929 resultados para Urban transportation - Economic aspects


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Background: The CUPID (Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability) study was established to explore the hypothesis that common musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and associated disability are importantly influenced by culturally determined health beliefs and expectations. This paper describes the methods of data collection and various characteristics of the study sample. Methods/Principal Findings: A standardised questionnaire covering musculoskeletal symptoms, disability and potential risk factors, was used to collect information from 47 samples of nurses, office workers, and other (mostly manual) workers in 18 countries from six continents. In addition, local investigators provided data on economic aspects of employment for each occupational group. Participation exceeded 80% in 33 of the 47 occupational groups, and after pre-specified exclusions, analysis was based on 12,426 subjects (92 to 1018 per occupational group). As expected, there was high usage of computer keyboards by office workers, while nurses had the highest prevalence of heavy manual lifting in all but one country. There was substantial heterogeneity between occupational groups in economic and psychosocial aspects of work; three-to fivefold variation in awareness of someone outside work with musculoskeletal pain; and more than ten-fold variation in the prevalence of adverse health beliefs about back and arm pain, and in awareness of terms such as "repetitive strain injury" (RSI). Conclusions/Significance: The large differences in psychosocial risk factors (including knowledge and beliefs about MSDs) between occupational groups should allow the study hypothesis to be addressed effectively.


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The identification of Leptospira clinical isolates through genotyping and serotyping, besides the recognition of its reservoirs, are important tools for understanding the epidemiology of leptospirosis, and they are also keys for identifying new species and serovars. Fourteen clinical isolates from animals were characterized by means of single enzyme amplified length polymorphism, variable number of tandem repeat analysis, pulsed field gel electrophoresis, and serotyping. All isolates were identified as Leptospira interrogans, serovar Canicola. Infections by this serovar occur in urban regions, where dogs represent the main maintenance hosts, whereas bovine and swine may act as reservoirs of serovar Canicola in rural areas. Both urban and rural aspects of leptospirosis, and the role of domestic animals as maintenance hosts, cannot be neglected in developing and developed countries.


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Los accesorios metálicos de indumentaria constituyen uno de las fuentes materiales principales para aproximarse a la realidad social, cultural y económica de la población del Mediterráneo tardoantiguo. En el caso de los hallazgos de los siglos V y VI procedentes de la Península Ibérica y del suroeste de Francia, numerosos problemas de documentación han impedido extraer y desarrollar todo su potencial, tanto en lo referente al encuadre tipológico y cronológico de estos objetos como en la consiguiente fase interpretativa. Se hacía necesario acometer un nuevo estudio monográfico que actualizara el panorama de la investigación. El trabajo cataloga, data y clasifica tipológicamente más de cuatro millares de fíbulas y accesorios de cinturón recuperados en casi medio millar de yacimientos localizados en los actuales Portugal, España, Andorra y Francia. El resultado permite aproximarse a las áreas de producción y modalidades de circulación y utilización de cada uno de los tipos individualizados. Una veintena de indumentarias distintas, definidas por combinaciones de distintos tipos de accesorios en contextos funerarios, ha sido identificada. Parte de éstas constituye la base principal de un sistema cronológico organizado en seis fases distintas que cubren una cronología situada aproximadamente entre las últimas décadas del siglo IV y las últimas décadas del siglo VI. La investigación acomete asimismo el análisis de la implantación de los accesorios y de las indumentarias relacionadas con ellos en el paisaje tardoantiguo de Hispania y la Galia. El resultado permite reconstruir secuencias regionales de evolución indumentaria y establecer relaciones entre diversas tipologías de contextos funerarios y habitativos y los tipos de indumentaria previamente definidos. Los resultados permiten renovar la mirada sobre este tipo de objetos y el lugar que ocuparon en la vida cotidiana de muchos de los habitantes del regnum visigodo temprano.


