986 resultados para Vectors.


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This letter presents some notes on the use of the Gram matrix in observability analysis. This matrix is constructed considering the rows of the measurement Jacobian matrix as vectors, and it can be employed in observability analysis and restoration methods. The determination of nonredundant pseudo-measurements (normally injections pseudo-measurements) for merging observable islands into an observable (single) system is carried out analyzing the pivots of the Gram matrix. The Gram matrix can also be used to verify local redundancy, which is important in measurement system planning. Some numerical examples` are used to illustrate these features. Others features of the Gram matrix are under study.


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Modal filters may be obtained by a properly designed weighted sum of the output signals of an array of sensors distributed on the host structure. Although several research groups have been interested in techniques for designing and implementing modal filters based on a given array of sensors, the effect of the array topology on the effectiveness of the modal filter has received much less attention. In particular, it is known that some parameters, such as size, shape and location of a sensor, are very important in determining the observability of a vibration mode. Hence, this paper presents a methodology for the topological optimization of an array of sensors in order to maximize the effectiveness of a set of selected modal filters. This is done using a genetic algorithm optimization technique for the selection of 12 piezoceramic sensors from an array of 36 piezoceramic sensors regularly distributed on an aluminum plate, which maximize the filtering performance, over a given frequency range, of a set of modal filters, each one aiming to isolate one of the first vibration modes. The vectors of the weighting coefficients for each modal filter are evaluated using QR decomposition of the complex frequency response function matrix. Results show that the array topology is not very important for lower frequencies but it greatly affects the filter effectiveness for higher frequencies. Therefore, it is possible to improve the effectiveness and frequency range of a set of modal filters by optimizing the topology of an array of sensors. Indeed, using 12 properly located piezoceramic sensors bonded on an aluminum plate it is shown that the frequency range of a set of modal filters may be enlarged by 25-50%.


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This study presents a solid-like finite element formulation to solve geometric non-linear three-dimensional inhomogeneous frames. To achieve the desired representation, unconstrained vectors are used instead of the classic rigid director triad; as a consequence, the resulting formulation does not use finite rotation schemes. High order curved elements with any cross section are developed using a full three-dimensional constitutive elastic relation. Warping and variable thickness strain modes are introduced to avoid locking. The warping mode is solved numerically in FEM pre-processing computational code, which is coupled to the main program. The extra calculations are relatively small when the number of finite elements. with the same cross section, increases. The warping mode is based on a 2D free torsion (Saint-Venant) problem that considers inhomogeneous material. A scheme that automatically generates shape functions and its derivatives allow the use of any degree of approximation for the developed frame element. General examples are solved to check the objectivity, path independence, locking free behavior, generality and accuracy of the proposed formulation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper addresses the development of a hybrid-mixed finite element formulation for the quasi-static geometrically exact analysis of three-dimensional framed structures with linear elastic behavior. The formulation is based on a modified principle of stationary total complementary energy, involving, as independent variables, the generalized vectors of stress-resultants and displacements and, in addition, a set of Lagrange multipliers defined on the element boundaries. The finite element discretization scheme adopted within the framework of the proposed formulation leads to numerical solutions that strongly satisfy the equilibrium differential equations in the elements, as well as the equilibrium boundary conditions. This formulation consists, therefore, in a true equilibrium formulation for large displacements and rotations in space. Furthermore, this formulation is objective, as it ensures invariance of the strain measures under superposed rigid body rotations, and is not affected by the so-called shear-locking phenomenon. Also, the proposed formulation produces numerical solutions which are independent of the path of deformation. To validate and assess the accuracy of the proposed formulation, some benchmark problems are analyzed and their solutions compared with those obtained using the standard two-node displacement/ rotation-based formulation.


