760 resultados para Tax burden


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Rapport de recherche présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en sciences économiques.


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Materials presented in conjunction with a keynote speech delivered on May 15, 2003 at a congress on Tax Competition, organized by the European Tax College and held at Tilburg University, the Netherlands.


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This thesis is a study in sales tax law, a study on the triple concept of export, import and inters—State sales. It is in seventeen chapters spread in five parts. The introductory is an overview. It presents the thematic thrust of what follows. Part two deals with incidence of sales tax on export and import and the scope of exemption. Part three focuses attention on the various dimensions of the problem of inter—State sale. Part four is an inquiry into parliamentary control on taxes over sales and purchases and highlights inter—State and intra-State implications of discriminatory tax. Part five contains the results of empirical study and the general conclusions of the thesis. In the past no attempt has been made to analyse on identical lines the problems dealt with in this thesis


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Protecting the quality of children growth and development becomes a supreme qualification for the betterment of a nation. Double burden child malnutrition is emerging worldwide which might have a strong influence to the quality of child brain development and could not be paid-off on later life. Milk places a notable portion during the infancy and childhood. Thus, the deep insight on milk consumption pattern might explain the phenomenon of double burden child malnutrition correlated to the cognitive impairments. Objective: Current study is intended (1) to examine the current face of Indonesian double burden child malnutrition: a case study in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, (2) to investigate the association of this phenomenon with child brain development, and (3) to examine the contribution of socioeconomic status and milk consumption on this phenomenon so that able to formulate some possible solutions to encounter this problem. Design: A cross-sectional study using a structured coded questionnaire was conducted among 387 children age 5-6 years old and their parents from 8 areas in Bogor, West-Java, Indonesia on November 2012 to December 2013, to record some socioeconomic status, anthropometric measurements, and history of breast feeding. Diet and probability of milk intake was assessed by two 24 h dietary recalls and food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Usual daily milk intake was calculated using Multiple Source Method (MSM). Some brain development indicators (IQ, EQ, learning, and memory ability) using Projective Multi-phase Orientation method was also executed to learn the correlation between double burden child malnutrition and some brain development indicator. Results and conclusions: A small picture of child double burden malnutrition is shown in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, where prevalence of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) is 27.1%, Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) is 24.9%, and overnutrition is 7.7%. This phenomenon proves to impair the child brain development. The malnourished children, both under- and over- nourished children have significantly (P-value<0.05) lower memory ability compared to the normal children (memory score, N; SAM = 45.2, 60; MAM = 48.5, 61; overweight = 48.4, 43; obesity = 47.9, 60; normal = 52.4, 163). The plausible reasons behind these evidences are the lack of nutrient intake during the sprout growth period on undernourished children or increasing adiposity on overnourished children might influence the growth of hippocampus area which responsible to the memory ability. Either undernutrition or overnutrition, the preventive action on this problem is preferable to avoid ongoing cognitive performance loss of the next generation. Some possible solutions for this phenomenon are promoting breast feeding initiation and exclusive breast feeding practices for infants, supporting the consumption of a normal portion of milk (250 to 500 ml per day) for children, and breaking the chain of poverty by socioeconomic improvement. And, the national food security becomes the fundamental point for the betterment of the next. In the global context, the causes of under- and over- nutrition have to be opposed through integrated and systemic approaches for a better quality of the next generation of human beings.


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This paper analyzes the optimal behavior of farmers in the presence of direct payments and uncertainty. In an empirical analysis for Switzerland, it confirms previously obtained theoretical results and determines the magnitude of the theoretical predicted effects. The results show that direct payments increase agricultural production between 3.7% to 4.8%. Alternatively to direct payments, the production effect of tax reductions is evaluated in order to determine its magnitude. The empirical analysis corroborates the theoretical results of the literature and demonstrates that tax reductions are also distorting, but to a substantially lesser degree if losses are not offset. However, tax reductions, independently whether losses are offset or not, lead to higher government spending than pure direct payments


