953 resultados para TIMOR LESTE


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The responsibility to protect ('R2P') principle articulates the obligations of the international community to prevent conflict occurring, to intervene in conflicts, and to assist in rebuilding after conflicts. The doctrine is about protecting civilians in armed conflicts from four mass atrocity crimes: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing. This book examines interventions in East Timor, Sri Lanka, Sudan and Kosovo. The chapters explore and question UN debates with respect to the doctrine both before and after its adoption in 2005; contrasting state attitudes to international military intervention; and what takes place after intervention. It also discusses the ability of the Security Council to access reliable information and credible and transparent processes to enable it to make a determination on the occurrence of atrocities in a Member State. Questioning whether there is a need to find a closer operational link between the responsibilities to prevent and react and a normative link between R2P and principles of international law, the contributions examine the effectiveness of the framework of R2P for international decision-making in response to mass atrocity crimes and ask how an international system to deal with threats and mass atrocities can be developed in the absence of a central authority. This book will be valuable to those interested in international law, human rights, and security, peace and conflict studies


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The East Indies triangle, bordered by the Phillipines, Malay Peninsula and New Guinea, has a high level of tropical marine species biodiversity. Pristipomoides multidens is a large, long-lived, fecund snapper species that is distributed throughout the East Indies and Indo-Pacific. Samples were analysed from central and eastern Indonesia and northern Australia to test for genetic discontinuities in population structure. Fish (n = 377) were collected from the Indonesian islands of Bali, Sumbawa, Flores, West Timor, Tanimbar and Tual along with 131 fish from two northern Australian locations (Arafura and Timor Seas) from a previous study. Genetic variation in the control region of the mitochondrial genome was assayed using restriction fragment length polymorphism and direct sequencing. Haplotype diversity was high (0.67-0.82), as was intraspecific sequence divergence (range 0-5.8%). FST between pairs of populations ranged from 0 to 0.2753. Genetic subdivision was apparent on a small spatial scale; FST was 0.16 over 191 km (Bali/Sumbawa) and 0.17 over 491 km (Bali/Flores). Constraints to dispersal that contribute to, and maintain, the observed degree of genetic subdivision are experienced presumably by all life history stages of this tropical marine finfish. The constraints may include (1) little or no movement of eggs or larvae, (2) little or no home range or migratory movement of adults and (3) loss of larval cohorts due to transport of larvae away from suitable habitat by prevailing currents


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The genetic population structure of red snapper Lutjanus malabaricus and Lutjanus erythropterus in eastern Indonesia and northern Australia was investigated by allozyme electrophoresis and sequence variation in the control region of mtDNA. Samples were collected from eight sites in Indonesia and four sites in northern Australia for both species. A total of 13 allozyme loci were scored. More variable loci were observed in L. malabaricus than in L. erythropterus. Sequence variation in the control region (left domain) of the mitochondrial genome was assessed by RFLP and direct sequencing. MtDNA haplotype diversity was high (L. erythropterus, 0.95 and L. malabaricus, 0.97), as was intraspecific sequence divergence, (L. erythropterus, 0.0-12.5% and L. malabaricus, 0.0-9.5%). The pattern of mtDNA haplotype frequencies grouped both species into two broad fisheries stocks with a genetic boundary either between Kupang and Sape (L. malabaricus) or between Kupang and Australian Timor Sea (L. erythropertus). The allozyme analyses revealed similar boundaries for L. erythropterus. Seven allozymes stocks compared to two mtDNA stocks of L. malabaricus including Ambon, which was not sampled with mtDNA, however, were reported. Possible reasons for differences in discrimination between the methods include: i) increased power of multiple allozyme loci over the single mtDNA locus, ii) insufficient gene sampling in the mtDNA control region and iii) relative evolutionary dynamics of nuclear (allozyme loci) and mitochondrial DNA in these taxa. Allozyme and haplotype data did not distinguish separate stocks among the four Australian locations nor the central Indonesian (Bali and Sape locations) for both L. malabaricus and L. erythropterus.


