761 resultados para VOLUNTEER
Based on the lack of electromyographic researches on sport and programmes of physical conditioning, we can say that it is necessary to reexamine some exercises routinely used in the programmes of physical conditioning. Thus, the trapezius and serratus anterior muscles were studied electromyographically so that we could evaluate the validity in some ways of execution of the frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises for the development of these muscles. We analyzed 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old, using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For the execution of the exercise it was used a supine bench, a straight board and two bars of 40 cm made of light wood. The results showed that TS acted preferentially in standing modality and in the inclined supine modality, however with activity levels that do not justify its inclusion in physical fitness programmes.
Because the lack of specialized textbooks on the select and indication of basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes, an electromyographic study of the trapezius (upper portion) (TS) and the serratus anterior (lower portion) (SI) muscles in rowing exercises with middle and closed grip in three different modalities, upright, sitting and bent over was performed. The tests were carried out with 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old, by using a two-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For exercises execution, a supine bench, a straight board and a 1,20 m-long bar made of light wood were used. The results showed that TS acted preferentially with closed grip sitting and bent over modalities, and presented no difference among the grips for upright rowing. SI acted preferentially with closed grip in all modalities, however, with activity levels that do not justify its indication for physical conditioning programmes.
The electromyographic activity of the shoulder muscles deltoid - anterior portion (DA) and pectoralis major - clavicular portion (PMC) was tested on 24 male volunteers using a 2 channel TEC A TE4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes during the execution of four different modalities of frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises. The results showed that all of the tested exercises developed high levels of action potential for both muscles. So, we jusfity the indication of all of them for physical fitness programmes for DA and PMC. Some suggestions to the use of the tested exercises are presented.
The muscles deltoid-anterior portion (DA) and pectoralis major-clavicular portion (PMC) were analysed to establish the muscular behavior and intensity patterns, as well to evaluate the connected participation of these muscles during supine and frontal elevation exercises. Twenty-four male volunteers were examined using a 2-channel TECA TE4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. Our results showed low levels of activity to PMC in frontal elevation exercises, whereas to DA the levels were very high. In the supine exercise, the action potential levels developed by the PMC were always lower than those presented by DA, however, with action simultaneity. Some suggestions to the use of the tested exercises are presented.
Purpose: To identify the electromyographic fatigue threshold in the erector spinae muscle. Methods: Eight 19 to 24-year-old male volunteers participated in this study, in which surface electrodes were used, as well as a biological signals acquisition module (Lynx) with a sampling frequency of 1000Hz, a 1000 times gain, a 20Hz high pass filter and a 500Hz low pass filter. The test consisted of repeated isometric contractions of the erector spinae muscle in a 45° hip flexion posture, with 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Results: A positive correlation of the RMS (root mean square) value as a function of time was found for most of the subjects with 40% (N = 6), 50% (N = 7) and 60% (N = 8) loads of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Conclusions: It was concluded, from this study, that the proposed protocol provides evidence, through the electromyographic signal, of the development of fatigue in the erector spinae muscle with loads of 40%, 50% and 60% of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction. The protocol also allows the electromyographic fatigue threshold and its probable applicability in the diagnosis of this phenomenon during repetitive activities to be determined.
The electromyographic activity of the biceps brachii - BB (long head), triceps brachii - TB (long head) and deltoideus - DA (clavicular portion) muscles, during the going (G) and return (R) phases in front support exercise, as well the efficacy of this exercise for the development of these muscles strength were studied in 10 male volunteers. The values were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC = 100%) and statistically analyzed using the Friedman, DMS and Wilcoxon non-parametric test. A value of p≤0.05 indicated significance (Campos, 1983). All the muscles presented higher electromyographic activity in the return phase of the movement. The triceps brachii was the muscle which had higher activity in both phases of the movement. It was concluded that the front support exercise is efficient for strength development mainly in the triceps brachii muscle.
