997 resultados para Uranium-Lead Isotope


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The onset of abundant ice-rafted debris (IRD) deposition in the Nordic Seas and subpolar North Atlantic Ocean 2.72 millions of years ago (Ma) is thought to record the Pliocene onset of major northern hemisphere glaciation (NHG) due to a synchronous advance of North American Laurentide, Scandinavian and Greenland ice-sheets to their marine calving margins during marine isotope stage (MIS) G6. Numerous marine and terrestrial records from the Nordic Seas region indicate that extensive ice sheets on Greenland and Scandinavia increased IRD inputs to these seas from 2.72 Ma. The timing of ice-sheet expansion on North America as tracked by IRD deposition in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean, however, is less clear because both Europe and North America are potential sources for icebergs in this region. Moreover, cosmogenic-dating of terrestrial tills on North America indicate that the Laurentide Ice Sheet did not extend to ~39°N until 2.4 ±0.14 Ma, at least 180 ka after the onset of major IRD deposition at 2.72 Ma. To address this problem,we present the first detailed analysis of the geochemical provenance of individual sand-sized IRD deposited in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean between MIS G6 and 100 (~2.72-2.52 Ma). IRD provenance is assessed using laser ablation lead (Pb) isotope analyses of single ice-rafted (>150 mm) feldspar grains. To track when an ice-rafting setting consistent with major NHG first occurred in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Pliocene intensification of NHG (iNHG), we investigate when the Pb-isotope composition (206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, 208Pb/204Pb) of feldspars deposited at DSDP Site 611 first resembles that determined for IRD deposited at this site during MIS 100, the oldest glacial for which there exists convincing evidence for widespread glaciation of North America. Whilst Quaternary-magnitude IRD fluxes exist at Site 611 during glacials from 2.72 Ma, we find that the provenance of this IRD is not constant. Instead, we find that the Pb isotope composition of IRD at our study site is not consistent with major NHG until MIS G2 (2.64 Ma). We hypothesise that IRD deposition in the North Atlantic Ocean prior to MIS G2 was dominated by iceberg calving from Greenland and Scandinavia. We further suggest that the grounding line of continental ice on Northeast America may not have extended onto the continental shelf and calved significant numbers of icebergs to the North Atlantic Ocean during glacials until 2.64 Ma.


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Samples of dust from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core, Summit, Greenland, dated within marine isotope stage 2 (between 23,340 and 26,180 calendar years B.P.) around the time of the coldest, local, last glacial temperatures, have been analyzed to determine their provenance. To accomplish this, we have compared them with approximately Coeval aeolian sediments (mostly loesses) sampled in possible source areas (PSAs) from around the northern hemisphere. The <5-µm grain-size fraction of these samples was analyzed on the basis that it corresponds to the atmospheric dust component of that time and locale, which was sufficiently fine grained to be transported over long distances. On the basis of comparison of the clay mineralogy and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope composition with ice dust and PSAs and assuming that we have sampled the most important PSAs, we have determined that the probable source area of these GISP2 dusts was in eastern Asia. The dust was not derived from either the midcontinental United States or the Sahara, two more proximal areas that have been suggested as potential sources based on atmospheric circulation modeling. Except for a brief period during an interstadial, when dust transport was exceptionally low (for glacial times) and had a mineralogical composition indicative of a slightly more southern provenance, the source area of the dust did not change significantly during times of variably higher fluxes of dust with larger mean grain size or lower fluxes of dust with smaller mean grain size. This includes the high-dust period that correlates with the Heinrich 2 period of major iceberg discharge into the North Atlantic. Variable wind strengths must therefore be invoked to account for these abrupt and significant changes in dust flux and grain size.


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The high-resolution marine isotope climate record indicates pronounced global cooling during the Langhian (16-13.8 Ma), beginning with the warm middle Miocene climatic optimum and ending with significant Antarctic ice sheet expansion and the transition to "icehouse" conditions. Terrestrial paleoclimate data from this interval is sparse and sometimes conflicting. In particular, there are gaps in the terrestrial record in the Pacific Northwest during the late Langhian and early Serravallian between about 14.5 and 12.5 Ma. New terrestrial paleoclimate data from this time and region could reconcile these conflicting records. Paleosols are particularly useful for reconstructing paleoenvironment because the rate and style of pedogenesis is primarily a function of surface environmental conditions; however, complete and well-preserved paleosols are uncommon. Most soils form in erosive environments that are not preserved, or in environments such as floodplains that accumulate in small increments; the resulting cumulic soils are usually thin, weakly developed, and subject to diagenetic overprinting from subsequent soils. The paleosol at Cricket Flat in northeastern Oregon is an unusually complete and well-preserved paleosol from a middle Miocene volcanic sequence in the Powder River Volcanic Field. An olivine basalt flow buried the paleosol at approximately 13.8 ± 0.6 Ma, based on three 40Ar/39Ar dates on the basalt. We described the Cricket Flat paleosol and used its physical and chemical profile and micromorphology to assess pedogenesis. The Cricket Flat paleosol is an Ultisol-like paleosol, chemically consistent with a high degree of weathering. Temperature and rainfall proxies suggest that Cricket Flat received 1120 ± 180 mm precipitation y-1 and experienced a mean annual temperature of 14.5 ± 2.1 °C during the formation of the paleosol, significantly warmer and wetter than today. This suggests slower cooling after the middle Miocene climatic optimum than is seen in the existing paleosol record.