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In this paper a bond graph methodology is used to model incompressible fluid flows with viscous and thermal effects. The distinctive characteristic of these flows is the role of pressure, which does not behave as a state variable but as a function that must act in such a way that the resulting velocity field has divergence zero. Velocity and entropy per unit volume are used as independent variables for a single-phase, single-component flow. Time-dependent nodal values and interpolation functions are introduced to represent the flow field, from which nodal vectors of velocity and entropy are defined as state variables. The system for momentum and continuity equations is coincident with the one obtained by using the Galerkin method for the weak formulation of the problem in finite elements. The integral incompressibility constraint is derived based on the integral conservation of mechanical energy. The weak formulation for thermal energy equation is modeled with true bond graph elements in terms of nodal vectors of temperature and entropy rates, resulting a Petrov-Galerkin method. The resulting bond graph shows the coupling between mechanical and thermal energy domains through the viscous dissipation term. All kind of boundary conditions are handled consistently and can be represented as generalized effort or flow sources. A procedure for causality assignment is derived for the resulting graph, satisfying the Second principle of Thermodynamics. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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S2 cell populations (S2AcRVGP2K and S2MtRVGP-Hy) were selected after transfection of gene expression vectors carrying the cDNA encoding the rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP) gene under the control of the constitutive (actin) or inductive (metallothionein) promoters. These cell populations were cultivated in a 1 L bioreactor mimicking a large scale bioprocess. Cell cultures were carried out at 90 rpm and monitored/controlled for temperature (28 degrees C) and dissolved oxygen (10 or 50% air saturation). Cell growth attained similar to 1.5-3 x 10(7) cells/mL after 3-4 clays of cultivation. The constitutive synthesis of RVGP in S2AcRVGP2K cells led to values of 0.76 mu g/10(7) cells at day 4 of culture. The RVGP synthesis in S2MtRVGP-Hy cell fraction increased upon CuSO(4) induction attaining specific productivities of 1.5-2 mu g/10(7) cells at clays 4-5. RVGP values in supernatant as a result of cell lysis were always very low (<0.2 mu g/mL) indicating good integrity of cells in culture. Overall the RVGP productivity was of 1.5-3 mg/L. Our data showed an important influence of dissolved oxygen on RVGP synthesis allowing a higher and sustained productivity by S2MtRVGP-Hy cells when cultivated with a DO of 10% air saturation. The RVGP productivity in bioreactors shown here mirrors those previously observed for T-flasks and shaker bottles and allow the preparation of the large RVGP quantities required for studies of structure and function. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the problem of distributed estimation based on the affine projection algorithm (APA), which is developed from Newton`s method for minimizing a cost function. The proposed solution is formulated to ameliorate the limited convergence properties of least-mean-square (LMS) type distributed adaptive filters with colored inputs. The analysis of transient and steady-state performances at each individual node within the network is developed by using a weighted spatial-temporal energy conservation relation and confirmed by computer simulations. The simulation results also verify that the proposed algorithm provides not only a faster convergence rate but also an improved steady-state performance as compared to an LMS-based scheme. In addition, the new approach attains an acceptable misadjustment performance with lower computational and memory cost, provided the number of regressor vectors and filter length parameters are appropriately chosen, as compared to a distributed recursive-least-squares (RLS) based method.


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The sharpshooter Bucephalogonia xanthophis (Berg) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) is a vector of the xylem-limited bacterium, Xylella fastidiosa (Wells, Raju, Hung, Weisburg, Mandelco-Paul, and Brenner), which causes citrus variegated chlorosis. Despite the importance of citrus variegated chlorosis, the probing behavior of vectors on citrus and its implications for transmission of X. fastidiosa have not been studied. Here we studied electrical penetration graph (EPG-DC system) waveforms produced by B. xanthophis on Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck (Rutaceae), and their relationships with stylet activities and xylem ingestion. Electrical penetration graph waveforms were described based on amplitude, frequency, voltage level, and electrical origin of the observed traces during stylet penetration on plant tissues. The main waveforms were correlated with histological observations of salivary sheaths in plant tissues and excretion analysis, in order to determine stylet activities and their precise position. Six waveforms and associated activities are described: (S) secretion of salivary sheath and intracellular stylet pathway, (R) resting during stylet pathway, (Xc) contact of stylets with xylem vessels, (Xi) active xylem ingestion, (N) interruption within the xylem phase (during Xc or Xi), and (W) withdrawal of stylet from the plant. The sharpshooter spent 91.8% of its probing time with its stylet in the xylem, where the main activity was ingestion (Xi: 97.5%). During a probe, the most likely sequence of events is secretion of salivary sheath and pathway (S) through epidermal and parenchyma cells (all individuals), followed by contact with xylem (Xc) (67.6% of all individuals) and ingestion (Xi) (88.3% of those that exhibit waveform Xc). The mean time to contact the xylem (Xc) and initiate ingestion (Xi) after onset of the first probe was 27.8 and 34.2 min, respectively. However, sustained xylem ingestion (Xi > 5 min) was established after 39.8 min, on average. This information is basic for future studies on the transmission mechanisms of X. fastidiosa and in order to establish control strategies aimed at interfering with this process.