Quantitative analysis of normal values of motor unit action potentials duration and amplitude of muscles tireoaritenoideus (TA), cricotireoideus (CT), cricoaritenoideus lateralis (CAL), and cricoaritenoideus posterioris (CAP) was performed in 14 adult normal Brazilian volunteers. The recordings were obtained by percutaneously inserted concentric needle electrode. Different motor unit action potentials were manually selected in each muscle for quantitative computerized analysis of duration and amplitude. The mean values for duration and amplitude were respectively 3.8 ms and 413 μV for TA, 4.9 ms and 585 μV for CT, 4.1 ms and 388 μV for CAL and 4.5 ms and 475 μV in CAP. There were no similar reports of normal values of motor unit action potentials in Brazilian subjects.
It is usual to find athletes that can perform de curl up test easily, but are unable to maintain the stabilization of the low back during the double straight leg lowering (DSLL). In spite of having strong abdominal muscles, its stabilization role seems not to be effective. Thus, the purpose of this study was to verify the relation among individuals with strong abdominal muscles and the ability in perform posterior pelvic tilt (PPT); the ability to stabilize the low back during the DSLL and the eletromyographic activity of the abdominal muscles. Eighteen male subjects (aged 19.27 ± 3.5), without history of muscle skeletal dysfunction, performed both the PPT and DSLL tests. During these tests electromyographic signals of the rectus abdominis (RA), obliquus internus abdominis (01) and obliquus externus abdominis (OE) were recorded, the angle of the hip and the pressure under the low back were measured The results of analyses of variance (ANOVA) show that most volunteers accomplished the PPT test, actively flattening the low back with regular or good quality. However, none of them was able to stabilize the low back during the DSLL test. During the PPT test all abdominal muscle portions analysed were activated without significant differences. In an attempt of maintaining the lumbo-pelvic region stabilized during the DSLL, it was observed a tendency of higher bilateral activation of OE when compared to RA and 01 muscle portions between 70 and 20 degrees of hip flexion.
The electromyographic activity of the deltoideus (anterior portion) and pectoralis major (clavicular portion) muscles was analyzed in 24 male volunteers in two different modalities of pull-over exercises. The PMC activity varied from weak to moderate in both modalities, while the DA activity was moderate in the pull-over and strong in the pull-over with bent arms exercises.
Sustained attention and vigilance are processeses that characterize attention, and are essential for the development of certain abilities Aim: a prospective study to propose a simple, easy and quick behavioral tool to support the assessment of sustained auditory attention. Material and methods: volunteer children aged between 6 and 11 years (139 female and 141 male) were selected. The test was named Sustained Auditory Attention Ability Test, and is based on the Continuous Performance Test. It consist of a binaural and diotic presentation of a list of 100 monosyllabic words in which a target monosyllable is included 20 times. This list was presented six times with no breaks. The test was carried out in a soundproofed room, using a CD player attached to a two-channel audiometer at 50 dBSL during 9 minutes. The test resulted in a total score and a vigilance decrement. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between genders, but a significant difference was found between ages. Conclusion: The proposed test had no discomfort for the participants, and was shown to be extremely promising to assess the sustained auditory attention ability in children. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.
Objective: to investigate the quality of life among physically active post-menopausal women with and without a diagnosis of osteoporosis. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out through interview. All the participating women volunteered to take part of this study through previous contact by telephone. The characteristics and objectives of the interview were explained in addition to confirmation of their post-menopausal status. There were two groups of 21 volunteers each: group 1 were non-osteoporotic women (64.38 ± 4.24 years-old) and group 2 were osteoporotic women (67.81 ± 4.19 years-old). Each volunteer was asked to fulfill a preliminary form in order to register personal information, clinical history, co-morbidities and health care. Following, the SF-36 questionnaire was applied. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to assess differences between the two groups. Results: there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between both groups only with regard to the Role Physical and General Health components of the SF-36 form showing a better performance to group 1. Condusion: post-menopausal women with a diagnosis of osteoporosis that did not sustain a fracture may present a similar quality of life, as compared to non-osteoporotic post-menopausal women.
