1000 resultados para Tonkin Gulf Incidents, 1964.
(PDF contains 4 pages.)
ENGLISH: One aspect of the work of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission is to investigate the biology, life history, and ecology of the anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus) to make possible an understanding of the effects of the fishery on this species. While the catch per standard day's baiting has been used as a measure of the apparent abundance of anchovetas in the Gulf of Panama (Alverson and Shimada, 1957), it would be desirable to have an independent measure of population abundance. One such estimate can be obtained by a knowledge of the fecundity and sex ratio, together with the total annual egg production of this species. This method is one of those used routinely by the U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries to estimate the size of the spawning population of the Pacific sardine, Sardinops caerulea (California Cooperative Research Program, Progress Report, 1 January 1951 to 30 June 1952). While the purpose of the present paper is to provide information about the fecundity of the anchoveta, nothing is known yet of the total annual egg production of this species although Simpson (1959) has provided much of the information (identification of the anchoveta egg, time of spawning, delimitation of the spawning area) which would be necessary as a basis for enumerating anchoveta eggs in the spawning area of the Gulf of Panama. SPANISH: Un aspecto del trabajo de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical es la investigación de la biología, historia natural y ecología de la anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus) para que sea posible entender los efectos de la pesquería sobre esta especie. Aunque se ha venido usando la pesca de carnada por día estándar de actividad como una medida de la abundancia aparente de las anchovetas en el Golfo de Panamá (Alverson y Shimada, 1957), sería deseable tener una medida independiente de la abundancia de la población. Una estimación de esta naturaleza puede obtenerse por el conocimiento de la fecundidad de la razón de los sexos, junto con la producción total anual de huevos de esta especie. Este método es uno de los empleados rutinariamente por el Bureau of Commercial Fisheries de los Estados Unidos para estimar el tamaño de la población reproductora de la sardina del Pacífico, Sardinops caerulea (California Cooperative Research Program, Progress Report, 1 January 1951 to 30 June 1952). Aunque el propósito del presente trabajo es el de proveer información sobre la fecundidad de la anchoveta, nada se sabe todavía sobre la producción total anual de huevos de esta especie, a pesar de que Simpson (1959) ha proporcionado abundante información identificación del huevo de la anchoveta, tiempo del desove, delimitación de las áreas de desove) necesaria como una base para medir la producción de huevos de la anchoveta en el área de desove del Golfo de Panamá.
ENGLISH: Extensive live-box experiments were conducted during 1958, 1959, and 1960 to test the efficacy of various tags and marks for use with anchovetas, and to test the effects of the use of anesthetics and antibiotics with the tagging. A total of 12,767 fish was involved in 72 experiments during the three years. Daily records of the mortalities and shedding were kept. Slightly over 7 months was the longest period of time any of the experiments was maintained. SPANISH: Durante 1958, 1959 Y 1960 se hicieron extensos experimentos en viveros para probar la eficacia del uso de varias marcas en las anchovetas y para ensayar los efectos del empleo de anestésicos y antibióticos en el momento de la operación de marcación. En estos tres años se utilizó un total de 12,767 peces en 72 experimentos. Se hicieron anotaciones diarias de la mortalidad y del desprendimiento de las marcas. El período más largo de duración de un experimento sobrepasó ligeramente los 7 meses.