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Chromolaena, or Siam weed, is a serious problem in several tropical and sub-tropical areas around the world. In our own region, it is a serious weed in New Guinea, East Timor and Indonesia and is also under an eradication regime in North Queensland. The chapter summarises current knowledge about the taxonomy, biology, distribution, ecology, impacts and control of the weed. Biological control has been a major multinational initiative against this weed in recent years and these efforts are described in some detail. Interestingly agents have not been universally effective because of weed biotype differences and climate. Considerable success has been achieved in New Guinea, principally with the tephritid fly Cecidocares connex and by the efforts of Michael Day, Rachel McFadyen and Graham Donnelly from Alan Fletcher Research Station.


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Mitochondrial DNA D-loop (control) region (426-bp) was used to infer the genetic structure of Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) from populations in Southeast Asia (Brunei, East and West Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, and China) and northern Australia (including western Timor). An east–west division along Wallace’s Line was strongly supported by a significant AMOVA, with 43% of the total sequence variation partitioned among groups of populations. Phylogenetic and network analyses supported two clades: clade A and clade B. Members of clade A were found in Southeast Asia and northern Australia, but not in locations to the west (Gulf of Thailand) or north (China). Clade B was found exclusively in Southeast Asia. Genetic division along Wallace’s Line suggests that co-management of S. commerson populations for future sustainability may not be necessary between Southeast Asian nations and Australia, however all countries should share the task of management of the species in Southeast Asia equally. More detailed genetic studies of S. commerson populations in the region are warranted.


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Background: The territorial fishing zones of Australia and Indonesia are contiguous to the north of Australia in the Timor and Arafura Seas and in the Indian Ocean to the north of Christmas Island. The area surrounding the shared boundary consists of a variety of bio-diverse marine habitats including shallow continental shelf waters, oceanic trenches and numerous offshore islands. Both countries exploit a variety of fisheries species, including whaler (Carcharhinus spp.) and hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.). Despite their differences in social and financial arrangements, the two countries are motivated to develop complementary co-management practices to achieve resource sustainability. An essential starting point is knowledge of the degree of population subdivision, and hence fisheries stock status, in exploited species. Results: Populations of four commercially harvested shark species (Carcharhinus obscurus, Carcharhinus sorrah, Prionace glauca, Sphyrna lewini) were sampled from northern Australia and central Indonesia. Neutral genetic markers (mitochondrial DNA control region sequence and allelic variation at co-dominant microsatellite loci) revealed genetic subdivision between Australian and Indonesian populations of C. sorrah. Further research is needed to address the possibility of genetic subdivision among C. obscurus populations. There was no evidence of genetic subdivision for P. glauca and S. lewini populations, but the sampling represented a relatively small part of their distributional range. For these species, more detailed analyses of population genetic structure is recommended in the future. Conclusion: Cooperative management between Australia and Indonesia is the best option at present for P. glauca and S. lewini, while C. sorrah and C. obscurus should be managed independently. On-going research on these and other exploited shark and ray species is strongly recommended. Biological and ecological similarity between species may not be a predictor of population genetic structure, so species-specific studies are recommended to provide new data to assist with sustainable fisheries management.