Pharmacovigilance is accomplished by voluntary notification of suspected adverse reactions, medication errors, and deviations from quality, by users and health professionals, through the filling in of forms that are sent to a data bank. To broaden the sources of notifications, the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), in partnership with the Regional Pharmacy Council (CRF) and Center for Health Surveillance (CVS) of each state, introduced the scheme of Notifying Pharmacies. The present study was aimed at determining the factors influencing the decision of drugstores and private pharmacies in Tatuí/SP in 2007, to join this project A descriptive, observational survey of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) was applied to volunteer pharmacists in the town. The results showed that the professionals are awave of pharmacovigilance, (95.24%) and have attitude (95.24%). However, practice is limited (6.0%). Based on this information we concluded that the low support of the project was due to lack of time, interest and no information about the benefits to society of such activity and a lack of support from the pharmacists' organizations. This situation is expected to change with the current introduction of a professional profile, the fusion of professional bodies and the promotion of social awareness on pharmacovigilance.
Aim: This study aimed to compare the safety and analgesic efficacy of a new topical drug (in two different presentations: cream and aerosol) consisting of benzocaine, menthol and triclosan, in the curettage of molluscum contagiosum. Method: The study included 296 volunteers in different stages: 256 healthy adult volunteers for the safety evaluation, and 40 volunteers between 2 and 12 years old who presented Molluscum contagiosum, for the evaluation of tolerability and efficacy. Each volunteer represented two experimental units (left and right) where it was applied randomly the tested products (cream or aerosol) 30 minutes before the dermatological curettage, immediately after and twice a day during 7 days. Dermatological evaluations of safety and efficacy were performed immediately after the procedure, 3 and 7 days after the curettage. Results: During safety evaluation, the tested products showed no irritant, sensitizing, phototoxic or photosensitizing potential. Both presentations, cream and aerosol, were considered safe with no statistically significant differences between them. With respect to analgesic efficacy, the results showed that the medication promoted the reduction of painful symptoms and there was no statistically significant difference (p <0.05) between the two presentations. Conclusion: The tested product, in two different presentations, was considered safe and effective in controlling pain symptoms during and after the curettage of molluscum contagiosum. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora.
This study proposal was to evaluate the changes at a masticatory muscle temporalis and masseter, through a eletromyographic, at ponters of the right unilateral bite posterior, verifying the difference at the eletric activity between right and left sides. Twenty female volunteers, with ages between 7 and 8 (x = 7.4). The eletromyographics signals were collected in both sides in all volunteers in rest situations and in an usual isotonic mastication, right, left and bilateral and the maximun isometric constriction, which sinal was used to the eletric activity amplitude normalization. The results signed that the right masseter muscle presents an expressive statistic difference, if compared with the left masseter muscle during the left and right mastication, suggesting a right unilateral mastication. The muscle haven't gotten any expressive variance in this amplitude which remained to a proximate flat noticed in a right and habitual mastication, suggesting a right and one sided mastication during the left mastication occurs a raise of the eletric signal amplitude of the muscle left masseter. The right masseter muscle haven't gained any expressive variance, which remained in a proximate flat observed in an usual and right mastication, suggesting a muscular pattern hyperfunction next to the dental crossing.
Objective: To evaluate the intraexaminer reproducibility of static anthropometric measurements of undergraduate dental students as well as the characteristics and regulating measurements of the dental stools used by them. Methods: Forty volunteers and 6 types of dental stools were evaluated. For the anthropometric measurements the employed equipments were: an adapted office chair, aflexible measuring tape with two adapted rods, a metallic device with a 90 degree central angle, string, a 35 x 24 cm rectangular wooden board, isolating tape and crepe tape. In order to standardize the position of the adapted office chair and the volunteers' feet, the floor was marked with the isolating and crepe tapes. A string was attached to the waist of each volunteer to mark the area corresponding to the kidney region making it possible to measure the seat-renal region area. The examined anthropometric measurements were height, trunkcephalic heigh, sacral-popliteal distance (OK?), hip width, popliteal height and the seat-renal region height. The evaluated characteristics of the dental stools relative to the seat were depth, horizontal width and minimum/maximum height. The back of the dental stool was evaluated as for the minimum/ maximum height adjustment. The anthropometric and dental stool measurements were obtained by a single examiner at two moments with a 1-week interval between the evaluations. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ρ) was used to estimate the intraexaminer reproducibility. Results: Excellent reproducibility was observed for all anthropometric measurements obtained (ρ=0.99) as well as for all dental stools evaluated (ρ=0.99). Conclusion: The method used to obtain the anthropometric and dental stools measurements was reproducible and can be used reliably.