ENGLISH: An average of 78 m. of water was vertically displaced by wind-driven upwelling during the dry season (January-April) in Panama Bay at the head of the Gulf of Panama. The standing crop of phytoplankton and its productivity were significantly greater during the months of upwelling than during the rainy season. Equivalent results were found by three different methods used to calculate photosynthesis: direct measurement with radiocarbon; increase of dissolved oxygen in the water column; and decrease of phosphate-phosphorus in the water column. About 90 g. of carbon per square meter of sea surface were fixed by the phytoplankton during each upwelling season (January-April) and about 90 g. of carbon were fixed during each rainy season (May-December) resulting in an annual production of about 180 g. of carbon per square meter of sea surface SPANISH: Un promedio de 78 m. de agua fué desplazado verticalmente por la fuerza de los vientos que ocasionan el fenómeno conocido por afloramiento durante la estación seca (enero a abril) en la Bahía de Panamá, a la cabeza del Golfo de Panamá. La cosecha estable de fitoplancton y su productividad fueron significativamente mayores durante los meses de afloramiento, que durante la estación lluviosa. Se obtuvieron resultados equivalentes por medio de tres diferentes métodos usados para calcular la fotosíntesis: medición directa con radiocarbono, aumento del oxígeno disuelto en la columna de agua, y disminución del fosfato-fósforo en la columna de agua. Por medio del fitoplancton durante cada estación de afloramiento (enero-abril), se fijaron alrededor de 90 g. de carbono por metro cuadrado de la superficie del mar, y durante cada estación lluviosa (mayo-diciembre) se fijaron 90 g. de carbono lo que resulta en una producción anual de aproximadamente 180 g. de carbono por metro cuadrado de la superficie del mar.
ENGLISH: 1. Quantitative phytoplankton samples were collected by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission at the surface and ten meters in the Gulf of Panama, as follows: a) 18-21 March, 1958 (31 stations)-during the height of the upwelling season, b) 10-12 July, 1957 (10 stations)-during the transition to the rainy season at a time when mild upwelling winds reappear, c) 7-8 November, 1957 (15 stations)-during the height of the rainy season. 2. Maximum phytoplankton populations occurred during the upwelling season, followed by a considerable decline during July, and a further Subsidence during November. 3. A remarkable regional uniformity in species composition was observed during the surveys despite regional differences in growth conditions. Diatoms overwhelmingly dominated the communities. 4. During all surveys, the innermost regions, generally north of 8°30'N, were the most productive. The least productive areas were in the offing of San Miguel Bay and Parita Bay, suggesting that nutrient accretion via runoff is inadequate to sustain sizeable autotrophic plant populations in those regions. 5. During all surveys, phytoplankton growth appeared to be limited by nutrient availability. 6. During all surveys, phytoplankton growth appeared to be related to depth of the water column. 7. Although below average rainfall contributed to unusually favorable growth conditions (reduced stability, increased transparency and, presumably, nutrient reserves) during the November survey relative to November 1955 and 1956 at 8°45'N, 79°23'W, the anticipated heightened phytoplankton response was not observed. 8. During the November survey, the local diatom responses and their regional fluctuations could be satisfactorily related to the accompanying surface salinity conditions. However, this correspondence is undoubtedly attributable to factors associated with the observed salinity levels, probably nutrients, rather than salinity directly. 9. Unusually warm conditions occurred during the March survey, attributable to considerably weaker upwelling winds than normally occurring then, which contributed to a considerably lower standing crop and a retardation in succession of three to five weeks relative to that observed during 1955-1957 at 8°45'N, 79°23'W in the Gulf of Panama. 10. During the March survey, a well defined inverse relationship existed between mean temperature and mean diatom abundance in the upper ten meters, and between transparency and mean diatom abundance. A direct relationship occurred between surface salinity and mean diatom abundance in the upper ten meters. These relationships are interpreted to indicate that diatom abundance primarily reflected the nutrient concentrations associated with a given upwelling intensity, rather than describing casual relationships. 