1000 resultados para Vacinas anti-Haemophilus
Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular parasite. In pregnant women on the worldwide scale, there are seroprevalences from 7% to 51.3% and in women with abnormal pregnancies and abortions the seroprevalences vary from 17.5% to 52.3%. In Mexico, seropositivity has been found to vary from 18.2% to 44.8% in women with abnormal deliveries or abortions. This study's aim was to determine the incidence oflgG and IgM anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in women at the Gineco-Obstetrics Hospital of the Western Medical Center of the Mexican Social Security Institute. Three hundred and fifty women with high-risk pregnancies were studied, and 122 (34.9%) were found to be IgG seropositive and 76 (20.7%) were IgM positive. In one group of women with habitual abortions there were 48 (44.9%) with the preseiwe of IgG antibodies and 33 (33-3%) were IgM seropositive. Seropositivity was analyzed according to age, occupation, socio-economic level, eating raw or poorly cooked meat, and living with cats.
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação, especialidade de Comunicação e Ciências Sociais
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais
With the emergence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), Toxoplasma gondii has arisen as an important opportunist pathogenic agent, especcially in the central nervous system, being the most common cause of intracerebral lesions. The incidence of Toxoplasma gondii in HIV-infected patients depends principally on the existence of latent Toxoplasma parasitosis in the population affected. Through the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), IgG and IgM anti-Toxoplasma antibodies were found in 92 patients of which 46 (50.0%) were IgG seropositive, and only one case (1.0%) had IgM antibodies.Of the 92 patients: 53 were HIV seropositives and 39 had AIDS. The detection and monitoring of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in HIV patients is essential, since in this group there is a high percentage risk of developing cerebral toxoplasmosis, which is the second cause of death in this type of patients.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
As hantaviroses são doenças emergentes nas Américas e, em todo o mundo, os casos clínicos descritos foram infreqüentes entre crianças. O objetivo de investigar a freqüência de escolares portadores de anticorpos (IgG) anti-hantavírus justifica-se porque poucos estudos soroepidemiológicos pesquisaram a infecção por hantavírus no grupo pediátrico. Nos espécimes séricos de 379 escolares, de duas Escolas públicas da cidade do Salvador, Bahia, foram pesquisados os anticorpos anti-Hantaan (HTN) e anti-Sin Nombre (SN). A soropositividade de anticorpos anti-HTN foi de 13,2% (50/379) e todos os escolares foram soronegativos para o vírus SN. A soropositividade anti-HTN aumentou proporcionalmente com a idade. Não houve associação entre a soropositividade anti-HTN e as características relacionadas à exposição a roedores urbanos. A soroprevalência de anticorpos anti-HTN nos escolares estudados foi elevada e reforçou a hipótese de circulação de hantavírus em Salvador. A não observação de portadores de anticorpos anti-SN indica, provavelmente, a circulação de outros sorotipos nesta região, mais relacionados antigenicamente ao sorotipo Hantaan.
This paper reports an unusual pattern of serological HBV markers and the presence of HBsAg/anti-HBs immune complexes in serum samples from two patients with fulminant hepatitis from the Brazilian Western Amazon Basin. The diagnosis was made by both serologic tests and demonstration of antigen/antibody complexes by transmission electron microscopy. Concurrent Delta virus superinfection is also discussed.
Cats are the definitive hosts of Toxoplasma gondii. Infected cats excrete oocysts in their feces, infecting humans and other animals. The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in cat owners and their pets, and determine if there was a relationship between Toxoplasma infection and humans who live with infected cats. IgG anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in sera of 59 cat owners were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), in 24 sera from their cats, IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies were found using Burney's ELISA. Thirty-eight (64%) of 59 cat owners were positive to IgG anti-Toxoplasma. Seropositivity for cats was 70.8% IgG, 8.3% IgM, and 62.5% IgA. Cohabitation with cats infected by T. gondii, feeding with leftovers or raw viscera, and lack of control over how their feces were handled are risk factors conducive for humans to become infected by T. gondii.
A sorologia tem sido o método de escolha para o diagnóstico da toxoplasmose. Devido a isto, padronizamos um ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) e comparamos seus resultados com a técnica de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI). A técnica padronizada apresentou na pesquisa de IgG sensibilidade (S) de 96,7% e especificidade (E) de 75%, com valor de predição de positividade (VPP) de 83,3% e de negatividade (VPN) de 94,7%, com uma concordância ajustada (K) de 73,5%. A IFI apresentou S de 83,8%, E de 79,1% com VPP de 83,8 % e VPN de 79,1% com K de 63%. A concordância bruta entre os dois testes (ELISA/IFI) foi de 88,3% para pesquisa de IgG e de 81,5% para pesquisa de IgM, sendo o K de 70,8% para IgG e de 1,3% para IgM, sendo o índice de correlação (r) de 0,556 para IgG e de -0,023 para IgM. Podemos concluir que a ELISA-IgG padronizada é indicada nos processos de triagem sorológica, sendo a ELISA-IgM desaconselhada uma vez que apresentou baixos índices de concordância ajustada com a técnica de referência, sugerindo pouca confiabilidade dos resultados.