924 resultados para UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)
Tämä diplomityö käsittelee kolmannen sukupolven matkaviestinjärjestelmien kuljetuskerroksen mitoitusta. Nykyisten matkapuhelinverkkojen korvaajiksi suunnitellut kolmannen sukupolven matkaviestinjärjestelmät tulevat yhdistämään perinteisen puhelinviestinnän ja uudenlaiset datapalvelut. Uudet verkot tulevat perustumaan pakettivälitteiseen tiedonsiirtoon joka mahdollistaa molempien liikennetyyppien, puheen sekä datan, siirtämisen samassa verkossa. Tämän ratkaisun uskotaan tarjoavan paremmat mahdollisuudet uusien palvelujen luomiseen ja parantavan tiedonsiirtokapasiteettia. Siirtyminen pakettivälitteiseen tiedonsiirtoon aiheuttaa kuitenkin suuria muutoksia verkkoarkkitehtuurissa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan tulevien runkoverkkojen mitoitukseen liittyviä näkökohtia sekä muodostetaan alustavia kuljetuskerroksen mitoitusohjeita. Diplomityö on tehty osaksi diplomi-insinöörin tutkintoa Lappeenrannan teknillisessä korkeakoulussa. Työ on tehty Nokia Networksin palveluksessa Helsingissä, vuoden 2000 toisella puoliskolla.
Tämän diplomityön aiheena oli tutkia ATM-moduulin järjestelmätestaustarpeita. ATM-moduuli on osa Nokian kolmannen generaation matkapuhelinverkkoarkkitehtuuria. Työ tehtiin Nokia Networks Oyj:lle MSC&HLR-tuotelinjan järjestelmätestausjaokselle. Työssä käsitellään aluksi GSM- ja UMTS-verkkojen arkkitehtuureja, protokollia ja toimintoja, sekä tutustutaan ATM-tekniikkaan, jota käytetään UMTS-liityntäverkon tiedonvälityksessä. Tämän jälkeen perehdytään ATM-moduulin rakenteeseen ja toimintoihin. Työssä perehdytään järjestelmätestauksen eri osa-alueisiin, niiden testilaitteille asettamiin vaatimuksiin sekä hahmotellaan järjestelmätestauksen päälinjoja.
WCDMA tukiasema (Node B) on osa UMTS-järjestelmän radioverkkoa. Node B on tärkeä verkkoelementti, jonka tarkoituksena on yhdistää mobiilikäyttäjät verkkoon. Telecom –ohjelmisto (TCOM SW) on vastuussa suuresta osasta Node B:n toiminnallisuutta. TCOM SW:n testaukseen käytetään paljon resursseja, jotta ohjelmiston oikeasta toiminnasta ja laadusta voidaan varmistua. System component testing on testausvaihe, jossa järjestelmän (Node B) osa (system component, tässä diplomityössä TCOM SW) testataan ennen sen integroimista muuhun järjestelmään. Tähän tarvitaan testityökalu ja testitapausten toteutus. Node B TTCN Tester (testeri) on työkalu, jota käytetään Node B:n ohjelmiston testauksessa. Testitapaukset toteutetaan TTCN-testinotaatiota käyttäen ja testataan testerin avulla. TCOM SW:n system component –testausvaihetta varten testeriin lisättiin uudet rajapinnat, joiden avulla voidaan simuloita Node B:n ATM-ohjelmistoa sekä WPA- ja WTR-yksiköitä. Tässä diplomityössä toteuttiin TTCN testitapaukset uusille rajapinnoille. Testitapaukset tekivät TCOM SW system component –testausvaiheen riippumattomaksi Node B:n ATM-ohjelmistosta sekä WPA- ja WTR-yksiköistä. Lisäksi TCOM SW:n toiminnan testaus näissä rajapinnoissa voidaan tästä lähtien tehdä automaattisesti. Testitapauksien toiminta varmistettiin testeriä käyttäen. Tulokset olivat hyviä, uudet testitapaukset ja TTCN rajapinnat toimivat oikein lisäten testauksen tehokkuutta.
Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, kokevatko matkapuhelinalalla toimivat kanavapartnerit heitä varten suunnitellun asiakassuhdehallintajärjestelmän lisäarvopalveluna vaiko eivät. Työ toteutettiin asiakastyytyväisyystutkimuksen avulla, jossa mitattiin erilaisten partnereiden asennetta palvelua kohtaan. Työn tuloksena ilmeni, että palvelussa olevan informaation määrällä ei ollut suurta vaikutusta asiakkaiden tyytyväisyyteen. Syyt ovat pikemminkin yleisissä asenteissa vastaavia palveluja kohtaan.
Evidences collected from smartphones users show a growing desire of personalization offered by services for mobile devices. However, the need to accurately identify users' contexts has important implications for user's privacy and it increases the amount of trust, which users are requested to have in the service providers. In this paper, we introduce a model that describes the role of personalization and control in users' assessment of cost and benefits associated to the disclosure of private information. We present an instantiation of such model, a context-aware application for smartphones based on the Android operating system, in which users' private information are protected. Focus group interviews were conducted to examine users' privacy concerns before and after having used our application. Obtained results confirm the utility of our artifact and provide support to our theoretical model, which extends previous literature on privacy calculus and user's acceptance of context-aware technology.
UMTS is a 3rd generation telecommunication system, which introduces new network architecture. The change in the network architecture introduces new logical network nodes and changes the role of existing nodes in the network. This architecture changes the current vertically specialized network into a horizontally layered structure. In practice, the layering means that different levels in network hierarchy are separated, and they communicate over well-specified interfaces. The Connectivity Layer, at the bottom of the UMTS network architecture, contains Media Gateways (MGW). The GSM radio access network and UMTS access network are connected to the connectivity network via a MGW. External networks, e.g. ISDN networks, are accessed via other MGWs. The user plane is transported across the connectivity network between/via MGWs. ATM network is used as the backbone in Ericsson’s UMTS core network release 2.0. The main goal of this thesis is to study how the MGW is used to bridge ATM and TDM networks. The Circuit Emulation Service (CES) for ATM is studied, as the conversion from TDM to ATM is made according it. The transportation is made using AAL2 and the issues that it has with voice traffic are studied. The implementation and usage of TDM switching service in MGW are described in detail.
Tulevaisuudessa telekommunikaatioala tulee keskittymään pitkälti langattomiin sovelluksiin ja lisäarvopalveluihin. Tuottaakseen näitä palveluja alan yritykset tekevät yhteistyötä laajan kehittäjäjoukon kanssa. Työn tavoitteena oli parantaa case-yrityksen jo olemassaolevaa toimintamallia, jota se soveltaa yhteistyössään kehittäjien kanssa. Tutkimus keskittyy mobiiliapplikaatiokehittäjiin. Toimintamalli kattaa pääasiassa palvelutarjonnan kehittäjä-allianssissa.Jotta toimintamalliin pystyttäisiin tekemään strategisia muutoksia, oli aluksi tärkeä tunnistaa kehittäjien tarpeet ja toiseksi tarkkailla ja analysoida ympäristöä ja sillä tavoin tunnistaa pääkilpailijat ja heidän tarjontansa mobiiliapplikaatiokehittäjille. Tutkimus toteutettiin suorittamalla postikysely kehittäjille ja toisaalta tekemällä laadullinen tutkimus kilpailijoista. Kilpailutilanteen luonne ja potentiaaliset kilpailijat olivat tunnistettavissa. Parannusehdotukset sisälsivät sekä yleisiä että palvelukohtaisia parannuksia.
Positioning techniques enable the positioning of mobile transportation vehicles. Location information can be used in transport planning as well as in vehicles. Information can also be transferred between vehicles and transport planning. For example, pickup and delivery information and route instructions can be exchanged wirelessly. In this thesis, techniques suitable for positioning vehicles are studied, as well as techniques enabling wireless connectivity of the vehicles to the transport planning system. A prototype based on one positioning and connectivity technique is implemented. As a result, a system capable of positioning vehicles is created. The vehicles can be located almost in real-time. The accuracy in positioning is sufficient to visualise the locations on a good quality 1:20000 city map.
A Wiener system is a linear time-invariant filter, followed by an invertible nonlinear distortion. Assuming that the input signal is an independent and identically distributed (iid) sequence, we propose an algorithm for estimating the input signal only by observing the output of the Wiener system. The algorithm is based on minimizing the mutual information of the output samples, by means of a steepest descent gradient approach.
