957 resultados para Two fluid model
Results of geological studies at the submarine Vityaz Ridge carried out during cruises 37 and 41 of R/V Akademik Lavrent'ev in 2005 and 2006 are reported. The studied area is located at an near-island trench of the slope in the central part of the Kuril Island arc. Morphologically it consists of two parts: an inner volcanic arc represented by the Great Kuril Range and an outer arc corresponding to the submarine Vityaz Ridge. Diverse rocks composing the basement and the sedimentary cover of the ridge were recovered by dredging. Based on K-Ar dating and geochemistry, volcanics were divided into Paleocene, Eocene, late Oligocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes. Each of the complexes reflects a tectonomagmatic stage in the ridge evolution. Geochemical and isotope data on the volcanics indicate contribution of ancient crustal material in the magma source and, correspondingly, formation of this structure on the continental basement. Two-stage model ages (TDM2) vary in a wide range from zero values in mafic rocks to 0.77 Ga in felsic varieties, pointing to presence of Precambrian protolith in the source of the felsic rocks of the Vityaz Ridge. The Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanics are classed with tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, and subalkaline series, which differ in alkali contents and REE fractionation. Values of (La/Sm)_n and (La/Yb)_n ratios vary from 0.74 and 0.84 in the tholeiitic varieties to 1.19 and 1.44 in the calc-alkaline and 2.32 and 3.73 in the subalkaline rocks. All three varieties occur within the same volcanic edifices and formed during differentiation of magmatic melts that were channeled along fault zones from the mantle source slightly enriched in crustal component.
La propulsión eléctrica constituye hoy una tecnología muy competitiva y de gran proyección de futuro. Dentro de los diversos motores de plasma existentes, el motor de efecto Hall ha adquirido una gran madurez y constituye un medio de propulsión idóneo para un rango amplio de misiones. En la presente Tesis se estudian los motores Hall con geometría convencional y paredes dieléctricas. La compleja interacción entre los múltiples fenómenos físicos presentes hace que sea difícil la simulación del plasma en estos motores. Los modelos híbridos son los que representan un mejor compromiso entre precisión y tiempo de cálculo. Se basan en utilizar un modelo fluido para los electrones y algoritmos de dinámica de partículas PIC (Particle-In- Cell) para los iones y los neutros. Permiten hacer uso de la hipótesis de cuasineutralidad del plasma, a cambio de resolver separadamente las capas límite (o vainas) que se forman en torno a las paredes de la cámara. Partiendo de un código híbrido existente, llamado HPHall-2, el objetivo de la Tesis doctoral ha sido el desarrollo de un código híbrido avanzado que mejorara la simulación de la descarga de plasma en un motor de efecto Hall. Las actualizaciones y mejoras realizadas en las diferentes partes que componen el código comprenden tanto aspectos teóricos como numéricos. Fruto de la extensa revisión de la algoritmia del código HPHall-2 se han conseguido reducir los errores de precisión un orden de magnitud, y se ha incrementado notablemente su consistencia y robustez, permitiendo la simulación del motor en un amplio rango de condiciones. Algunos aspectos relevantes a destacar en el subcódigo de partículas son: la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo de pesado que permite determinar de forma más precisa el flujo de las magnitudes del plasma; la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo de control de población, que permite tener suficiente número de partículas cerca de las paredes de la cámara, donde los gradientes son mayores y las condiciones de cálculo son más críticas; las mejoras en los balances de masa y energía; y un mejor cálculo del campo eléctrico en una malla no uniforme. Merece especial atención el cumplimiento de la condición de Bohm en el borde de vaina, que en los códigos híbridos representa una condición de contorno necesaria para obtener una solución consistente con el modelo de interacción plasma-pared, y que en HPHall-2 aún no se había resuelto satisfactoriamente. En esta Tesis se ha implementado el criterio cinético de Bohm para una población de iones con diferentes cargas eléctricas y una gran dispersión de velocidades. En el código, el cumplimiento de la condición cinética de Bohm se consigue por medio de un algoritmo que introduce una fina capa de aceleración nocolisional adyacente a la vaina y mide adecuadamente el flujo de partículas en el espacio y en el tiempo. Las mejoras realizadas en el subcódigo de electrones incrementan la capacidad de simulación del código, especialmente en la región aguas abajo del motor, donde se simula la neutralización del chorro del plasma por medio de un modelo de cátodo volumétrico. Sin abordar el estudio detallado de la turbulencia del plasma, se implementan modelos sencillos de ajuste de la difusión anómala de Bohm, que permiten reproducir los valores experimentales del potencial y la temperatura del plasma, así como la corriente de descarga del motor. En cuanto a los aspectos teóricos, se hace especial énfasis en la interacción plasma-pared y en