919 resultados para Travel Cost Method


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Stochastic model updating must be considered for quantifying uncertainties inherently existing in real-world engineering structures. By this means the statistical properties,instead of deterministic values, of structural parameters can be sought indicating the parameter variability. However, the implementation of stochastic model updating is much more complicated than that of deterministic methods particularly in the aspects of theoretical complexity and low computational efficiency. This study attempts to propose a simple and cost-efficient method by decomposing a stochastic updating process into a series of deterministic ones with the aid of response surface models and Monte Carlo simulation. The response surface models are used as surrogates for original FE models in the interest of programming simplification, fast response computation and easy inverse optimization. Monte Carlo simulation is adopted for generating samples from the assumed or measured probability distributions of responses. Each sample corresponds to an individual deterministic inverse process predicting the deterministic values of parameters. Then the parameter means and variances can be statistically estimated based on all the parameter predictions by running all the samples. Meanwhile, the analysis of variance approach is employed for the evaluation of parameter variability significance. The proposed method has been demonstrated firstly on a numerical beam and then a set of nominally identical steel plates tested in the laboratory. It is found that compared with the existing stochastic model updating methods, the proposed method presents similar accuracy while its primary merits consist in its simple implementation and cost efficiency in response computation and inverse optimization.


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La comparación de las diferentes ofertas presentadas en la licitación de un proyecto,con el sistema de contratación tradicional de medición abierta y precio unitario cerrado, requiere herramientas de análisis que sean capaces de discriminar propuestas que teniendo un importe global parecido pueden presentar un impacto económico muy diferente durante la ejecución. Una de las situaciones que no se detecta fácilmente con los métodos tradicionales es el comportamiento del coste real frente a las variaciones de las cantidades realmente ejecutadas en obra respecto de las estimadas en el proyecto. Este texto propone abordar esta situación mediante un sistema de análisis cuantitativo del riesgo como el método de Montecarlo. Este procedimiento, como es sabido, consiste en permitir que los datos de entrada que definen el problema varíen unas funciones de probabilidad definidas, generar un gran número de casos de prueba y tratar los resultados estadísticamente para obtener los valores finales más probables,con los parámetros necesarios para medir la fiabilidad de la estimación. Se presenta un modelo para la comparación de ofertas, desarrollado de manera que puede aplicarse en casos reales aplicando a los datos conocidos unas condiciones de variación que sean fáciles de establecer por los profesionales que realizan estas tareas. ABSTRACT: The comparison of the different bids in the tender for a project, with the traditional contract system based on unit rates open to and re-measurement, requires analysis tools that are able to discriminate proposals having a similar overall economic impact, but that might show a very different behaviour during the execution of the works. One situation not easily detected by traditional methods is the reaction of the actual cost to the changes in the exact quantity of works finally executed respect of the work estimated in the project. This paper intends to address this situation through the Monte Carlo method, a system of quantitative risk analysis. This procedure, as is known, is allows the input data defining the problem to vary some within well defined probability functions, generating a large number of test cases, the results being statistically treated to obtain the most probable final values, with the rest of the parameters needed to measure the reliability of the estimate. We present a model for the comparison of bids, designed in a way that it can be applied in real cases, based on data and assumptions that are easy to understand and set up by professionals who wish to perform these tasks.


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This paper explores the potential role of individual trip characteristics and social capital network variables in the choice of transport mode. A sample of around 100 individuals living or working in one suburb of Madrid (i.e. Las Rosas district of Madrid) participated in a smartphone short panel survey, entering travel data for an entire working week. A Mixed Logit model was estimated with this data to analyze shifts to metro as a consequence of the opening of two new stations in the area. Apart from classical explanatory variables, such as travel time and cost, gender, license and car ownership, the model incorporated two “social capital network” variables: participation in voluntary activities and receiving help for various tasks (i.e. child care, housekeeping, etc.). Both variables improved the capacity of the model to explain transport mode shifts. Further, our results confirm that the shift towards metro was higher in the case of people “helped” and lower for those participating in some voluntary activities.


