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Malignant melanoma is an aggressive form of skin cancer that is highly resistant to conventional therapies. The melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis protein is a potent inhibitor of apoptosis and is overexpressed in melanoma cells, but undetectable in most normal tissues including melanocytes. We designed 20-mer phosphorothioate antisense oligonucleotides complementary to five putatively single-stranded sites on the melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis protein mRNA and investigated their ability to sensitize G361 melanoma cells to cisplatin. Inhibition of melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis protein mRNA and protein expression were measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunoblotting. Cell viability and apoptosis were quantitated by colorimetric viability assays and by annexin V staining, respectively. Oligonucleotide M706 was identified as the most efficient antisense sequence which downregulated melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis protein mRNA and protein levels in G361 cells by 68 and 78%, respectively. The specificity of target downregulation was confirmed using scrambled sequence control oligonucleotides that only marginally decreased melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis protein expression. Whereas downregulation of melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis protein moderately inhibited cell growth by 26%, in combination with cisplatin, this resulted in a supra-additive effect with almost 57% reduction in G361 cell viability compared with cisplatin alone (17%) (P<0.05). Cell death was mainly due to apoptosis as demonstrated by a 3- to 4-fold increase in annexin V-positive cells and typical morphological changes compared with controls. In summary, we describe a new antisense oligonucleotide that efficiently downregulates melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis protein expression and sensitizes melanoma cells to cisplatin.
A systematic review of the 5-year survival and complication rates of implant-supported single crowns
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this systematic review was to assess the 5-year survival of implant-supported single crowns (SCs) and to describe the incidence of biological and technical complications. METHODS: An electronic MEDLINE search complemented by manual searching was conducted to identify prospective and retrospective cohort studies on SCs with a mean follow-up time of at least 5 years. Failure and complication rates were analyzed using random-effects Poisson's regression models to obtain summary estimates of 5-year proportions. RESULTS: Twenty-six studies from an initial yield of 3601 titles were finally selected and data were extracted. In a meta-analysis of these studies, survival of implants supporting SCs was 96.8% [95% confidence interval (CI): 95.9-97.6%] after 5 years. The survival rate of SCs supported by implants was 94.5% (95% CI: 92.5-95.9%) after 5 years of function. The survival rate of metal-ceramic crowns, 95.4% (95% CI: 93.6-96.7%), was significantly (P=0.005) higher than the survival rate, 91.2% (95% CI: 86.8-94.2%), of all-ceramic crowns. Peri-implantitis and soft tissue complications occurred adjacent to 9.7% of the SCs and 6.3% of the implants had bone loss exceeding 2 mm over the 5-year observation period. The cumulative incidence of implant fractures after 5 years was 0.14%. After 5 years, the cumulative incidence of screw or abutment loosening was 12.7% and 0.35% for screw or abutment fracture. For supra-structure-related complications, the cumulative incidence of ceramic or veneer fractures was 4.5%. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that after an observation period of 5 years, high survival rates for implants and implant-supported SCs can be expected. However, biological and particularly technical complications are frequent.
The Plasma and Supra-Thermal Ion Composition (PLASTIC) instrument is one of four experiment packages on board of the two identical STEREO spacecraft A and B, which were successfully launched from Cape Canaveral on 26 October 2006. During the two years of the nominal STEREO mission, PLASTIC is providing us with the plasma characteristics of protons, alpha particles, and heavy ions. PLASTIC will also provide key diagnostic measurements in the form of the mass and charge state composition of heavy ions. Three measurements (E/qk, time of flight, ESSD) from the pulse height raw data are used to characterize the solar wind ions from the solar wind sector, and part of the suprathermal particles from the wide-angle partition with respect to mass, atomic number and charge state. In this paper, we present a new method for flight data analysis based on simulations of the PLASTIC response to solar wind ions. We present the response of the entrance system / energy analyzer in an analytical form. Based on stopping power theory, we use an analytical expression for the energy loss of the ions when they pass through a thin carbon foil. This allows us to model analytically the response of the time of flight mass spectrometer to solar wind ions. Thus we present a new version of the analytical response of the solid state detectors to solar wind ions. Various important parameters needed for our models were derived, based on calibration data and on the first flight measurements obtained from STEREO-A. We used information from each measured event that is registered in full resolution in the Pulse Height Analysis words and we derived a new algorithm for the analysis of both existing and future data sets of a similar nature which was tested and works well. This algorithm allows us to obtain, for each measured event, the mass, atomic number and charge state in the correct physical units. Finally, an important criterion was developed for filtering our Fe raw flight data set from the pulse height data without discriminating charge states.
There has been much commentary about the re-ordering of the relations between nation state government, geographical territory, and populations in the advanced liberal democracies. This is seen as a product of: increasing demographic and cultural diversity due to legal and illegal migration; economic, cultural, and political global interdependence; footloose mobility of capital and the outsourcing of jobs to poorer countries; the growing power of international corporations and financial markets; and the growth of supra-national bodies like the European Union and The North Atlantic Free Trade Association, the World Trade Organisation, and (debatably), the UN. These developments are held to be associated with the gradual demise of the model of the increasingly secular nation state first crystallised by the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. This conception provided a mutual, guarantee of states’ jurisdiction over territory and populations through their legitimated attempts to monopolise the use of force. Though, the relations between these states have always been asymmetrical and often challenged (Hunter 1998).
