972 resultados para Urea reabsorption


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Assimilation of nitrate and various other inorganic nitrogen compounds by different yeasts was investigated. Nitrate, nitrite, hydroxylamine, hydrazine, ammonium sulphate, urea and L-asparagine were tested as sole sources of nitrogen for the growth of Candida albicans, C. pelliculosa, Debaryomyces hansenii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, C. tropicalis, and C. utilis. Ammonium sulphate and L-asparagine supported the growth of all the yeasts tested except D. hansenii while hydroxylamine and hydrazine failed to support the growth of any. Nitrate and nitrite were assimilated only by C. utilis. Nitrate utilization by C. utilis was also accompanied by the enzymatic activities of NAD(P)H: nitrate oxidoreductase (EC and NAD(P)H: nitrite oxidoreductase (EC, but not reduced methyl viologen-or FAD-nitrate oxidoreductases (EC It is demonstrated here that nitrate and nitrite reductase activities are responsible for the ability of C. utilis to assimilate primary nitrogen.


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Molasses-based liquid supplements fed ad libitum are widely used to provide additional metabolisable energy, non-protein N (NPN) and other nutrients to grazing cattle, but it is often difficult to achieve target intakes of supplementary nutrients. Experiments examined the effects of increasing concentrations of phosphoric acid, urea and ammonium sulfate on the voluntary intake (VI) of molasses-based supplements offered ad libitum to heifers grazing tropical pastures. In Experiment 1, the VI of a supplement containing 78 g urea/kg and 26 g phosphoric acid/kg as-fed (M80U+PA) was 3.61 g DM/kg liveweight (LW) per day, and provided 181 mg NPN and 32.4 mg phosphorus (P)/kg LW per day. Increasing the urea content of the supplement to 137 g/kg (M140U+PA) or 195 g/kg (M200U+PA) reduced VI of supplement DM, NPN and P by up to 76%, 44% and 80%, respectively. VI of supplement containing ammonium sulfate (M140+AS+PA) was lower (P < 0.05) than that of M140U+PA supplement, and tended (P > 0.05) to be lower than that of M200U+PA supplement. In experiment 2, the VI by heifers of a supplement containing 200 g urea/kg (M200U) was 1.53 g supplement DM/kg LW per day, which provided 186 mg NPN/kg LW per day. Inclusion of 49 g phosphoric acid/kg as-fed in this supplement (M190U+50PA) reduced (P < 0.05) VI of supplement DM and NPN by 33% and 36%, respectively, while inclusion of 97 g phosphoric acid/kg (M180U+100PA) reduced (P < 0.05) VI of supplement DM and NPN by 43% and 48%, respectively. The M190U+50PA and M180U+100PA supplements provided 16 and 26 mg P/kg LW per day, respectively. Heifers not fed supplements gained 0.07 kg/day, and the M200U supplement increased (P < 0.05) LW gain to 0.18 kg/day. LW gain was further increased (P < 0.05) by the M190U+50PA to 0.28 kg/day, indicating a growth response to supplementary P. No adverse effects of the supplements on animal health were observed in any of the experiments. In conclusion, addition of urea and/or phosphoric acid to molasses supplements effectively reduced VI of supplementary DM, NPN and P, and in the circumstances of Experiment 2, both molasses-urea and P supplements increased heifer LW.