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Mid-Cretaceous (Barremian-Turonian) plankton preserved in deep-sea marl, organic-rich shale, and pelagic carbonate hold an important record of how the marine biosphere responded to short- and long-term changes in the ocean-climate system. Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) were short-lived episodes of organic carbon burial that are distinguished by their widespread distribution as discrete beds of black shale and/or pronounced carbon isotopic excursions. OAE1a in the early Aptian (~120.5 Ma) and OAE2 at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (~93.5 Ma) were global in their distribution and associated with heightened marine productivity. OAE1b spans the Aptian/Albian boundary (~113-109 Ma) and represents a protracted interval of dysoxia with multiple discrete black shales across parts of Tethys (including Mexico), while OAE1d developed across eastern and western Tethys and in other locales during the latest Albian (~99.5 Ma). Mineralized plankton experienced accelerated rates of speciation and extinction at or near the major Cretaceous OAEs, and strontium isotopic evidence suggests a possible link to times of rapid oceanic plateau formation and/or increased rates of ridge crest volcanism. Elevated levels of trace metals in OAE1a and OAE2 strata suggest that marine productivity may have been facilitated by increased availability of dissolved iron. The association of plankton turnover and carbon isotopic excursions with each of the major OAEs, despite the variable geographic distribution of black shale accumulation, points to widespread changes in the ocean-climate system. Ocean crust production and hydrothermal activity increased in the late Aptian. Faster spreading rates [and/or increased ridge length] drove a long-term (Albian-early Turonian) rise in sea level and CO2-induced global warming. Changes in ocean circulation, water column stratification, and nutrient partitioning lead to a reorganization of plankton community structure and widespread carbonate (chalk) deposition during the Late Cretaceous. We conclude that there were important linkages between submarine volcanism, plankton evolution, and the cycling of carbon through the marine biosphere.


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We provide the first exploration of thallium (Tl) abundances and stable isotope compositions as potential tracers during arc lava genesis. We present a case study of lavas from the Central Island Province (CIP) of the Mariana arc, supplemented by representative sedimentary and altered oceanic crust (AOC) inputs from ODP Leg 129 Hole 801 outboard of the Mariana trench. Given the large Tl concentration contrast between the mantle and subduction inputs coupled with previously published distinctive Tl isotope signatures of sediment and AOC, the Tl isotope system has great potential to distinguish different inputs to arc lavas. Furthermore, CIP lavas have well-established inter island variability, providing excellent context for the examination of Tl as a new stable isotope tracer. In contrast to previous work (Nielsen et al., 2006b), we do not observe Tl enrichment or light epsilon 205Tl (where epsilon 205Tl is the deviation in parts per 10,000 of a sample 205Tl/203Tl ratio compared to NIST SRM 997 Tl standard) in the Jurassic-aged altered mafic ocean crust subducting outboard of the Marianas (epsilon 205Tl = - 4.4 to 0). The lack of a distinctive epsilon 205Tl signature may be related to secular changes in ocean chemistry. Sediments representative of the major lithologies from ODP Hole Leg 129 801 have 1-2 orders of magnitude of Tl enrichment compared to the CIP lavas, but do not record heavy signatures (epsilon 205Tl = - 3.0 to + 0.4), as previously found in similar sediment types (epsilon 205Tl > + 2.5; Rehkämper et al., 2004). We find a restricted range of epsilon 205Tl = - 1.8 to - 0.4 in CIP lavas, which overlaps with MORB. One lava from Guguan falls outside this range with epsilon 205Tl = + 1.2. Coupled Cs, Tl and Pb systematics of Guguan lavas suggests that this heavy Tl isotope composition may be due to preferential degassing of isotopically light Tl. In general, the low Tl concentrations and limited isotopic range in the CIP lavas is likely due to the unexpectedly narrow range of epsilon 205Tl found in Mariana subduction inputs, coupled with volcaniclastic, rather than pelagic sediment as the dominant source of Tl. Much work remains to better understand the controls on Tl processing through a subduction zone. For example, Tl could be retained in residual phengite, offering the potential exploration of Cs/Tl ratios as a slab thermometer. However, data for Tl partitioning in phengite (and other micas) is required before developing this application further. Establishing a database of Tl concentrations and stable isotopes in subduction zone lavas with different thermal parameters and sedimentary inputs is required for the future use of Tl as a subduction zone tracer.