OBJECTIVE To analyse our results of using a double arterial perfusion strategy to avoid lower body hypothermic circulatory arrest after extensive thoracic aortic surgery. METHODS We analysed the intra- and perioperative courses of 10 patients (median age 58 years, median logistic EuroSCORE 14.6) who underwent extensive thoracic aortic surgery with a double arterial perfusion strategy. The main goal of double arterial perfusion is to separate myocardial and supra-aortic from systemic perfusion. Aortic repair starts at the most distal level of the descending aorta, followed by reinsertion of the supra-aortic vessels, and ends with completion of the proximal anastomosis or by any kind of root repair as needed. RESULTS Seven of 10 patients had prior surgery of the thoracic aorta. Indications for surgery were post-dissection aneurysm in 4 patients, true aneurysm in 3, anastomotic aneurysms in 2 and Type B aortic dissection with pseudo-coarctation in 1. Surgical access was performed through median sternotomy with left hemi-clamshell extension in all cases. There was no in-hospital mortality, but perioperative neurological symptoms occurred in 2 patients. These 2 patients developed delayed stroke (after awaking) after an initial uneventful clinical course, and in 1 of them, neurological symptoms resolved completely during follow-up. The median follow-up was 7 (±13) months. There was no death and no need for additional redo surgery during this observational period. CONCLUSIONS Extensive surgery of the thoracic aorta using a double arterial perfusion technique in order to avoid lower body hypothermic circulatory arrest is an attractive option. Further refinements of this technique may enable the safe and effective simultaneous multisegmental treatment of thoracic aortic pathology in patients who would otherwise have to undergo a two-step surgical approach.
The successes of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) have spurned new approaches to addressing thoracic aortic pathologies. These hybrid techniques offer an alternative in patients with multi-segmental thoracic aortic pathologies which would have otherwise required a two-step arch replacement and open descending arch repair. The following article offers a clinical insight to the available hybrid approaches, such as rerouting of supra-aortic vessels. Unique complications to endovascular repairs, and technical risks and issues, are also presented along with management options and strategies to minimize such concerns.
Bei Ausgrabungen in der antiken griechischen Stadt Himera an der Nordküste Siziliens wurden zwei Bronzegewichte gefunden. Beide zeigen eine Beprägung , die dasselbe Prägebild wie die Rückseite zeitgleicher Litraprägungen aus Himera wiedergeben. Im Jahr 2010 erschien im Münzhandel zudem ein zuvor unveröffentlichtes Bronzegewicht, beprägt mit einem Hemilitron-Rückseitenstempel aus Himera. Anhand dieser gestempelten Bronzegewichte können – unter Einbezug weiterer Quellen – die im letzten Viertel des 5. Jhs. v. Chr. in Himera üblichen Gewichtssysteme für Bronze nachgezeichnet werden: Neben einer überregionalen, kanonischen Bronze-Litra, die bereits früher im 5. Jh. v. Chr. von ca. 108 g auf ca. 216 g im Gewicht verdoppelt worden war, scheint ein regionaler Litrafuß zu ca. 50 g etabliert gewesen zu sein. Dieser den frühesten Bronzemünzen von Himera, Selinunt und Akragas zugrundeliegende Litrafuß existierte auch dann noch, als die Münzen bereits in stark reduziertem Gewicht geprägt wurden.
Despite efforts implicating the cationic channel transient receptor potential melastatin member 4 (TRPM4) to cardiac, nervous, and immunological pathologies, little is known about its structure and function. In this study, we optimized the requirements for purification and extraction of functional human TRPM4 protein and investigated its supra-molecular assembly. We selected the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system because it lacks endogenous TRPM4 expression, it is known to overexpress functional human membrane channels, can be used for structure-function analysis within the same system, and is easily scaled to improve yield and develop moderate throughput capabilities through the use of robotics. Negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) revealed various sized low-resolution particles. Single particle analysis identified the majority of the projections represented the monomeric form with additional oligomeric structures potentially characterized as tetramers. Two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology demonstrated that human TRPM4 is functionally expressed at the oocyte plasma membrane. This study opens the door for medium-throughput screening and structure-function determination of this important therapeutically relevant target.
We investigated high temperature Mo isotope fractionation in a hydrous supra-subduction volcano-plutonic system (Kos, Aegean Arc, Greece) in order to address the debate on the δ98/95Mo variability of the continental crust. In this igneous system, where differentiation is interpreted to be dominated by fractional crystallization, bulk rock data from olivine basalt to dacite show δ98/95Mo ratios increasing from +0.3 to +0.6‰ along with Mo concentrations increasing from 0.8 to 4.1 μg g−1. Data for hornblende and biotite mineral separates reveal the extraction of light Mo into crystallizing silicates, with minimum partition coefficients between hornblende- silicate melt and biotite-silicate melt of 0.6 and 0.4 δ98/95Mo, respectively. Our data document significant Mo isotope fractionation at magmatic temperatures, hence, the igneous contribution to continental runoff is variable, besides probable source-related variability. Based on these results and published data an average continental δ98/95Mo of +0.3 to +0.4‰ can be derived. This signature corresponds more closely to the average of published data of dissolved Mo loads of large rivers than previous estimates and is consistent with an upper limit of δ98/95Mo = 0.4‰ of the Earth's upper crust as derived from the analysis of molybdenites.
