998 resultados para Wildlife weed interaction


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Excised stem, leaf segments and whole flower of the allergenic weed P. hysterophorus were cultured on Murashighe and Skoog's basal medium supplemented with hormones. Shoot buds readily formed in the stem callus cultured on MS Medium supplemented with IAA and BAP or Kinetin. The leaf callus formed roots alone in a wide variety of media. Suspension cultures were initiated from the leaf and stem callus. The leaf callus elicited a positive patch test response for delayed hypersensitivity in 4 patients suffering from Parthenium dermatitis, thus indicating its ability to synthesise the allergenic principle(s).


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Gibberellic acid (GA3) induced a marked elongation of 2.5-centimeter shoot tips of Cuscuta chinensis Lamk. cultured in vitro. In terms of the absolute amount of elongation, this growth may be the largest reported for an isolated plant system. The response to hormone was dependent on an exogenous carbohydrate supply. The hormone-stimulated growth was due to both cell division and cell elongation. The growth response progressively decreased if GA3 was given at increasingly later times after culturing, but the decreased growth response could be restored by the application of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) to the apex. Explants deprived of GA3 gradually lost their ability to transport IAA basipetally, but this ability was also restored by auxin application. The observations are explained on the basis that: (a) the growth of Cuscuta shoot tip in vitro requires, at least, both an auxin and a gibberellin; and (b) in the absence of gibberellin the cultured shoot tip explants lose the ability to produce and/or transport auxin.


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Previous short-term studies predict that the use of fire to manage lantana (Lantana camara) may promote its abundance. We tested this prediction by examining long-term recruitment patterns of lantana in a dry eucalypt forest in Australia from 1959 to 2007 in three fire frequency treatments: repeated annual burning, repeated triennial burning and long unburnt. The dataset was divided into two periods (1959–1972, 1974–2007) due to logging that occurred at the study site between 1972 and 1974 and the establishment of the triennial burn treatment in 1973. Our results showed that repeated burning decreased lantana regeneration under an annual burn regime in the pre- and post-logging periods and maintained low levels of regeneration in the triennial burn compartment during the post-logging period. In the absence of fire, lantana recruitment exhibited a dome-shaped response over time, with the total population peaking in 1982 before declining to 2007. In addition to fire regime, soil pH and carbon to nitrogen ratio, the density of taller conspecifics and the interaction between rainfall and fire regime were found to influence lantana regeneration change over time. The results suggest that the reported positive association between fire disturbance and abundance of lantana does not hold for all forest types and that fire should be considered as part of an integrated weed management strategy for lantana in more fire-tolerant ecosystems.


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Henipaviruses cause fatal infection in humans and domestic animals. Transmission from fruit bats, the wildlife reservoirs of henipaviruses, is putatively driven (at least in part) by anthropogenic changes that alter host ecology. Human and domestic animal fatalities occur regularly in Asia and Australia, but recent findings suggest henipaviruses are present in bats across the Old World tropics. We review the application of the One Health approach to henipavirus research in three locations: Australia, Malaysia and Bangladesh. We propose that by recognising and addressing the complex interaction among human, domestic animal and wildlife systems, research within the One Health paradigm will be more successful in mitigating future human and domestic animal deaths from henipavirus infection than alternative single-discipline approaches. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.


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Significant interactions have been demonstrated between production factors and postharvest quality of fresh fruit. Accordingly, there is an attendant need for adaptive postharvest actions to modulate preharvest effects. The most significant preharvest effects appear to be mediated through mineral nutrition influences on the physical characteristics of fruit. Examples of specific influencers include fertilisers, water availability, rootstock, and crop load effects on fruit quality attributes such as skin colour, susceptibility to diseases and physiological disorders, and fruit nutritional composition. Also, rainfall before and during harvest can markedly affect fruit susceptibility to skin blemishes, physical damage, and diseases. Knowledge of preharvest-postharvest interactions can help determine the basis for variability in postharvest performance and thereby allow refinement of postharvest practices to minimise quality loss after harvest. This knowledge can be utilised in predictive management systems. Such systems can benefit from characterisation of fruit nutritional status, particularly minerals, several months before and/or at harvest to allow informed decisions on postharvest handling and marketing options. Other examples of proactive management practices include adjusting harvesting and packing systems to account for rainfall effects before and/or during harvest. Improved understanding of preharvest-postharvest interactions is contributing to the delivery of consistently higher quality of fruit to consumers. This paper focuses on the state of knowledge for sub-tropical and tropical fruits, in particular avocado and mango.


