeitos adultos jovens, nove do gênero masculino e dez do feminino com idades entre dezoito e vinte-oito anos, com dentição completa, sem histórico de desordem temporomandibular, trauma, cirurgia na região de cabeça e pescoço, tratamento ortodôntico ou fonoaudiológico. O teste de eficiência mastigatória foi realizado com beads nas condições: mastigação habitual, mastigação unilateral direita e esquerda, com duração de 20 segundos. Simultaneamente, foi realizada a eletromiografia. A atividade em máxima intercuspidação habitual dos dentes também foi registrada. A quantidade de fucsina liberada após a mastigação foi medida usando o espectrofotômetro Beckman DU-7 UV-Visible (Beckman Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA). RESULTADOS: houve alta confiabilidade do teste de eficiência mastigatória (r = 0,86, p < 0,01) e correlação significante com a atividade eletromiográfica (r = 0,76, p < 0,01). Também houve correlações positivas quando as provas foram analisadas separadamente. CONCLUSÃO: o teste de eficiência mastigatória realizado com beads mostrou-se um método confiável e correlacionado positivamente à atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos temporal anterior e músculos masseter.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a flavor-containing dentifrice on the formation of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) in morning bad breath. A two-step, blinded, crossover, randomized study was carried out in 50 dental students with a healthy periodontium divided into two experimental groups: flavor-containing dentifrice (test) and non-flavor-containing dentifrice (control). The volunteers received the designated dentifrice and a new toothbrush for a 3 X/day brushing regimen for 2 periods of 30 days. A seven-day washout interval was used between the periods. The assessed parameters were: plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), organoleptic breath scores (ORG), VSC levels (as measured by a portable sulphide monitor) before (H1) and after (H2) cleaning of the tongue, tongue coating (TC) wet weight and BANA test from TC samples. The intra-group analysis showed a decrease in ORG, from 3 to 2, after 30 days for the test group (p < 0.05). The inter-group analysis showed lower values in ORG, H1 and H2 for the test group (p < 0.05). There was no difference between the amount of TC between groups and the presence of flavor also did not interfere in the BANA results between groups (p > 0.05). These findings suggest that a flavor-containing dentifrice seems to prevent VSCs formation in morning bad breath regardless of the amount of TC in periodontally healthy subjects.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate, by shear bond strength (SBS) testing, the influence of different types of temporary cements on the final cementation using conventional and self-etching resin-based luting cements. Material and Methods: Forty human teeth divided in two halves were assigned to 8 groups (n=10): I and V (no temporary cementation); II and VI: Ca(OH)2-based cement; III and VII: zinc oxide (ZO)-based cement; IV and VIII: ZO-eugenol (ZOE)-based cement. Final cementation was done with RelyX ARC cement (groups I to IV) and RelyX Unicem cement (groups V to VIII). Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. RESULTS: Means were (MPa): I - 3.80 (±1.481); II - 5.24 (±2.297); III - 6.98 (±1.885); IV - 6.54 (±1.459); V - 5.22 (±2.465); VI - 4.48 (±1.705); VII - 6.29 (±2.280); VIII - 2.47 (±2.076). Comparison of the groups that had the same temporary cementation (Groups II and VI; III and VII; IV and VIII) showed statistically significant difference (p<0.001) only between Groups IV and VIII, in which ZOE-based cements were used. The use of either Ca(OH)2-based (Groups II and VI) or ZO-based (Groups III and VII) cements showed no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) for the different luting cements (RelyX TM ARC and RelyX TM Unicem). The groups that had no temporary cementation (Groups I and V) did not differ significantly from each other either (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: When temporary cementation was done with ZO- or ZOE-based cements and final cementation was done with RelyX ARC, there was an increase in the SBS compared to the control. In the groups cemented with RelyX Unicem, however, the use of a ZOE-based temporary cement affected negatively the SBS of the luting agent used for final cementation.