11. The survey results indicate that the phytoplankton dynamics observed at 8°45'N, 79°23'W from November, 1954 through May, 1957 are generally representative of the Gulf of Panama. 12. The following new forms, to be described in a later publication, were observed during the surveys: Actinoptychus undulatus f. catenata n.f., Asterionella japonica f. tropicum n.f., Leptocylindrus maximus n. sp., Skeletonema costatum f. tropicum n.f. SPANISH: 1. La Comisión Interamericana del Atun Tropical recolectó en el Golfo de Panama muestras cuantitativas de fitoplancton en la superficie y a los diez metros, como sigue: a) Del 18 al 21 de marzo de 1958 (31 estaciones)-durante el maximum de la estación de afloramiento. b) Del 10 al 12 de julio de 1957 (10 estaciones)-durante la epóca de transición a la estación lluviosa cuando reaparecen los vientos ligeros que causan el afloramiento. c) Del 7 al 8 de noviembre de 1957 (15 estaciones)-durante el maximum de la estación lluviosa. 2. Las poblaciones maximas de fitoplancton aparecieron durante la estación de afloramiento, seguido por una considerable disminución durante el mes de julio y una calma durante noviembre. 3. Durante la investigación se observó una remarcable uniformidad regional en la composición de las especies a pesar de las diferencias regionales en las condiciones de crecimiento. Las diatomeas predominaban en gran numero en las comunidades. 4. Durante todas las investigaciones, las regiones mas cerca de la costa, generalmente al norte de los 8°30'N, eran las mas productivas. Las areas menos productivas fueron las mar afuera de las Bahias de San Miguel y Parita, lo que sugiere que el aumento en las sales nutritivas causado por las escorrentias es inadecuado para sostener poblaciones grandes de plantas autotróficas en estas regiones. 5. Durante todas las investigaciones, el crecimiento del fitoplancton parecio estar limitado por la disponibilidad de las. sales nutritivas. 6. Durante todas las investigaciones el crecimiento del fitoplancton parecio estar relacionado con la profundidad de la columna de agua. 7. Aunque las precipitacion por debajo del promedio normal contribuyo a condiciones desusadamente favorables de crecimiento (estabilidad reducida, aumento de la transparencia y, presumiblemente, de la reserva de sales nutritivas) durante la investigación de noviembre en relación a noviembre de 1955 y de 1956 en los 8°45'N, 79°23'W, no se observo-la alta reacción de fitoplancton que se esperaba. 8. Durante la investigación de noviembre, las reacciones locales de las diatomeas y sus fluctuaciones regionales pudieron relacionarse en forma satisfactoria con condiciones asociadas con la salinidad de la superficie. Sin embargo, esta correspondencia puede atribuirse sin duda a factores asociados con los niveles observados de salinidad, probablemente con las sales nutritivas, en lugar de directamente con la salinidad. 9. Condiciones calurosas no comunes ocurrieron durante la investigación de marzo, las que pueden atribuirse a que los vientos que ocasionan el afloramiento fueran mas debiles que los normales, lo que contribuyó a que la cosecha estable fuera considerablemente mas baja y a la demora de tres a cinco semanas en la sucecion relativa a la que se observó durante 1955-1957 en los 8°45'N, 8°23'W, en el Golfo de Panama. 10. Durante la investigación de marzo, existió una relación inversa bien definida entre la temperatura y la abundancia media de las diatomeas en los diez metros superiores, y entre la transparencia y la abundancia media de las diatomeas. Una relación directa ocurrio entre la salinidad de superficie y la abundancia media de las diatomeas en los diez metros superiores. Estas relaciones se interpretan como indicadoras de que la abundancia de diatomeas refleja primeramente las concentraciones de las sales nutritivas asociadas con una intensidad de afloramiento dada, en lugar de describir relaciones causales. 11. Los resultados de la investigacion indican que la dinamica del fitoplancton observada en los 8°45'N, 79°23'W, desde noviembre de 1954 a mayo de 1957, es generalmente representativa del Golfo de Panama. 12. Durante las investigaciones se observaron las siguientes formas nuevas, las que seran descritas en una publicación posterior: Actinoptychus undulatus f. catenata n.f., Asterionella japonica f. tropicum n.f., Leptocylindrus maximus n. sp., Skeletonema costatum f. tropicum n.f.