la dinámica de los electrones secundarios libres en el interior del plasma, cuestiones que representan hoy en día problemas abiertos en la simulación de los motores Hall. Los nuevos modelos desarrollados buscan una imagen más fiel a la realidad. Así, se implementa el modelo de vaina de termalización parcial, que considera una función de distribución no-Maxwelliana para los electrones primarios y contabiliza unas pérdidas energéticas más cercanas a la realidad. Respecto a los electrones secundarios, se realiza un estudio cinético simplificado para evaluar su grado de confinamiento en el plasma, y mediante un modelo fluido en el límite no-colisional, se determinan las densidades y energías de los electrones secundarios libres, así como su posible efecto en la ionización. El resultado obtenido muestra que los electrones secundarios se pierden en las paredes rápidamente, por lo que su efecto en el plasma es despreciable, no así en las vainas, donde determinan el salto de potencial. Por último, el trabajo teórico y de simulación numérica se complementa con el trabajo experimental realizado en el Pnnceton Plasma Physics Laboratory, en el que se analiza el interesante transitorio inicial que experimenta el motor en el proceso de arranque. Del estudio se extrae que la presencia de gases residuales adheridos a las paredes juegan un papel relevante, y se recomienda, en general, la purga completa del motor antes del modo normal de operación. El resultado final de la investigación muestra que el código híbrido desarrollado representa una buena herramienta de simulación de un motor Hall. Reproduce adecuadamente la física del motor, proporcionando resultados similares a los experimentales, y demuestra ser un buen laboratorio numérico para estudiar el plasma en el interior del motor. Abstract Electric propulsion is today a very competitive technology and has a great projection into the future. Among the various existing plasma thrusters, the Hall effect thruster has acquired a considerable maturity and constitutes an ideal means of propulsion for a wide range of missions. In the present Thesis only Hall thrusters with conventional geometry and dielectric walls are studied. The complex interaction between multiple physical phenomena makes difficult the plasma simulation in these engines. Hybrid models are those representing a better compromise between precision and computational cost. They use a fluid model for electrons and Particle-In-Cell (PIC) algorithms for ions and neutrals. The hypothesis of plasma quasineutrality is invoked, which requires to solve separately the sheaths formed around the chamber walls. On the basis of an existing hybrid code, called HPHall-2, the aim of this doctoral Thesis is to develop an advanced hybrid code that better simulates the plasma discharge in a Hall effect thruster. Updates and improvements of the code include both theoretical and numerical issues. The extensive revision of the algorithms has succeeded in reducing the accuracy errors in one order of magnitude, and the consistency and robustness of the code have been notably increased, allowing the simulation of the thruster in a wide range of conditions. The most relevant achievements related to the particle subcode are: the implementation of a new weighing algorithm that determines more accurately the plasma flux magnitudes; the implementation of a new algorithm to control the particle population, assuring enough number of particles near the chamber walls, where there are strong gradients and the conditions to perform good computations are more critical; improvements in the mass and energy balances; and a new algorithm to compute the electric field in a non-uniform mesh. It deserves special attention the fulfilment of the Bohm condition at the edge of the sheath, which represents a boundary condition necessary to match consistently the hybrid code solution with the plasma-wall interaction, and remained as a question unsatisfactory solved in the HPHall-2 code. In this Thesis, the kinetic Bohm criterion has been implemented for an ion particle population with different electric charges and a large dispersion in their velocities. In the code, the fulfilment of the kinetic Bohm condition is accomplished by an algorithm that introduces a thin non-collisional layer next to the sheaths, producing the ion acceleration, and measures properly the flux of particles in time and space. The improvements made in the electron subcode increase the code simulation capabilities, specially in the region downstream of the thruster, where the neutralization of the plasma jet is simulated using a volumetric cathode model. Without addressing the detailed study of the plasma turbulence, simple models for a parametric adjustment of the anomalous Bohm difussion are implemented in the code. They allow to reproduce the experimental values of the plasma potential and the electron temperature, as well as the discharge current of the thruster. Regarding the theoretical issues, special emphasis has been made in the plasma-wall interaction of the thruster and in the dynamics of free secondary electrons within the plasma, questions that still remain unsolved in the simulation of Hall thrusters. The new developed models look for results closer to reality, such as the partial thermalization sheath