997 resultados para Vision par ordinateur


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In the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata, mating is not necessary for a female wasp to develop her ovaries, lay eggs, and even to become the sole egg layer of her colony despite the presence of other mated nestmates. Here, we show that virgin wasps do not differ from their mated counterparts in the extent and rapidity of their ovarian development, in the proportion of individuals that build a nest and laid eggs, and in the time taken to do so. However, a significantly larger proportion of virgin females showed resorbing oocytes, and laid fewer eggs as compared to mated individuals. Thus, virgin females have the ability to develop ovaries and lay eggs but also to refrain from necessarily laying all mature eggs produced, before mating opportunities arise. This dual ability would be adaptive in haplodiploid, tropical species with perennial nesting cycles and frequent opportunities for workers to become replacement queens or solitary nest foundresses throughout the year.


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A micro-newton static force sensor is presented here as a packaged product. The sensor, which is based on the mechanics of deformable objects, consists of a compliant mechanism that amplifies the displacement caused by the force that is to be measured. The output displacement, captured using a digital microscope and analyzed using image processing techniques, is used to calculate the force using precalibrated force-displacement curve. Images are scanned in real time at a frequency of 15 frames per second and sampled at around half the scanning frequency. The sensor was built, packaged, calibrated, and tested. It has simulated and measured stiffness values of 2.60N/m and 2.57N/m, respectively. The smallest force it can reliably measure in the presence of noise is about 2 mu N over a range of 1.4mN. The off-the-shelf digital microscope aside, all of its other components are purely mechanical; they are inexpensive and can be easily made using simple machines. Another highlight of the sensor is that its movable and delicate components are easily replaceable. The sensor can be used in aqueous environment as it does not use electric, magnetic, thermal, or any other fields. Currently, it can only measure static forces or forces that vary at less than 1Hz because its response time and bandwidth are limited by the speed of imaging with a camera. With a universal serial bus (USB) connection of its digital microscope, custom-developed graphical user interface (GUI), and related software, the sensor is fully developed as a readily usable product.


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An action is typically composed of different parts of the object moving in particular sequences. The presence of different motions (represented as a 1D histogram) has been used in the traditional bag-of-words (BoW) approach for recognizing actions. However the interactions among the motions also form a crucial part of an action. Different object-parts have varying degrees of interactions with the other parts during an action cycle. It is these interactions we want to quantify in order to bring in additional information about the actions. In this paper we propose a causality based approach for quantifying the interactions to aid action classification. Granger causality is used to compute the cause and effect relationships for pairs of motion trajectories of a video. A 2D histogram descriptor for the video is constructed using these pairwise measures. Our proposed method of obtaining pairwise measures for videos is also applicable for large datasets. We have conducted experiments on challenging action recognition databases such as HMDB51 and UCF50 and shown that our causality descriptor helps in encoding additional information regarding the actions and performs on par with the state-of-the art approaches. Due to the complementary nature, a further increase in performance can be observed by combining our approach with state-of-the-art approaches.


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Among the human factors that influence safe driving, visual skills of the driver can be considered fundamental. This study mainly focuses on investigating the effect of visual functions of drivers in India on their road crash involvement. Experiments were conducted to assess vision functions of Indian licensed drivers belonging to various organizations, age groups and driving experience. The test results were further related to the crash involvement histories of drivers through statistical tools. A generalized linear model was developed to ascertain the influence of these traits on propensity of crash involvement. Among the sampled drivers, colour vision, vertical field of vision, depth perception, contrast sensitivity, acuity and phoria were found to influence their crash involvement rates. In India, there are no efficient standards and testing methods to assess the visual capabilities of drivers during their licensing process and this study highlights the need for the same.