ENGLISH:The gill rakers of both juvenile and adult anchovetas are long and numerous, with many fine processes which make a very efficient straining apparatus. The stomach is modified into a gizzard. The intestine undergoes heteronomous growth, and attains about eight times the standard length in adults. The stomach contents of 39 samples of juvenile fish and 120 adult fish were examined. Diatoms were the principal food of all the sizes of fish examined, from 29 to 153 millimeters. Silicoflagellates, dinoflagellates, pollen grains, formaniferans, rotifer shells, crustaceans, and eggs, probably of crustaceans, were also found in small amounts. Coscinodiscus, a diatom, was the most important item found in the stomachs of the juvenile fish. No strong differences were observed in the feeding habits of different sizes of juveniles. Even taking into account their smaller size, the juveniles had smaller volumes of material and lesser numbers of organisms in their stomachs than did the adults. The stomachs of the adult fish, unlike those of the juveniles, usually contained considerable quantities of mud. Melosira, Coscinodiscus, and Thalassionema, all diatoms, were the most important organisms found in the stomachs of the adults. The incidence of Melosira was much higher in the stomachs of fish from the areas to the east of the entrance of the Panama Canal than from those to the west. No seasonal differences in the food were observed. The volume of material in the stomachs ranged from almost none to nearly 1.0 milliliter, with an average of a little more than 0.2 milliliter. Twenty-six bottom samples were examined; the organisms found corresponded very closely to those encountered in the stomachs of the adult fish. It is concluded that the juvenile anchovetas are chiefly or entirely filter feeders of the pelagic zone. The adults, however, are mostly iliophagous feeders, but possibly do some feeding upon plankton as well. SPANISH:Las branquispinas de las anchovetas, tanto en las juveniles como en las adultas, son largas y numerosas, can varias protuberancias finas que hacen de ellas un aparato filtrador muy eficiente. El estómago está modificado en una molleja. El intestino está sometido a un crecimiento heterónomo, llega a alcanzar unas oeho veces la longitud estandar en las adultas. Fué examinado el contenido estomacal de 39 ,muestras de peces juveniles y de 120 adultos. Las diatomeas fueron el alimento principal de todos los peces que fueron examinados cuyo tamaño varió entre los 29 y 153 milimetros. Se encontraron también en cantidades silicoflagelados, dinoflagelados, granos de polen, foraminíferos, conchas de rotiferos, crustáceos y huevos, probablemente de crustáceos. Coscinodiscus, una diatomea, fué el alimento más importante encontrado en los estómagos de los peces juveniles. No se observaron mayores diferencias en los hábitos de alimentación en los juveniles de diferentes tamaños. Aún tomando en cuenta su tamaño menor, los juveniles tenian volúmenes más pequeños de material y un número menor de organismos en sus estómagos que los adultos. Los estómagos de los peces adultos, diferentes a los de los juveniles, contenían por lo general considerables cantidades de fango. Melosira, Coscinodiscus, y Thalassionema, todas ellas diatomeas, fueron los organismos más importantes encontrados en los estómagos de los adultos. La contribuciónde Melosira fué mucho más alta en los estómagos de los peces procedentes de las áreas al este de la entrada del Canal de Panamá que la de aquellos provenientes del oeste. No se observaron diferencias estacionales en la alimentacion. El volúmen de material en los estómagos varió de casi cero a cerca de 1.0 mililitros, con un promedio de un poco mas de 0.2 mili1itros. Se examinaron 26 muestras de fonda; los organismos encontrados correspondieron muy cercanamente a los hallados en los estómagos de los peces adultos. Se ha llegado a la conclusión de que las anchovetas juveniles son principalmente ó enteramente filtradoras de alimentos de la zona pelágica. Las adultas, sin embargo, son en su mayoria iliófagas, pero posiblemente se alimentan también de plancton.
In 1992 and 1993, researchers from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory initiated photo-identification studies on Alaskan killer whales, Orcinus orca. Waters from Kodiak Island west to the central and eastern Aleutian Islands and southeastern Bering Sea were surveyed. A total of 289 individual whales were identified. A photographic record of the whales encountered during these surveys is presented. When photographs of the 289 individual whales were compared among various regions in Alaska (Prince William Sound and Southeast Alaska) and areas outside Alaska (British Columbia, Washington, and California), 11 matches were found. The count is conservative because the 1992 and 1993 surveys were limited in geographical range, restricted to summer periods, and whales may have been missed along the survey trackline. Future research incorporating both photoidentification studies and line transect surveys will provide reliable abundance estimates of Alaskan killer whales. (PDF file contains 58 pages.)
