966 resultados para Volterra type integral equation system
Among the classical operators of mathematical physics the Laplacian plays an important role due to the number of different situations that can be modelled by it. Because of this a great effort has been made by mathematicians as well as by engineers to master its properties till the point that nearly everything has been said about them from a qualitative viewpoint. Quantitative results have also been obtained through the use of the new numerical techniques sustained by the computer. Finite element methods and boundary techniques have been successfully applied to engineering problems as can be seen in the technical literature (for instance [ l ] , [2], [3] . Boundary techniques are especially advantageous in those cases in which the main interest is concentrated on what is happening at the boundary. This situation is very usual in potential problems due to the properties of harmonic functions. In this paper we intend to show how a boundary condition different from the classical, but physically sound, is introduced without any violence in the discretization frame of the Boundary Integral Equation Method. The idea will be developed in the context of heat conduction in axisymmetric problems but it is hoped that its extension to other situations is straightforward. After the presentation of the method several examples will show the capabilities of modelling a physical problem.
En la actualidad, el interés por las plantas de potencia de ciclo combinado de gas y vapor ha experimentado un notable aumento debido a su alto rendimiento, bajo coste de generación y rápida construcción. El objetivo fundamental de la tesis es profundizar en el conocimiento de esta tecnología, insuficientemente conocida hasta el momento debido al gran número de grados de libertad que existen en el diseño de este tipo de instalaciones. El estudio se realizó en varias fases. La primera consistió en analizar y estudiar las distintas tecnologías que se pueden emplear en este tipo de centrales, algunas muy recientes o en fase de investigación, como las turbinas de gas de geometría variable, las turbinas de gas refrigeradas con agua o vapor del ciclo de vapor o las calderas de paso único que trabajan con agua en condiciones supercríticas. Posteriormente se elaboraron los modelos matemáticos que permiten la simulación termodinámica de cada uno de los componentes que integran las plantas, tanto en el punto de diseño como a cargas parciales. Al mismo tiempo, se desarrolló una metodología novedosa que permite resolver el sistema de ecuaciones que resulta de la simulación de cualquier configuración posible de ciclo combinado. De esa forma se puede conocer el comportamiento de cualquier planta en cualquier punto de funcionamiento. Por último se desarrolló un modelo de atribución de costes para este tipo de centrales. Con dicho modelo, los estudios se pueden realizar no sólo desde un punto de vista termodinámico sino también termoeconómico, con lo que se pueden encontrar soluciones de compromiso entre rendimiento y coste, asignar costes de producción, determinar curvas de oferta, beneficios económicos de la planta y delimitar el rango de potencias donde la planta es rentable. El programa informático, desarrollado en paralelo con los modelos de simulación, se ha empleado para obtener resultados de forma intensiva. El estudio de los resultados permite profundizar ampliamente en el conocimiento de la tecnología y, así, desarrollar una metodología de diseño de este tipo de plantas bajo un criterio termoeconómico. ABSTRACT The growing energy demand and the need of shrinking costs have led to the design of high efficiency and quick installation power plants. The success of combined cycle gas turbine power plants lies on their high efficiency, low cost and short construction lead time. The main objective of the work is to study in detail this technology, which is not thoroughly known owing to the great number of degrees of freedom that exist in the design of this kind of power plants. The study is divided into three parts. Firstly, the different technologies and components that could be used in any configuration of a combined cycle gas turbine power plant are studied. Some of them could be of recent technology, such as the variable inlet guide vane compressors, the H-technology for gas turbine cooling or the once-through heat recovery steam generators, used with water at supercritical conditions. Secondly, a mathematical model has been developed to simulate at full and part load the components of the power plant. At the same time, a new methodology is proposed in order to solve the equation system resulting for any possible power plant configuration. Therefore, any combined cycle gas turbine could be simulated at any part load condition. Finally a themoeconomic model is proposed. This model allows studying the power plant not only from a thermodynamic point of view but also from a thermoeconomic one. Likewise, it allows determining the generating costs or the cash flow, thus achieving a trade off between efficiency and cost. Likewise, the model calculates the part load range where the power plant is profitable. Once the thermodynamic and thermoeconomic models are developed, they are intensively used in order to gain knowledge in the combined cycle gas turbine technology and, in this way, to propose a methodology aimed at the design of this kind of power plants from a thermoeconomic point of view.
The bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 suppresses plant innate immunity with effector proteins injected by a type III secretion system (T3SS). The cysteine protease effector HopN1, which reduces the ability of DC3000 to elicit programmed cell death in non-host tobacco, was found to also suppress the production of defence-associated reactive oxygen species (ROS) and callose when delivered by Pseudomonas fluorescens heterologously expressing a P. syringae T3SS. Purified His 6 -tagged HopN1 was used to identify tomato PsbQ, a member of the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II (PSII), as an interacting protein. HopN1 localized to chloroplasts and both degraded PsbQ and inhibited PSII activity in chloroplast preparations, whereas a HopN1 D299A non-catalytic mutant lost these abilities. Gene silencing of NtPsbQ in tobacco compromised ROS production and programmed cell death.
