916 resultados para Tidal Intrusion
Resuspension of the top few sediment layers of tidal mud flats is known to enhance planktonic biomass of microbiota (benthic diatoms and bacteria). This process is mainly controlled by tidal shear stress and cohesiveness of mud, and is also influenced by bioturbation activities. Laboratory experiments in a race track flume were performed to test the interactive effects of these factors on both the critical entrainment and resuspension kinetics of microbiota from silt-clay sediments from the Marennes-Oleron Bay, France. The marine snail Hydrobia ulvae was used to mimic surface bioturbation activities. As expected, the kinetics of microbial resuspension versus shear stress were largely controlled by the cohesiveness of silt-clay sediments. However, our results indicate that the effect of surface tracking by H. ulvae on microbial resuspension was clearly dependent on the interaction between sediment cohesiveness and shear velocity. Evidence was also found that microphytobenthos and bacteria are not simultaneously resuspended from silt-clay bioturbated sediments. This supports the theory that diatoms within the easily eroded mucus matrix behave actively and bacteria adhering to fine silt particles eroded at higher critical shear velocities behave passively.
Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) are computer systems which monitor a network with the aim of discerning malicious from benign activity on that network. While a wide range of approaches have met varying levels of success, most IDSs rely on having access to a database of known attack signatures which are written by security experts. Nowadays, in order to solve problems with false positive alerts, correlation algorithms are used to add additional structure to sequences of IDS alerts. However, such techniques are of no help in discovering novel attacks or variations of known attacks, something the human immune system (HIS) is capable of doing in its own specialised domain. This paper presents a novel immune algorithm for application to the IDS problem. The goal is to discover packets containing novel variations of attacks covered by an existing signature base.
Available information on the larval release rhythms of brachyurans is biased to temperate estuarine species and outcomes resulting from some sort of artificial manipulation of ovigerous females. In this study we applied field methods to describe the larval release rhythms of an assemblage of tropical rocky shore crabs. Sampling the broods of ovigerous females of Pachygrapsus transversus at two different shores indicated a spatially consistent semilunar pattern, with larval release maxima around the full and new moon. Yet, synchronism between populations varied considerably, with the pattern obtained at the site exposed to a lower wave action far more apparent. Breeding cohorts at one of the sampled shores apparently belonged to actual age groups composing the ovigerous population. The data suggest that these breeding groups release their larvae in alternate syzygy periods, responding to a lunar cycle instead of the semilunar pattern observed for the whole population. For the description of shorter-term rhythms, temporal series at hour intervals were obtained by sampling the plankton and confinement boxes where ovigerous females were held. Unexpectedly, diurnal release activity prevailed over nocturnal hatching. Yet, only grapsids living higher on the shore exhibited strong preferences over the diel cycle, with P. transversus releasing their larvae during the day and Geograpsus lividus during the night. The pea crab Dissodactylus crinitichelis, the spider crab Epialtus brasiliensis and a suite of xanthoids undertook considerable releasing activity in both periods. Apart from the commensal pea crab D. crinitichelis, all other taxa revealed tide-related rhythms of larval release, with average estimates of the time of maximum hatching always around the time of high tides; usually during the flooding and slack, rather than the ebbing tide. Data obtained for P. transversus females held in confinement boxes indicated that early larval release is mostly due to nocturnal hatching, while zoeal release in diurnal groups took place at the time of high tide. Since nocturnal high tides at the study area occurred late, sometimes close to dusk, early release would allow more time for offshore transport of larvae when the action of potential predators is reduced.
Nowadays, Power grids are critical infrastructures on which everything else relies, and their correct behavior is of the highest priority. New smart devices are being deployed to be able to manage and control power grids more efficiently and avoid instability. However, the deployment of such smart devices like Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) and Phasor Data Concentrators (PDC), open new opportunities for cyber attackers to exploit network vulnerabilities. If a PDC is compromised, all data coming from PMUs to that PDC is lost, reducing network observability. Our approach to solve this problem is to develop an Intrusion detection System (IDS) in a Software-defined network (SDN). allowing the IDS system to detect compromised devices and use that information as an input for a self-healing SDN controller, which redirects the data of the PMUs to a new, uncompromised PDC, maintaining the maximum possible network observability at every moment. During this research, we have successfully implemented Self-healing in an example network with an SDN controller based on Ryu controller. We have also assessed intrinsic vulnerabilities of Wide Area Management Systems (WAMS) and SCADA networks, and developed some rules for the Intrusion Detection system which specifically protect vulnerabilities of these networks. The integration of the IDS and the SDN controller was also successful. \\To achieve this goal, the first steps will be to implement an existing Self-healing SDN controller and assess intrinsic vulnerabilities of Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS) and SCADA networks. After that, we will integrate the Ryu controller with Snort, and create the Snort rules that are specific for SCADA or WAMS systems and protocols.
