960 resultados para Triple Jet
The dominant process in hard proton-proton collisions is the production of hadronic jets.rnThese sprays of particles are produced by colored partons, which are struck out of their confinement within the proton.rnPrevious measurements of inclusive jet cross sections have provided valuable information for the determination of parton density functions and allow for stringent tests of perturbative QCD at the highest accessible energies.rnrnThis thesis will present a measurement of inclusive jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS detector at the LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV.rnJets are identified using the anti-kt algorithm and jet radii of R=0.6 and R=0.4.rnThey are calibrated using a dedicated pT and eta dependent jet calibration scheme.rnThe cross sections are measured for 40 GeV < pT <= 1 TeV and |y| < 2.8 in four bins of absolute rapidity, using data recorded in 2010 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 pb^-1.rnThe data is fully corrected for detector effects and compared to theoretical predictions calculated at next-to-leading order including non-perturbative effects.rnThe theoretical predictions are found to agree with data within the experimental and theoretic uncertainties.rnrnThe ratio of cross sections for R=0.4 and R=0.6 is measured, exploiting the significant correlations of the systematic uncertainties, and is compared to recently developed theoretical predictions.rnThe underlying event can be characterized by the amount of transverse momentum per unit rapidity and azimuth, called rhoue.rnUsing analytical approaches to the calculation of non-perturbative corrections to jets, rhoue at the LHC is estimated using the ratio measurement.rnA feasibility study of a combined measurement of rhoue and the average strong coupling in the non-perturbative regime alpha_0 is presented and proposals for future jet measurements at the LHC are made.
La tesi analizza il procedimento di doppiaggio e sottotitolaggio in italiano del cortometraggio in lingua inglese Triple Standard
Organophosphate können chronische Lungenerkrankungen und Vergiftungen hervorrufen. Bei der Vergiftung erfolgt eine Immunreaktion, welche noch nicht erforscht ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden Toxizitätsstudien an dendritischen Zellen und einem bronchialen Triple-Kultur-Modell durchgeführt. Dendritische Zellen spielen bei der ersten Immunabwehr in der Lunge eine große Rolle. Aus der Zell-Linie THP-1 und primären Monozyten wurden reife dendritische Zellen differenziert und mittels Durchflusszytometrie und Immunfluoreszenz auf spezifische Zellmarker, wie zum Beispiel CD11c, CD83 oder auch CD209, charakterisiert und etabliert. Durch die Vergiftung der Zellen mit Dimethoat und Chlorpyrifos konnte eine Erhöhung des Zelltodes, die Sekretion von proinflammatorischen Mediatoren, Veränderungen in der Morphologie der Zellen und ein Effekt auf den Proteinkinase-Signalweg festgestellt werden. Spezifische dendritische Zellmarker (CD83, CD209) wurden inhibiert und die Dendriten der Dendritischen Zellen kürzer und beschädigt. Die Schädigung von Chlorpyrifos war erheblich größer, als die bei Dimethoat.rnDie weiteren Toxizitätsstudien wurden an einem bronchialen Triple-Kultur-Modell durchgeführt. Hierzu wurden auf Transwell-Filtermembranen bronchiale Epithelzellen, Fibroblastenzellen und Dendritische Zellen verwendet. Die bronchialen Epithelzellen und Fibroblastenzellen waren hier physiologisch voneinander getrennt, konnten aber durch Poren in der Membran miteinander interagieren. Die Etablierung des Triple-Kultur-Modells erfolgte durch die Untersuchung von Entzündungsprozessen, durch Stimulation mit LPS, TNF-alpha und Interferon-gamma. In der Ko-Kultur konnten Zell-Zell-Kontakt Schädigungen und Erhöhung von proinflammatorischen Markern, wie zum Beispiel IL-1ß, IL-6 oder auch IL-8 gemessen werden. Versuche in der Triple-Kultur zeigten den positiven Effekt von Dendritischen Zellen. Bei höheren Konzentrationsbereichen von Dimethoat und Chlorpyrifos konnte ein Wandern der Zellen zu den geschädigten Zell-Zell-Kontakten nachgewiesen werden. Die Ausschüttung der proinflammatorischen Mediatoren wurde inhibiert, vor allem bei IL-10 war eine deutliche Reduktion, um mehr als 70% messbar. Ebenso konnten Veränderungen in dem Apoptose-Signalblick festgestellt werden. Vor allem anti-apoptotische Proteine wurden nach einer Vergiftung der Triple-Kultur induziert. Interventionsstudien mit Vitamin C zeigten allerdings keinen positiven Effekt.
Measurements of the self coupling between bosons are important to test the electroweak sector of the Standard Model (SM). The production of pairs of Z bosons through the s-channel is forbidden in the SM. The presence of physics, beyond the SM, could lead to a deviation of the expected production cross section of pairs of Z bosons due to the so called anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings (aTGC). Proton-proton data collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) recorded by the ATLAS detector at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV were analyzed corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb-1. Pairs of Z bosons decaying into two electron-positron pairs are searched for in the data sample. The effect of the inclusion of detector regions corresponding to high values of the pseudorapidity was studied to enlarge the phase space available for the measurement of the ZZ production. The number of ZZ candidates was determined and the ZZ production cross section was measured to be: rn7.3±1.0(Stat.)±0.4(Sys.)±0.2(lumi.)pb, which is consistent with the SM expectation value of 7.2±0.3pb. Limits on the aTGCs were derived using the observed yield, which are twice as stringent as previous limits obtained by ATLAS at a center of mass energy of 7 TeV.
The experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at the European Centre for Particle Physics, CERN, rely on efficient and reliable trigger systems for singling out interesting events. This thesis documents two online timing monitoring tools for the central trigger of the ATLAS experiment as well as the adaption of the central trigger simulation as part of the upgrade for the second LHC run. Moreover, a search for candidates for so-called Dark Matter, for which there is ample cosmological evidence, is presented. This search for generic weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) is based on the roughly 20/fb of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass-energy of sqrt{s}=8 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector in 2012. The considered signature are events with a highly energetic jet and large missing transverse energy. No significant deviation from the theory prediction is observed. Exclusion limits are derived on parameters of different signal models and compared to the results of other experiments. Finally, the results of a simulation study on the potential of the analysis at sqrt{s}=14 TeV are presented.
Un noto centro di ricerca europea ha recentemente modificato un jet convenzionale di classe CS-25 in una piattaforma scientifica. Durante il processo di certificazione delle modifiche, l’impatto delle stesse sulle prestazioni è stato studiato in modo esaustivo. Per lo studio delle qualità di volo, i piloti collaudatori hanno sviluppato una procedura di certificazione ad hoc che consiste in test qualitativi separati della stabilità longitudinale, laterale e direzionale. L’obiettivo della tesi è analizzare i dati di volo, registrati durante i test di collaudo, con l'obiettivo di estrarre informazioni di carattere quantitativo circa la stabilità longitudinale del velivolo modificato. In primo luogo sono state analizzate tre diverse modifiche apportate all’aeromobile e successivamente i risultati sono stati messi a confronto per capirne l’influenza sulle qualità di volo dell’aeromobile. Le derivate aerodinamiche sono state stimate utilizzando la cosiddetta “identificazione dei parametri”, che mira a replicare le variabili registrate durante i test di volo, variando un dato insieme di coefficienti all’interno del modello linearizzato della dinamica dell’aeromobile. L'identificazione del modo di corto periodo ha consentito l'estrazione dei suoi parametri caratteristici, quali il rapporto di smorzamento e la frequenza naturale. La procedura ha consentito inoltre di calcolare il cosiddetto “Control Anticipation Parameter” (CAP), parametro caratterizzante delle qualità di volo di un aeroplano. I risultati ottenuti sono stati messi a confronto con i requisiti prescritti dalla normativa MIL-STD-1797-A, risultando conformi al livello più alto di qualità di volo.
This thesis is dedicated to the Tits-Kantor-Koecher (TKK) construction which establishes a bijective correspondence between unital Jordan algebras and shortly graded Lie algebras with Z-grading induced by an sl_2-triple. It is based on the observation that if g is a Lie algebra with a short Z-grading and f lies in g_1, then the formula ab=[[a,f],b] defines a structure of a Jordan algebra on g_{-1}. The TKK construction has been extended to Jordan triple systems and, more recently, to the so-called Kantor triple systems. These generalizations are studied in the thesis.
Studio dell'interazione tra un plasma jet nanopulsato con substrati metallici, dielettrici e liquidi
Il plasma è denominato quarto stato della materia ed è generalmente definito come un gas ionizzato costituito da elettroni e ioni. In ambito industriale i plasmi hanno trovato impiego per diversi tipi di applicazione quali il trattamento di superfici, la degradazione e lo smaltimento di rifiuti, il taglio di materiali, primi fra tutti i metalli. In particolare i plasmi atmosferici di non equilibrio, che possiedono la caratteristica di mantenere una temperatura macroscopica paragonabile a quella ambiente, sono studiati anche per applicazioni in campo biomedicale, oltre che in quello industriale. Da alcuni anni sono quindi oggetto di indagine per le caratteristiche di sterilizzazione di fluidi o solidi, per la coagulazione e il trattamento di lesioni e lacerazioni, per trattamenti su superfici quali la pelle, per il trattamento di cellule tumorali e staminali o per interfacce dispositivi biomedicali – corpo umano. Questo nuovo settore di ricerca, in grande sviluppo, viene comunemente definito Plasma & Medicine. Poiché in ambito biomedicale, un trattamento plasma può interessare diverse tipologie di substrati biologici e materiali, è stato scelto come obiettivo della tesi la caratterizzazione di una sorgente di plasma di non equilibrio a pressione atmosferica, denominata Plasma Jet, posta ad interagire con substrati di diversa natura (metallico, dielettrico, liquido). La sorgente utilizzata è in grado di produrre un plasma freddo e biocompatibile, generando diverse specie chimiche che garantiscono effetti molto interessanti (sterilizzazione, accelerazione della coagulazione sanguigna, cura di infezioni) per un utilizzo a contatto con il corpo umano o con componenti ingegneristiche che devono venire ad interagire con esso, quali stent, cateteri, bisturi. La caratterizzazione è stata effettuata mediante l’ausilio di due tecniche diagnostiche: la Schlieren Imaging, che permette di studiare la fluidodinamica del gas, OES (Optical Emission Spettroscopy), che permette di analizzare la composizione chimica della piuma di plasma e di determinare le specie chimiche che si producono. Questo elaborato si propone quindi di fornire una breve introduzione sul mondo dei plasmi e sulle loro caratteristiche, citando alcuni dei settori in cui viene utilizzato, industriali e biomedicali, con particolare attenzione per questi ultimi. Successivamente saranno riportati i setup utilizzati per le acquisizioni e una discussione sui risultati ottenuti dalle diverse tecniche diagnostiche utilizzate sul Jet durante i trattamenti. In ultimo sono poi riportate le conclusioni in modo da presentare le caratteristiche più importanti del comportamento della sorgente.