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The requirement for Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australian jurisdictions to ensure sustainable harvest of fish resources and their optimal use relies on robust information on the resource status. For grey mackerel (Scomberomorus semifasciatus) fisheries, each of these jurisdictions has their own management regime in their corresponding waters. The lack of information on stock structure of grey mackerel, however, means that the appropriate spatial scale of management is not known. As well, fishers require assurance of future sustainability to encourage investment and long-term involvement in a fishery that supplies lucrative overseas markets. These management and fisher-unfriendly circumstances must be viewed in the context of recent 3-fold increases in catches of grey mackerel along the Queensland east coast, combined with significant and increasing catches in other parts of the species' northern Australian range. Establishing the stock structure of grey mackerel would also immensely improve the relevance of resource assessments for fishery management of grey mackerel across northern Australia. This highlighted the urgent need for stock structure information for this species. The impetus for this project came from the strategic recommendations of the FRDC review by Ward and Rogers (2003), "Northern mackerel (Scombridae: Scomberomorus): current and future research needs" (Project No. 2002/096), which promoted the urgency for information on the stock structure of grey mackerel. In following these recommendations this project adopted a multi-technique and phased sampling approach as carried out by Buckworth et al (2007), who examined the stock structure of Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson, across northern Australia. The project objectives were to determine the stock structure of grey mackerel across their northern Australian range, and use this information to define management units and their appropriate spatial scales. We used multiple techniques concurrently to determine the stock structure of grey mackerel. These techniques were: genetic analyses (mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite DNA), otolith (ear bones) isotope ratios, parasite abundances, and growth parameters. The advantage of using this type of multi-technique approach was that each of the different methods is informative about the fish’s life history at different spatial and temporal scales. Genetics can inform about the evolutionary patterns as well as rates of mixing of fish from adjacent areas, while parasites and otolith microchemistry are directly influenced by the environment and so will inform about the patterns of movement during the fishes lifetime. Growth patterns are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Due to these differences the use of these techniques concurrently increases the likelihood of detecting different stocks where they exist. We adopted a phased sampling approach whereby sampling was carried out at broad spatial scales in the first year: east coast, eastern Gulf of Carpentaria (GoC), western GoC, and the NW Northern Territory (NW NT). By comparing the fish samples from each of these locations, and using each of the techniques, we tested the null hypothesis that grey mackerel were comprised of a single homogeneous population across northern Australia. Having rejected the null hypothesis we re-sampled the 1st year locations to test for temporal stability in stock structure, and to assess stock structure at finer spatial scales. This included increased spatial coverage on the east coast, the GoC, and WA. From genetic approaches we determined that there at least four genetic stocks of grey mackerel across northern Australia: WA, NW NT (Timor/Arafura), the GoC and the east Grey mackerel management units in northern Australia ix coast. All markers revealed concordant patterns showing WA and NW NT to be clearly divergent stocks. The mtDNA D-loop fragment appeared to have more power to resolve stock boundaries because it was able to show that the GoC and east coast QLD stocks were genetically differentiated. Patterns of stock structure on a finer scale, or where stock boundaries are located, were less clear. From otolith stable isotope analyses four major groups of S. semifasciatus were identified: WA, NT/GoC, northern east coast and central east coast. Differences in the isotopic composition of whole otoliths indicate that these groups must have spent their life history in different locations. The magnitude of the difference between the groups suggests a prolonged separation period at least equal to the fish’s life span. The parasite abundance analyses, although did not include samples from WA, suggest the existence of at least four stocks of grey mackerel in northern Australia: NW NT, the GoC, northern east coast and central east coast. Grey mackerel parasite fauna on the east coast suggests a separation somewhere between Townsville and Mackay. The NW NT region also appears to comprise a separate stock while within the GoC there exists a high degree of variability in parasite faunas among the regions sampled. This may be due to 1. natural variation within the GoC and there is one grey mackerel stock, or 2. the existence of multiple localised adult sub-stocks (metapopulations) within the GoC. Growth parameter comparisons were only possible from four major locations and identified the NW NT, the GoC, and the east coast as having different population growth characteristics. Through the use of multiple techniques, and by integrating the results from each, we were able to determine that there exist at least five stocks of grey mackerel across northern Australia, with some likelihood of additional stock structuring within the GoC. The major management units determined from this study therefore were Western Australia, NW Northern Territory (Timor/Arafura), the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern east Queensland coast and central east Queensland coast. The management implications of these results indicate the possible need for management of grey mackerel fisheries in Australia to be carried out on regional scales finer than are currently in place. In some regions the spatial scales of management might continue as is currently (e.g. WA), while in other regions, such as the GoC and the east coast, managers should at least monitor fisheries on a more local scale dictated by fishing effort and assess accordingly. Stock assessments should also consider the stock divisions identified, particularly on the east coast and for the GoC, and use life history parameters particular to each stock. We also emphasise that where we have not identified different stocks does not preclude the possibility of the occurrence of further stock division. Further, this study did not, nor did it set out to, assess the status of each of the stocks identified. This we identify as a high priority action for research and development of grey mackerel fisheries, as well as a management strategy evaluation that incorporates the conclusions of this work. Until such time that these priorities are addressed, management of grey mackerel fisheries should be cognisant of these uncertainties, particularly for the GoC and the Queensland east coast.