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In Finland, suckler cow production is carried out in circumstances characterized by a long winter period and a short grazing period. The traditional winter housing system for suckler cows has been insulated or uninsulated buildings, but there is a demand for developing less expensive housing systems. In addition, more information is needed on new winter feeding strategies, carried out in inexpensive winter facilities with conventional (hay, grass silage, straw) or alternative (treated straw, industrial by-product, whole-crop silage) feeds. The new feeding techniques should not have any detrimental effects on animal welfare in order to be acceptable to both farmers and consumers. Furthermore, no official feeding recommendations for suckler cows are available in Finland and, thus, recommendations for dairy cows have been used. However, this may lead to over- or underfeeding of suckler cows and, finally, to decreased economic output. In Experiment I, second-calf beef-dairy suckler cows were used to compare the effects of diets based on hay (H) or urea-treated straw (US) at two feeding levels (Moderate; M vs. Low; L) on the performance of cows and calves. Live weight (LW) gain during the indoor feeding was lower for cows on level L than on level M. Cows on diet US lost more LW indoors than those on diet H. The cows replenished the LW losses on good pasture. Calf LW gain and cow milk production were unaffected by the treatments. Conception rate was unaffected by the treatments but was only 69%. Urea-treated straw proved to be a suitable winter feed for spring-calving suckler cows. Experiment II studied the effects of feeding accuracy on the performance of first- and second-calf beef-dairy cows and calves. In II-1, the day-to-day variation in the roughage offered ranged up to ± 40%. In II-2, the same variation was used in two-week periods. Variation of the roughages offered had minor effects on cow performance. Reproduction was unaffected by the feeding accuracy. Accurate feeding is not necessary for young beef-dairy crosses, if the total amount of energy offered over a period of a few weeks fulfills the energy requirements. Effects of feeding strategies with alternative feeds on the performance of mature beef-dairy and beef cows and calves were evaluated in Experiment III. Two studies consisted of two feeding strategies (Step-up vs. Flat-rate) and two diets (Control vs. Alternative). There were no differences between treatments in the cow LW, body condition score (BCS), calf pre-weaning LW gain and cow reproduction. A flat-rate strategy can be practised in the nutrition of mature suckler cows. Oat hull based flour-mill by product can partly replace grass silage and straw in the winter diet. Whole-crop barley silage can be offered as a sole feed to suckler cows. Experiment IV evaluated during the winter feeding period the effects of replacing grass silage with whole-crop barley or oat silage on mature beef cow and calf performance. Both whole-crop silages were suitable winter feeds for suckler cows in cold outdoor winter conditions. Experiment V aimed at assessing the effects of daily feeding vs. feeding every third day on the performance of mature beef cows and calves. No differences between the treatments were observed in cow LW, BCS, milk production and calf LW. The serum concentrations of urea and long-chain fatty acids were increased on the third day after feeding in the cows fed every third day. Despite of that the feeding every third day is an acceptable feeding strategy for mature suckler cows. Experiment VI studied the effects of feeding levels and long-term cold climatic conditions on mature beef cows and calves. The cows were overwintered in outdoor facilities or in an uninsulated indoor facility. Whole-crop barley silage was offered either ad libitum or restricted. All the facilities offered adequate shelter for the cows. The restricted offering of whole-crop barley silage provided enough energy for the cows. The Finnish energy recommendations for dairy cows were too high for mature beef breed suckler cows in good body condition at housing, even in cold conditions. Therefore, there is need to determine feeding recommendations for suckler cows in Finland. The results showed that the required amount of energy can be offered to the cows using conventional or alternative feeds provided at a lower feeding level, with an inaccurate feeding, flat-rate feeding or feeding every third day strategy. The cows must have an opportunity to replenish the LW and BCS losses at pasture before the next winter. Production in cold conditions can be practised in inexpensive facilities when shelter against rain and wind, a dry resting place, adequate amounts of feed suitable for cold conditions and water are provided for the animals as was done in the present study.


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Loss of nitrogen in deep drainage from agriculture is an important issue for environmental and economic reasons, but limited field data is available for tropical crops. In this study, nitrogen (N) loads leaving the root zone of two major humid tropical crops in Australia, sugarcane and bananas, were measured. The two field sites, 57 km apart, had a similar soil type (a well drained Dermosol) and rainfall (∼2700 mm year -1) but contrasting crops and management. A sugarcane crop in a commercial field received 136-148 kg N ha -1 year -1 applied in one application each year and was monitored for 3 years (first to third ratoon crops). N treatments of 0-600 kg ha -1 year -1 were applied to a plant and following ratoon crop of bananas. N was applied as urea throughout the growing season in irrigation water through mini-sprinklers. Low-suction lysimeters were installed at a depth of 1 m under both crops to monitor loads of N in deep drainage. Drainage at 1 m depth in the sugarcane crops was 22-37% of rainfall. Under bananas, drainage in the row was 65% of rainfall plus irrigation for the plant crop, and 37% for the ratoon. Nitrogen leaching loads were low under sugarcane (<1-9 kg ha -1 year -1) possibly reflecting the N fertiliser applications being reasonably matched to crop requirements and at least 26 days between fertiliser application and deep drainage. Under bananas, there were large loads of N in deep drainage when N application rates were in excess of plant demand, even when applied fortnightly. The deep drainage loss of N attributable to N fertiliser, calculated by subtracting the loss from unfertilised plots, was 246 and 641 kg ha -1 over 2 crop cycles, which was equivalent to 37 and 63% of the fertiliser application for treatments receiving 710 and 1065 kg ha -1, respectively. Those rates of fertiliser application resulted in soil acidification to a depth of 0.6 m by as much as 0.6 of a unit at 0.1-0.2 m depth. The higher leaching losses from bananas indicated that they should be a priority for improved N management. Crown Copyright © 2012.