model, that assumes a non-Maxwellian distribution functions for primary electrons, and better computes the energy losses at the walls. The evaluation of secondary electrons confinement within the chamber is addressed by a simplified kinetic study; and using a collisionless fluid model, the densities and energies of free secondary electrons are computed, as well as their effect on the plasma ionization. Simulations show that secondary electrons are quickly lost at walls, with a negligible effect in the bulk of the plasma, but they determine the potential fall at sheaths. Finally, numerical simulation and theoretical work is complemented by the experimental work carried out at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, devoted to analyze the interesting transitional regime experienced by the thruster in the startup process. It is concluded that the gas impurities adhered to the thruster walls play a relevant role in the transitional regime and, as a general recomendation, a complete purge of the thruster before starting its normal mode of operation it is suggested. The final result of the research conducted in this Thesis shows that the developed code represents a good tool for the simulation of Hall thrusters. The code reproduces properly the physics of the thruster, with results similar to the experimental ones, and represents a good numerical laboratory to study the plasma inside the thruster.
La investigación que se resume en este artículo, resultante de diversos trabajos realizados en el CEDEX [10, 12], tiene por objeto contrastar las formulaciones desarrolladas por diferentes autores en materia de rebases en distintas tipologías de diques de abrigo. Para ello, se realizó en primer lugar la recopilación y el análisis de las formulaciones existentes para estimar la tasa de rebase sobre diques en talud y verticales. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo el contraste de dichas formulaciones con los resultados obtenidos en dos ensayos realizados en el Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas del CEDEX, en Cabo Prioriño, Ferrol y en la alineación tercera de Melilla. The research that is summarized in this article, resultant of several studies carried out in the CEDEX [10, 12], is focused in the existing methods to estimate overtopping rates developed by different authors. For that, the summary was carry out firstly we collected and analyzed the existing formulae, particularly for rubble mound and vertical breakwaters. These formulations was compared with the results obtained in two hydraulic model tests of the Hydraulic Research Laboratory (the Center of Studies of Ports and Coasts of the CEDEX, Madrid, Spain). Keywords: overtopping rates, rubble mound breakwater, vertical breakwater, crown wall, run-up.
At present, several models for quantum computation have been proposed. Adiabatic quantum computation scheme particularly offers this possibility and is based on a slow enough time evolution of the system, where no transitions take place. In this work, a new strategy for quantum computation is provided from the opposite point of view. The objective is to control the non-adiabatic transitions between some states in order to produce the desired exit states after the evolution. The model is introduced by means of an analogy between the adiabatic quantum computation and an inelastic atomic collision. By means of a simple two-state model, several quantum gates are reproduced, concluding the possibility of diabatic universal faulttolerant quantum computation. Going a step further, a new quantum diabatic computation model is glimpsed, where a carefully chosen Hamiltonian could carry out a non-adiabatic transition between the initial and the sought final state.
Laser material processing is being extensively used in photovoltaic applications for both the fabrication of thin film modules and the enhancement of the crystalline silicon solar cells. The two temperature model for thermal diffusion was numerically solved in this paper. Laser pulses of 1064, 532 or 248 nm with duration of 35, 26 or 10 ns were considered as the thermal source leading to the material ablation. Considering high irradiance levels (108–109 W cm−2), a total absorption of the energy during the ablation process was assumed in the model. The materials analysed in the simulation were aluminium (Al) and silver (Ag), which are commonly used as metallic electrodes in photovoltaic devices. Moreover, thermal diffusion was also simulated for crystalline silicon (c-Si). A similar trend of temperature as a function of depth and time was found for both metals and c-Si regardless of the employed wavelength. For each material, the ablation depth dependence on laser pulse parameters was determined by means of an ablation criterion. Thus, after the laser pulse, the maximum depth for which the total energy stored in the material is equal to the vaporisation enthalpy was considered as the ablation depth. For all cases, the ablation depth increased with the laser pulse fluence and did not exhibit a clear correlation with the radiation wavelength. Finally, the experimental validation of the simulation results was carried out and the ability of the model with the initial hypothesis of total energy absorption to closely fit experimental results was confirmed.