The service of a critical infrastructure, such as a municipal wastewater treatment plant (MWWTP), is taken for granted until a flood or another low frequency, high consequence crisis brings its fragility to attention. The unique aspects of the MWWTP call for a method to quantify the flood stage-duration-frequency relationship. By developing a bivariate joint distribution model of flood stage and duration, this study adds a second dimension, time, into flood risk studies. A new parameter, inter-event time, is developed to further illustrate the effect of event separation on the frequency assessment. The method is tested on riverine, estuary and tidal sites in the Mid-Atlantic region. Equipment damage functions are characterized by linear and step damage models. The Expected Annual Damage (EAD) of the underground equipment is further estimated by the parametric joint distribution model, which is a function of both flood stage and duration, demonstrating the application of the bivariate model in risk assessment. Flood likelihood may alter due to climate change. A sensitivity analysis method is developed to assess future flood risk by estimating flood frequency under conditions of higher sea level and stream flow response to increased precipitation intensity. Scenarios based on steady and unsteady flow analysis are generated for current climate, future climate within this century, and future climate beyond this century, consistent with the WWTP planning horizons. The spatial extent of flood risk is visualized by inundation mapping and GIS-Assisted Risk Register (GARR). This research will help the stakeholders of the critical infrastructure be aware of the flood risk, vulnerability, and the inherent uncertainty.
The tidal influence on the Big Pine Key saltwater/freshwater interface was analyzed using time-lapse electrical resistivity imaging and shallow well measurements. The transition zone at the saltwater/freshwater interface was measured over part of a tidal cycle along three profiles. The resistivity was converted to salinity by deriving a formation factor for the Miami Oolite. A SEAWAT model was created to attempt to recreate the field measurements and test previously established hydrogeologic parameters. The results imply that the tide only affects the groundwater within 20 to 30 m of the coast. The effect is small and caused by flooding from the high tide. The low relief of the island means this effect is very sensitive to small changes in the magnitude. The SEAWAT model proved to be insufficient in modeling this effect. The study suggests that the extent of flooding is the largest influence on the salinity of the groundwater.
Light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) sources can pose a significant threat to indoor air through vapour intrusion (VI). Most conceptual and numerical models of VI assume that the transport of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a diffusion-limited process. Recently, alternate conditions have been identified that could lead to faster transport, including the presence of preferential pathways and methanogenic gas production. In this study, an additional mechanism that could lead to faster transport was investigated: bubble-facilitated VOC transport from LNAPL smear zones. A laboratory investigation was preformed using pentane in one-dimensional laboratory columns and two-dimensional visualization experiments. Results of the column experiments showed that average VOC mass fluxes in the bubble-facilitated columns were over two orders of magnitude greater than in the diffusion-limited columns. In addition, the flux signal was intermittent, consistent with expectations of bubble-facilitated transport as bubbles expand, mobilize and are released to the vadose zone at various times during the test. The results from the visualization experiments showed gas fingers growing and mobilizing over time, which supports the findings of the column experiments. In conclusion, these results demonstrate the potential for bubble-facilitated VOC transport to affect mass transfer in LNAPL smear zones, and lead to increased indoor air concentrations by VI.
