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The immunossuppression caused by HIV infection makes the affected individuals more susceptible to some diseases including infections, neoplasms, or even the association between them. Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is the most common AIDS-related neoplasm, featured as an angioproliferative disorder. Its cause seems to be related to the human herpesvirus type 8 and it is usually associated with lower CD4+ T cell count. Oral involvement is frequent, presenting red to blue-purplish plaques, maculaes, and nodules. On the other hand, paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis, endemic in Latin America, caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. This mycosis is not commonly related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, although PCM can be present in immunosuppression cases. Oral lesions, as granulomatous ulcers, are often identified in seropositive patients with PCM. A rare case, in which a male HIV-positive patient presented simultaneously Kaposi sarcoma and PCM in the same fragment of oral mucosa biopsy, is described. To the best of our knowledge, this concomitant association had not been previously described. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The interference with agriculture has been recognised as the main cause for the current conflict between farmers and wild elephants in Sri Lanka, as elsewhere in the Asian elephant range. Thus compensating farmers for the damages caused by elephants is essential, if this endangered species is to survive in the long run. This paper explores the practicality of establishing an improved publicly funded insurance/compensation scheme to recompense farmers for the elephant damages. It does so by analysing results from two contingent valuation surveys undertaken in Sri Lanka. We find that possible public support of farmers plus urban dwellers significantly exceeds the financial requirement of the insurance scheme proposed in this study for perpetuity. The article also shows that it is often inappropriate from an economic viewpoint to analyse crop insurance as if it only involves the insurance of a private good because important positive externalities can arise from ‘crop’ damages by wildlife, e.g. elephants. The use of agricultural land by some species is essential for their long-term survival and this is often positively valued by the community as a whole.


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Examines visitor attitudes and whether visitors are willing to pay to enter Lamington National Park and under what circumstances they would do so. First a sample of visitors is asked a general (normative) question as to whether visitors should pay to visit Lamington National Park and in another question (positive) they are asked whether they would be more willing to pay if the money collected would be invested in the park to improve visitor facilities and for conservation work. The results show that visitors are more willing to accept the ‘user-pays’ principle if the money will be used for the benefit of the national park and its visitors. It was found that foreigners are more in support for a ‘user-pay’ fee than Australians, and among Australians, those visitors from Queensland are the least willing to accept the idea of a user-pay fee to enter the park. The results indicate that if visitors can be shown the benefits (both for visitors and for conservation) of charging an entry fee, then visitors are more likely to support such a concept than when they are unaware of the benefits of a user-fee. The study shows that on average foreigners are willing to pay more than Australians. Finally, the regression results identify significant factors influencing visitors’ attitudes and suggested amounts to visit the national park.


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Kenyan women have more children, especially in rural areas, than in most developing nations. This is widely believed to be an impediment to Kenya’s economic development. Thus, factors influencing family size in the Kenyan context are important for its future. A brief review of economic theories of fertility leads to the conclusion that both economics and social/cultural factors must be considered simultaneously when examining factors that determine the number of children in a family. The need to do this is borne out in Kenya’s situation by utilising responses from a random sample of rural households in the Nyeri district of Kenya. Economic and social/cultural factors intertwine to influence family sizes in this district. After providing a summary of the main statistical results from the survey, we use multiple regression analysis to explore the influences of a woman’s age, level of education, whether she has outside employment, whether the family keeps livestock, whether she expresses a preference for more boys than girls, whether the family uses only family labour (including child labour) and the size of the farm, which is used as a proxy for family income. It was found that preference for male children has an important positive influence on family size in this district. Women were found to have greater preference for male children than their male counterparts possibly because of their fear of being disinherited if they do not produce an heir for their husbands. Preference for sons was also found in allocation of human capital resources at the household level in that the female respondents were found to have lower levels of education than their male counterparts. Various long-term policies are outlined that may help to reduce the number of offspring of women in Kenya.


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This article examines the effects of agricultural commercialization and other factors on per capita food availability by means of a case study in the Nyeri district in Kenya. It was found that cash cropping has a negative influence on per capita food availability in the male-headed households. This negative influence is not apparent in the female-headed households and in fact, per capita food availability rises with increased agricultural commercialization. Households of married women seem to suffer more in terms of reduced food availability than households headed by females. Husbands have control over cash income and therefore influence food purchases. They are less likely than females to use the cash for food purchases and tend to spend the cash on themselves, thus reducing food availability to family members. This suggests that in some patriarchal societies, caution should be displayed in encouraging cash cropping especially in male-headed households. Cash cropping under such circumstances is unwise from both a food availability and food security point of view because it can result in reduced crop diversification hence increasing the risks of income food deficits for families. Other factors found to have an influence on per capita food availability are employment of the women outside households, educational level of the women and the quality of land.


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This article examines the effects of marital status, farm size and other factors on the extent of cash cropping (and allocation of land use) by means of a case study in the Nyeri district in Kenya. It was found that married women are involved in the production of a relatively greater amount of output of cash crops than unmarried women since husbands prefer to have more land under cash crops than food crops. Farmers with better quality land allocate a high proportion of it to non-food cash crops, which may expose some households to greater risks of possible famine. The proportion of land allocated to food crops declines as the farm size increases while the proportion of land allocated to non-food cash crops rises as the size of farm increases. Age is also inversely associated with subsistence. Education, though inversely associated with subsistence farming does not appear to be statistically very significant as an influence on the composition of land use and composition of farm output. With growing commercialisation, married women work more hours than unmarried ones, working not only on non-cash food crops but also on non-food cash crops. Married women seem to lose their decision-making ability with growth of agricultural commercialisation, as husbands make most decisions to do with cash crops. Married women in Kenya also have little or no power to change the way land is allocated between food and non-food cash crops.


