924 resultados para Virtual organizations Breeding Environments (VBE)


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A novel strategy linking physiology with plant breeding, molecular biology and computer simulation modelling is outlined here which aims to enhance selection of high yielding wheats with superior performance under conditions of water scarcity for the northern, subtropical, winter cereals region of Australia. In previous research, a source of high yield and performance under dry conditions for the target region was identified in a drought resistant parent. A large population of fixed lines for molecular genetic studies has been developed using the drought resistant line and widely grown current Australian variety. A preliminary study comparing the parent varieties was conducted in the winter of 2003. The two varieties were similar in many aspects of phenology, morphology and physiology. However, several important traits were identified that likely contribute to higher grain mass and yield of the drought resistant parent, including differences in the number and dry mass of tillers and spikes during development and the ability of drought resistant line to retain green leaves longer during grain filling.


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In the past 20 years, the rice-breeding program in Thailand had little success in developing new cultivars to replace Kao Dawk Mali 105 (KDML105) and Kao Khor 6 (RD6). Main reason is a poor adoption of new cultivars by farmers due to poor adaptation of new cultivars to the rainfed environments, susceptibility to diseases and insect pests and unacceptable grain qualities. The conventional breeding program also takes at least 15 years for releasing new cultivars. New breeding strategy can be established to shorten period for cultivar improvement by using marker-assisted selection (MAS), rapid generations advance (RGA), early generation testing in multi-locations for grain yield and qualities. Four generation of MAS backcross breeding were conducted to transfer gene and QTL for bacterial blight resistance (BLB), submergence tolerance (SUB), brown planthopper resistance (BPH) and blast resistance (BL) into KDML105. Selected backcross lines, introgressed with target gene/QTL, were tolerant to SUB and resistant to BLB, BPH and BL. The agronomic performance and grain quality of these lines were as good as or better than KDML105.


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Esta tese trata do impacto nas Comunicações Internas das Organizações em relação à virtualidade e teve como objetivo descrever e analisar as mudanças ocorridas na comunicação interna das organizações privadas com o advento das tecnologias. Para atingir nosso objetivo fizemos uso da pesquisa bibliográfica, partindo do exame das teorias comunicacionais disponíveis e dos recursos técnicos inerentes à comunicação e às tecnologias da informação aplicadas à organização. Estabelecemos a convergência em relação às tendências e efeitos que poderão ser observados, por meio de um diálogo com especialistas da área Comunicacional através de um estudo qualitativo, onde fizemos uso da metodologia do Painel Delphi com o intuito de descrevermos e analisarmos as mudanças ocorridas nos meios, analisarmos seus impactos e traçarmos um cenário futuro em relação à utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ambiente organizacional interno. Os resultados de nossa pesquisa demonstraram que a comunicação interna organizacional deverá ser intensamente mediada por computador, mas não se limitará a ele, justamente pela realidade e condição cultural de cada organização, um mix comunicacional (com veículos tradicionais e virtuais) deverá ser a condição mais lógica para uma comunicação eficiente, uma vez que abrange todo o tipo de público e formato de mensagens.(AU)


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Esta tese trata do impacto nas Comunicações Internas das Organizações em relação à virtualidade e teve como objetivo descrever e analisar as mudanças ocorridas na comunicação interna das organizações privadas com o advento das tecnologias. Para atingir nosso objetivo fizemos uso da pesquisa bibliográfica, partindo do exame das teorias comunicacionais disponíveis e dos recursos técnicos inerentes à comunicação e às tecnologias da informação aplicadas à organização. Estabelecemos a convergência em relação às tendências e efeitos que poderão ser observados, por meio de um diálogo com especialistas da área Comunicacional através de um estudo qualitativo, onde fizemos uso da metodologia do Painel Delphi com o intuito de descrevermos e analisarmos as mudanças ocorridas nos meios, analisarmos seus impactos e traçarmos um cenário futuro em relação à utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ambiente organizacional interno. Os resultados de nossa pesquisa demonstraram que a comunicação interna organizacional deverá ser intensamente mediada por computador, mas não se limitará a ele, justamente pela realidade e condição cultural de cada organização, um mix comunicacional (com veículos tradicionais e virtuais) deverá ser a condição mais lógica para uma comunicação eficiente, uma vez que abrange todo o tipo de público e formato de mensagens.


