962 resultados para Wilson, Harold
[cropped from 1939 team photo]
Back Row: Doc May, Theodore Boville, Oscar Olson, Albert Lent, John Barnes, Abe Cohn, coach Fielding Yost, Frank Steketee, Robert Dunne, C. Wilford Wilson, D. Hadden, Nicholas Scheidler, Edward Hauser, asst. coach Prentis Douglas
Third Row: Frederick Fletcher, Frank Czysz, Harold Hunt, Jean Paul Freeman, Ernie Vick, Murray Van Wagoner, William Henderson, Angus Goetz, Chester Morrison, L.O. Lindstrom
Second Row: Paul Gingrass, Arthur Karpus, J. Stanley Carter, Archie Jordan, William Cruse, John Perrin, Kenneth Knode, William Walker
Front Row: Theodore Timchac, Robert Hamilton, Oscar Cartwright
[ Ensian caption: " Nichols Groans Through: The Michigan soph pins Borlog of Minnesota with an arm bar and scissors]