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This thesis concentrates on bioavailability of organic soil contaminants in the context of bioremediation of soil contaminated with volatile or non-volatile hydrophobic pollutants. Bioavailability and biodegradation was studied from four viewpoints: (i) Improvement of bioavailability and biodegradation of volatile hydrocarbons in contained bioremediation systems at laboratory - and pilot-scale. (ii) Improvement of bioavailability of non-volatile, hydrophobic compounds in such systems. (iii) Biodegradation of a non-volatile hydrophobic compound in soil organic matter in microcosms. (iiii) Bioavailability of nitrogen in an open, full-scale bioremediation system. It was demonstrated that volatility of organic compounds can be controlled by amending the soil with adsorbents. The sorbed hydrocarbons were shown to be available to soil microbiota. As the result, biodegradation of the volatile hydrocarbons was greatly favored at the expense of volatilization. PAH compounds were shown to be mobilized and their bioavailability improved by a hydrophobic, non-toxic additive, vegetable oil. Bioavailability of the PAHs was recorded as an increased toxicity of the soil. In spite of the increased bioavailability, biodegradation of the PAHs decreased. In microcosms simulating boreal forest organic surface soil, PAH-compound (pyrene) was shown to be removed from soil biologically. Therefore hydrophobicity of the substrate does not necessarily mean low availability and biodegradation in organic soil. Finally, in this thesis it was demonstrated that an unsuitable source of nitrogen or its overdose resulted in wasteful spending of this nutrient and even harmful effects on soil microbes. Such events may inhibit rather than promote the bioremediation process in soil.


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A pen feeding study was carried out over 70 days to determine the effects of monensin (M) inclusion in two commercial supplements designed to provide different planes of nutrition to recently weaned steers. Thirty Bos indicus crossbred steers (191.4 +/- s.d. 7.1 kg) were individually fed a low quality pangola grass hay (57 g crude protein/kg DM; 497 g/kg DM digestibility) ad libitum (Control) with either a urea/molasses-based supplement of Rumevite Maxi-graze 60 Block (B), fed at 100 g/day, or grain-based Rumevite Weaner Pellets (WP), fed at 7.5 g/kg liveweight (W).day, both with and without M, viz. B, B+M, WP and WP+M, respectively. There were no significant interactions between supplement type and M inclusion for any measurement. Growth rates (main effects) averaged 0.17, 0.35 and 0.58 kg/day for the Control, B and WP supplements, respectively, with all means different (P < 0.05), while the response (P < 0.05) to M across supplement type was 0.11 kg/day. Hay DM intake was similar for the Control and B treatments (18.6 and 19.6 g/kg W.day) but was reduced (P < 0.05) with the WP supplement (16.8 g/kg W.day) while corresponding total DM intakes increased from 18.6 to 20.0 to 23.5 g/kg W.day (all differences P < 0.05), respectively. Monensin inclusion in the supplements did not affect supplement, hay or total DM intake. Inclusion of of M in supplements for grazing weaners in northern Australia may increase survival rates although the effect of M with cattle at liveweight maintenance or below requires further investigation.


