720 resultados para Voip,PJSIP,Android,ABPS.


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The University of Reading’s first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Begin Programming: Build your first mobile game” (#FLMobiGame) was offered in Autumn 2013 on the FutureLearn platform. This course used a simple Android game framework to present basic programming concepts to complete beginners. The course attracted wide interest from all age groups. The course presented opportunities and challenges to both participants and educators. While some participants had difficulties accessing content some others had trouble grasping the concepts and applying them in a real program. Managing forums was cumbersome with the limited facilities supported by the Beta-platform. A healthy community was formed around the course with the support of social media. The case study reported here is part of an ongoing research programme exploring participants’ MOOC engagement and experience using a grounded, ethnographical approach.


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Mobile devices can enhance undergraduate research projects and students’ research capabilities. The use of mobile devices such as tablet computers will not automatically make undergraduates better researchers, but their use should make investigations, writing, and publishing more effective and may even save students time. We have explored some of the possibilities of using “tablets” and “smartphones” to aid the research and inquiry process in geography and bioscience fieldwork. We provide two case studies as illustration of how students working in small research groups use mobile devices to gather and analyze primary data in field-based inquiry. Since April 2010, Apple’s iPad has changed the way people behave in the digital world and how they access their music, watch videos, or read their email much as the entrepreneurs Steve Jobs and Jonathan Ive intended. Now with “apps” and “the cloud” and the ubiquitous references to them appearing in the press and on TV, academics’ use of tablets is also having an impact on education and research. In our discussion we will refer to use of smartphones such as the iPhone, iPod, and Android devices under the term “tablet”. Android and Microsoft devices may not offer the same facilities as the iPad/iphone, but many app producers now provide versions for several operating systems. Smartphones are becoming more affordable and ubiquitous (Melhuish and Falloon 2010), but a recent study of undergraduate students (Woodcock et al. 2012, 1) found that many students who own smartphones are “largely unaware of their potential to support learning”. Importantly, however, students were found to be “interested in and open to the potential as they become familiar with the possibilities” (Woodcock et al. 2012). Smartphones and iPads could be better utilized than laptops when conducting research in the field because of their portability (Welsh and France 2012). It is imperative for faculty to provide their students with opportunities to discover and employ the potential uses of mobile devices in their learning. However, it is not only the convenience of the iPad or tablet devices or smartphones we wish to promote, but also a way of thinking and behaving digitally. We essentially suggest that making a tablet the center of research increases the connections between related research activities.


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With the rapid development of telecommunication industry, the IP multimedia Subsystem (IMS) could very well be the panacea for most telecom operators. It is originally defined as the core network for 3G mobile systems by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the more recent development is merging between fixed line network and wireless networkd This report researchs the characteristic of the IMS data and proposes an IMS characterization analysis. We captured the IMS traffic data with 10 tousands users for about 41 hours. By analyzing the characteristics of the IMS, we know that the most important application in the IMS is VoIP call. Then we use the tool designed by Tsinghua University & Ericsson Company to recognize the data, and the results we got can be used to build the traffic models. From the results of the traffic models, I will get some reasons and conclusion. The traffic model gives out the types of session and types of VoIP call. I bring into a concept—busy hour. This concept is very important because it can help us to know which period is the peak of the VoIP call. The busy hour is from 10:00 to 11:00 in the morning. I also bring into another concept—connection ratio. This concept is significant because it can evaluate whether the VoIP call is good when it use IMS network. By comparing the traffic model with other one’s models, we found the different results from them, both the accuracy and the busy hour. From the contract, we got the advantages of our traffic models.


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Det är första gången som Triona AB gör om en webbapplikation till en Androidapplikation och således saknas det information och dokumentation för hur det skall göras, det vill säga en plattformsmigrering.Vi gjorde i detta projekt om en webbaserad cykelreseplanerare till en androidapplikation och med utgångspunkt från de erfarenheter vi fick utifrån den tog vi fram en arbetsgång för plattformsbyte från en webbapplikation till en mobilapplikation.Den teoretiska grunden för projektet lades genom litteraturstudier samt intervjuer. Dessa la grunden för det preliminära förslaget för arbetsgång som skulle komma att testas hos Triona AB. Att genomföra en plattformsmigrering hos Triona AB vilket innebar att vi gjorde om deras webbapplikation till en androidapplikation gav oss vår empiriska grund. Efter att ha testat det preliminära förslaget på arbetsgång hos Triona kunde vi modifiera samt verifiera den.Vi skulle i efterhand försökt utvidga vår intervju-del med fler personer men detta var tyvärr inte möjligt vid genomförandet på grund utav av bristande intresse att delta från olika företags sida.