The present study evaluated the effect of repeated simulated microwave disinfection on physical and mechanical properties of Clássico, Onda-Cryl and QC-20 denture base acrylic resins. Aluminum patterns were included in metallic or plastic flasks with dental stone following the traditional packing method. The powder/liquid mixing ratio was established according to the manufacturer's instructions. After water-bath polymerization at 74ºC for 9 h, boiling water for 20 min or microwave energy at 900 W for 10 min, the specimens were deflasked after flask cooling and finished. Each specimen was immersed in 150 mL of distilled water and underwent 5 disinfection cycles in a microwave oven set at 650 W for 3 min. Non-disinfected and disinfected specimens were subjected to the following tets: Knoop hardness test was performed with 25 g load for 10 s, impact strength test was done using the Charpy system with 40 kpcm, and 3-point bending test (flexural strength) was performed at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until fracture. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α= 0.05%). Repeated simulated microwave disinfections decreased the Knoop hardness of Clássico and Onda-Cryl resins and had no effect on the impact strength of QC-20. The flexural strength was similar for all tested resins.
OBJETIVO: o propósito do presente estudo é avaliar o limite de resistência à flexão de um protótipo de mini-implante desenvolvido para ancoragem do aparelho de Herbst. MÉTODOS: após a realização de um cálculo do tamanho da amostra, quatro corpos de prova contendo os protótipos de mini-implantes foram submetidos a uma força de flexão por engastamento simples, utilizando-se uma máquina universal de ensaios mecânicos, sendo calculado o limite de resistência à força de flexão. RESULTADOS: após os ensaios mecânicos, os novos mini-implantes apresentaram o limite de resistência à força de flexão de 98,2kgf, que foi o menor valor encontrado. CONCLUSÃO: os protótipos de mini-implantes desenvolvidos para ancoragem do aparelho de Herbst foram capazes de suportar forças de flexão maiores do que as forças de mordida descritas na literatura.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the following acrylic resins: Clássico®, QC-20® and Lucitone®, recommended specifically for thermal polymerization, and Acron MC® and VIPI-WAVE®, made for polymerization by microwave energy. The resins were evaluated regarding their surface nanohardness and modulus of elasticity, while varying the polymerization time recommended by the manufacturer. They were also compared as to the presence of water absorbed by the samples. The technique used was nanoindentation, using the Nano Indenter XP®, MTS. According to an intra-group analysis, when using the polymerization time recommended by the manufacturer, a variation of 0.14 to 0.23 GPa for nanohardness and 2.61 to 3.73 GPa for modulus of elasticity was observed for the thermally polymerized resins. The variation for the resins made for polymerization by microwave energy was 0.15 to 0.22 GPa for nanohardness and 2.94 to 3.73 GPa for modulus of elasticity. The conclusion was that the Classico® resin presented higher nanohardness and higher modulus of elasticity values when compared to those of the same group, while Acron MC® presented the highest values for the same characteristics when compared to those of the same group. The water absorption evaluation showed that all the thermal polymerization resins, except for Lucitone®, presented significant nanohardness differences when submitted to dehydration or rehydration, while only Acron MC® presented no significant differences when submitted to a double polymerization time. Regarding the modulus of elasticity, it was observed that all the tested materials and products, except for Lucitone®, showed a significant increase in modulus of elasticity when submitted to a lack of hydration.
Nitric oxide (NO) has been considered a key molecule in infammation. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of treatment with L-NAME and sodium nitroprussiate, substances that inhibit and release NO, respectively, on tissue tolerance to endodontic irrigants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The vital dye exudation method was used in a rat subcutaneous tissue model. Injections of 2% Evans blue were administered intravenously into the dorsal penial vein of 14 male rats (200-300 g). The NO inhibitor and donor substances were injected into the subcutaneous tissue in the dorsal region, forming two groups of animals: G1 was inoculated with L-NAME and G2 with sodium nitroprussiate. Both groups received injections of the test endodontic irrigants: acetic acid, 15% citric acid, 17% EDTA-T and saline (control). After 30 min, analysis of the extravasated dye was performed by light absorption spectrophotometry (620 nm). RESULTS: There was statistically signifcant difference (p<0.05) between groups 1 and 2 for all irrigants. L-NAME produced a less intense infammatory reaction and nitroprussiate intensifed this process. CONCLUSIONS: Independently of the administration of NO inhibitors and donors, EDTA-T produced the highest irritating potential in vital tissue among the tested irrigating solutions.