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An assessment of marine elapid snakes found 9% of marine elapids are threatened with extinction, and an additional 6% are Near Threatened. A large portion (34%) is Data Deficient. An analysis of distributions revealed the greatest species diversity is found in Southeast Asia and northern Australia. Three of the seven threatened species occur at Ashmore and Hibernia Reefs in the Timor Sea, while the remaining threatened taxa occur in the Philippines, Niue, and Solomon Islands. The majority of Data Deficient species are found in Southeast Asia. Threats to marine snakes include loss of coral reefs and coastal habitat, incidental bycatch in fisheries, as well as fisheries that target snakes for leather. The presence of two Critically Endangered and one Endangered species in the Timor Sea suggests the area is of particular conservation concern. More rigorous, long-term monitoring of populations is needed to evaluate the success of "conservation measures" for marine snake species, provide scientifically based guidance for determining harvest quotas, and to assess the populations of many Data Deficient species.


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Nipah virus (NiV) (Genus Henipavirus) is a recently emerged zoonotic virus that causes severe disease in humans and has been found in bats of the genus Pteropus. Whilst NiV has not been detected in Australia, evidence for NiV-infection has been found in pteropid bats in some of Australia's closest neighbours. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of henipaviruses in fruit bat (Family Pteropodidae) populations to the north of Australia. In particular we tested the hypothesis that Nipah virus is restricted to west of Wallace's Line. Fruit bats from Australia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Indonesia were tested for the presence of antibodies to Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus, and tested for the presence of HeV, NiV or henipavirus RNA by PCR. Evidence was found for the presence of Nipah virus in both Pteropus vampyrus and Rousettus amplexicaudatus populations from East Timor. Serology and PCR also suggested the presence of a henipavirus that was neither HeV nor NiV in Pteropus alecto and Acerodon celebensis. The results demonstrate the presence of NiV in the fruit bat populations on the eastern side of Wallace's Line and within 500 km of Australia. They indicate the presence of non-NiV, non-HeV henipaviruses in fruit bat populations of Sulawesi and Sumba and possibly in Papua New Guinea. It appears that NiV is present where P. vampyrus occurs, such as in the fruit bat populations of Timor, but where this bat species is absent other henipaviruses may be present, as on Sulawesi and Sumba. Evidence was obtained for the presence henipaviruses in the non-Pteropid species R. amplexicaudatus and in A. celebensis. The findings of this work fill some gaps in knowledge in geographical and species distribution of henipaviruses in Australasia which will contribute to planning of risk management and surveillance activities.


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Marine species generally have large population sizes, continuous distributions and high dispersal capacity. Despite this, they are often subdivided into separate populations, which are the basic units of fisheries management. For example, populations of some fisheries species across the deep water of the Timor Trench are genetically different, inferring minimal movement and interbreeding. When connectivity is higher than the Timor Trench example, but not so high that the populations become one, connectivity between populations is crinkled. Crinkled connectivity occurs when migration is above the threshold required to link populations genetically, but below the threshold for demographic links. In future, genetic estimates of connectivity over crinkled links could be uniquely combined with other data, such as estimates of population size and tagging and tracking data, to quantify demographic connectedness between these types of populations. Elasmobranch species may be ideal targets for this research because connectivity between populations is more likely to be crinkled than for finfish species. Fisheries stock-assessment models could be strengthened with estimates of connectivity to improve the strategic and sustainable harvesting of biological resources.