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2. We documented the within-host distribution of two vector species that differ in transmission efficiency, the leafhoppers Draeculacephala minerva and Graphocephala atropunctata, and which are free to move throughout entirely caged alfalfa plants. The more efficient vector D. minerva fed preferentially at the base of the plant near the soil surface, whereas the less efficient G. atropunctata preferred overwhelming the top of the plant. 3. Next we documented X. fastidiosa heterogeneity in mechanically inoculated plants. Infection rates were up to 50% higher and mean bacterial population densities were 100-fold higher near the plant base than at the top or in the taproot. 4. Finally, we estimated transmission efficiency of the two leafhoppers when they were confined at either the base or top of inoculated alfalfa plants. Both vectors were inefficient when confined at the top of infected plants and were 20-60% more efficient when confined at the plant base. 5. These results show that vector transmission efficiency is determined by the interaction between leafhopper within-plant feeding behaviour and pathogen within-plant distribution. Fine-scale vector and pathogen overlap is likely to be a requirement generally for efficient transmission of vector-borne pathogens.


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Xylella fastidiosa (Wells, Raju, Hung, Weisburg, Mandelco-Paul, and Brenner) is a bacteria] pathogen transmitted by several Sharpshooters in two tribes of Cicadellinae (Proconiini and Cicadellini). Here, we compared the transmission efficiency of X. fastidiosa in coffee (Coffea arabica L) and citrus [Citrus sinensis (L) Osbeck] by Cicadellini [Bucephalogonia xanthophis (Berg) and Dilobopterus costalimai Young] and Proconiini [Homalodisca ignorata Melichar and Oncometopia facialis (Signoret) I sharpshooters that Occur in both crops. At different seasons, healthy adults of each species were submitted to a 48-h acquisition access period on citrus or coffee source plants infected with X. fastidiosa isolates that cause Citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) and Coffee leaf scorch (CLS), respectively, and then confined on healthy seedlings of the corresponding host plant for a 48-h inoculation access period. No significant effect of inoculation season was observed when comparing infection rates of citrus or coffee plants inoculated by vectors at different times of the year. In Citrus, the transmission rate by single insects was significantly higher for H. ignorata (30%) in relation to B. xanthophis (5%) and O. facialis (1.1%) but there was no difference among vector species in coffee, whose transmission rates ranged from 1.2 to 7.2%. Comparing host plants, H. ignorata was more effective in transmitting X. fastidiosa to citrus (30%) in relation to coffee (2.2%), whereas the other vectors transmitted the bacterium to both hosts with similar efficiencies. Despite these variations. vector efficiency in coffee and Citrus is lower than that reported in other hosts.


