857 resultados para Tick infestations
The knowledge of the Ixodidae becomes every day, more and more important owing to the fact of the increasing number of diseases of man and animals they can transmit. In Brasil besides transmitting treponemosis, piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis to several domestic animals, the ticks are also responsible fo the transmission of the brazilian rocky mountain spotted fever (A. cajennense and Amblyomma striatum) and they can also harbour the virus of the yellow fever and even to transmit it in laboratory experiments (A. cajennense, O. rostratus). The Brazilian fauna of ticks is a small one and has no more than 45 well-established species belonging to the genus Argas, Ornithodoros, Ixodes, Haemaphysalis, Rhipicephalus, Boophilus, Amblyomma and Spaelaeorhynchus. The genus Amblyomma is the best represented one, with 67% of all species of ticks known in Brazil. One of the most important species in the Amblyomma cajennense owing to its abundance and its wide parasitism in many vertebrates: reptiles, birds and mammals, incluing man, who is much attacked by the larva, the nymph and the adult of this species. The other ticks who attack the man are the Amblyomma brasiliense (the pecari tick), in the forests, and the Ornithodoros, especially the species. O. rostratus and brasiliensis. Other species can bite the man, but only occasionally, like Amblyomma fossum, striatum, oblongogutatum etc. Argas persicus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Boophilus are very important species not only as parasites but specially because they transmit several diseases to animals. Some of the ticks of the brazilian wild animals are now also parasites of the domestic ones and vice-versa. Arga persicus var. dissimilis is very common among the poultry and transmits the Treponema anserinum (gallinarum). Boophilus microplus is very abundant on our domestic and wild ruminants (Bos, Cervus, Mazama etc.) and can also ben found on horse, dogs, Felis onca, Felis concolor etc., and it transmits to cattle piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (an introduced species) is now very common on the dog, over all the country. The author recommend to give popular names to some brazilian ticks in order to make them more acquainted with the non scientific people. The author gives a classification of the superfamilia Ixoidoidea and keys to the determination of the different species of brazilian ticks. He creates a new family of Nuttallielidae to the so interesting tick, described by Bedford with the name of Nuttaliella namaqua in South Africa, a new variety of Argas persicus, the Argas persicus var. dissimilis nov. var. owing to the differences on the segment and on the size and morphology of the peritrema. He describes also the female of Amblyomma fuscum Nn. A great part of the author's work deals with the biology, life conditions and parasitism of many of the brazilian ticks in accordance with his personal and from other author's researches, especially in reference to Argas persicus, Ornithodoros rostratus, O. brasiliensis, Boophilus microplus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Amblyomma cajennense, A. pseudoconcolor, A. auriculare, A. rotundatum (= A. agamum) etc. The author gives a detailed report upon the parthenogenesis of A. rotundatum (A. agamum) that he first described in 1912 and gives also many references to other species of brazilian ticks, to teratological forms etc. He also gives a detailed report of the geographical distribution of brazilian ticks and of the peculiar conditions of its parasitism. The last part of this article deals with references to the species of ticks of some of the South American Republics namely Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. Amblyomma testudinis Conil, A. neumanni Ribaga 1902 (= A. furcula Dõnitz 1909) and A. parvitarsum Nn. 1899 (= A. altiplanum Dios 1917), are found only in Argentina. It is given a special bibliography dealing with the brazilian ticks and four text figures and one plate.
The most interesting observations were: 1 - The "mal de cadeiras" (believed to be an equine trypanosomose, due to Trypanosoma equinum) is a syndrome originated from malnutrition, overwork, intense blood-loss through blood-sucking arthropods (chiefly tabanids and bot-flies) and aggravated by the conditions prevailing in the "Pantanal" region of Mato-Grosso, when the waters of the Paraguay river basin ebb, after the periodic flood. The trypanosomes act only as one more factor contributing to the horses debility. 2 - The "curso preto dos bezerros" (calves black scour), usually attributed to poly-helminthoses, was observed to be related exclusively to pure Strongyloides papillosus infestations.