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This paper presents a novel coarse-to-fine global localization approach inspired by object recognition and text retrieval techniques. Harris-Laplace interest points characterized by scale-invariant transformation feature descriptors are used as natural landmarks. They are indexed into two databases: a location vector space model (LVSM) and a location database. The localization process consists of two stages: coarse localization and fine localization. Coarse localization from the LVSM is fast, but not accurate enough, whereas localization from the location database using a voting algorithm is relatively slow, but more accurate. The integration of coarse and fine stages makes fast and reliable localization possible. If necessary, the localization result can be verified by epipolar geometry between the representative view in the database and the view to be localized. In addition, the localization system recovers the position of the camera by essential matrix decomposition. The localization system has been tested in indoor and outdoor environments. The results show that our approach is efficient and reliable. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper presents a novel coarse-to-fine global localization approach that is inspired by object recognition and text retrieval techniques. Harris-Laplace interest points characterized by SIFT descriptors are used as natural land-marks. These descriptors are indexed into two databases: an inverted index and a location database. The inverted index is built based on a visual vocabulary learned from the feature descriptors. In the location database, each location is directly represented by a set of scale invariant descriptors. The localization process consists of two stages: coarse localization and fine localization. Coarse localization from the inverted index is fast but not accurate enough; whereas localization from the location database using voting algorithm is relatively slow but more accurate. The combination of coarse and fine stages makes fast and reliable localization possible. In addition, if necessary, the localization result can be verified by epipolar geometry between the representative view in database and the view to be localized. Experimental results show that our approach is efficient and reliable. ©2005 IEEE.


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Résumé: Cet article questionne la vision psychodynamique et psychosociale dans le parcours de vie de jeunes immigrés africains, vulnérables, placés en Maison d’Enfants à Caractère Social. Ce placement propose une formation professionnelle ou la poursuite des études, formations indispensables pour rester en France à condition de disposer de papiers en règle. La problématique de la fragmentation psychique et sociale chez ces jeunes dont le processus développemental est marqué par l’exil sera interrogée au regard des concepts tels que Destin et Destinée. Cette dernière sera aussi questionnée à la lumière du rôle et de la valeur du travail chez ces jeunes évoluant dans un nouveau contexte socio-économico-culturel qui tend à les stigmatiser. Par l’intermédiaire des données verbales et non verbales issues d’entretiens psychologiques, d’un groupe de parole et d’une grille d’observation inspirée d’un questionnaire, nous proposons une analyse des trajectoires personnelles au regard d’un processus d’identification. Cette analyse permet déjà d’aller au-delà des caractéristiques individuelles et de mettre en exergue le rôle capital qu’incarne le travail pour asseoir une identité sociale et sortir de l’état intemporel d’exil


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Resumen: Mucho antes de que San Agustín y Santo Tomás afirmaran que las cosas son buenas por el mero hecho de ser, ya en el siglo II de nuestra era Ireneo expresaba su confianza en la bondad fundamental de la materia. En los últimos seis capítulos del Adversus haereses (V, 31-36), el Obispo de Lyon plantea una verdadera teología de la historia que tiene como centro al hombre plasmado por Dios y llamado a su plenificación definitiva en la temporalidad y en el mismo mundo que lo vio caer. Al describir este tramo final y decisivo de la experiencia humana en la historia, nuestro autor nos revela su peculiar concepción del tiempo a la par que despliega un realismo escatológico totalmente opuesto al gnosticismo espiritualista de la época, que consideraba todo lo material como proveniente del error y la defección. A su vez, esta concepción de Ireneo supera tanto a los milenarismos ingenuos de su tiempo como a las utopías posteriores, en que el realismo escatológico es trocado en escatologismo radical. Se trata, en definitiva, de un optimismo metafísico propio de la visión cristiana que resultó novedoso para el ambiente espiritual de la época en que se gestó y que alienta a una prometedora relación del hombre con la naturaleza, ya sea desde la perspectiva del trabajo humano como fuerza transformadora de la misma, o desde un enfoque ecológico sin compromiso con posturas extremas, tales como el panteísmo o la explotación y sojuzgamiento brutal de los recursos naturales.


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