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From the challenges of sustainability to disruptive technology, work environments face unprecedented change and this major new textbook provides a cutting-edge introduction to how psychology and the world of work interact. Leading international academics, Steve Woods and Mike West, combine the latest research with truly global perspectives to leave students with a fully-rounded understanding of work psychology. Developed from wide-ranging lecturer feedback, three key themes of Ethics and Social Responsibility, Globalization and Cross-cultural Issues, and Environment and Sustainability are threaded throughout every chapter, while an attractive full-colour design and engaging pedagogical devices stimulate student interaction on this rapidly growing course. A full set of lecturer resources including Instructors Manual, PowerPoint Slides and Test Bank make this the complete resource for modern work psychology courses.


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Health care organizations must continuously improve their productivity to sustain long-term growth and profitability. Sustainable productivity performance is mostly assumed to be a natural outcome of successful health care management. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a popular mathematical programming method for comparing the inputs and outputs of a set of homogenous decision making units (DMUs) by evaluating their relative efficiency. The Malmquist productivity index (MPI) is widely used for productivity analysis by relying on constructing a best practice frontier and calculating the relative performance of a DMU for different time periods. The conventional DEA requires accurate and crisp data to calculate the MPI. However, the real-world data are often imprecise and vague. In this study, the authors propose a novel productivity measurement approach in fuzzy environments with MPI. An application of the proposed approach in health care is presented to demonstrate the simplicity and efficacy of the procedures and algorithms in a hospital efficiency study conducted for a State Office of Inspector General in the United States. © 2012, IGI Global.


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Agents inhabiting large scale environments are faced with the problem of generating maps by which they can navigate. One solution to this problem is to use probabilistic roadmaps which rely on selecting and connecting a set of points that describe the interconnectivity of free space. However, the time required to generate these maps can be prohibitive, and agents do not typically know the environment in advance. In this paper we show that the optimal combination of different point selection methods used to create the map is dependent on the environment, no point selection method dominates. This motivates a novel self-adaptive approach for an agent to combine several point selection methods. The success rate of our approach is comparable to the state of the art and the generation cost is substantially reduced. Self-adaptation therefore enables a more efficient use of the agent's resources. Results are presented for both a set of archetypal scenarios and large scale virtual environments based in Second Life, representing real locations in London.


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This chapter investigates the resistance by institutional actors in ambiguous supply chain environments for online grocery provision. Recent studies have shown that significant shifts in urban geographies are increasing consumers' expectations of online retail provision. However, at the same time there is also growing evidence that the collaborative practice in online grocery provision within the urban supply chains is resisted. That these trends are found despite growing demand of online provision highlights both the difficulty of bringing geographically dispersed supply partners together and the problems associated with operating within and across ambiguous environments. Drawing upon twenty-nine in-depth interviews with a range of institutional actors, including retail, logistics, and urban planning experts within an urban metropolis in an emerging market, we detail the different ways that collaboration is resisted in online retail provision. Several different patterns of resistance were identified in (non-) collaboration notably, ideological, functional, regulatory and spatial. © 2011, IGI Global. C.