In this 2nd note upon the possibility of transmission of human leprosy by ticks, the A. relates his stepps to obtain the collaboration of his colleagues working in leprosaria in various States of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay in such studies. Firstly the A. describes the positive results of examination of sediment of ticks, the cattle tick Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1888), received from Paraná (Leprosário São Roque) , which were put on active lepers, two of them sucking during 9 days and one during 7 days. Two out of three were killed for examination and were very strongly positive for acid-fast bacilli. A series of tubes of Loewenstein medium was smeared with the sediment of such ticks. Secondly the A. relates his personnal experiment, carried out in Rio de Janeiro, trying to infect normal ticks in lepers. The experiment with Boophilus microplus was negative and was twicely positive the experiment with Amblyomma cajennense Fabricius, 1794. The experiment is being in progress and will be continued in other places of Brazil. Finally, after being given the general characteristics of Boophilus microplus, the A. describes the non-chromogenic culture of a acid-fast bacillus isolated by him from sediment of ticks (Amblyomma cajennense) captured in lepers from Colônia Santa Isabel (Minas gerais), which parasitism was spontaneous. The first isolation was obtained in Loewenstein medium after 62 days incubation at 37°C. The culture is pure and the bacillus is permanent acid-fast. The plate1, in full color, represents this culture in its four generations. The colonies are pearl-white in color, dry, elevated and rough, developing slowly and beginning as white pinhead points scattered upon the surface of the medium. The culture is not yet rich enough to be inoculated into laboratory animals, which will be done when possible.
The AA. carried out experiments in the leprosarium São Roque, State of Paraná, South Brazil, to verify if the cattle tick Boophilus microplus could be experimentally infected in lepers, which was true. The AA. Tried also to be ascertained if Boophilus microplus and Amblyomma cajennense could change of hosts during their feedings which was true, both ticks continue feeding, the last species for many days, after being transferred from one to another leper. The junior A. describes in full their experiments and also a dermatites caused by tick bites. The senior A. brought to Rio de Janeiro most of the infected ticks for examination, which revealed a very high positivity. He smeared the sediments of lots of both species of ticks in Loewenstein medium and after a variable periode of incubation at 37° C. he obtained four new samples of cultures of acid-fast organisms, two from Amblyomma cajennense and two from Boophilus microplus. These cultures are being studied and will be inoculated into laboratory animals. The senior A. inoculated new batches of white rats with sediments of many ticks infected in lepers. Various hypotheses of both previous notes upon the subject now are verified facts. The A. is accumulating facts to draw the conclusions in the future. He also suggested the leprosy workers in the interior of the country to cooperate with him in such important studies, specially in the habitat of lepers in the rural zones of various States.
A new tick, Amblyomma parkeri, n. sp., is described as a parasite of Coendu sp. from S. Paulo, Brazil. Female holotype, nymph and larva are described (Figs. 2 e 3). The n. sp. differs completly from Koch's species Amblyomma longirostre, the common parasite of the Erethizotidae. Standard data for measures of the female dorsal scutum ixodidae are proposed as follows (fig. 1): PA = Antero-posterior; PB = Postero-basal; PM = Postero-median; TT = Transversal; OO = Inter-ocular; OT= Occulo-transversal; SS = Inter-scapular; CC = Cervical; PT = Postero-transversal; ST = Scapulo-transversal; NPT = Normal to the postero-transversal; NST = Normal to the scapulo-transversal. In the female holotype the standard data are as follows: PA = 2.00 mm; PB = 2.26 mm; PM = 1.10 mm; TT = 2.20 mm; OO = 2.26 mm; SS = 0,84 mm; CC = 0.63 mm; SC = 0.12 mm; NPT = 0.20mm; STN = 0.1 mm. Peritrema 0.80 x 0.42 mm with a narrow postero-internal angle and a large, elongated macula. Coxa I with two short spines and all other coxae with only one shorter spine, shortest in coxa IV. Hypostoma spatulated with formula 3/3. Gnathosoma 1.42 mm long and basis 0.63 mm long by 0.84 greatest wide. Palpi with smoth external surface, 1.00 mm long. Type lot No. 4458 from Cotia, S. Paulo, Brazil; in the acarological collection of the Escola Paulista de Medicina, S. Paulo. Ixodes didelphidis, n. sp., differing from Ixodes loricatus Neumann by the shape of the peritremata (figs. 4 a 5) of the male and female and by the number of the punctations in this organ is described form Didelphidae, Muridae and Cavidae. Twenty eight lots were obtained from Anápolis, Goiás, Brasil, where I. loricatus is subtituded by the n. sp. under description. Comparison with NEUMANN'S types of I. loricatus was possible through the courtesy of Prof. A. BRIZARD from Toulouse, who kindly loaned NEUMANN'S material. Female cotypes N° 40 and male allotype N° 531 in the Collection of Ixodidae of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute.