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El sector ferroviario ha experimentado en los últimos años un empuje espectacular acaparando las mayores inversiones en construcción de nuevas líneas de alta velocidad. Junto a esta inversión inicial no se debe perder de vista el coste de mantenimiento y gestión de las mismas y para ello es necesario avanzar en el conocimiento de los fenómenos de interacción de la vía y el material móvil. En los nuevos trazados ferroviarios, que hacen del ferrocarril un modo de transporte competitivo, se produce un notable aumento en la velocidad directamente relacionado con la disminución de los tiempos de viaje, provocando por ello elevados esfuerzos dinámicos, lo que exige una elevada calidad de vía para evitar el rápido deterioro de la infraestructura. Resulta primordial controlar y minimizar los costes de mantenimiento que vienen generados por las operaciones de conservación de los parámetros de calidad y seguridad de la vía férrea. Para reducir las cargas dinámicas que actúan sobre la vía deteriorando el estado de la misma, debido a este aumento progresivo de las velocidades, es necesario reducir la rigidez vertical de la vía, pero igualmente este aumento de velocidades hace necesarias elevadas resistecias del emparrillado de vía y mejoras en las plataformas, por lo que es necesario buscar este punto de equilibrio en la elasticidad de la vía y sus componentes. Se analizan las aceleraciones verticales medidas en caja de grasa, identificando la rigidez vertical de la vía a partir de las frecuencias de vibración vertical de las masas no suspendidas, correlacionándola con la infraestructura. Estas aceleraciones verticales se desprenden de dos campañas de medidas llevadas a cabo en la zona de estudio. En estas campañas se colocaron varios acelerómetros en caja de grasa obteniendo un registro de aceleraciones verticales a partir de las cuales se ha obteniendo la variación de la rigidez de vía de unas zonas a otras. Se analiza la rigidez de la vía correlacionándola con las distintas tipologías de vía y viendo la variación del valor de la rigidez a lo largo del trazado ferroviario. Estos cambios se manifiestan cuando se producen cambios en la infraestructura, de obras de tierra a obras de fábrica, ya sean viaductos o túneles. El objeto principal de este trabajo es profundizar en estos cambios de rigidez vertical que se producen, analizando su origen y las causas que los provocan, modelizando el comportamiento de los mismos, para desarrollar metodologías de análisis en cuanto al diseño de la infraestructura. Igualmente se analizan los elementos integrantes de la misma, ahondando en las características intrínsecas de la rigidez vertical global y la rigidez de cada uno de los elementos constituyentes de la sección tipo ferroviaria, en cada una de las secciones características del tramo en estudio. Se determina en este trabajo si se produce y en qué medida, variación longitudinal de la rigidez de vía en el tramo estudiado, en cada una de las secciones características de obra de tierra y obra de fábrica seleccionadas analizando las tendencias de estos cambios y su homogeneidad a lo largo del trazado. Se establece así una nueva metodología para la determinación de la rigidez vertical de la vía a partir de las mediciones de aceleraciones verticales en caja de grasa así como el desarrollo de una aplicación en el entorno de Labview para el análisis de los registros obtenidos. During the last years the railway sector has experienced a spectacular growth, focusing investments in the construction of new high-speed lines. Apart from the first investment the cost of maintaining and managing them has to be considered and this requires more knowledge of the process of interaction between track and rolling stock vehicles. In the new high-speed lines, that make of the railway a competitive mode of transport, there is a significant increase in speed directly related to the shorten in travel time, and that produces high dynamic forces. So, this requires a high quality of the track to avoid quickly deterioration of infrastructure. It is essential to control and minimize maintenance costs generated by maintenance operations to keep the quality and safety parameters of the railway track. Due to this gradual increase of speed, and to reduce the dynamic loads acting on the railway track causing its deterioration, it is necessary to reduce the vertical stiffness of the track, but on the other hand this speed increase requires high resistance of the railway track and improvements of the railway platform, so we must find the balance between the elasticity of the track and its components. Vertical accelerations in axle box are measured and analyzed, identifying the vertical stiffness of the railway track obtained from the vertical vibration frequency of the unsprung masses, correlating with the infrastructure. These vertical accelerations are the result of two measurement campaigns carried out in the study area with the placement of several accelerometers located in the axle box. From these vertical accelerations the variation of the vertical stiffness from one area to another is obtained. The track stiffness is analysed relating with the different types of infrastructure and the change in the value of the stiffness along the railway line. These changes are revealed when changes in infrastructure occurs, for instance; earthworks to bridges or tunnels. The main purpose of this paper is to examine these vertical stiffness changes, analysing its origins and causes, modelling their behaviour, developing analytical methodologies for the design of infrastructure. In this thesis it is also reviewed the different elements of the superstructure, paying special attention to the vertical stiffness of each one. In this study is determined, if it happens and to what extent, the longitudinal variation in the stiffness of track along the railway line studied in every selected section; earthwork, bridges and tunnels. They are also analyzed trends of these changes and homogeneity along the path. This establishes a new method for determining the vertical stiffness of the railway track from the vertical accelerations measured on axle box as well as an application developed in LabView to analyze the recordings obtained.