Clinically, the displacement of intravertebral fat into the circulation during vertebroplasty is reported to lead to problems in elderly patients and can represent a serious complication, especially when multiple levels have to be treated. An in vitro study has shown the feasibility of removing intravertebral fat by pulsed jet-lavage prior to vertebroplasty, potentially reducing the embolization of bone marrow fat from the vertebral bodies and alleviating the cardiovascular changes elicited by pulmonary fat embolism. In this in vivo study, percutaneous vertebroplasty using polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) was performed in three lumbar vertebrae of 11 sheep. In six sheep (lavage group), pulsed jet-lavage was performed prior to injection of PMMA compared to the control group of five sheep receiving only PMMA vertebroplasty. Invasive recording of blood pressures was performed continuously until 60 min after the last injection. Cardiac output and arterial blood gas parameters were measured at selected time points. Post mortem, the injected cement volume was measured using CT and lung biopsies were processed for assessment of intravascular fat. Pulsed jet-lavage was feasible in the in vivo setting. In the control group, the injection of PMMA resulted in pulmonary fat embolism and a sudden and significant increase in mean pulmonary arterial pressure. Pulsed jet-lavage prevented any cardiovascular changes and significantly reduced the severity of bone marrow fat embolization. Even though significantly more cement had been injected into the lavaged vertebral bodies, significantly fewer intravascular fat emboli were identified in the lung tissue. Pulsed jet-lavage prevented the cardiovascular complications after PMMA vertebroplasty in sheep and alleviated the severity of pulmonary fat embolism.
A triple cell co-culture model was recently established by the authors, consisting of either A549 or 16HBE14o- epithelial cells, human blood monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells, which offers the possibility to study the interaction of xenobiotics with those cells. The 16HBE14o- containing co-culture model mimics the airway epithelial barrier, whereas the A549 co-cultures mimic the alveolar type II-like epithelial barrier. The goal of the present work was to establish a new triple cell co-culture model composed of primary alveolar type I-like cells isolated from human lung biopsies (hAEpC) representing a more realistic alveolar epithelial barrier wall, since type I epithelial cells cover >93% of the alveolar surface. Monocultures of A549 and 16HBE14o- were morphologically and functionally compared with the hAEpC using laser scanning microscopy, as well as transmission electron microscopy, and by determining the epithelial integrity. The triple cell co-cultures were characterized using the same methods. It could be shown that the epithelial integrity of hAEpC (mean ± SD, 1180 ± 188 Ω cm(2)) was higher than in A549 (172 ± 59 Ω cm(2)) but similar to 16HBE14o- cells (1469 ± 156 Ω cm(2)). The triple cell co-culture model with hAEpC (1113 ± 30 Ω cm(2)) showed the highest integrity compared to the ones with A549 (93 ± 14 Ω cm(2)) and 16HBE14o- (558 ± 267 Ω cm(2)). The tight junction protein zonula occludens-1 in hAEpC and 16HBE14o- were more regularly expressed but not in A549. The epithelial alveolar model with hAEpC combined with two immune cells (i.e. macrophages and dendritic cells) will offer a novel and more realistic cell co-culture system to study possible cell interactions of inhaled xenobiotics and their toxic potential on the human alveolar type I epithelial wall.
Triple-negative breast cancer does not express estrogen and progesterone receptors, and no overexpression/amplification of the HER2-neu gene occurs. Therefore, this subtype of breast cancer lacks the benefits of specific therapies that target these receptors. Today chemotherapy is the only systematic therapy for patients with triple-negative breast cancer. About 50% to 64% of human breast cancers express receptors for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which might be used as a target. New targeted therapies are warranted. Recently, we showed that antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone type II (GnRH-II) induce apoptosis in human endometrial and ovarian cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. This was mediated through activation of stress-induced mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), followed by activation of proapoptotic protein Bax, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and activation of caspase-3. In the present study, we analyzed whether GnRH-II antagonists induce apoptosis in MCF-7 and triple-negative MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells that express GnRH receptors. In addition, we ascertained whether knockdown of GnRH-I receptor expression affects GnRH-II antagonist-induced apoptosis and apoptotic signaling.