The present work deals with the systematic, biological and economic problems related to Corythaica cyathicollis (Costa, 1864) (Hemip., Tingidae). In the first part are presented the generic characteristics of Corythaica and is discussed the status of the specific name. The validity of C. cyathicollis, as stated by DRAKE and his collaborators, was denied by MONTE in his last works, he considered the species as C. passiflorae. Even in the modern literature no agreement has been achieved and three names are still used (cyathicollis, passiflorae and planaris) to designate the same insect. In order to resolve definitively this problem, a Neotype is designed to fill the place of the missing type of C. cyathicollis. Also in the first parte is discussed the taxonomic value of both male and female genitalia. The whole male copulator apparatus is studied and are illustrated the genital capsules of 8 species of this genus. Special mention is made of the shape of the basal plates and the proportions of the segmental membrana. The female genitalia is studied based upon the work of FELDMAN & BAILEY (1952). In the second part the biological cycle of C. cyathicollis is carefully studied. Descriptions of the egg are done and the ways of oviposition. The number of eggs laid by the female was observed to be about 350, during a period of more than 45 days. The eclosion of the neanide I is illustrated in some of its phases and the 5 larval instars are described and illustrated. Ending this part are included the lists of parasites and predators observed as well as the plant hosts. The actual geographical distribution is presented, based chiefly on HURD (1945). The economic problems concerning this species are reported in the third part of the work, and the ways of control are discussed. An experiment was carried out involving 4 insecticides: Malathion and Parathion, commonly used against this "lace bug"; Toxaphene and Dimethoate (American Cyanamid 12.880), the last one is an insecticide recently introduced in Brazil and was not previously used for these purposes, but gave the best results and it is quite able to control these insects even on crops showing highly developed infestations.
Les auteurs ont soumis à 6 semaines d'anhydrobiose 1200 Biomphalaria adultes, saines, ou parasitées par 8 ± 2 miracidiums de Schistosoma mansoni depois 3 ou 12 jours, ou émettant des cercaires. Les planorbes étaient placées individuellement sur, ou dans de la terre humide, dans des boîtes closes ou aérées. La survie a été nulle chez les planorbes saines, infestées, ou déjà positives, placées dans les boîtes closes. Chez les mollusques placés dans les boîtes aérées, elle a été de 44% chez les témoins sains, et de 40,6% pour l'emsemble des infestées depuis 3 et 12 jours, avec chez ces derniers une meilleure survie lorsqu'ils étaient en surface. N n'est pas apparu de différence entre les infestations de 3 jours et de 12 jours. La mortalité et la production cercarienne sont infériéures à celles de planorbes infestées et gardées en eau. L'analyse des émissions montre une production des cercaires mâles siginificativement inférieure à celle des cercaires femelles ou mâles et femelles. Chez toutes les B. glabrata positives, les auteurs ont observé des variations périodiques dans la production des cercaires, quel que soit le sexe de celles-ci. De plus, chez les mollusques préalablement soumis à dessiccation, il existe de nombreus arrêts ou pauses dans l'émission des larves.
During 1985, 50,356 children and adolecents from 105 public schools of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State were questioned about or examined for head lice (Pediculus capitis). The mean prevalence of pediculosis, obtainde from the questionnaires and sometimes confirmed by head inspections, was 7.7% or else 10.2% when adjusted to 38,311 respondents. Current and past infestations combined - within a period of three months before survey - revealed a total prevalence of 57.4%. Significant differences were observed among socioeconomic levels, and grades of school age. The more prevalent categories among the factors studied were: sex - femal: 9.2% (P<0.001); ethnic group - white: 10.0% (P<0.001); hair length - long: 9.5% (P<0.05); year age-group - 1-5 years: 19.2% (P<0.001), with a peak in the 5th year (21.3%).
The specific interactions of the pairs laminin binding protein (LBP)-purified tick-borne encephalitis viral surface protein E and certain recombinant fragments of this protein, as well as West Nile viral surface protein E and certain recombinant fragments of that protein, are studied by combined methods of single-molecule dynamic force spectroscopy (SMDFS), enzyme immunoassay and optical surface waves-based biosensor measurements. The experiments were performed at neutral pH (7.4) and acid pH (5.3) conditions. The data obtained confirm the role of LBP as a cell receptor for two typical viral species of the Flavivirus genus. A comparison of these data with similar data obtained for another cell receptor of this family, namely human αVβ3 integrin, reveals that both these receptors are very important. Studying the specific interaction between the cell receptors in question and specially prepared monoclonal antibodies against them, we could show that both interaction sites involved in the process of virus-cell interaction remain intact at pH 5.3. At the same time, for these acid conditions characteristic for an endosome during flavivirus-cell membrane fusion, SMDFS data reveal the existence of a force-induced (effective already for forces as small as 30-70 pN) sharp globule-coil transition for LBP and LBP-fragments of protein E complexes. We argue that this conformational transformation, being an analog of abrupt first-order phase transition and having similarity with the famous Rayleigh hydrodynamic instability, might be indispensable for the flavivirus-cell membrane fusion process. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A taxonomical and ecological study was made on 264 samples of 12 species of ectoparasite ixodides collected on wild mammals from several natural regions of Paraná state, Brazil. These species of ticks as their hosts are listed by their identified evolutive forms and capture locations. A review of the early studies on the Ixodida from South Brazil is made considering the frequency of the parasite species on each host concerning the geographic distribution of such species. This paper is a contribution to the knowledge of the Ixodidae ectoparasites species of wild mammals in Brazil.