The research that is summarized in this article, resultant of diverse studies realized in the CEDEX, has for object a comparative analysis of methods of overtopping rates developed by different authors. For that, the summary was realized first and the analysis of the existing formulations to estimate the rate of overtopping on rubble mound and vertical breakwaters. Later, there was carried out the contrast of the above mentioned formulations by the results obtained in two hydraulic model tests of the Hydraulic Research Laboratory (Center of Studies of Ports and Coasts of the CEDEX, Madrid, Spain).
In a crosswind scenario, the risk of high-speed trains overturning increases when they run on viaducts since the aerodynamic loads are higher than on the ground. In order to increase safety, vehicles are sheltered by fences that are installed on the viaduct to reduce the loads experienced by the train. Windbreaks can be designed to have different heights, and with or without eaves on the top. In this paper, a parametric study with a total of 12 fence designs was carried out using a two-dimensional model of a train standing on a viaduct. To asses the relative effectiveness of sheltering devices, tests were done in a wind tunnel with a scaled model at a Reynolds number of 1 × 105, and the train’s aerodynamic coefficients were measured. Experimental results were compared with those predicted by Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations of flow, showing that a computational model is able to satisfactorily predict the trend of the aerodynamic coefficients. In a second set of tests, the Reynolds number was increased to 12 × 106 (at a free flow air velocity of 30 m/s) in order to simulate strong wind conditions. The aerodynamic coefficients showed a similar trend for both Reynolds numbers; however, their numerical value changed enough to indicate that simulations at the lower Reynolds number do not provide all required information. Furthermore, the variation of coefficients in the simulations allowed an explanation of how fences modified the flow around the vehicle to be proposed. This made it clear why increasing fence height reduced all the coefficients but adding an eave had an effect mainly on the lift force coefficient. Finally, by analysing the time signals it was possible to clarify the influence of the Reynolds number on the peak-to-peak amplitude, the time period and the Strouhal number.
Over the last few years, the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) under the sponsorship of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has prepared, organized, conducted, and summarized two international benchmarks based on the NUPEC data—the OECD/NRC Full-Size Fine-Mesh Bundle Test (BFBT) Benchmark and the OECD/NRC PWR Sub-Channel and Bundle Test (PSBT) Benchmark. The benchmarks’ activities have been conducted in cooperation with the Nuclear Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA/OECD) and the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety (JNES) Organization. This paper presents an application of the joint Penn State University/Technical University of Madrid (UPM) version of the well-known sub-channel code COBRA-TF (Coolant Boiling in Rod Array-Two Fluid), namely, CTF, to the steady state critical power and departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) exercises of the OECD/NRC BFBT and PSBT benchmarks. The goal is two-fold: firstly, to assess these models and to examine their strengths and weaknesses; and secondly, to identify the areas for improvement.