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The study of service quality and its implication for transport contracts has several approaches in research and practical applications, where the main emphasis is the consideration of quality from the user's point of view, thus obtaining a customer satisfaction index as a measurement of the overall quality with no further implications for service providers. The main aim of this paper is to estimate the real economic impact of improving quality attributes for a bus operator. An application of the activity-based costing methodology is developed for a bus contract in Madrid, using quality data from surveys together with economic and performance information, and focusing on headway as a quality variable. Results show the consistency and practicality of this methodology, overcoming simplifications from traditional procedures. This method is a powerful tool in quality-based contracting as well as for effective investment in transport quality under poverty funding constraints


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We have developed a novel cost-effective procedure, namely ‘chemical nanoprinting’, for oligonucleotide or cDNA chips manufacture. In this thermo-controlled process, the oligonucleotides, covalently attached to a highly loaded ‘master-chip’ through disulfide bonds, are chemically transferred to the acrylamide layer mounted on a ‘print-chip’. It is demonstrated here that multiple identical print-chips can be produced from a single master-chip. This duplication process is a few hundreds of times faster than any existing methods and the speed of process and cost incurred are independent of the scale of the DNA chips.


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The pathogenic protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of amebic dysentery and amebic liver abscess, is an obligate anaerobe, and derives energy from the fermentation of glucose to ethanol with pyruvate and acetyl coenzyme A as intermediates. We have isolated EhADH2, a key enzyme in this pathway, that is a NAD+- and Fe2+-dependent bifunctional enzyme with acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities. EhADH2 is the only known eukaryotic member of a newly defined family of prokaryotic multifunctional enzymes, which includes the Escherichia coli AdhE enzyme, an enzyme required for anaerobic growth of E. coli. Because of the critical role of EhADH2 in the amebic fermentation pathway and the lack of known eukaryotic homologues of the EhADH2 enzyme, EhADH2 represents a potential target for antiamebic chemotherapy. However, screening of compounds for antiamebic activity is hampered by the cost of large scale growth of Ent. histolytica, and difficulties in quantitating drug efficacy in vitro. To approach this problem, we expressed the EhADH2 gene in a mutant strain of E. coli carrying a deletion of the adhE gene. Expression of EhADH2 restored the ability of the mutant E. coli strain to grow under anaerobic conditions. By screening compounds for the ability to inhibit the anaerobic growth of the E. coli/EhADH2 strain, we have developed a rapid assay for identifying compounds with anti-EhADH2 activity. Using bacteria to bypass the need for parasite culture in the initial screening process for anti-parasitic agents could greatly simplify and reduce the cost of identifying new therapeutic agents effective against parasitic diseases.


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Author: Ryan Lokkesmoe Title: Finding Onesimus: Recovering the Story of a First-Century Fugitive Slave Advisor: Pamela Eisenbaum Degree Date: August 2015 ABSTRACT This dissertation is an investigation into the experience of a first-century fugitive slave named Onesimus, who is known to us primarily through Paul’s letter to Philemon (Phlm) in the New Testament. Within this broader purpose, this project challenges a popular historical theory for Onesimus’ flight, the so-called Amicus Domini theory. This is the theory that Onesimus fled his master Philemon with the premeditated intention of seeking out the Apostle Paul as a peacemaker in a conflict Onesimus was having with Philemon. The Amicus Domini theory is accepted by many scholars, though rarely discussed in detail or examined critically. The goal of this project is to offer a more probable historical reconstruction of Onesimus’ flight – one that takes better stock of the available evidence (historical, textual, archaeological, legal, and rhetorical). This project is rooted in the sub-discipline of the Historical Critical method, though rhetorical analysis is applied as well. This study offers a translation and commentary of Phlm, as well as an examination of Paul’s rhetoric in the letter. Other sources that specifically mention Onesimus are also investigated, e.g. Colossians, ancient Christian commentators, and the subscriptions in the manuscripts. The project also examines slavery in the Ancient Mediterranean world with a view toward understanding what most slaves experienced, and especially fugitive slaves. Roman law of slavery is also discussed, as well as the estimated travel times and cost of Onesimus’ journey (whether from Colossae to Rome, Caesarea Maritima, or Ephesus). There are many factors that are problematic for the Amicus Domini theory, e.g. the duration of Onesimus’ journey, the financial cost to Philemon, and the fact that the documents typically used to support the Amicus Domini theory (Pliny’s letters to Sabinianus and the writings of Roman jurists) do not comport with the data in Phlm. This dissertation offers a modified theory for Onesimus’ predicament: Amicus Domini Ex Post Facto. Onesimus did not leave Philemon intending to seek out Paul and reconcile with Philemon, but he eventually decided to seek help long after the fact. This historical reconstruction makes better sense of the evidence, and provides a clearer view of what Onesimus faced during his flight.