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La tesi affronta le problematiche fiscali della riorganizzazione societaria e la soluzione adoperata nell’Unione europea per le operazioni di carattere transfrontaliere. Si parte dalla definizione del termine “riorganizzazione societaria”, evidenziando le sue matici economiche e la varietà del suo contenuto secondo l’ordinamento giuridico e la branca del diritto di riferimento. Si prosegue sulla correlazione fra l’ampliazione del contenuto della libertà di stabilimento, dovuta maggiormente all’attività interpretativa della Corte di giustizia, e l’allargamento del concetto di riorganizzazione societaria nel quadro normativo dell’Unione. Si procede dunque all’analisi del regime fiscale comune della direttiva 2009/133/CE intravedendosi i suoi sviluppi successivi. In sede di conclusioni, si apporta un breve riassunto sullo stato della questione in Brasile e si riflette sull’attendibilità del modello impositivo dell’Unione quale parametro per una futura riforma fiscale in Brasile.


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Il sistema comune europeo dell’imposta sul valore aggiunto privilegia caratteri e finalità economiche nel definire chi siano gli operatori economici soggetti all’IVA. Una disciplina particolare è, tuttavia, prevista per i soggetti di diritto pubblico che, oltre alla principale attività istituzionale, esercitano un’attività di carattere economico. Ai sensi dell’articolo 13 della Direttiva del 28 novembre 2006, 2006/112/CE, gli Stati, le Regioni, le Province, i Comuni e gli altri enti di diritto pubblico, in relazione alle attività ed operazioni che essi effettuano in quanto pubbliche autorità, non sono considerati soggetti passivi IVA anche se in relazione ad esse percepiscono diritti, canoni, contributi o retribuzioni. La vigente disciplina europea delle attività economiche esercitate dagli enti pubblici, oltre che inadeguata al contesto economico attuale, rischia di diventare un fattore che influenza negativamente l’efficacia del modello impositivo dell’IVA e l’agire degli enti pubblici. La tesi propone un modello alternativo che prevede l’inversione dell’impostazione attuale della Direttiva IVA al fine di considerare, di regola, soggetti passivi IVA gli organismi pubblici che svolgono - ancorché nella veste di pubblica autorità - attività oggettivamente economiche.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, in wie weit sich sozioökonomische Entwicklung und die Einbindung in Globalisierungsprozesse verantwortlich für die demokratische Entwicklung postkommunistischer Transformationsstaaten zeigen. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein theoretisches Modell hergeleitet, welches die klassische Modernisierungstheorie um neuere Ansätze erweitert und um Aspekte der Globalisierungsforschung ergänzt. Die empirischen Resultate basieren auf einer quantitativen Betrachtung von 19 postkommunistischen Staaten im Zeitraum zwischen 1996 und 2009. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich sozioökonomische Entwicklung und ökonomische Aspekte der Globalisierung positiv auf die Demokratieentwicklung auswirken; eine ungleiche Verteilung von Einkommen in der Bevölkerung sowie soziale Globalisierungsaspekte hingegen weisen lediglich marginale Effekte auf.


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In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to model the diffusion of residential PV systems. For this purpose, we use an agent-based model where agents are the families living in the area of interest. The case study is the Emilia-Romagna Regional Energy plan, which aims to increase the produc- tion of electricity from renewable energy. So, we study the microdata from the Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW) provided by Bank of Italy in order to obtain the characteristics of families living in Emilia-Romagna. These data have allowed us to artificial generate families and reproduce the socio-economic aspects of the region. The families generated by means of a software are placed on the virtual world by associating them with the buildings. These buildings are acquired by analysing the vector data of regional buildings made available by the region. Each year, the model determines the level of diffusion by simulating the installed capacity. The adoption behaviour is influenced by social interactions, household’s economic situation, the environmental benefits arising from the adoption and the payback period of the investment.


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Objective: Group training in communication skills [communication skills training (CST)] has become partly mandatory for oncology staff. However, so far, a comprehensive meta-analysis on the efficacy is lacking. Design: Included studies either compare the efficacy of a specific training with a control group or look at the additional effect of booster sessions on communication behaviour, attitudes or patient outcomes. Methods: Four electronic databases were searched up to July 2008 without language restriction, and reference lists of earlier reviews were screened. Effect sizes (ESs) were extracted and pooled in random effects meta-analyses. Results: We included 13 trials (three non-randomised), 10 with no specific intervention in the control group. Meta-analysis showed a moderate effect of CST on communication behaviour ES = 0.54. Three trials compared basic training courses with more extensive training courses and showed a small additional effect on communication skills ES = 0.37. Trials investigating participants' attitudes ES = 0.35 and patient outcomes ES = 0.13 (trend) confirmed this effect. Conclusions: Training health professionals by CST is a promising approach to change communication behaviour and attitudes. Patients might also benefit from specifically trained health professionals but strong studies are lacking. However, feasibility and economic aspects have to be kept in mind when considering providing a training of optimal length.