Sistema de adquisición de datos para una aplicación de detección del ruido de reversa en tiempo real
Entre todas las fuentes de ruido, la activación de la propulsión en reversa de un avión después de aterrizar es conocida por las autoridades del aeropuerto como una causa importante de impacto acústico, molestias y quejas en las proximidades vecinas de los aeropuertos. Por ello, muchos de los aeropuertos de todo el mundo han establecido restricciones en el uso de la reversa, especialmente en las horas de la noche. Una forma de reducir el impacto acústico en las actividades aeroportuarias es implementar herramientas eficaces para la detección de ruido en reversa en los aeropuertos. Para este proyecto de fin de carrera, aplicando la metodología TREND (Thrust Reverser Noise Detection), se pretende desarrollar un sistema software capaz de determinar que una aeronave que aterrice en la pista active el frenado en reversa en tiempo real. Para el diseño de la aplicación se plantea un modelo software, que se compone de dos módulos: El módulo de adquisición de señales acústicas, simula un sistema de captación por señales de audio. Éste módulo obtiene muestra de señales estéreo de ficheros de audio de formato “.WAV” o del sistema de captación, para acondicionar las muestras de audio y enviarlas al siguiente módulo. El sistema de captación (array de micrófonos), se encuentra situado en una localización cercana a la pista de aterrizaje. El módulo de procesado busca los eventos de detección aplicando la metodología TREND con las muestras acústicas que recibe del módulo de adquisición. La metodología TREND describe la búsqueda de dos eventos sonoros llamados evento 1 (EV1) y evento 2 (EV2); el primero de ellos, es el evento que se activa cuando una aeronave aterriza discriminando otros eventos sonoros como despegues de aviones y otros sonidos de fondo, mientras que el segundo, se producirá después del evento 1, sólo cuando la aeronave utilice la reversa para frenar. Para determinar la detección del evento 1, es necesario discriminar las señales ajenas al aterrizaje aplicando un filtrado en la señal capturada, después, se aplicará un detector de umbral del nivel de presión sonora y por último, se determina la procedencia de la fuente de sonido con respecto al sistema de captación. En el caso de la detección del evento 2, está basada en la implementación de umbrales en la evolución temporal del nivel de potencia acústica aplicando el modelo de propagación inversa, con ayuda del cálculo de la estimación de la distancia en cada instante de tiempo mientras el avión recorre la pista de aterrizaje. Con cada aterrizaje detectado se realiza una grabación que se archiva en una carpeta específica y todos los datos adquiridos, son registrados por la aplicación software en un fichero de texto. ABSTRACT. Among all noise sources, the activation of reverse thrust to slow the aircraft after landing is considered as an important cause of noise pollution by the airport authorities, as well as complaints and annoyance in the airport´s nearby locations. Therefore, many airports around the globe have restricted the use of reverse thrust, especially during the evening hours. One way to reduce noise impact on airport activities is the implementation of effective tools that deal with reverse noise detection. This Final Project aims to the development of a software system capable of detecting if an aircraft landing on the runway activates reverse thrust on real time, using the TREND (Thrust Reverser Noise Detection) methodology. To design this application, a two modules model is proposed: • The acoustic signals obtainment module, which simulates an audio waves based catchment system. This module obtains stereo signal samples from “.WAV” audio files or the catchment system in order to prepare these audio samples and send them to the next module. The catchment system (a microphone array) is located on a place near the landing runway. • The processing module, which looks for detection events among the acoustic samples received from the other module, using the TREND methodology. The TREND methodology describes the search of two sounds events named event 1 (EV1) and event 2 (EV2). The first is the event activated by a landing plane, discriminating other sound events such as background noises or taking off planes; the second one will occur after event one only when the aircraft uses reverse to slow down. To determine event 1 detection, signals outside the landing must be discriminated using a filter on the catched signal. A pressure level´s threshold detector will be used on the signal afterwards. Finally, the origin of the sound source is determined regarding the catchment system. The detection of event 2 is based on threshold implementations in the temporal evolution of the acoustic power´s level by using the inverse propagation model and calculating the distance estimation at each time step while the plane goes on the landing runway. A recording is made every time a landing is detected, which is stored in a folder. All acquired data are registered by the software application on a text file.
Historically, the prediction of safety margins has been based on system level thermal-hydraulic calculations employing suitable empirical formulations for assembly specific geometries and fuel-element grid spacers. These works have assessed response, margins, and consequences for the system based on one-dimensional two-fluid or drift-flux type thermalhydraulics formulations with fuel-vendor specific hydraulic losses and heat transfer characteristics for various fuel assemblies, including the so-called hot channel. Analysis of the hot channel gives important information on flow rates, fuel element centerline temperature, fuel sheath temperature, and margin to the departure from nucleate boiling. Given the reliance of the above approaches on empirical formulations obtained from complex and often difficult experiments, there is significant interest in obtaining reliable and accurate results from computation tools which employ more fundamental empirical relationships which can be obtained from subsets of the domain or from other scaled experiments.