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Background: The most common treatments for scabies in human and veterinary settings are topical 5% permethrin or systemic treatment with ivermectin. However, these treatments have very little activity against arthropod eggs, and therefore repeated treatment is frequently required. In-vitro, biochemical and molecular studies have demonstrated that human mites are becoming increasingly resistant to both acaricides. To identify alternate acaricides, we undertook a pilot study of the in vivo activity of the benzoylphenyl urea inhibitor of chitin synthesis, fluazuron, in pigs with sarcoptic mange. Findings: Pigs (n = 5) were infested with S. scabei var suis, and randomised to treatment at the start of peak infestation with fluazuron at a dose of 10 mg/kg/day per os for 7 days (n = 3) or no treatment (n = 2). Clinical scores, skin scrapings for mite counts and blood sampling for pharmacokinetic analysis were undertaken. Fluazuron was well absorbed in treated pigs with measureable blood levels up to 4 weeks post treatment. No adverse effects were observed. Modest acaricidal activity of the compound was observed, with a reduction in severity of skin lesions in treated pigs, as well as a reduction in number of scabies mite's early life stages. Conclusions: The moderate efficacy of fluazuron against scabies mites indicates a lead to the development of alternate treatments for scabies, such as combination therapies that maybe applicable for human use in the future.


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Three strains ofMadurella mycetomi, two ofM. grisea, and two ofRhinocladiella mansonii have been studied for ossible differences in growth requirements which might be used for distinguishing these species. Under the experimental conditions, an incubation temperature of 37C suitedM. mycetomi about as well as 30C.R. mansonii grew less well at 37C than at 30C, andM. grisea did not grow at the higher temperature. M. grisea andR. mansonii further differed fromM. mycetomi in that they required thiamine for growth. The pH tolerance of all the strains was very wide. Asparagine and potassium nitrate were readily utilized by all the strains, but ammonium salts were not. Urea was poorly used byM. mycetomi; the other species did not use it. A possible relationship ofM. grisea andR. mansonii is discusse


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Global cereal production will need to increase by 50% to 70% to feed a world population of about 9 billion by 2050. This intensification is forecast to occur mostly in subtropical regions, where warm and humid conditions can promote high N2O losses from cropped soils. To secure high crop production without exacerbating N2O emissions, new nitrogen (N) fertiliser management strategies are necessary. This one-year study evaluated the efficacy of a nitrification inhibitor (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate—DMPP) and different N fertiliser rates to reduce N2O emissions in a wheat–maize rotation in subtropical Australia. Annual N2O emissions were monitored using a fully automated greenhouse gas measuring system. Four treatments were fertilized with different rates of urea, including a control (40 kg-N ha−1 year−1), a conventional N fertiliser rate adjusted on estimated residual soil N (120 kg-N ha−1 year−1), a conventional N fertiliser rate (240 kg-N ha−1 year−1) and a conventional N fertiliser rate (240 kg-N ha−1 year−1) with nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) applied at top dressing. The maize season was by far the main contributor to annual N2O emissions due to the high soil moisture and temperature conditions, as well as the elevated N rates applied. Annual N2O emissions in the four treatments amounted to 0.49, 0.84, 2.02 and 0.74 kg N2O–N ha−1 year−1, respectively, and corresponded to emission factors of 0.29%, 0.39%, 0.69% and 0.16% of total N applied. Halving the annual conventional N fertiliser rate in the adjusted N treatment led to N2O emissions comparable to the DMPP treatment but extensively penalised maize yield. The application of DMPP produced a significant reduction in N2O emissions only in the maize season. The use of DMPP with urea at the conventional N rate reduced annual N2O emissions by more than 60% but did not affect crop yields. The results of this study indicate that: (i) future strategies aimed at securing subtropical cereal production without increasing N2O emissions should focus on the fertilisation of the summer crop; (ii) adjusting conventional N fertiliser rates on estimated residual soil N is an effective practice to reduce N2O emissions but can lead to substantial yield losses if the residual soil N is not assessed correctly; (iii) the application of DMPP is a feasible strategy to reduce annual N2O emissions from sub-tropical wheat–maize rotations. However, at the N rates tested in this study DMPP urea did not increase crop yields, making it impossible to recoup extra costs associated with this fertiliser. The findings of this study will support farmers and policy makers to define effective fertilisation strategies to reduce N2O emissions from subtropical cereal cropping systems while maintaining high crop productivity. More research is needed to assess the use of DMPP urea in terms of reducing conventional N fertiliser rates and subsequently enable a decrease of fertilisation costs and a further abatement of fertiliser-induced N2O emissions.