Roofing provides the main protection against direct solar radiation in animal housing. Appropriate thermal properties of roofing materials tend to improve the thermal comfort in the inner ambient. Nonasbestos fiber-cement roofing components reinforced with cellulose pulp from sisal (Agave sisalana) were produced by slurry and dewatering techniques, with an optional addition of polypropylene fibers. Nonasbestos tiles were evaluated and compared with commercially available asbestos-cement sheets and ceramic tiles (frequently chosen as roofing materials for animal housing). Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of tiles were determined by the parallel hot-wire method, along with the evaluation of the downside surface temperature. Cement-based components reinforced with sisal pulp presented better thermal performance at room temperature (25ºC), while those reinforced with sisal pulp added by polypropylene fibers presented better thermal performance at 60ºC. Non-asbestos cement tiles provided more efficient protection against radiation than asbestos corrugated sheets.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of angiotensin I, II and 1-7 on left ventricular hypertrophy of Wistar and spontaneously hypertensive rats submitted to sinoaortic denervation. METHODS: Ten weeks after sinoaortic denervation, hemodynamic and morphofunctional parameters were analyzed, and the left ventricle was dissected for biochemical analyses. RESULTS: Hypertensive groups (controls and denervated) showed an increase on mean blood pressure compared with normotensive ones (controls and denervated). Blood pressure variability was higher in denervated groups than in their respective controls. Left ventricular mass and collagen content were increased in the normotensive denervated and in both spontaneously hypertensive groups compared with Wistar controls. Both hypertensive groups presented a higher concentration of angiotensin II than Wistar controls, whereas angiotensin 1-7 concentration was decreased in the hypertensive denervated group in relation to the Wistar groups. There was no difference in angiotensin I concentration among groups. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that not only blood pressure variability and reduced baroreflex sensitivity but also elevated levels of angiotensin II and a reduced concentration of angiotensin 1-7 may contribute to the development of left ventricular hypertrophy. These data indicate that baroreflex dysfunction associated with changes in the renin angiotensin system may be predictive factors of left ventricular hypertrophy and cardiac failure.
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) has been associated with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) often arising in histologically advanced disease when steatohepatitis is not active (cryptogenic cirrhosis). Our objective was to characterize patients with HCC and active, histologically defined steatohepatitis. Among 394 patients with HCC detected by ultrasound imaging over 8 years and staged by the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) criteria, we identified 7 cases (1.7%) with HCC occurring in the setting of active biopsy-proven NASH. All were negative for other liver diseases such as hepatitis C, hepatitis B, autoimmune hepatitis, Wilson disease, and hemochromatosis. The patients (4 males and 3 females, age 63 ± 13 years) were either overweight (4) or obese (3); 57% were diabetic and 28.5% had dyslipidemia. Cirrhosis was present in 6 of 7 patients, but 1 patient had well-differentiated HCC in the setting of NASH without cirrhosis (fibrosis stage 1) based on repeated liver biopsies, the absence of portal hypertension by clinical and radiographic evaluations and by direct surgical inspection. Among the cirrhotic patients, 71.4% were clinically staged as Child A and 14.2% as Child B. Tumor size ranged from 1.0 to 5.2 cm and 5 of 7 patients were classified as early stage; 46% of all nodules were hyper-echoic and 57% were <3 cm. HCC was well differentiated in 1/6 and moderately differentiated in 5/6. Alpha-fetoprotein was <100 ng/mL in all patients. HCC in patients with active steatohepatitis is often multifocal, may precede clinically advanced disease and occurs without diagnostic levels of alpha-fetoprotein. Importantly, HCC may occur in NASH in the absence of cirrhosis. More aggressive screening of NASH patients may be warranted.