We investigate the dynamics of localized solutions of the relativistic cold-fluid plasma model in the small but finite amplitude limit, for slightly overcritical plasma density. Adopting a multiple scale analysis, we derive a perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation that describes the evolution of the envelope of circularly polarized electromagnetic field. Retaining terms up to fifth order in the small perturbation parameter, we derive a self-consistent framework for the description of the plasma response in the presence of localized electromagnetic field. The formalism is applied to standing electromagnetic soliton interactions and the results are validated by simulations of the full cold-fluid model. To lowest order, a cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a focusing nonlinearity is recovered. Classical quasiparticle theory is used to obtain analytical estimates for the collision time and minimum distance of approach between solitons. For larger soliton amplitudes the inclusion of the fifth-order terms is essential for a qualitatively correct description of soliton interactions. The defocusing quintic nonlinearity leads to inelastic soliton collisions, while bound states of solitons do not persist under perturbations in the initial phase or amplitude
As ações de maior liquidez do índice IBOVESPA, refletem o comportamento das ações de um modo geral, bem como a relação das variáveis macroeconômicas em seu comportamento e estão entre as mais negociadas no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Desta forma, pode-se entender que há reflexos de fatores que impactam as empresas de maior liquidez que definem o comportamento das variáveis macroeconômicas e que o inverso também é uma verdade, oscilações nos fatores macroeconômicos também afetam as ações de maior liquidez, como IPCA, PIB, SELIC e Taxa de Câmbio. O estudo propõe uma análise da relação existente entre variáveis macroeconômicas e o comportamento das ações de maior liquidez do índice IBOVESPA, corroborando com estudos que buscam entender a influência de fatores macroeconômicos sobre o preço de ações e contribuindo empiricamente com a formação de portfólios de investimento. O trabalho abrangeu o período de 2008 a 2014. Os resultados concluíram que a formação de carteiras, visando a proteção do capital investido, deve conter ativos com correlação negativa em relação às variáveis estudadas, o que torna possível a composição de uma carteira com risco reduzido.
Although humanity depends on the continued, aggregate functioning of natural ecosystems, few studies have explored the impact of community structure on the stability of aggregate community properties. Here we derive the stability of the aggregate property of community biomass as a function of species’ competition coefficients for a two-species model. The model predicts that the stability of community biomass is relatively independent of the magnitude of the interaction strengths. Instead, the degree of asymmetry of the interactions appears to be key to community stability.
An essential component of regulated steroidogenesis is the translocation of cholesterol from the cytoplasm to the inner mitochondrial membrane where the cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme carries out the first committed step in steroidogenesis. Recent studies showed that a 30-kDa mitochondrial phosphoprotein, designated steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), is essential for this translocation. To allow us to explore the roles of StAR in a system amenable to experimental manipulation and to develop an animal model for the human disorder lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia (lipoid CAH), we used targeted gene disruption to produce StAR knockout mice. These StAR knockout mice were indistinguishable initially from wild-type littermates, except that males and females had female external genitalia. After birth, they failed to grow normally and died from adrenocortical insufficiency. Hormone assays confirmed severe defects in adrenal steroids—with loss of negative feedback regulation at hypothalamic–pituitary levels—whereas hormones constituting the gonadal axis did not differ significantly from levels in wild-type littermates. Histologically, the adrenal cortex of StAR knockout mice contained florid lipid deposits, with lesser deposits in the steroidogenic compartment of the testis and none in the ovary. The sex-specific differences in gonadal involvement support a two-stage model of the pathogenesis of StAR deficiency, with trophic hormone stimulation inducing progressive accumulation of lipids within the steroidogenic cells and ultimately causing their death. These StAR knockout mice provide a useful model system in which to determine the mechanisms of StAR’s essential roles in adrenocortical and gonadal steroidogenesis.
Threshold mechanisms of transcriptional activation are thought to be critical for translating continuous gradients of extracellular signals into discrete all-or-none cellular responses, such as mitogenesis and differentiation. Indeed, unequivocal evidence for a graded transcriptional response in which the concentration of inducer directly correlates with the level of gene expression in individual eukaryotic cells is lacking. By using a novel binary tetracycline regulatable retroviral vector system, we observed a graded rather than a threshold mechanism of transcriptional activation in two different model systems. When polyclonal populations of cells were analyzed at the single cell level, a dose-dependent, stepwise increase in expression of the reporter gene, green fluorescent protein (GFP), was observed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. These data provide evidence that, in addition to the generally observed all-or-none switch, the basal transcription machinery also can respond proportionally to changes in concentration of extracellular inducers and trancriptional activators.