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Xylella fastidiosa is a vector-borne, plant-pathogenic bacterium that causes disease in citrus (citrus variegated chlorosis [CVC]) and coffee (coffee leaf scorch [CLS]) plants in Brazil. CVC and CLS occur sympatrically and share leafhopper vectors; thus, determining whether X. fastidiosa isolates can be dispersed from one crop to another and cause disease is of epidemiological importance. We sought to clarify the genetic and biological relationships between CVC- and CLS-causing X. fastidiosa isolates. We used cross-inoculation bioassays and microsatellite and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) approaches to determine the host range and genetic structure of 26 CVC and 20 CLS isolates collected from different regions in Brazil. Our results show that citrus and coffee X. fastidiosa isolates are biologically distinct. Cross-inoculation tests showed that isolates causing CVC and CLS in the field were able to colonize citrus and coffee plants, respectively, but not the other host, indicating biological isolation between the strains. The microsatellite analysis separated most X. fastidiosa populations tested on the basis of the host plant from which they were isolated. However, recombination among isolates was detected and a lack of congruency among phylogenetic trees was observed for the loci used in the MLST scheme. Altogether, our study indicates that CVC and CLS are caused by two biologically distinct strains of X. fastidiosa that have diverged but are genetically homogenized by frequent recombination.


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Methylobacterium mesophilicum, originally isolated as an endophytic bacterium from citrus plants, was genetically transformed to express green fluorescent protein (GFP). The GFP-labeled strain of M. mesophilicum was inoculated into Catharanthus roseus (model plant) seedlings and further observed colonizing its xylem vessels. The transmission of this endophyte by Bucephalogonia xanthophis, one of the insect vectors that transmit Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca, was verified by insects feeding from fluids containing the GFP bacterium followed by transmission to plants and isolating the endophyte from C. roseus plants. Forty-five days after inoculation, the plants exhibited endophytic colonization by M. mesophilicum, confirming this bacterium as a nonpathogenic, xylem-associated endophyte. Our data demonstrate that M. mesophilicum not only occupy the same niche of X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca inside plants but also may be transmitted by B. xanthophis. The transmission, colonization, and genetic manipulation of M. mesophilicum is a prerequisite to examining the potential use of symbiotic control to interrupt the transmission of X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca, the bacterial pathogen causing Citrus variegated chlorosis by insect vectors.


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Age is a critical determinant of an adult female mosquito's ability to transmit a range of human pathogens. Despite its central importance, relatively few methods exist with which to accurately determine chronological age of field-caught mosquitoes. This fact is a major constraint on our ability to fully understand the relative importance of vector longevity to disease transmission in different ecological contexts. It also limits our ability to evaluate novel disease control strategies that specifically target mosquito longevity. We report the development of a transcriptional profiling approach to determine age of adult female Aedes aegypti under field conditions. We demonstrate that this approach surpasses current cuticular hydrocarbon methods for both accuracy of predicted age as well as the upper limits at which age can be reliably predicted. The method is based on genes that display age-dependent expression in a range of dipteran insects and, as such, is likely to be broadly applicable to other disease vectors.


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Age is a critical determinant of the ability of most arthropod vectors to transmit a range of human pathogens. This is due to the fact that most pathogens require a period of extrinsic incubation in the arthropod host before pathogen transmission can occur. This developmental period for the pathogen often comprises a significant proportion of the expected lifespan of the vector. As such, only a small proportion of the population that is oldest contributes to pathogen transmission. Given this, strategies that target vector age would be expected to obtain the most significant reductions in the capacity of a vector population to transmit disease. The recent identification of biological agents that shorten vector lifespan, such as Wolbachia, entomopathogenic fungi and densoviruses, offer new tools for the control of vector-borne diseases. Evaluation of the efficacy of these strategies under field conditions will be possible due to recent advances in insect age-grading techniques. Implementation of all of these strategies will require extensive field evaluation and consideration of the selective pressures that reductions in vector longevity may induce on both vector and pathogen.


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Studies were undertaken to determine if replication-deficient Semliki Forest virus expression vectors could be successfully used to express foreign gene constructs in insect cell lines. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a marker we recorded infection levels of nearly 100% in the Aedes albopictus cell lines C6/36 and Aa23T, as well as in the Ae. aegypti cell line MOS20. The virus was capable of infecting an Anopheles gambiae cell line MOS55. The amount of GFP protein produced in each cell line was quantified. Northern analysis of viral transcription revealed the presence of novel transcripts in Aa23T, C6/36, and MOS55 cell lines, but not in the BHK or MOS20. The initial characterization of these transcripts is described.