This review presents up-to-date information on the distribution and control measures of babesiosis in Latin America. Bovine babesiosis caused by Babesia bovis and B. bigemia will be emphasized. The disease is endemic is most countries and poses a serious economic burdenon livestock production in the region (U.S.$1365 million/year, FAO, 1989). Of the estimated 250 million cattle in Central and South America, approximately 175 million (70%) are in tick-infested regions. Humid, tropical and subtropical areas favor development of the main vector, the one-host tick Boophilus microplus. In many regions bovine babesiosis is enzootically stable as consequence of a balanced host-parasite relationship. However, Latin America offers a wide range of epidemiologica conditions that are influenced by variations from tropical to cool climates and by susceptible purebred cattle that are regularly imported to upgrade local stocks. The control measures employed in most countries for babesiosis esentially rely on chemotherapy, use of acaricides for B. microplus, and to a lesser degree, on immunization methods. In general, these measures are expensive, time consuming, and in many cases, provide limited success. Finally, the zoonotic potential ob babesiosis will be addressd, with special emphasis on the situation in the United States. Even though bovine babesiosis has long been eradicated from the U.S.A., human babesiosis in endemic in the northeastern region of the country.
Studies were carried out to determine the differential aptitude to sustain the only vector of cattle babesiosis in Argentina, the tick Boophilus microplus, throughout the infested region of this country. Tick counts on Bos taurus cattle were used as the main criterion to classify favourable (F), intermediate (I) and unfavourable (U) areas for its development. The geographical limits of each area set up using data of non-parasitic tick stages, temperature, water balance and map recognition of flooded and unflooded zones. The F area contained 16.5 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) ha with a cattle population of 6 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência); the I and U areas had 25 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência ha with 2.7 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) cattle and 198 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) with population of 2.4 x 10(elevado a sexta potência) cattle, respectively. Research on the relationship amongst Babesia-Boophilus-cattle is needed in the F area for tick development which coincides with the best region for cattle breeding.
The transmission and prevalence of Babesia equi and B. caballi are being studied. Rhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus an ixodid tick from Namibia was identified as a new vector of B. equi, however, R. turanicus, previously reported to be a vector, failed to transmit both B. equi and B. caballi in the laboratory. The accurate diagnosis of B. caballi is being investigated because the nature of its low level parasitaemia does not allow easy detection in thin blood smears, routinely used for diagnosis, by clinicians. Consequently its role as a pathogen remains obscure. The importance of identifying infected horses, destined for export to Babesia-free coutries, is also stressed. Thock and thin blood smears, serology (IFAT) and DNA probes are currently employed to study disease prevalence. To date 293 healthy, adult, throughbred horses have been screened by all three methods. The percentage positives are as follows: B. equi 4.4%, 70.6%, 13% and B. caballi 0.7%, 37%, 18.4% respectively. The DNA probes were more sensitive than blood smear examination for diagnosing carrier infections but are probably not sensitive enough to identify all carrier infections. A poor correlation was found between detection of the parasites' DNA and seropositivity. However, polymerase chain reaction could be used to amplify parasite DNA in a particular sample and its could result in more accurate diagnosis.
The diagnosis of tick-borne diseases such as babesiosis still depends on observing the parasite in the infected erythrocyte. Microscopic observation is tedious and often problematic in both early and carrier infections. Better diagnostic methods are needed to prevent clinical disease, especially when susceptible cattle are being moved into disease enzootic areas. This study evaluates two techniques for early diagnosis of Babesia bovis infections in cattle, DNA probes specific for the organism and fluorescent probes specific nucleic acid. The radioisotopically labeled DNA probes are used in slot blot hybridizations whith lysed blood samples, not purified DNA. Thusfar, the probe is specific for B. bovis and can detect as few as 1000 B. bovis parasites in 10µl of blood. The specificity of the fluorescent probe depends on the characteristic morphology of the babesia in whole blood samples, as determined microscopically. The fluorescent probe detects as afew as 10,000 B. bovis parasites in 10*l as blood. The application of each method for alboratory and field use is discussed.