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In this paper we describe an hybrid algorithm for an even number of processors based on an algorithm for two processors and the Overlapping Partition Method for tridiagonal systems. Moreover, we compare this hybrid method with the Partition Wang’s method in a BSP computer. Finally, we compare the theoretical computation cost of both methods for a Cray T3D computer, using the cost model that BSP model provides.


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In this paper we present a study of the computational cost of the GNG3D algorithm for mesh optimization. This algorithm has been implemented taking as a basis a new method which is based on neural networks and consists on two differentiated phases: an optimization phase and a reconstruction phase. The optimization phase is developed applying an optimization algorithm based on the Growing Neural Gas model, which constitutes an unsupervised incremental clustering algorithm. The primary goal of this phase is to obtain a simplified set of vertices representing the best approximation of the original 3D object. In the reconstruction phase we use the information provided by the optimization algorithm to reconstruct the faces thus obtaining the optimized mesh. The computational cost of both phases is calculated, showing some examples.


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Several recent works deal with 3D data in mobile robotic problems, e.g., mapping. Data comes from any kind of sensor (time of flight, Kinect or 3D lasers) that provide a huge amount of unorganized 3D data. In this paper we detail an efficient approach to build complete 3D models using a soft computing method, the Growing Neural Gas (GNG). As neural models deal easily with noise, imprecision, uncertainty or partial data, GNG provides better results than other approaches. The GNG obtained is then applied to a sequence. We present a comprehensive study on GNG parameters to ensure the best result at the lowest time cost. From this GNG structure, we propose to calculate planar patches and thus obtaining a fast method to compute the movement performed by a mobile robot by means of a 3D models registration algorithm. Final results of 3D mapping are also shown.


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Nowadays, there is an increasing number of robotic applications that need to act in real three-dimensional (3D) scenarios. In this paper we present a new mobile robotics orientated 3D registration method that improves previous Iterative Closest Points based solutions both in speed and accuracy. As an initial step, we perform a low cost computational method to obtain descriptions for 3D scenes planar surfaces. Then, from these descriptions we apply a force system in order to compute accurately and efficiently a six degrees of freedom egomotion. We describe the basis of our approach and demonstrate its validity with several experiments using different kinds of 3D sensors and different 3D real environments.


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Preparation of homogeneous CNT coatings in insulating silica capillary tubes is carried out by an innovative electrochemically-assisted method in which the driving force for the deposition is the change in pH inside the confined space between the inner electrode and the capillary walls. This method represents a great advancement in the development of CNT coatings following a simple, cost-effective methodology.


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There are a large number of image processing applications that work with different performance requirements and available resources. Recent advances in image compression focus on reducing image size and processing time, but offer no real-time solutions for providing time/quality flexibility of the resulting image, such as using them to transmit the image contents of web pages. In this paper we propose a method for encoding still images based on the JPEG standard that allows the compression/decompression time cost and image quality to be adjusted to the needs of each application and to the bandwidth conditions of the network. The real-time control is based on a collection of adjustable parameters relating both to aspects of implementation and to the hardware with which the algorithm is processed. The proposed encoding system is evaluated in terms of compression ratio, processing delay and quality of the compressed image when compared with the standard method.


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This study seeks to analyse the price determination of low cost airlines in Europe and the effect that Internet has on this strategy. The outcomes obtained reveal that both users and companies benefit from the use of ICTs in the purchase and sale of airline tickets: the Internet allows consumers to increase their bargaining power comparing different airlines and choosing the most competitive flight, while companies can easily check the behaviour of users to adapt their pricing strategies using internal information. More than 2500 flights of the largest European low cost airlines have been used to carry out the study. The study revealed that the most significant variables for understanding pricing strategies were the number of rivals, the behaviour of the demand and the associated costs. The results indicated that consumers should buy their tickets before 25 days prior to departure.