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A Bacia de Almada, localizada no estado da Bahia, compartilha características similares com as outras bacias da margem leste do Brasil, quando é analisada segundo aspectos como os processos sedimentares e o regime de esforço dominante durante a sua formação. Observa-se uma diferença marcante em relação as outras bacias quando é analisada sob a ótica da composição da crosta transicional, uma vez que não se registra atividade vulcânica durante a fase rifte. A aquisição de um extenso levantamento sísmico 3D, com cabos de 6 km de comprimento e 9.2 segundos de tempo de registro (tempo sísmico duplo), resultaram em imagens sísmicas de boa qualidade das estruturas profundas do rifte. Adicionalmente, estudos de modelagem gravimétrica foram integrados com a análise sísmica para corroborar o modelo geológico. A Bacia de Almada é parte dos sistemas de rifte continentais, desenvolvidos durante o Berriasiano até o Aptiano, que antecederam a quebra do continente do Gondwana, evoluindo posteriormente para uma margem passiva divergente. O processo do rifteamento desenvolveu cinco sub-bacias de orientação NNE-SSO, desde posições terrestres até marinhas profundas, produzindo um arcabouço estrutural complexo. Os perfis da sísmica profunda mostram o afinamento progressivo da crosta continental até espessuras da ordem de 5 km, abaixo da sub-bacia mais oriental, com fatores de estiramento crustal próximo a 7 antes do desenvolvimento de crosta oceânica propriamente dita. As imagens sísmicas de boa qualidade permitem também o reconhecimento de sistemas de falhas lístricas que se iniciam na crosta superior, evoluem atravessando a crosta e conectando as sub-bacias para finalizar em um descolamento horizontal na crosta inferior estratificada. Adicionalmente, a bacia apresenta um perfil assimétrico, compatível com mecanismos de cisalhamento simples. As margens vulcânicas (VM) e não vulcânicas (NVM), são os extremos da análise composicional das margens divergentes continentais. Na Bacia de Almada não se reconhecem os elementos arquiteturais típicos das VM, tais como são as grandes províncias ígneas, caracterizadas por cunhas de refletores que mergulham em direção ao mar e por intenso vulcanismo pré- e sin-rifte nas bacias. Embora a margem divergente do Atlântico Sul seja interpretada tradicionalmente como vulcânica, o segmento do rifte ao sul do Estado da Bahia apresenta características não-vulcânicas, devido à ausência destes elementos arquiteturais e aos resultados obtidos nas perfurações geológicas que eventualmente alcançam a seqüência rifte e embasamento. Regionalmente a margem divergente sul-americana é majoritariamente vulcânica, embora a abundância e a influência do magmatísmo contemporâneo ao rifte seja muito variável. Ao longo da margem continental, desde a Bacia Austral no sul da Argentina, até a Bacia de Pernambuco no nordeste do Brasil, podem ser reconhecidos segmentos de caráter vulcânico forte, médio e não vulcânico. Nos exemplos clássicos de margens não vulcânicas, como a margem da Ibéria, a crosta transicional é altamente afinada podendo apresentar evidências de exumação de manto. Na Bacia de Almada, a crosta transicional apresenta importante estiramento embora não haja evidências concretas de exumação de manto. Os mecanismos responsáveis pela geração e intrusão dos grandes volumes de magma registrados nas margens divergentes são ainda sujeitos a intenso debate. Ao longo da margem divergente sul-americana há evidências da presença dos mecanismos genéticos de estiramento litosférico e impacto de plumas. Alternativamente estes dois mecanismos parecem ter tido um papel importante na evolução tectônica da margem sudeste e sul, diferenciando-as da margem continental onde foi implantada a Bacia de Almada.