Mechanisms contributing to pulmonary and systemic injury induced by high tidal volume (VT) mechanical ventilation are not well known. We tested the hypothesis that increased peroxynitrite formation is involved in organ injury and dysfunction induced by mechanical ventilation. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subject to low- (VT, 9 mL/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure, 5 cmH2O) or high- (VT, 25 mL/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure, 0 cmH2O) VT mechanical ventilation for 120 min, and received 1 of 3 treatments: 3-aminobenzamide (3-AB, 10 mg/kg, intravenous, a poly adenosine diphosphate ribose polymerase [PARP] inhibitor), or the metalloporphyrin manganese(III) tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin (MnTMPyP, 5 mg/kg intravenous, a peroxynitrite scavenger), or no treatment (control group), 30 min before starting the mechanical ventilation protocol (n = 8 per group, 6 treatment groups). We measured mean arterial pressure, peak inspiratory airway pressure, blood chemistry, and gas exchange. Oxidation (fluorescence for oxidized dihydroethidium), protein nitration (immunofluorescence and Western blot for 3-nitrotyrosine), PARP protein (Western blot) and gene expression of the nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) isoforms (quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) were measured in lung and vascular tissue. Lung injury was quantified by light microscopy. High-VT mechanical ventilation was associated with hypotension, increased peak inspiratory airway pressure, worsened oxygenation; oxidation and protein nitration in lung and aortic tissue; increased PARP protein in lung; up-regulation of NOS isoforms in lung tissue; signs of diffuse alveolar damage at histological examination. Treatment with 3AB or MnTMPyP attenuated the high-VT mechanical ventilation-induced changes in pulmonary and cardiovascular function; down-regulated the expression of NOS1, NOS2, and NOS3; decreased oxidation and nitration in lung and aortic tissue; and attenuated histological changes. Increased peroxynitrite formation is involved in mechanical ventilation-induced pulmonary and vascular dysfunction.
Fish fauna were collected in two different subtidal shallow sites, seagrass and sand, using a small beam trawl in the Ria Formosa lagoon (South Portugal). Samples were taken at low and high tides, during day and night, and in each season. Fish assemblages associated with each site were significantly different, with seagrass site supporting greater fish abundance and higher number of species than sand. These site-related differences in fish assemblages were stronger than any other factor studied. Both sites showed seasonal variations in their fish assemblages, mainly because of recruitment of marine juvenile migrants during spring and summer. No significant tidal or diel changes were observed in the fish assemblages of either site, but there was a significant site-tide interaction, with higher fish abundance in seagrass at low tide. In sand, tide effect was evident only for certain species, with resident species more abundant at high tide and marine species more abundant at low tide. Within the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, ichthyofaunal composition and structure is mainly influenced by site followed by season. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The study of tides and their interactions with the complex dynamics of the global ocean represents a crucial challenge in ocean modelling. This thesis aims to deepen this study from a dynamical point of view, analysing what are the tidal effects on the general circulation of the ocean. We perform different experiments of a mesoscale-permitting global ocean model forced by both atmospheric fields and astronomical tidal potential, and we implement two parametrizations to include in the model tidal phenomena that are currently unresolved, with particular emphasis to the topographic wave drag for locally dissipating internal waves. An additional experiment using a mesoscale-resolving configuration is used to compare the simulated tides at different resolutions with observed data. We find that the accuracy of modelled tides strongly depends on the region and harmonic component of interest, even though the increased resolution allows to improve the modelled topography and resolve more intense internal waves. We then focus on the impact of tides in the Atlantic Ocean and find that tides weaken the overturning circulation during the analysed period from 1981 to 2007, even though the interannual differences strongly change in both amplitude and phase. The zonally integrated momentum balance shows that tide changes the water stratification at the zonal boundaries, modifying the pressure and therefore the geostrophic balance over the entire basin. Finally, we describe the overturning circulation in the Mediterranean Sea computing the meridional and zonal streamfunctions both in the Eulerian and residual frameworks. The circulation is characterised by different cells, and their forcing processes are described with particular emphasis to the role of mesoscale and a transient climatic event. We complete the description of the overturning circulation giving evidence for the first time to the connection between meridional and zonal cells.