Monitoring of the waters of the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine has been conducted by the MARMAP Ships of Opportunity Program since the early 1970's. Presented in this atlas are portrayals of the temporal and spatial patterns of surface and bottom temperature and surface salinity for these areas during the period 1978-1990. These patterns are shown in the form of time-space diagrams for single-year and multiyear (base period) time frames. Each base period figure shows thirteen-year (1978-1990) mean conditions, sample variance in the form of standard deviations of the measured values, and data locations. Each single-year figure displays annual conditions, sampling locations, and departures of annual conditions from the thirteen-year means, expressed as algebraic anomalies and standardized anomalies. (PDF file contains 112 pages.)
We present data on ichthyoplankton distribution, abundance, and seasonality and supporting environmental information for four species of coastal pelagics from the family Clupeidae: round herring Etrumeus teres, scaled sardine Harengula jaguana, Atlantic thread herring Opisthonema oglinum, and Spanish sardine Sardinella aurita. Data are from 1982 and 1983 cruises across the northern Gulf of Mexico sponsored by the Southeastern Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP). This is the first such examination for these species on a multiyear and gulfwide scale. Bioproflles on reproductive biology, early life history, meristics, adult distribution, and fisheries characteristics are also presented for these species. During the summer, larval Atlantic thread herring and scaled and Spanish sardines were abundant on the inner shelf <40 m depth), but were rare or absent in deeper waters. Scaled sardine and thread herring were found virtually everywhere inner-shelf waters were sampled, but Spanish sardines were rare in the north-central Gulf. During 1982, larval Atlantic thread herring were the most abundant of the four target c1upeid species, whereas Spanish sardine were the most abundant during 1983. On the west Florida shelf, Spanish sardine dominated larval c1upeid populations both years. Scaled sardine larvae were the least abundant of the four species both years, but were still captured in 25% of inner-shelf bongo net collections. Round herring larvae, collected February-early June (primarily March-April), were abundant on the outer shelf (40-182 m depth) and especially off Louisiana. Over the 2-year period, outer-shelf mean abundance for round herring was 40.2 larvae/10 m2; inner-shelf mean abundances for scaled sardine, Atlantic thread herring, and Spanish sardine were 14.9, 39.2, and 41.9 larvae/l0 m2, respectively. (PDF file contains 66 pages.)
The estuarine populations of juvenile Atlantic and gulf menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus and B. patronus) were sampled during two-boat, surface-trawl, abundance surveys extensively conducted in the 1970s. Juvenile Atlantic menhaden were sampled in 39 estuarine streams along the U.S. Atlantic coast from northern Florida into Massachusetts. Juvenile gulf menhaden were sampled in 29 estuarine streams along the Gulf of Mexico from southeast Texas into western Florida. A stratified, two-stage, cluster sampling design was used. Annual estimates of relative juvenile abundance for each species of menhaden were obtained from catch-effort data from the surveys. There were no significant correlations, for either species, between the relative juvenile abundance estimates and fishery-dependent estimates of year-class strength. From 1972 to 1975, the relative abundance of juvenile Atlantic menhaden in north Atlantic estuaries decreased to near zero. (PDF file contains 22 pages.)
Routine biostatistical port sampling data and landings records collected from the gulf menhaden purse seine fishery between 1974 and 1985 are updated. During most of the period, a total of 11 menhaden reduction plants operated in Mississippi and Louisiana, and the number of vessels in the purse seine fleet varied from 71 to 82. Total annual landings ranged from 447,100 metric tons in 1977 to the record landings for the fishery of 982,800 metric tons in 1984. Age-I and -2 gulf menhaden annually comprised almost 96% of the landings. Estimated total numbers of menhaden landed varied from 4,510.5 million in 1975 to 11,154.9 million in 1985. Annual mean lengths and weights of sampled fish-at-age showed lillie variation. Nominal or observed fishing effort gradually increased through Ihe 1970s and 1980s, reaching 655,800 vessel-ton-weeks in 1983. (PDF file contains 14 pages.)