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The crystalline mung bean nucleotide pyrophosphatase was inhibited nonlinearly by AMP, one of the products of the reaction. The partially inactive enzyme was specifically reactivated by ADP, and V at maximal activation was the same as that of the native enzyme. ATP was a linear, noncompetitive inhibitor. The kinetic evidence suggested that ADP and ATP might not be reacting at the same site as AMP. The electrophoretic mobility of the enzyme was increased by AMP, whereas ADP and ATP were without effect. The enzyme was denatured on treatment with urea or guanidine hydrochloride. The renatured and the native enzyme had the same pH (9.4) and temperature (49 °C) optimum. The Km (0.2 mImage ) and V (3.2) of the native enzyme increased on renaturation to 1.8 mImage and 8.0, respectively. In addition, renaturation resulted in desensitization of the enzyme to inhibition by low concentrations of AMP. Renaturation did not affect the reactivation of the apoenzyme by Zn2+.


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The crystalline mung bean nucleotide pyrophosphatase was inhibited nonlinearly by AMP, one of the products of the reaction. The partially inactive enzyme was specifically reactivated by ADP, and V at maximal activation was the same as that of the native enzyme. ATP was a linear, noncompetitive inhibitor. The kinetic evidence suggested that ADP and ATP might not be reacting at the same site as AMP. The electrophoretic mobility of the enzyme was increased by AMP, whereas ADP and ATP were without effect. The enzyme was denatured on treatment with urea or guanidine hydrochloride. The renatured and the native enzyme had the same pH (9.4) and temperature (49 °C) optimum. The Km (0.2 m ) and V (3.2) of the native enzyme increased on renaturation to 1.8 m and 8.0, respectively. In addition, renaturation resulted in desensitization of the enzyme to inhibition by low concentrations of AMP. Renaturation did not affect the reactivation of the apoenzyme by Zn2+.


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Three polyester bag experiments were conducted with fistulated Bos indicus steers to determine the effect of the amount and type of nitrogen (N) supplement on the digestion rate of forages different in quality. In Experiment 1, test substrates were incubated in polyester bags in the rumen of steers fed ryegrass, pangola grass, speargrass and Mitchell grass hays in a 4 by 4 Latin-square design. In Experiment 2, test substrates were incubated in polyester bags in the rumen of steers fed speargrass hay supplemented with urea and ammonium sulfate (US), branched-chain amino acids with US (USAA), casein, cottonseed meal, yeast and Chlorella algae in a 7 by 3 incomplete Latin-square design. In Experiment 3, test substrates were incubated in polyester bags in the rumen of steers fed Mitchell grass hay supplemented with increasing amounts of US or Spirulina algae (Spirulina platensis). The test substrates used in all experiments were speargrass, Mitchell grass, pangola grass or ryegrass hays. Digestion rate of the ryegrass substrate was higher than that of the speargrass substrate (P < 0.05) in Experiment 1. Supplementation with various N sources increased the degradation rate and effective degradability of all incubated substrates above that apparent in Control steers (P < 0.05; Experiment 2). Supplementation of US and Spirulina increased degradation rate and effective degradability of ryegrass, pangola grass and Mitchell grass substrates above that apparent in Control steers (P < 0.05; Experiment 3). However, there was no further response on digestion rate of the substrates in increasing supplementation levels either for US or Spirulina. In conclusion, rate of digestion was affected by forage physical and anatomical properties. Supplementation with various N sources increased rate of digestion when the Control forage ration was very low in N but once a minimum level of N supplementation was reached, irrespective of form of N or other potential growth factors, there was no further increase in rate of digestion.