Il rilevamento di intrusioni nel contesto delle pratiche di Network Security Monitoring è il processo attraverso cui, passando per la raccolta e l'analisi di dati prodotti da una o più fonti di varia natura, (p.e. copie del traffico di rete, copie dei log degli applicativi/servizi, etc..) vengono identificati, correlati e analizzati eventi di sicurezza con l'obiettivo di rilevare potenziali tenativi di compromissione al fine di proteggere l'asset tecnologico all'interno di una data infrastruttura di rete. Questo processo è il prodotto di una combinazione di hardware, software e fattore umano. Spetta a quest'ultimo nello specifico il compito più arduo, ovvero quello di restare al passo con una realtà in continua crescita ed estremamente dinamica: il crimine informatico. Spetta all'analista filtrare e analizzare le informazioni raccolte in merito per contestualizzarle successivamente all'interno della realta che intende proteggere, con il fine ultimo di arricchire e perfezionare le logiche di rilevamento implementate sui sistemi utilizzati. È necessario comprendere come il mantenimento e l'aggiornamento di questi sistemi sia un'attività che segue l'evolversi delle tecnologie e delle strategie di attacco. Un suo svolgimento efficacie ed efficiente risulta di primaria importanza per consentire agli analisti di focalizzare le proprie risorse sulle attività di investigazione di eventi di sicurezza, ricerca e aggiornamento delle logiche di rilevamento, minimizzando quelle ripetitive, "time consuming", e potenzialmente automatizzabili. Questa tesi ha come obiettivo quello di presentare un possibile approccio ad una gestione automatizzata e centralizzata di sistemi per il rilevamento delle intrusioni, ponendo particolare attenzione alle tecnologie IDS presenti sul panorama open source oltre a rapportare tra loro gli aspetti di scalabilità e personalizzazione che ci si trova ad affrontare quando la gestione viene estesa ad infrastrutture di rete eterogenee e distribuite.
The study of the tides of a celestial bodies can unveil important information about their interior as well as their orbital evolution. The most important tidal parameter is the Love number, which defines the deformation of the gravity field due to an external perturbing body. Tidal dissipation is very important because it drives the secular orbital evolution of the natural satellites, which is even more important in the case of the the Jupiter system, where three of the Galilean moons, Io, Europa and Ganymede, are locked in an orbital resonance where the ratio of their mean motions is 4:2:1. This is called Laplace resonance. Tidal dissipation is described by the dissipation ratio k2/Q, where Q is the quality factor and it describes the dampening of a system. The goal of this thesis is to analyze and compare the two main tidal dynamical models, Mignard's model and gravity field variation model, to understand the differences between each model with a main focus on the single-moon case with Io, which can help also understanding better the differences between the two models without over complicating the dynamical model. In this work we have verified and validated both models, we have compared them and pinpointed the main differences and features that characterize each model. Mignard's model treats the tides directly as a force, while the gravity field variation model describes the tides with a change of the spherical harmonic coefficients. Finally, we have also briefly analyzed the difference between the single-moon case and the two-moon case, and we have confirmed that the governing equations that describe the change of semi-major axis and eccentricity are not good anymore when more moons are present.
Obstructive lung diseases of different etiologies present with progressive peripheral airway involvement. The peripheral airways, known as the silent lung zone, are not adequately evaluated with conventional function tests. The principle of gas washout has been used to detect pulmonary ventilation inhomogeneity and to estimate the location of the underlying disease process. Volumetric capnography (VC) analyzes the pattern of CO2 elimination as a function of expired volume. To measure normalized phase 3 slopes with VC in patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCB) and in bronchitic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in order to compare the slopes obtained for the groups. NCB and severe COPD were enrolled sequentially from an outpatient clinic (Hospital of the State University of Campinas). A control group was established for the NCB group, paired by sex and age. All subjects performed spirometry, VC, and the 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT). Two comparisons were made: NCB group versus its control group, and NCB group versus COPD group. The project was approved by the ethical committee of the institution. Statistical tests used were Wilcoxon or Student's t-test; P<0.05 was considered to be a statistically significant difference. Concerning the NCB group (N=20) versus the control group (N=20), significant differences were found in body mass index and in several functional variables (spirometric, VC, 6MWT) with worse results observed in the NCB group. In the comparison between the COPD group (N=20) versus the NCB group, although patients with COPD had worse spirometric and 6MWT values, the capnographic variables mean phase 2 slope (Slp2), mean phase 3 slope normalized by the mean expiratory volume, or mean phase 3 slope normalized by the end-tidal CO2 concentration were similar. These findings may indicate that the gas elimination curves are not sensitive enough to monitor the severity of structural abnormalities. The role of normalized phase 3 slope may be worth exploring as a more sensitive index of small airway disease, even though it may not be equally sensitive in discriminating the severity of the alterations.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física