This thesis evaluates methods for obtaining high performance in applications running on the mobile Java platform. Based on the evaluated methods, an optimization was done to a Java extension API running on top the Symbian operating system. The API provides location-based services for mobile Java applications. As a part of this thesis, the JNI implementation in Symbian OS was also benchmarked. A benchmarking tool was implemented in the analysis phase in order to implement extensive performance test set. Based on the benchmark results, it was noted that the landmarks implementation of the API was performing very slowly with large amounts of data. The existing implementation proved to be very inconvenient for optimization because the early implementers did not take performance and design issues into consideration. A completely new architecture was implemented for the API in order to provide scalable landmark initialization and data extraction by using lazy initialization methods. Additionally, runtime memory consumption was also an important part of the optimization. The improvement proved to be very efficient based on the measurements after the optimization. Most of the common API use cases performed extremely well compared to the old implementation. Performance optimization is an important quality attribute of any piece of software especially in embedded mobile devices. Typically, projects get into trouble with performance because there are no clear performance targets and knowledge how to achieve them. Well-known guidelines and performance models help to achieve good overall performance in Java applications and programming interfaces.
Broadband access is a key factor for economic and social development. However, providing broadband to rural areas is not attractive to private telecommunications operators due its low or zero investment return. To deal with broadband provision in rural areas, different governance systems based on private and public cooperation have appeared. This paper not only identifies and defines public and private cooperation models but also assesses their impact on overcoming the digital divide in rural areas. The results show that public ownership infrastructure under private management policy has had positive effects on reducing the broadband digital divide and being applied to areas with higher digital divide; subsides to private operators providers only positive effects on reducing broadband digital divide; but public infrastructure with public management programs did not. The results, obtained using quasi-experimental methods, suggest the importance of incentives and control mechanisms in broadband universal service provision plans.
Fixed Mobile Convergence is the recent buzz in the field of telecommunication technology. Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology is a realistic implementation of Fixed Mobile Convergence. UMA involves communication between different types of networks. Handover is a very important issue in UMA. The study is an analysis of theoretical handover mechanism and practical test results. It includes a new proposal for handover performance test in UMA. It also provides an overview of basic handover operation on different scenarios in UMA. The practical test involves an experiment on handover performance test using network analyzers. The new proposal provides a different approach for an experimental setting on handover performance test without using network analyzers. The approach is not be implemented because of some technical problem in a network equipment in UMA. The analysis of the test results reveals that time of handover between UMA and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) network is similar to time of handover between inter base station controller (BSC) handover in GSM networks. The new approach is simple and provides measurement at the end point communicating entities. The study gives a general understanding of handover operation, an analysis of handover performance in UMA and specifically provides a new approach useful for further study of handover in different real world environments and scenarios.
Context awareness is emerging on mobile devices. Context awareness can be used to improve usability of a mobile device. Context awareness is particularly important on mobile devices due the limitations they have. At first in this work, a literature review on context awareness and mobile environment is made. For aiding context awareness there exist an implementation of a Context Framework for Symbian S60 devices. It provides a possibility for exchanging the contexts inside the device between the client applications of the local Context Framework. The main contribution of this thesis is to design and implement an enhancement to the S60 Context Framework for providing possibility to exchange context over device boundaries. Using the implemented Context Exchange System, the context exchange is neither depending on the type of the context nor the type of the client. In addition, the clients and the contexts can reside on any interconnected device. The usage of the system is independent of the programming language since in addition to using only Symbian C++ function interfaces it can also be utilized using XML scripts. The Meeting Sniffer application, which uses the Context Exchange System, was also developed in this work. Using this application, it is possible to recognize a meeting situation and suggest device profile change to a user.
As part of the Affective Computing research field, the development of automatic affective recognition systems can enhance human-computer interactions by allowing the creation of interfaces that react to the user's emotional state. To that end, this Master Thesis brings affect recognition to nowadays most used human computer interface, mobile devices, by developing a facial expression recognition system able to perform detection under the difficult conditions of viewing angle and illumination that entails the interaction with a mobile device. Moreover, this Master Thesis proposes to combine emotional features detected from expression with contextual information of the current situation, to infer a complex and extensive emotional state of the user. Thus, a cognitive computational model of emotion is defined that provides a multicomponential affective state of the user through the integration of the detected emotional features into appraisal processes. In order to account for individual differences in the emotional experience, these processes can be adapted to the culture and personality of the user.