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A record of changes in Pb and Sr isotopic composition of two cores (DSDP 86-576A and LL44- GPC-3) from the red clay region of the central North Pacific has been determined for the past 60-65 million years. The isotope records of the eolian silicate fraction of the red clays reflect the change in source area as the core sites migrated under different wind systems. The Sr isotope compositions of eolian silicate material are consistent with Asian loess and North American arc volcanism that has been recognized from mineralogical studies. The silicate-bound eolian Pb isotopic compositions similarly reflect Asian loess and arc volcanism. The isotope records of three ferromanganese crusts from similar locations in the central Pacific are similar to the eolian component of red clays, but offset to less radiogenic values. This may be due to two mechanisms: (1) Pb that can be removed from eolian material by seawater is much less radiogenic, or less likely (2) hydrothermal Pb can be transported further away from venting sites through particle exchange with seawater, despite hydrothermal venting acting as a net sink of oceanic Pb. The temporal changes in Pb isotopes in the ferromanganese crusts, bulk red clays and eolian silicates are similar although offset from each other suggesting that eolian deposition is an important source of Pb to seawater and to ferromanganese crusts. This contrasts with the Atlantic and Southern Ocean where more intense deep water flow leads to isotopic gradients in FeMn crusts that do not reflect surface water conditions immediately above the crust. A mechanism is proposed which accounts for Pacific deepwater Pb being isotopically influenced by eolian deposition.


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Many studies argue, based partly on Pb isotopic evidence, that recycled, subducted slabs reside in the mantle source of ocean island basalts (OIB) (Hofmann and White, 1982, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(82)90161-3; Weaver, 1991 doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90217-6; Lassiter, and Hauri, 1998, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00240-4). Such models, however, have remained largely untested against actual subduction zone inputs, due to the scarcity of comprehensive measurements of both radioactive parents (Th and U) and radiogenic daughter (Pb) in altered oceanic crust (AOC). Here, we discuss new, comprehensive measurements of U, Th, and Pb concentrations in the oldest AOC, ODP Site 801, and consider the effect of subducting this crust on the long-term Pb isotope evolution of the mantle. The upper 500 m of AOC at Site 801 shows >4-fold enrichment in U over pristine glass during seafloor alteration, but no net change to Pb or Th. Without subduction zone processing, ancient AOC would evolve to low 208Pb/206Pb compositions unobserved in the modern mantle (Hart and Staudigel, 1989 [Isotopic characterization and identification of recycled components, in: Crust/Mantle Recycling at Convergence Zones, Eds. S.R. Hart, L. Gqlen, NATO ASI Series. Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 258, pp. 15-28, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Boston, 1989]). Subduction, however, drives U-Th-Pb fractionation as AOC dehydrates in the earth's interior. Pacific arcs define mixing trends requiring 8-fold enrichment in Pb over U in AOC-derived fluid. A mass balance across the Mariana subduction zone shows that 44-75% of Pb but <10% of U is lost from AOC to the arc, and a further 10-23% of Pb and 19-40% of U is lost to the back-arc. Pb is lost shallow and U deep from subducted AOC, which may be a consequence of the stability of phases binding these elements during seafloor alteration: U in carbonate and Pb in sulfides. The upper end of these recycling estimates, which reflect maximum arc and back-arc growth rates, remove enough Pb and U from the slab to enable it to evolve rapidly (<<0.5 Ga) to sources suitable to explain the 208Pb/206Pb isotopic array of OIB, although these conditions fail to simultaneously satisfy the 207Pb/206Pb system. Lower growth rates would require additional U loss (29%) at depths beyond the zones of arc and back-arc magmagenesis, which would decrease upper mantle kappa (232Th/238U) over time, consistent with one solution to the "kappa conundrum" (Elliott et al., 1999, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00077-1). The net effects of alteration (doubling of l [238U/204Pb]) and subduction (doubling of omega [232Th/204Pb]) are sufficient to create the Pb isotopic signatures of oceanic basalts.