Os isótopos estáveis de O, H e S foram utilizados para investigar a origem das rochas magmáticas nos Terrenos Jauru e Pontes e Lacerda do SW do Craton Amazônico, estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. No Terreno Jauru as rochas granitóides do Greenstone belt Alto Jauru e da Suíte Cachoeirinha apresentam valores de δ18O entre +9,0‰ e +6,3‰ que indicam derivação a partir de magmas juvenis. Na Suíte Intrusiva Rio Branco valores de δ18O para rochas básicas estão entre +5,4‰ e +5,8‰ e para rochas félsicas entre +8,7‰ e +9,0‰; rochas intermediárias apresentam valores entre +7,3‰ e +8,3‰. Os valores mais baixos de δ18O, obtidos nas rochas básicas, são compatíveis com derivação mantélica, porém as rochas félsicas apresentam valores de δ18O compatíveis com origem crustais. Análises de isótopos estáveis de H (rocha total) forneceram valores de δD entre - 83‰ e -92‰, diferente das assinaturas de rochas metamórficas e de águas meteóricas. Resultados em sulfetos para isótopos estáveis de S em rochas básicas e intermediárias desta suíte apresentam valores de δ34S coerentes com uma fonte mantélica (entre + 0,7‰ e +3,8‰), enquanto os valores de δ34S (entre +5,2‰ e +6,1‰) obtidos nas rochas félsicas sugerem participação crustal na sua gênese. Na Suíte Santa Helena (Terreno Pontes e Lacerda) os resultados obtidos para δ18O se agrupam entre +4,4‰ e +8,9‰ indicando uma origem mantélica. O presente estudo confirma a importância da aplicação de isótopos estáveis para a compreensão de processos magmáticos e evolução crustal.
Soil organic matter (SOM) plays an important role in physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. Therefore, the amount of SOM is important for soil management for sustainable agriculture. The objective of this work was to evaluate the amount of SOM in oxisols by different methods and compare them, using principal component analysis, regarding their limitations. The methods used in this work were Walkley-Black, elemental analysis, total organic carbon (TOC) and thermogravimetry. According to our results, TOC and elemental analysis were the most satisfactory methods for carbon quantification, due to their better accuracy and reproducibility.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the corneal vascularization (CV) and the clinical aspects induced by interlamellar graft with native (NCM) and anionic (ACM) collagen membranes in rabbits corneas. METHODS: An interlamellar graft with a 0.25 x 0.25 cm NCM (group 1) or ACM (group 2) fragment was performed in the right eye (treated eye). In the left eye, an estromal tunnel was done (control eye). Sixteen rabbits were used, and they were subdivided into two experimental groups of eight animals each. The clinical evaluation was performed at the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15th and 30th postoperative days. Corneal vascularization analysis was performed after 30 days by the Images Analizator System Leica Qwin-550®. RESULTS: After 7 days, corneal vascularization was observed at about 2.25 ± 0.71 mm (NCM) and at about 1.0 ± 1.69 mm (ACM), respectively, from the limbus in direction to the central cornea. After 15 days, CV increased in both groups (5.25 ± 1.03 mm - NCM; 2.0 ± 2.39 mm - ACM) and then progressively decreased until day 30 (2.25 ± 2.10 mm - NCM; 0.75 ± 2.12 mm - ACM). The statistical analysis indicated that the averages of the distances from the limb vessels to the grafts observed after 7 and 15 days had not differed statistically (p=0.17), and after 15 and 30 postoperative days had a tendency to differ statistically (p=0.09). The control eyes did not present any changes. CONCLUSION: The interlamellar graft with native and anionic collagen membranes induced corneal vascularization when applied to rabbit corneas, but anionic collagen membrane induced a smaller corneal vascularization when compared to native collagen membrane. Although further studies are required, the results found in this study demonstrated the usefulness of interlamellar graft with native and anionic collagen membranes in keratoplasties. These membranes consists in one more graft option for the surgical treatment of corneal repair in rabbits and others animals, when other forms of medical and surgical treatment are not effective.