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Purpose This study investigated how nitrogen (N) nutrition and key physiological processes varied under changed water and nitrogen competition resulting from different weed control and fertilisation treatments in a 2-year-old F1 hybrid (Pinus elliottii Engelm var. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis Barr. ex Golf.) plantation on a grey podzolic soil type, in Southeast Queensland. Materials and methods The study integrated a range of measures including growth variables (diameter at ground level (DGL), diameter at breast height (DBH) and height (H)), foliar variables (including foliar N concentration, foliar δ13C and δ15N) and physiological variables (including photosynthesis (An), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) (A/gs) and xylem pressure potential (ΨXPP)) to better understand the mechanisms influencing growth under different weed control and fertilisation treatments. Five levels of weed control were applied: standard (routine), luxury, intermediate, mechanical and nil weed control, all with routine fertilisation plus an additional treatment, routine weed control and luxury fertilisation. Relative weed cover was assessed at 0.8, 1.1 and 1.6 years after plantation establishment to monitor the effectiveness of weed control treatments. Soil investigation included soil ammonium (NH4 +-N), nitrate (NO3 −-N), potentially mineralizable N (PMN), gravimetric soil moisture content (MC), hot water extractable organic carbon (HWETC), hot water extractable total N (HWETN), total C, total N, stable C isotope composition (δ13C), stable N isotope composition (δ15N), total P and extractable K. Results and discussion There were significant relationships between foliar N concentrations and relative weed cover and between tree growth and foliar N concentration or foliar δ15N, but initial site preparation practices also increased soil N transformations in the planting rows reducing the observable effects of weed control on foliar δ15N. A positive relationship between foliar N concentration and foliar δ13C or photosynthesis indicated that increased N availability to trees positively influenced non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis. However, trees with increased foliar N concentrations and photosynthesis were negatively related to xylem pressure potential in the afternoons which enhanced stomatal limitations to photosynthesis and WUEi. Conclusions Luxury and intermediate weed control and luxury fertilisation positively influenced growth at early establishment by reducing the competition for water and N resources. This influenced fundamental key physiological processes such as the relationships between foliar N concentration, A n, E, gs and ΨXPP. Results also confirmed that time from cultivation is an important factor influencing the effectiveness of using foliar δ15N as an indicator of soil N transformations.


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Purpose We investigated the effects of weed control and fertilization at early establishment on foliar stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (N) isotope (δ15N) compositions, foliar N concentration, tree growth and biomass, relative weed cover and other physiological traits in a 2-year old F1 hybrid (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (Engelm) × Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Barr. ex Golf.)) plantation grown on a yellow earth in southeast Queensland of subtropical Australia. Materials and methods Treatments included routine weed control, luxury weed control, intermediate weed control, mechanical weed control, nil weed control, and routine and luxury fertilization in a randomised complete block design. Initial soil nutrition and soil fertility parameters included (hot water extractable organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N), total C and N, C/N ratio, labile N pools (nitrate (NO3 −) and ammonium (NH4 +)), extractable potassium (K+)), soil δ15N and δ13C. Relative weed cover, foliar N concentrations, tree growth rate and physiological parameters including photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, foliar δ15N and foliar δ13C were also measured at early establishment. Results and discussion Foliar N concentration at 1.25 years was significantly different amongst the weed control treatments and was negatively correlated to the relative weed cover at 1.1 years. Foliar N concentration was also positively correlated to foliar δ15N and foliar δ13C, tree height, height growth rates and tree biomass. Foliar δ15N was negatively correlated to the relative weed cover at 0.8 and 1.1 years. The physiological measurements indicated that luxury fertilization and increasing weed competition on these soils decreased leaf xylem pressure potential (Ψxpp) when compared to the other treatments. Conclusions These results indicate how increasing N resources and weed competition have implications for tree N and water use at establishment in F1 hybrid plantations of southeast Queensland, Australia. These results suggest the desirability of weed control, in the inter-planting row, in the first year to maximise site N and water resources available for seedling growth. It also showed the need to avoid over-fertilisation, which interfered with the balance between available N and water on these soils.


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UPS and XPS studies indicate that carbon monoxide preferentially adsorbs dissociatively on the surfaces of the metallic glasses, Ni76B12Si12 and Fe40Ni38Mo4B18, suggesting that such metglasses could be potential catalysts for some of the reactions involving CO.