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This paper considers how and why an Asian enclave of small businesses has appeared in a poor neighborhood characterized by Puerto Rican and other Latino immigration in the post-industrial city of Worcester, Massachusetts. We begin by examining the role of the US in the world system, and argue that the US hegemonic role and specific political economic aspects of global capitalism (ie. deindustrialization) account for some of the migration stream. Next, using socioeconomic and historical data, interviews, and observations, we outline the history of Worcester’s economy and immigration patterns. We demonstrate that the increasing economic inequality leaves few promising employment options for newcomers to Worcester. Drawing on existing literature on immigrant entrepreneurs and ethnic enclaves, we argue that some aspects of the literature appear to shed light on the Vietnamese enterprises which have so visibly appeared (e.g., ethnic niches), while others, (e.g., middle-man minority theory) are not now reflected in local conflict. We conclude by considering the prospects for immigrants to this neighborhood in light of its political economic context.


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Erosive tooth wear in children is a common condition. The overlapping of erosion with mechanical forces like attrition or abrasion is probably in deciduous teeth more pronounced than in permanent teeth. Early erosive damage to the permanent teeth may compromise the dentition for the entire lifetime and require extensive restorative procedures. Therefore, early diagnosis of the condition and adequate preventive measures are of importance. Knowledge of the etiological factors for erosive tooth wear is a prerequisite for such measures. In children and adolescents (like in adults) extrinsic and intrinsic factors or a combination of them are possible reasons for the condition. Such factors are frequent and extensive consumption of erosive foodstuffs and drinks, the intake of medicaments (asthma), gastro-esophageal reflux (a case history is discussed) or vomiting. But also behavioral factors like unusual eating and drinking habits, the consumption of designer drugs and socio-economic aspects are of importance.


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Fuelwood is a major resource in rural areas. Fuelwood collection and consumption habits were monitored in Lupeta, Tanzania through household interviews and fuelwood collection walks. Social dimensions, economic aspects of fuelwood, and alternative fuel sources were also examined. The study found that for all wealth classes, fuelwood is the primary source of fuel used within the village, with the middle and upper classes occasionally supplementing fuelwood with charcoal. Women collect and consume fuelwood for cooking. The majority of women (69%) prefer to use charcoal because fuelwood collection is labor intensive and time consuming. While the use of charcoal would provide more time for other required household activities, local economic constraints inhibit their adoption. The fuel shift from biomass fuels to transition fuels is happening slowly in Lupeta from fuelwood to charcoal. As fuelwood becomes scarcer, improved methods will need to be adopted or the fuel source will change.


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The research project on "Seniors in Society. Strategies to Retain Individual Autonomy" (2002 - 2004) is supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. It's importance is empha-sized by the relevance of social and economic aspects of demographic ageing of the popula-tion and that of fundamental changes associated with the transformation of Czech society. The objectives of the research are (1) to find out seniors' material and social resources sup-porting their relative autonomy in everyday life, (2) to record their personal expectations from state, community, or formal and informal support and aid institutions, respectively, and (3) to uncover their engagement in social interaction and individual experiencing of the integration into social groups. The data acquired become the base for (4) identifying the typologies corre-sponding to the levels of seniors' social integration (i.e. groups of relatives, friends, neighbours, special-interest and professional groups). By applying qualitative methods, we explore (5) strategies of everyday life and coping with life cycle events and crisis within par-ticular types. Special attention is paid to the family background of the seniors, including rela-tives in the vertical line. Specifically, we focus on (6) conditions under which family is capa-ble and willing to help or actually is helping it's oldest members, as well as on their interpre-tation within (7) identified types of the relatives supportive systems.