Menlicirrhus americanus in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico mature at 150-220 mm TL and 12-14 months of age, with males maturing when 10-40 mm smaller than females. Spawning occurs within a broad period from February through November with two discrete peaks which coincide with the periodicity of downcoast alongshore currents (towards Mexico) in spring and fall. This species occurs at depths of less than 5 to 27 m, being most abundant at 5 m or shallower. Young-of-the-year recruit primarily at 5-9 m or shallower and gradually expand their bathymetric range. Age determination by length frequency is feasible in M. americanus but not as simple as in species that spawn in one major period of the year. Only one or two spawned groups normally predominated at anyone time and no more than three co-occurred with few possible exceptions. Observed mean sizes were 138 mm TL at 6 months, and 192 and 272 mm at ages I and II, respectively. Typical maximum size was 296-308 mm and typical maximum age is probably 2-3 years. The largest fISh captured were 392 and 455 mm. Observed sex ratio was 1.2 females to 1 male. Weight, girth, and length-length regressions are presented.(PDF file contains 27 pages.)
Length-frequency data collected from inshore and offshore locations in the Gulf of Maine in 1966-1968 indicated that ovigerous female northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) first appeared offshore in August and September and migrated inshore in the fall and winter. Once eggs hatched, surviving females returned offshore. Juveniles and males migrated offshore during their first two years of life. Sex transition occurred in both inshore and oll'shore waters, but most males changed sex offshore during their third and fourth years. Most shrimp changed sex and matured as females for the first time in their fourth year. Smaller females and females exposed to colder bottom temperatures spawned first. The incidence of egg parasitism peaked in January and was higher for shrimp exposed to warmer bottom temperatures. Accelerated growth at higher temperatures appeared to result in earlier or more rapid sex transition. Males and non-ovigerous females were observed to make diurnal vertical migrations, but were not found in near- surface waters where the temperature exceeded 6°C. Ovigerous females fed more heavily on benthic molluscs in inshore waters in the winter, presumably because the egg masses they were carrying prevented them from migrating vertically at night. Northern shrimp were more abundant in the southwestern region of the Gulf of Maine where bottom temperatures remain low throughout the year. Bottom trawl catch rates were highest in Jeffreys Basin where bottom temperatures were lower than at any other sampling location. Catch rates throughout the study area were inversely related to bottom temperature and reached a maximum at 3°C. An increase of 40% in fecundity between 1973 and 1979 was associated with a decline of 2-3°C in April-July offshore bottom temperatures. Furthermore, a decrease in mean fecundity per 25 mm female between 1965 and 1970 was linearly related to reduced landings between 1969 and 1974. It is hypothesized that temperature-induced changes in fecundity and, possibly, in the extent of egg mortality due to parasitism, may provide a mechanism which could partially account for changes in the size of the Gulf of Maine northern shrimp population during the last thirty years. (PDF file contains 28 pages.)
This bibliography contains 73 annotated references from publications and reports concerning hypoxia, .,; 2.0 ppm dissolved oxygen concentration, in the Gulf of Mexico. Instances of hypoxia from similar habitats and the effects of low oxygen levels on marine or estuarine organisms are also included. (PDF file contains 15 pages.)
Results are given of monthly net phytoplankton and zooplankton sampling from a 10 m depth in shelf, slope, and Gulf Stream eddy water along a transect running southeastward from Ambrose Light, New York, in 1976, 1977, and early 1978. Plankton abundance and temperature at 10 m and sea surface salinity at each station are listed. The effects of atmospheric forcing and Gulf Stream eddies on plankton distribution and abundance arc discussed. The frequency of Gulf Stream eddy passage through the New York Bight corresponded with the frequency of tropical-subtropical net phytoplankton in the samples. Gulf Stream eddies injected tropical-subtropical zooplankton onto the shelf and removed shelfwater and its entrained zooplankton. Wind-induced offshore Ekman transport corresponded generally with the unusual timing of two net phytoplankton maxima. Midsummer net phytoplankton maxima were recorded following the passage of Hurricane Belle (August 1976) and a cold front (July 1977). Tropical-subtropical zooplankton which had been injected onto the outer shelf by Gulf Stream eddies were moved to the inner shelf by a wind-induced current moving up the Hudson Shelf Valley. (PDF file contains 47 pages.)