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En e-guide är ett fenomen som kan ge mervärde för besökaren. Det innebär en övergång ifrån en mänsklig guide till en digitaliserad. Det har tidigare skapats e-guider som inte har haft de tekniska aspekterna som krävs för att kunna framföra informationen till besökaren på det sätt utvecklarna och andra inblandade har önskat. Vi har undersökt och utvärderat en av dessa eguiderför att skapa en prototyp för en e-guide över Elsborg, som är en del av Världsarvet Falun. Prototypen utgår ifrån smartphones och operativsystemet Android. Utifrån tidigare och nutida eguider och prototypen, har vi analyserat resultaten och därigenom undersökt möjligheten för att skapa en generisk arkitektur, i form av en applikation för en e-guide som ska kunna appliceras på olika sammanhang oberoende av dess innehåll. Våra efterforskningar har dock visat att det ärsvårt att skapa en så pass generaliserad mall att den direkt går att implementera utan vissa justeringar.


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Allt eftersom utvecklingen går framåt inom applikationer och system så förändras också sättet på vilket vi interagerar med systemet på. Hittills har navigering och användning av applikationer och system mestadels skett med händerna och då genom mus och tangentbord. På senare tid så har navigering via touch-skärmar och rösten blivit allt mer vanligt. Då man ska styra en applikation med hjälp av rösten är det viktigt att vem som helst kan styra applikationen, oavsett vilken dialekt man har. För att kunna se hur korrekt ett röstigenkännings-API (Application Programming Interface) uppfattar svenska dialekter så initierades denna studie med dokumentstudier om dialekters kännetecken och ljudkombinationer. Dessa kännetecken och ljudkombinationer låg till grund för de ord vi valt ut till att testa API:et med. Varje dialekt fick alltså ett ord uppbyggt för att vara extra svårt för API:et att uppfatta när det uttalades av just den aktuella dialekten. Därefter utvecklades en prototyp, närmare bestämt en android-applikation som fungerade som ett verktyg i datainsamlingen. Då arbetet innehåller en prototyp och en undersökning så valdes Design and Creation Research som forskningsstrategi med datainsamlingsmetoderna dokumentstudier och observationer för att få önskat resultat. Data samlades in via observationer med prototypen som hjälpmedel och med hjälp av dokumentstudier. Det empiriska data som registrerats via observationerna och med hjälp av applikationen påvisade att vissa dialekter var lättare för API:et att uppfatta korrekt. I vissa fall var resultaten väntade då vissa ord uppbyggda av ljudkombinationer i enlighet med teorin skulle uttalas väldigt speciellt av en viss dialekt. Ibland blev det väldigt låga resultat på just dessa ord men i andra fall förvånansvärt höga. Slutsatsen vi drog av detta var att de ord vi valt ut med en baktanke om att de skulle få låga resultat för den speciella dialekten endast visade sig stämma vid två tillfällen. Det var istället det ord innehållande sje- och tje-ljud som enligt teorin var gemensamma kännetecken för alla dialekter som fick lägst resultat överlag.


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Internet Telephony (VoIP) is changing the telecommunication industry. Oftentimes free, VoIP is becoming more and more popular amongst users. Large software companies have entered the market and heavily invest into it. In 2011, for instance, Microsoft bought Skype for 8.5bn USD. This trend increasingly impacts the incumbent telecommunication operators. They see their main source of revenue – classic telephony – under siege and disappear. The thesis at hand develops a most-likely scenario in order to determine how VoIP is evolving further and it predicts, based on a ten-year forecast, the impact it will have on the players in the telecommunication industry.The paper presents a model combining Rogers’ diffusion and Christensen’s innovation research. The model has the goal of explaining the past evolution of VoIP and to isolate the factors that determine the further diffusion of the innovation. Interviews with industry experts serve to assess how the identified factors are evolving.Two propositions are offered. First, VoIP operators are becoming more important in international, corporate, and mobile telephony. End-to-end VoIP (IP2IP) will exhibit strong growth rates and increasingly cannibalize the telephony revenues of the classic operators. Second, fix-net telephony in SMEs and at home will continue to be dominated by the incumbents. Yet, as prices for telephony fall towards zero also they will implement IP2IP in order to save costs. By 2022, up to 90% of the calls will be IP2IP. The author recommends the incumbents and VoIP operators to proactively face the change, to rethink their business strategies, and to even be open for cooperation.