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Neste trabalho tivemos como objetivo caracterizar a dieta, uso do habitat e padrões comportamentais de Astyanax taeniatus da bacia do Rio Mato Grosso, que encontra-se na porção leste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (22 52 S; 42 40 W e 22 53 S; 42 34 W). Para a análise da dieta, os exemplares foram coletados bimestralmente entre março de 2006 e janeiro de 2007 em três localidades que diferiram pelas variáveis físicas. As observações de uso dos recursos do habitat foram realizadas por observação subaquática, na posição focal dos exemplares avistados, enquanto a quantificação da disponibilidade foi realizada em 50 quadrats de 20x20cm (400cm2) ao longo dos mesmos 50m onde foi realizada a observação sub-aquática. A análise do conteúdo estomacal de 651 exemplares foi realizada sob microscópio estereoscópico de acordo com métodos qualitativos e quantitativos (Freqüência de Ocorrência e Volumétrica). A participação relativa de cada item registrado nos estômagos em relação à totalidade da dieta foi analisada através do Índice Alimentar (IAi). Para verificar possíveis diferenças entre as proporções dos itens de origem animal e vegetal, autóctone e alóctone, os valores proporcionais foram testados pelo 2 de contingência. A partir dos dados de comprimento padrão e comprimento do intestino, foi calculado o valor do quociente intestinal. Os itens de origem vegetal tiveram maior contribuição na dieta da espécie para as localidades com maior altitude, enquanto os itens animais tiveram maior contribuição na localidade baixa. A diferença na contribuição dos itens de origem autóctone e alóctone também foi significativa. Na dieta de jovens e adultos, houve diferença significativa na contribuição de itens de origem vegetal e animal somente na localidade mais alta, onde os adultos consumiram maior quantidade de matéria vegetal. Os valores médios de quociente intestinal em jovens e adultos foram significativamente diferentes nas localidades de maior altitude, com valores maiores para indivíduos adultos. Observamos 52% dos indivíduos em profundidades entre 30 e 45 cm, 72% em áreas de rápido, 72% em velocidades entre 0 e 0,5km/h, 66% encontravam-se distantes da margem entre 40 e 120 cm, 37,6% em substrato do tipo areia e 34,4% em substrato do tipo pedra. De todos os padrões comportamentais observados, aquele que mais se destacou foi o forrageamento, onde 70,91% dos indivíduos estavam forrageando no meio da coluna dágua. Os resultados da dieta reforçam a idéia de as espécies de Astyanax têm hábito alimentar onívoro e oportunista, onde a espécie alimentou-se dos recursos disponíveis no ambiente evidenciando sua alta plasticidade alimentar ao longo do riacho. Espécies do gênero Astyanax são consideradas generalistas em relação ao uso do habitat e altamente ativas, corroborando com os resultados do presente estudo.


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O sistema estuarino das Ilhas de Tinharé-Boipeba está inserido na região do Baixo Sul baiano (Bahia Brasil), costa nordeste brasileira, e conectam-se com o oceano através de três saídas principais, Morro de São Paulo, Boipeba e Barra dos Carvalhos. Informações relacionadas à presença de metais no sedimento são quase inexistentes para a região. Nestes estuários foram coletadas 40 amostras de sedimento, onde analisou-se a concentração de metais (Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb e Zn) através da extração com água-régia, segundo o protocolo do material de referência BCR-701 (RAURET et al., 2001). Baixas concentrações de metais foram registradas nas proximidades das saídas para o mar e no Canal de Garapuá e Rio Grande. Altas concentrações, porém praticamente dentro dos valores de referência na CONAMA 344/04, foram registradas no Rio Una, na maior parte do Rio Cairu, Rio das Almas, em quase todas as estações, no braço leste do Rio Cairu e na porção intermediária do Rio dos Patos. As concentrações dos metais (mg.kg1) apresentaram valores entre os seguintes intervalos, Al (3,57 x 104 a 3,19 x 102), Cu (1,02 x 102 a 0,35), Fe (4,33 x 104 a 2,05 x 102), Mn (1,44 x 103 a 2,73), Pb (6,67 x 101 a 2,66) e Zn (5,08 x 102 a 3,18). Através da análise estatística ACP (Análise dos Componentes Principais) e dos gráficos de correlação entre a granulometria do sedimento (areia, silte e argila) e os metais, observou-se maiores concentrações de metais com o aumento do percentual de silte e diminuição do percentual de areia. Também se identificou uma forte correlação entre a ocorrência do fósforo e a presença de metais. Acredita-se que a principal espécie química em questão seja o fosfato (PO43 ou P2O5) que é uma base dura, onde a ligação com os metais se dá pelo oxigênio, sendo o caráter iônico relevante. Não foi identificada uma correlação entre a presença de metais e a argila, fato atribuído ao baixo teor dessa granulometria para todas as amostras do estudo e a composição da argila desses estuários