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Die kurzen Technologiezyklen in der IT-Industrie stellen Unternehmen vor das Problem, Mitarbeiter zeit- und themenadäquat weiter zu qualifizieren. Für Bildungsanbieter erwächst damit die Herausforderung, relevante Bildungsthemen möglichst frühzeitig zu identifizieren, ökonomisch zu bewerten und ausgewählte Themen in Form geeigneter Bildungsangebote zur Marktreife zu bringen. Zur Handhabung dieser Problematik wurde an der Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig (HfTL), die sich in Trägerschaft der Deutsche Telekom AG befindet, ein innovatives Analyseinstrument entwickelt. Mit diesem Instrument, dem IT-KompetenzBarometer, werden Stellenanzeigen, die in Jobportalen online publiziert werden, ausgelesen und mithilfe von Text Mining-Methoden untersucht. Auf diese Weise können Informationen gewonnen werden, die differenzierte Auskunft über die qualitativen Kompetenzanforderungen zentraler Berufsbilder des IT-Sektors liefern. Dieser Beitrag stellt Ergebnisse vor, die durch Analyse von mehr als 40.000 Stellenanzeigen für IT-Fachkräfte aus Jobportalen im Zeitraum von Juni-September 2012 gewonnen werden konnten. Diese Ergebnisse liefern eine Informationsgrundlage, um marktrelevante Bildungsthemen zu identifizieren, sodass Bildungsangebote erfolgreich gestaltet und weiterentwickelt werden können.


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Cocoa-based small-scale agriculture is the most important source of income for most farming families in the region of Alto Beni in the sub-humid foothills of the Andes. Cocoa is grown in cultivation systems of varying ecological complexity. The plantations are highly susceptible to climate change impacts. Local cocoa producers mention heat waves, droughts, floods and plant diseases as the main impacts affecting plants and working conditions, and they associate these impacts with global climate change. From a sustainable regional development point of view, cocoa farms need to become more resilient in order to cope with the climate change related effects that are putting cocoa-based livelihoods at risk. This study assesses agroecosystem resilience under three different cocoa cultivation systems (successional agroforestry, simple agroforestry and common practice monocultures). In a first step, farmers’ perceptions of climate change impacts were assessed and eight indicators of agroecological resilience were derived in a transdisciplinary process (focus groups and workshop) based on farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge. These indicators (soil organic matter, depth of Ah horizon, soil bulk density, tree species diversity, crop varieties diversity, ant species diversity, cocoa yields and infestation of cocoa trees with Moniliophthora perniciosa) were then surveyed on 15 cocoa farms and compared for the three different cultivation systems. Parts of the socio-economic aspects of resilience were covered by evaluating the role of cocoa cooperatives and organic certification in transitioning to more resilient cocoa farms (interviews with 15 cocoa farmers combined with five expert interviews). Agroecosystem resilience was higher under the two agroforestry systems than under common practice monoculture, especially under successional agroforestry. Both agroforestry systems achieved higher cocoa yields than common practice monoculture due to agroforestry farmers’ enhanced knowledge regarding cocoa cultivation. Knowledge sharing was promoted by local organizations facilitating organic certification. These organizations were thus found to enhance the social process of farmers’ integration into cooperatives and their reorientation toward organic principles and diversified agroforestry.


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Erosive tooth wear in children is a common condition. Besides the anatomical differences between deciduous and permanent teeth, additional histological differences may influence their susceptibility to dissolution. Considering laboratory studies alone, it is not clear whether deciduous teeth are more liable to erosive wear than permanent teeth. However, results from epidemiological studies imply that the primary dentition is less wear resistant than permanent teeth, possibly due to the overlapping of erosion with mechanical forces (like attrition or abrasion). Although low severity of tooth wear in children does not cause a significant impact on their quality of life, early erosive damage to their permanent teeth may compromise their dentition for their entire lifetime and require extensive restorative procedures. Therefore, early diagnosis of erosive wear and adequate preventive measures are important. Knowledge on the aetiological factors of erosive wear is a prerequisite for preventive strategies. Like in adults, extrinsic and intrinsic factors, or a combination of them, are possible reasons for erosive tooth wear in children and adolescents. Several factors directly related to erosive tooth wear in children are presently discussed, such as socio-economic aspects, gastroesophageal reflux or vomiting, and intake of some medicaments, as well as behavioural factors such as unusual eating and drinking habits. Additionally, frequent and excessive consumption of erosive foodstuffs and drinks are of importance.