There has been significant research in the study of in-plane charge-carrier transport in graphene in order to understand and exploit its unique electrical properties; however, the vertical graphene–semiconductor system also presents opportunities for unique devices. In this letter, we investigate the epitaxial graphene/p-type 4H-SiC system to better understand this vertical heterojunction. The I–V behavior does not demonstrate thermionic emission properties that are indicative of a Schottky barrier but rather demonstrates characteristics of a semiconductor heterojunction. This is confirmed by the fitting of the temperature-dependent I–V curves to classical heterojunction equations and the observation of band-edge electroluminescence in SiC.
This paper presents a computer program developed to run in a micro I.B.M.-P.C. wich incorporates some features in order to optimize the number of operations needed to compute the solution of plane potential problems governed by Laplace's equation by using the Boundary Integral Equation Method (B.I.E.M.). Also incorporated is a routine to plot isolines inside the domain under study.
Classical spherical gradient index (GRIN) lenses (such as Maxwell Fish Eye lens, Eaton lens, Luneburg lens, etc.) design procedure using the Abel integral equation is reviewed and reorganized. Each lens is fully defined by a function called the angle of flight which describes the ray deflection through the lens. The radial refractive index distribution is obtained by applying a linear integral transformation to the angle of flight. The interest of this formulation is in the linearity of the integral transformation which allows us to derive new solutions from linear combinations of known lenses. Beside the review of the classical GRIN designs, we present a numerical method for GRIN lenses defined by the Abel integral equation with fixed limits, which is an ill-posed problem.
A Boundary Integral Equation Method (B.I.E.M.)formulation is presented. After a general situation of the method among other usual numerical ones, the possibilities of discretization are developed. As this is done only in the boundary the treatment of tridimensional problems is greatly simplified in comparison with other methods. Some results on a simple shell with holes are finally presented.
In solid mechanics the weak formulation produces an integral equation ready for a discretization and with less restrictive requiremets than the standard field equations. Fundamentally the weak formulation is a expresion of a green formula. An alternative is to choose another green formula materializing a reciprocity relationship between the basis unknowns and an auxiliary family of functions. The degree of smoothness requiered to practice the discretization is then translated to the auxiliar functions. The subsequent discretization (constant, linear etc.)produces a set of equations on the boundary of the domain. For linear 3-D problems the BIEM appears then as a powerful alternative to FEM, because of the reduction to 2-D thanks to the features previously described.
El Método de las Ecuaciones Integrales es una potente alternativa a los Métodos de Dominio tales como el Método de los Elementos Finitos. La idea ensencial es la combinación de la clásica relación de la reciprocidad con la filosofía de la discretización del F.E.M. La aplicación a algunos problemas reales ha demostrado que en ciertos casos el B.I.E.M. es preferiole al F.E.M. y ello es especialmente así cuando los problemas a tratar son tridimensionales y con geometría complicada. En esta ocasión se analizan comparativamente algunos aspectos matemáticos del procedimiento = Boundary integral equation method (B.I.E.M.)is a powerful alternative to the domain methods, as the well know Finite Element Method (F .E.M.) The esential idea, are the combination of the classical reciprocity re!ations with the discretization phylosophy of F.E.M. The reduction in dimension of the domain to be discretized, the easy treatment of infinite domains and the high accuracy of the results are the main adventages of B.I.E.M. Between the drawacks the nonsymetry and non sparseness of the matrices to be treated are worth remembering. Application to several real problems has shown that in certain cases B.I.E.M. is better than F.E.M. and this is specially true when tridimensional problems of complicated geometries have to be treated. Active research is in progress of its extensión to non linear and time dependent problems.
El objeto del presente artículo es el estudio de singularidades en problemas de Potencial mediante el uso del Método de las Ecuaciones Integrales sobre el contorno del dominio en estudio. Frente a soluciones basadas en la mejora de la discretización, análisis asintótico o introducción de funciones de forma que representen mejor la evolución de la función, una nueva hipótesis es presentada: el término responsable de la singularidad es incluido en la integral sobre el contorno de la función auxiliar. Los resultados obtenidos mejoran los de soluciones anteriores simplificando también el tiempo de cálculo = The subject of this paper is the modelling of singularities in potential problems, using the Boundary Integral Equation Method. As a logical alternative to classical methods (discretization refinement, asymptotic analysis, high order interpolatory functions) a new hypothesis is presented: the singularity responsible term is included in the interpolatory shape function. As shown by several exemples results are splendid and computer time radically shortened.