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Un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad del Rosario encontró la oportunidad de iniciar un proyecto basado en la recuperación de impuestos de renta de los ciudadanos colombianos que trabajan o trabajaron en Estados Unidos, bajo el tipo de visa J1. El mercado en Colombia actualmente se encuentra constituido por aproximadamente 4.256 consumidores cuyo consumo per cápita es de $ 2.143.800 de pesos, la estrategia a utilizar para captar un nivel de clientes importante esta resguardada en el valor agregado del servicio, este pretende ofrecer un precio más bajo que la competencia incrementando la tasa de retorno de impuestos para nuestros clientes. Para iniciar, durante el primer año se espera obtener un 20% de participación en el mercado con 889 clientes, lo que conforma un promedio de 75 personas mensuales. Los pasos que se deben seguir para realizar el trámite de recuperación de impuestos son: 1) Contactar al cliente y darle la información, 2) Envió de los requisitos y formularios para que llene el cliente, 3) Devolución de los papeles diligenciados por el cliente, 4) Envió de papeles a Estados Unidos, 5) Contacto con el agente y devolución del dinero, 6) Informar al estudiante que ya está su dinero, 7) Encuesta de satisfacción. Para esto es necesario contar con un equipo conformado por un gerente general, gerente financiero, gerente de servicio al cliente y gerente comercial. La compañía estará ubicada en Bogotá, sin embargo, Tax + aspira tener un crecimiento importante en el país entrando a ciudades con una actividad importante dentro del mercado de work and travel como lo son Medellín, Cali y Barranquilla. El proyecto se iniciará con la constitución de una sociedad anónima simplificada (S.A.S.), una inversión total de $ 26.000.000 de pesos, la cual se encuentra constituida por un aporte de $ 6.500.000 pesos de cada uno de los miembros del equipo emprendedor, con esto se pretende adquirir los activos fijos y capital necesarios para iniciar el funcionamiento de la empresa. 10 Durante el primer año se espera tener unos ingresos de $ 355.600.000 de pesos, para el segundo año se pretende incrementar el número de clientes a 964, lo cual constituye unos ingresos equivalentes a $ 471.328.000 de pesos, y para el tercer año las ventas esperadas deberán alcanzar los $ 538.204.160 de pesos, que generan una rentabilidad sobre ventas del 6,31%, 0,73% y 1,6%, respectivamente. Para alcanzar el punto de equilibrio la empresa debe vender $322.083.104 al año, lo que indica que se puede alcanzar en el primer año de operación. En el primer año de operación se obtiene un flujo de efectivo de $43.272.320, en el segundo año, $5.570.581 y en el tercero $11.521.539. La tasa interna de retorno del proyecto es de 89,99% y la inversión se recupera en el tercer año de operación.


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En este capítulo, los autores tratan de demostrar como los gobierno latinoamericanos, específicamente el peruano, evalúan los esfuerzos que realizan en la implementación de iniciativas de gobierno electrónico, identificando las expectativas que tienen los ciudadanos frente a estas iniciativas y como las perciben, aplicando un modelo de evaluación al servicio de  pago electrónico de impuestos implementado como una iniciativa exitosa en Latinoamérica. El modelo propuesto fue desarrollado por uno de los autores como parte de su tesis doctoral y evaluado por el otro como jurado en el tribunal de la misma. Incluye cinco constructos latentes independientes, actitud, aptitud, confianza, relevancia y satisfacción que afecta a dos constructos latentes dependientes, la percepción y la expectativa frente a su relación con la administración pública vía el uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones – TIC, bajo el efecto de variables ilustrativas relacionadas con los ciudadanos, las instituciones y el contexto.


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The present document presents the general notions and the definition of property taxation and, as part of it, the working definition of rural property taxation emphasizing that property taxation is a matter of “property” and rural property taxation is linked with rural property, specifically with land ownership. In addition, the document presents some facts about the performance of property taxation based on a secondary source of cross-country analysis. In order to give a definition of rural property tax, I will explain the logic of taxation linked to property and then present the nature and logic behind property taxation in theory.


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Latin America is well known as an inequitable region. As it is recognized, inequality and corruption perception weaken the way that political institutions works and the democratic system. Focusing on Latin American and Caribbean countries, this paper analyzes what are the elements shaping tax morale. In particular, how the context influences ethical grounds decisions such as the predisposition to pay taxes is analyzed, using the survey carried out in 2005 by Latinobarometro. The objective is to analyze how country performance determines tax morale. To do so, four probitmodels are estimated using Gini index, Transparency International Corruption Perception Index and Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDPpc) as explanatory variables. As expected we found that some socio-demographic variables play a relevant role. Interestingly, we also found that, in this attitude, LAC countries do not register a gender bias. However, those are not our main contributions to the literature on the field. The most important results are linked to: 1) the levelmatters, GDPpc increases the probability of people having tax morale, 2) moreover, income distributionalso influence on tax morale but in opposite direction and 3) corruption perception also reduces tax morale. Those results show that the quality of institutions matters and therefore, the way that democracy works play a relevant role.