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Estudos científicos têm demonstrado a existência de diversos fatores de influência sobre o processo de adoção de Tecnologia da Informação. Vários aspectos potencializadores das intenções de uso das tecnologias parecem estar presentes nas decisões sobre a adoção de tecnologia como, por exemplo, vantagens relativas obtidas pelo uso da tecnologia, conhecimento requerido para operação dos sistemas, facilidade e utilidade uso da tecnologia, entre outros. No entanto, há estudos que demonstram que o processo de adoção de tecnologia pode não ser explicado, somente, por aspectos financeiros e mercadológicos, mas englobar fatores endógenos que interferem nas decisões dos usuários sobre o uso de tecnologias de informação. Teorias e modelos de adoção de tecnologias conseguem explicar uma parcela dos motivos que levam os indivíduos a se comportarem de acordo com o uso de uma determinada tecnologia. Por exemplo: hábito individual, conectividade e conveniência podem influenciar as preferências de uso de uma determinada tecnologia de informação. De acordo com estas teorias, é possível analisar as influências que os indivíduos percebem e consideram nas decisões como justificativas sobre o uso de tecnologias de comunicação pessoal, além da busca exclusiva por resultados econômicos. Observa-se que um dos segmentos de tecnologia que apresenta condições de diferentes ofertas e múltiplas funcionalidades se refere ao segmento de tecnologias de comunicação de voz no qual o usuário pode se comunicar por meio de linhas telefônicas fixas, móveis, Internet, entre outras formas. Para a operacionalização de uma análise de adoção de tecnologia que englobe múltiplas interações de influências ao usuário, optou-se pela contextualização do estudo com foco na tecnologia de comunicação de voz pela Internet – VOIP, pois quando comparada com outras tecnologias de comunicação, adiciona-se que a gratuidade de ligações entre usuários de um mesmo sistema pode ser apresentada como um dos benefícios econômicos principais, aliada a outros benefícios provindos da telefonia em si. Os resultados obtidos por esta pesquisa confirmam a influência de diversos fatores posicionados em diferentes dimensões e proporcionam conclusões relevantes à adoção das tecnologias de comunicação de voz sobre Internet. Conclui-se que as percepções individuais sobre as características da tecnologia, a rede de contatos do usuário, hábito de uso e incentivos comerciais destinados ao uso de outras tecnologias de comunicação podem formar uma rede de influências à adoção da telefonia VOIP frente às percepções sobre os benefícios que podem ser obtidos com o uso desta aplicação.


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This work aims at evaluating how effective is knowledge disclosure in attenuating institutional negative reactions caused by uncertainties brought by firms’ new strategies that respond to novel technologies. The empirical setting is from an era of technological ferment, the period of the introduction of the voice over internet protocol (VoIP) in the USA in the early 2000’s. This technology led to the convergence of the wireline telecommu- nications and cable television industries. The Institutional Brokers’ Estimate System (also known as the I/B/E/S system) was used to capture reactions of securities analysts, a revealed important source of institutional pressure on firms’ strategies. For assessing knowledge disclosure, a coding technique and a established content analysis framework were used to quantitatively measure the non-numerical and unstructured data of transcripts of business events occurred at that time. Eventually, several binary response models were tested in order to assess the effect of knowledge disclosure on the probability of institutional positive reactions. The findings are that the odds of favorable institutional reactions increase when a specific kind of knowledge is disclosed. It can be concluded that knowledge disclosure can be considered as a weapon in technological changes situations, attenuating adverse institutional reactions to the companies’ strategies in environments of technological changes.