Entre la impresionante floración de procedimientos de cálculo, provocada por la aplicación intensiva del ordenador, el llamado Método de los Elementos de Contorno (Boundary Element Method o Boundary Integral Equation Method) parece afianzarse como una alternativa útil al omnipresente Método de los Elementos Finitos que ya ha sido incorporado, como una herramienta de trabajo más, al cotidiano quehacer de la ingeniería. En España, tras unos intentos precursores que se señalan en el texto, la actividad más acusada en su desarrollo y mejora se ha centrado alrededor del Departamento que dirige uno de los autores. Después de la tesis doctoral de J. Domínguez en 1977 que introdujo en España la técnica del llamado "método directo", se han producido numerosas aportaciones en forma de artículos o tesis de investigación que han permitido alcanzar un nivel de conocimientos notable. En esta obrita se pretende transmitir parte de la experiencia adquirida, siquiera sea a nivel elemental y en un campo limitado de aplicación. La filosofía es semejante a la del pequeño libro de Hinton y Owen "A simple guide to finite elements" (Pineridge Press, 1980) que tanta aceptación ha tenido entre los principiantes. El libro se articula alrededor de un sólo tema, la solución del problema de Laplace, y se limitan los desarrollos matemáticos al mínimo imprescindible para el fácil seguimiento de áquel. Tras unos capítulos iniciales de motivación y centrado se desarrolla la técnica para problemas planos, tridimensionales y axisimétricos, limitando los razonamientos a los elementos más sencillos de variación constante o lineal. Finalmente, se incluye un capítulo descriptivo donde se avizoran temas que pueden provocar un futuro interés del estudioso. Para completar la información se ha añadido un apéndice en el que se recoge un pequeño programa para microordenador, con el objetivo de que se contemple la sencillez de programación para el caso plano. El programa es mejorable en muchos aspectos pero creemos que, con ello, mantiene un nivel de legibilidad adecuado para que el lector ensaye sobre él las modificaciones que se indican en los ejercicios al final del capítulo y justamente la provocación de ese aprendizaje es nuestro objetivo final.
The aim of the novel experimental measures presented in this paper is to show the improvement achieved in the computation time for a 2D self-adaptive hp finite element method (FEM) software accelerated through the Adaptive Cross Approximation (ACA) method. This algebraic method (ACA) was presented in an previous paper in the hp context for the analysis of open region problems, where the robust behaviour, good accuracy and high compression levels of ACA were demonstrated. The truncation of the infinite domain is settled through an iterative computation of the Integral Equation (IE) over a ficticious boundary, which, regardless its accuracy and efficiency, turns out to be the bottelneck of the code. It will be shown that in this context ACA reduces drastically the computational effort of the problem.
Several bradyrhizobial isolates from L. mariae-josephae root nodules [1] contain a type III secretion system (T3SS) within a cluster of about 30 genes. Among those genes, ttsI codes for the transcriptional activator of the system. Mutation of ttsI resulted in the formation of white, non-fixing nodules with the natural legume host, L. mariae-josephae. The T3SS cluster also contains a gene coding for a NopE-like protein. NopE proteins have been demonstrated to be effectors in the Bradyrhizobium-soybean symbiosis [2] and belong to a small group of poorly characterized proteins from plant-associated bacteria that contain one or two autocleavage motifs known as DUF1521 (Schirrmeister et al. 2011). The amino acid sequence of a NopE-like protein in the L. mariae-josephae strain LmjC contains just one autocatalytic motif. This is unlike NopE1 and NopE2 proteins secreted by the T3SS of B. japonicum, that contain two motifs [3]. The autocleavage of LmjC NopE protein was analyzed after expression in E. coli and purification. Two protein fragments of the predicted sizes appeared in the presence of Ca2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Zn2+ and Mn2+ cations. In contrast, autocleavage did not take place in the presence of Ni2+, Co2+ or Mg2+. Site-directed mutagenesis of the DUF1521 motif in LmjC NopE abolished self-cleavage in vitro. Symbiotic competence of a NopE- mutant with the L. mariae-josephae host was not affected. Possible roles of NopE are discussed.
Analysis of the genome sequence of bradyrhizobia strains isolated from root nodules of Lupinus mariae-josephae revealed the presence of a type III secretion system (T3SS). Mutagenesis of ttsI gene that codes for the transcriptional activator (TtsI) resulted in the formation of white, non-fixing nodules in L. mariae-josephae. The T3SS cluster includes a gene coding for a NopE-like protein with an autocleavage motif. The NopE protein is an effector in the Bradyrhizobium-soybean symbiosis (Wenzel et al., 2010). The autocatalytic properties of the purified NopE-like protein have been studied.
Integral Masonry System consisting of intersecting steel trusses alo ng each of the three dimensional directions of space on walls and slabs using any masonry material, had yet been backed up by the previous adobe test for seismic areas. This paper presents the comparison this last test and the adaptation of the IMS using h ollow brick. A prototype based on a two storey model house (6mx6mx6m) has being also built in two different scales in order to maximize the load and size of the shake table: the first one half size the whole building (3mx3mx3m) and the second, a quarter of the real size (3mx3mx6m). Both tests have suffered some mild to moderate damages while supporting the higher seismic action subjected by the shake table, without even fissuring the first test and with very few damages the second one. The thickness of the hollow brick wall and the diameter of the tree - dimensional truss reinforcement were scaled to the real size test in order to ascertain its great structural behaviour in relation to the previous structural model calculations. The aim of this study is to sum marize the results of the research collaboration between the ETSAM - UPM and the PUCP in whose laboratory these tests were carried out.