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The addition of guanosine 5-monophosphate (5′-GMP) to an aqueous solution of Mn2+ ions results in a decrease in ESR signal intensity and an increase in line-width of Mn2+ ions. This can be interpreted in terms of stepwise formation of outersphere and inner-sphere complexes as When Mg2+ is added to a mixture of Mn2+ and 5′-GMP, ESR signal intensity increases, presumably due to the replacement of Mn2+ by Mg2+ in the complex. From the variation of ESR signal intensity as a function of concentration of Mg2+, the product K1K2 for the magnesium complex i s calculated as 125 M−1. This difference in stability constants may indicate that both phosphate group and guanine base are involved in the formation of Mn2+-5′-GMP complex.


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Weed management practices in cotton systems that were based on frequent cultivation, residual herbicides, and some post-emergent herbicides have changed. The ability to use glyphosate as a knockdown before planting, in shielded sprayers, and now over-the-top in glyphosate-tolerant cotton has seen a significant reduction in the use of residual herbicides and cultivation. Glyphosate is now the dominant herbicide in both crop and fallow. This reliance increases the risk of shifts to glyphosate-tolerant species and the evolution of glyphosate-resistant weeds. Four surveys were undertaken in the 2008-09 and 2010-11 seasons. Surveys were conducted at the start of the summer cropping season (November-December) and at the end of the same season (March-April). Fifty fields previously surveyed in irrigated and non-irrigated cotton systems were re-surveyed. A major species shift towards Conyza bonariensis was observed. There was also a minor increase in the prevalence of Sonchus oleraceus. Several species were still present at the end of the season, indicating either poor control and/or late-season germinations. These included C. bonariensis, S. oleraceus, Hibiscus verdcourtii and Hibiscus tridactylites, Echinochloa colona, Convolvulus sp., Ipomea lonchophylla, Chamaesyce drummondii, Cullen sp., Amaranthus macrocarpus, and Chloris virgata. These species, with the exception of E. colona, H. verdcourtii, and H. tridactylites, have tolerance to glyphosate and therefore are likely candidates to either remain or increase in dominance in a glyphosate-based system.


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This doctoral thesis describes the development of a miniaturized capillary electrochromatography (CEC) technique suitable for the study of interactions between various nanodomains of biological importance. The particular focus of the study was low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles and their interaction with components of the extracellular matrix (ECM). LDL transports cholesterol to the tissues through the blood circulation, but when the LDL level becomes too high the particles begin to permeate and accumulate in the arteries. Through binding sites on apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100), LDL interacts with components of the ECM, such as proteoglycans (PGs) and collagen, in what is considered the key mechanism in the retention of lipoproteins and onset of atherosclerosis. Hydrolytic enzymes and oxidizing agents in the ECM may later successively degrade the LDL surface. Metabolic diseases such as diabetes may provoke damage of the ECM structure through the non-enzymatic reaction of glucose with collagen. In this work, fused silica capillaries of 50 micrometer i.d. were successfully coated with LDL and collagen, and steroids and apoB-100 peptide fragments were introduced as model compounds for interaction studies. The LDL coating was modified with copper sulphate or hydrolytic enzymes, and the interactions of steroids with the native and oxidized lipoproteins were studied. Lipids were also removed from the LDL particle coating leaving behind an apoB-100 surface for further studies. The development of collagen and collagen decorin coatings was helpful in the elucidation of the interactions of apoB-100 peptide fragments with the primary ECM component, collagen. Furthermore, the collagen I coating provided a good platform for glycation studies and for clarification of LDL interactions with native and modified collagen. All methods developed are inexpensive, requiring just small amounts of biomaterial. Moreover, the experimental conditions in CEC are easily modified, and the analyses can be carried out in a reasonable time frame. Other techniques were employed to support and complement the CEC studies. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy provided crucial visual information about the native and modified coatings. Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation enabled size measurements of the modified lipoproteins. Finally, the CEC results were exploited to develop new sensor chips for a continuous flow quartz crystal microbalance technique, which provided complementary information about LDL ECM interactions. This thesis demonstrates the potential of CEC as a valuable and flexible technique for surface interaction studies. Further, CEC can serve as a novel microreactor for the in situ modification of LDL and collagen coatings. The coatings developed in this study provide useful platforms for a diversity of future investigations on biological nanodomains.