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Este trabalho consistiu em aprimorar o entendimento da rota de migração do óleo no reservatório e verificar a possibilidade de variação da intensidade da biodegradação com as heterogeneidades existentes. Foram utilizadas como base para a dissertação sete amostras coletadas na bacia sedimentar do Paraná, no arenito asfáltico do Anhembi, afloramento da Fazenda Betumita. A Fazenda Betumita é considerada a ocorrência mais expressiva de óleo na região do alto estrutural do Anhembi, apresentando a maior acumulação de arenito asfáltico na borda leste da Bacia do Paraná. A ocorrência dos arenitos asfálticos na área de estudo é predominantemente por arenitos da Formação Pirambóia. Estes arenitos foram preenchidos por hidrocarbonetos relacionados ao sistema Irati-Pirambóia e são caracterizados como imaturo, devido ausência de n-alcanos e abundância de esteranos e terpanos. As amostras coletadas foram analisadas através da cromatografia líquida e gasosa e correlacionadas com a descrição das fácies do afloramento. A biodegradação do óleo apresentou a tendência de aumentar do topo para a base do afloramento, local caracterizado por fácies subaquosas, onde se encontra o contato óleo/água, propício para o crescimento dos microorganismos degradadoras de óleo. Na fácie de interduna, a biodegradação foi menor, pois este ambiente é caracterizado por partículas argilo-minerais e menores permo-porosidade, não propício para o crescimento de microorganismos capazes de degradar o óleo. Foi observada a presença de diasteranos e 25-norhopanos nas amostras coletadas, indicando que o óleo do afloramento está severamente biodegradado. Os esteranos apresentaram maior biodegradação na base do afloramento onde está o contato óleo/água e maior reposição de oxigênio pela infiltração de água meteórica, tornando-se ambiente propício para crescimento das bactérias aeróbicas tendendo a degradar preferencialmente os esteranos. Entretanto os hopanos apresentaram maior biodegradação no topo do afloramento, local com condições propícias para o crescimento das bactérias anaeróbicas, que tenderam a degradar preferencialmente os hopanos. As informações adquiridas nesta pesquisa são de grande relevância para o conhecimento na exploração do petróleo, pois geralmente esses conhecimentos não estão disponíveis nos dados de subsuperfície. Este trabalho servirá de parâmetro para o planejamento da produção e recuperação secundária e terciária de reservatórios com fácies sedimentares semelhantes da área estudada.


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A Baia de Sepetiba é uma laguna costeira separada do oceano por uma ilha barreira. Localiza-se a 60 km da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, em uma importante região geoeconômica do Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição espacial da contaminação dos metais Cu, Pb, V, Cr, Cd, Co, Ni e Zn nos sedimentos da Baia. O mapa das concentrações elaborado pelo método de lixiviação permitiu caracterizar anomalias ao entorno da foz do Rio Guandu, na área da Coroa Grande, do Porto de Itaguaí, da Ilha do Martins, e anomalias ao longo de faixa com direção NW-SE. Os resultados das concentrações totais indicam contaminação por Zn, Cd, próximo a Ilha da Madeira com Pb e Cr associados e Cu e Zn na Restinga de Marambaia, com Ni, Pb e Cr associados. Os resultados dos isótopos de Pb para as razões de 206Pb/207Pb entre 1,23 e 1,27 representam os resíduos industriais e ocorrem em duas áreas: na parte leste da Restinga e entre as Ilhas de Jaguanum e Itacuruçá. A leste/sudeste destas ilhas foi reportada uma razão ainda mais alta (1.30), ainda não identificável na literatura. As correntes marinhas desempenham a redistribuição dos sedimentos e metais associados na Baia, com transporte de oeste para leste da pluma sedimentar descarregada pelos rios. Os principais causadores da poluição da Baia de Sepetiba são uma pilha de rejeito de Zn abandonada, resíduos industriais e domésticos não tratados de forma eficaz, poluentes atmosféricos de siderúrgicas e veículos, e por ventura resíduos de atividades navais e militares.