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Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma (AFS), regarded as the malignant counterpart of the benign ameloblastic fibroma, is an extremely rare odontogenic neoplasm with only 68 cases reported in the English literature up to 2009. It is composed of a benign odontogenic epithelium, resembling that of ameloblastoma, and a malignant mesenchymal part exhibiting features of fibrosarcoma. Due to the rarity of the lesion, little is known about its molecular pathogenesis; therefore, in the current study, we sought to evaluate the immunoexpression of Ki67, proliferative cell nuclear antigen, and Bcl-2 proteins in AFS, comparing the results obtained with its benign counterpart, as well as to report a new case of this rare entity affecting a 19-year-old female patient. The results obtained revealed that all the proteins evaluated were overexpressed in the malignant mesenchymal portion of AFS if compared with ameloblastic fibroma, suggesting that nuclear proliferative factors such as Ki67 and proliferative cell nuclear antigen, in association to histopathologic features, may be useful markers for identifying the malignancy and that, despite the lack of molecular analysis in the case reported, Bcl-2 alteration may play a role in AFS pathogenesis. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour (CCOT) is a rare benign cystic neoplasm not infrequently associated with odontoma. This report documents a case of CCOT associated with compound odontoma arising in the anterior maxilla in a 25-year-old woman. Conventional radiographs showed a large calcified mass with poorly visualized radiolucent margins. The extent and condition of the internal structure of the CCOT associated with odontoma was able to be determined based on radiographic findings from cone beam computed tomography. This advanced image technique proved to be extremely useful in the radiographic assessment of this particular neoplasm of the jawbones.


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Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT) is an extremely rare, benign neoplasm, accounting for approximately 1% of all odontogenic tumors. Peripheral CEOTs commonly resemble oral hyperplastic or reactive lesions and are histologically similar to their intraosseous counterparts. We report an unusual case of multifocal peripheral CEOT. A 40-year-old female presented with bilateral soft, painful, erythematous, gingival swellings localized in premolar areas of the mandibular gingiva. The presumptive diagnosis was bilateral pyogenic granuloma. The masses were surgically excised under local anesthesia without bone curettage and both recurred 12 months later. Morphologic features, and histochemical and immunohistochemical tests revealed bilateral peripheral calcifying odontogenic epithelial tumor. There is no clinical or radiographic evidence of recurrence 3.5 years after excision. This multifocal phenomenon has been reported previously only for intraosseous CEOT. Gingival masses must be carefully evaluated for clinical and histologic evidence of neoplasia. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: e66-e71)


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Central mucoepidermoid carcinomas (CMC) are uncommon tumours, comprising 2-3% of all mucoepidermoid carcinomas reported. They have been reported in patients of all ages, ranging from 1 to 78-years, with the overwhelming majority occurring in the 4th and 5th decades of life. They are histologically low-grade cancers, usually affecting the mandible as uniocular or multiocular radiographic lesions. The authors report a case of CMC of the mandible with a long evolution, and peculiar clinical and macroscopical features related with the long term evolution of the disease. A 53-year-old male patient had expansion of buccal and lingual cortices of the anterior region of the mandible, covered by ulcerated mucosa, with 11 years evolution. An incisional biopsy was performed, and the histopathological findings confirm low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma. The patient was treated with a mandibulectomy, followed by supraomohyoid neck dissection. There was no evidence of local recurrence, regional or distant metastasis revealed; and the patient was alive and without disease after a follow-up interval of 36 months.


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A case of dyskeratosis congenita (DC) of an 11-year-old male is reported. He presented with the characteristic clinical triad of reticular pigmentation of the skin, dystrophic nails and oral lesions, and up to the present he had not developed hematological compromise. Oral lesions consisted of extensive tongue erosions and keratosis, and exuberant gingivitis associated. Appropriate periodontal treatment was performed with discrete improvement only. We emphasize that severe gingival inflammation, although infrequent, may represent an alteration specific to DC and therefore should be considered as an additional sign of this syndrome.


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Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (NA) is a rare vascular benign nonencapsulated neoplasm, characterized by local aggressiveness and destructive potential, typically diagnosed in adolescent males. We report a case of NA affecting a 15-year-old male that presented with a persistent nasal obstruction and epistaxis with 1 year of evolution. Clinical and radiological patterns pointed out a differential diagnosis of NA. Arteriography demonstrates the vascular support of the tumor and evinces the embolization of the internal maxillary artery. The surgical approach was procedure by Le Fort I osteotomy exposing the tumor and promoting easy access for posterior removal. The surgery was carried out without hemorrhagic problems. The maxilla was fixed in the original position with 4 L-shape plaques. Histopathological findings supported the diagnosis of NA. The patient presented after 8 months of postoperative follow-up, without clinical signs of recurrence or residual tumor and without palatal or maxillary teeth paresthesia.


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Tumoural and cystic lesions are common findings in the daily practice of dental professionals and maxillofacial radiologists. However, simultaneous lesions are rare and represent a diagnostic challenge to overcome. Among tumoural pathologies, odontomas are the most common odontogenic tumour of the jaws. Cystic transformation or development from the tumoural capsule are well recognized in situations such as ameloblastomas originated from a dentigerous cyst. Otherwise, despite literature reports, dentigerous cysts arising from odontomas are very rare and could lead to misdiagnosis. Here, we report a case of a complex odontoma associated with a dentigerous cyst in the maxillary sinus, focussing on the tomographic features and a differential imaging approach to the diagnosis of these lesions.