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A virtuális szociális világok, úgy mint a Second Life, egyre nagyobb népszerűségre téve szert, hamar az üzleti érdeklődés középpontjában találták magukat. A szerző célja, hogy feltérképezze a virtuális identitás és a fogyasztói magatartás közötti kapcsolat mibenlétét a Second Life világában. Ezért először bemutatja, hogy miként működik a Second Life és milyen jellemzőkkel rendelkezik. Másodszor ismerteti, hogy az on-line identitásalkotás miként befolyásolja üzleti szempontból az individuális viselkedést. A Second Life vizsgálata során a virtuális identitás fogalmát használja föl, mely összevethető az egyén valódi életbeli identitásával. Harmadszor: rátér a kutatási részre, amely során a Second Life világában kialakított identitás jellemzőit vizsgálta. Négy virtuális identitástípust azonosított, melyeknek más és más kapcsolata van a virtuális fogyasztás jelenségével. Végezetül: kiemeli azokat az eredményeket és megállapításokat, melyeket a vállalatoknak különösképpen figyelembe kell venniük a pszichológiai nézőpont szempontjából ahhoz, hogy eredményesen szerepeljenek a virtuális világokban. ________ Given their increasing popularity, virtual worlds, such as Second Life, attracted the attention of the business media. The aim of the present article is to explore the relationship between virtual identity and consumer behaviour in Second Life. First, the author reviews Second Life functions and particular characteristics. Second, he illustrates how online identity construction affects one’s behaviour in such environments from a business perspective. Third, the author demonstrates his findings associated with identity construction in Second Life. More specifically, four different types of virtual identities can be identified, each with slightly different implications toward virtual consumption. Finally, he highlights the major points to which companies should pay particular attention in their virtual social world activities, focusing on the psychological mechanisms that influence people’s online behaviour and thinking.


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Today, many organizations are turning to new approaches to building and maintaining information systems (I/S) to cope with a highly competitive business environment. Current anecdotal evidence indicates that the approaches being used improve the effectiveness of software development by encouraging active user participation throughout the development process. Unfortunately, very little is known about how the use of such approaches enhances the ability of team members to develop I/S that are responsive to changing business conditions.^ Drawing from predominant theories of organizational conflict, this study develops and tests a model of conflict among members of a development team. The model proposes that development approaches provide the relevant context conditioning the management and resolution of conflict in software development which, in turn, are crucial for the success of the development process.^ Empirical testing of the model was conducted using data collected through a combination of interviews with I/S executives and surveys of team members and business users at nine organizations. Results of path analysis provide support for the model's main prediction that integrative conflict management and distributive conflict management can contribute to I/S success by influencing differently the manifestation and resolution of conflict in software development. Further, analyses of variance indicate that object-oriented development, when compared to rapid and structured development, appears to produce the lowest levels of conflict management, conflict resolution, and I/S success.^ The proposed model and findings suggest academic implications for understanding the effects of different conflict management behaviors on software development outcomes, and practical implications for better managing the software development process, especially in user-oriented development environments. ^


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Researchers have extensively discussed using knowledge management to achieve sustainable competitive advantages; however, the successful implementation of knowledge management programs in organizations remains challenging. Problems with knowledge management arise primarily from issues related to inter-subjective creation of meaning by diverse individuals in a dynamic learning environment. ^ The first part of this dissertation examined the concepts of shared interpretive resources referring to background assumptions, shared language, and symbolic resources upon which individuals draw in their interactions in the community. The discussion adopted an interpretive research approach to underscore how community members develop shared interpretive resources over time. The second part examined how learners' behaviors influence knowledge acquisition in the community, emphasizing the associations between learners' learning approaches and learning contexts. An empirical survey of learners provided significant evidence to demonstrate the influences of learners' learning approaches. The third part examined an instructor's strategy—namely, advance organizer—to enhance learners' knowledge assimilation process. Advance organizer is an instructor strategy that refers to a set of inclusive concepts that introduce and sum up new material, and refers to a method of bridging and linking old information with something new. In this part, I underscore the concepts of advance organizer, and the implementations of advance organizer in one learning environment. A study was conducted in one higher educational environment to show the implementation of advance organizer. Additionally, an advance organizer instrument was developed and tested, and results from learners' feedback were analyzed. The significant empirical evidence showed the association between learners' learning outcomes and the implementation of advance organizer strategy. ^