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Immediate and residual effects of two lengths of low plane of nutrition (PON) on the synthesis of milk protein and protein fractions were studied at the Mutdapilly Research Station, in south-east Queensland. Thirty-six multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows, between 46 and 102 days in milk (DIM) initially, were used in a completely randomised design experiment with three treatments. All cows were fed on a basal diet of ryegrass pasture (7.0 kg DM/cow.day), barley-sorghum concentrate mix (2.7 kg DM/cow.day) and a canola meal-mineral mix (1.3 kg DM/cow.day). To increase PON, 5.0 kg DM/cow.day supplemental maize and forage sorghum silage was added to the basal diet. The three treatments were (C) high PON (basal diet + supplemental silage); (L9) low PON (basal diet only) for a period of 9 weeks; and (L3) low PON (basal diet only) for a period of 3 weeks. The experiment comprised three periods (1) covariate – high PON, all groups (5 weeks), (2) period of low PON for either 3 weeks (L3) or 9 weeks (L9), and (3) period of high PON (all groups) to assess ability of cows to recover any production lost as a result of treatments (5 weeks). The low PON treatment periods for L3 and L9 were end-aligned so that all treatment groups began Period 3 together. Although there was a significant effect of L9 on yields of milk, protein, fat and lactose, and concentrations of true protein, whey protein and urea, these were not significantly different from L3. There were no residual effects of L3 or L9 on protein concentration or nitrogen distribution after 5 weeks of realimentation. There was no significant effect of low PON for 3 or 9 weeks on casein concentration or composition.


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The present experiment was conducted to determine the efficiency of microbial protein production in the rumen and intake by cattle fed high-molasses diets. Intake and microbial crude protein (MCP) production were measured along with the concentration of rumen ammonia-nitrogen (N) and volatile fatty acids (VFA), pH and the rate of digestion of roughage in the rumen. Eight Brahman crossbred steers weighing 211 ± 19.3 (± s.d.) kg were used in a double 4 × 4 Latin square design. Steers were allocated to one of four total mixed rations: control (pangola hay only), 25M (25% molasses/urea mix + 75% hay), 50M (50% molasses/urea + 50% hay), and 75M (75% molasses/urea + 25% hay). The production and efficiency of production of MCP (EMCP) of the diet increased quadratically as the level of molasses in the diet increased. The EMCP from the molasses/urea mix was estimated as 166 g MCP/kg digestible organic matter (DOM), a relatively high value. Intake of dry matter (DM) and DOM increased quadratically, reaching a peak when molasses was ~50% (as fed) of the ration. Digestibility of DM increased quadratically and that of neutral detergent fibre decreased linearly with increasing level of molasses in the diet. Molasses inclusion in the diet had no effect on rumen pH, ammonia and VFA concentration in the rumen fluid, plasma urea-N, urine pH or ruminal fractional outflow rate of ytterbium-labelled particles and Cr-EDTA. It was concluded that a diet with a high level of molasses (>50%) and supplemented with adequate N had high EMCP, and that low MCP production was not a factor limiting intake or performance of cattle consuming high-molasses diets.


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The present experiment was conducted to determine the efficiency of microbial protein production in the rumen and intake by cattle fed high-molasses diets. Intake and microbial crude protein (MCP) production were measured along with the concentration of rumen ammonia-nitrogen (N) and volatile fatty acids (VFA), pH and the rate of digestion of roughage in the rumen. Eight Brahman crossbred steers weighing 211 ± 19.3 (± s.d.) kg were used in a double 4 x 4 Latin square design. Steers were allocated to one of four total mixed rations: control (pangola hay only), 25M (25% molasses/urea mix + 75% hay), 50M (50% molasses/urea + 50% hay), and 75M (75% molasses/urea + 25% hay). The production and efficiency of production of MCP (EMCP) of the diet increased quadratically as the level of molasses in the diet increased. The EMCP from the molasses/urea mix was estimated as 166 g MCP/kg digestible organic matter (DOM), a relatively high value. Intake of dry matter (DM) and DOM increased quadratically, reaching a peak when molasses was ∼50% (as fed) of the ration. Digestibility of DM increased quadratically and that of neutral detergent fibre decreased linearly with increasing level of molasses in the diet. Molasses inclusion in the diet had no effect on rumen pH, ammonia and VFA concentration in the rumen fluid, plasma urea-N, urine pH or ruminal fractional outflow rate of ytterbium-labelled particles and Cr-EDTA. It was concluded that a diet with a high level of molasses (>50%) and supplemented with adequate N had high EMCP, and that low MCP production was not a factor limiting intake or performance of cattle consuming high-molasses diets.