Coral reef aorta is a rare form of calcifying atherosclerosis typically involving the supra and juxtarenal aorta. P atients classically present with refractory hypertension, intermittent claudication and abdominal angina. The treatment is either surgical via transaortic endarterectomy or through transferal endovascular stentgraft placement. Here we describe the case of a 45yearold female patient infected with human immuno deficiency virus, with resistant hypertension, lower limb and abdominal claudication, who was successfully treated with endovascular stent placement. We f urther provide a brief overview of the disease characteristics and treatment options.
Histomorphometric evaluation of the buccal aspects of periodontal tissues in rodents requires reproducible alignment of maxillae and highly precise sections containing central sections of buccal roots; this is a cumbersome and technically sensitive process due to the small specimen size. The aim of the present report is to describe and analyze a method to transfer virtual sections of micro-computer tomographic (CT)-generated image stacks to the microtome for undecalcified histological processing and to describe the anatomy of the periodontium in rat molars. A total of 84 undecalcified sections of all buccal roots of seven untreated rats was analyzed. The accuracy of section coordinate transfer from virtual micro-CT slice to the histological slice, right-left side differences and the measurement error for linear and angular measurements on micro-CT and on histological micrographs were calculated using the Bland-Altman method, interclass correlation coefficient and the method of moments estimator. Also, manual alignment of the micro-CT-scanned rat maxilla was compared with multiplanar computer-reconstructed alignment. The supra alveolar rat anatomy is rather similar to human anatomy, whereas the alveolar bone is of compact type and the keratinized gingival epithelium bends apical to join the junctional epithelium. The high methodological standardization presented herein ensures retrieval of histological slices with excellent display of anatomical microstructures, in a reproducible manner, minimizes random errors, and thereby may contribute to the reduction of number of animals needed.
OBJECTIVE The Short Communication presents a clinical case in which a novel procedure--the "Individualized Scanbody Technique" (IST)--was applied, starting with an intraoral digital impression and using CAD/CAM process for fabrication of ceramic reconstructions in bone level implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS A standardized scanbody was individually modified in accordance with the created emergence profile of the provisional implant-supported restoration. Due to the specific adaptation of the scanbody, the conditioned supra-implant soft tissue complex was stabilized for the intraoral optical scan process. Then, the implant platform position and the supra-implant mucosa outline were transferred into the three-dimensional data set with a digital impression system. Within the technical workflow, the ZrO2 -implant-abutment substructure could be designed virtually with predictable margins of the supra-implant mucosa. RESULTS After finalization of the 1-piece screw-retained full ceramic implant crown, the restoration demonstrated an appealing treatment outcome with harmonious soft tissue architecture. CONCLUSIONS The IST facilitates a simple and fast approach for a supra-implant mucosal outline transfer in the digital workflow. Moreover, the IST closes the interfaces in the full digital pathway.
OBJECTIVES Severe neurological deficit (ND) due to acute aortic dissection type A (AADA) was considered a contraindication for surgery because of poor prognosis. Recently, more aggressive indication for surgery despite neurological symptoms has shown acceptable postoperative clinical results. The aim of this study was to evaluate early and mid-term outcomes of patients with AADA presenting with acute ND. METHODS Data from 53 patients with new-onset ND who received surgical repair for AADA between 2005 and 2012 at our institution were retrospectively reviewed. ND was defined as focal motor or sensory deficit, hemiplegia, paraplegia, convulsions or coma. Neurological symptoms were evaluated preoperatively using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and modified Rankin Scale (mRS), and at discharge as well as 3-6 months postoperatively using the mRS and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. Involvement of carotid arteries was assessed in the pre- and postoperative computed tomography. Logistic regression analysis was performed to detect predictive factors for recovery of ND. RESULTS Of the 53 patients, 29 (54.7%) showed complete recovery from focal ND at follow-up. Neurological symptoms persisted in 24 (45.3%) patients, of which 8 (33%) died without neurological assessment at follow-up. Between the two groups (patients with recovery and those with persisting ND), there was no significant difference regarding the duration of hypothermic circulatory arrest (28 ± 14 vs 36 ± 20 min) or severely reduced consciousness (GCS <8). Multivariate analysis showed significant differences for the preoperative mRS between the two groups (P < 0.007). A high preoperative mRS was associated with persistence of neurological symptoms (P < 0.02). Cardiovascular risk factors, age or involvement of supra-aortic branches were not predictive for persistence of ND. CONCLUSION More than half of our patients recovered completely from ND due to AADA after surgery. Severity of clinical symptoms had a predictive value. Patients suffering from AADA and presenting with ND before surgery should not be excluded from emergency surgery.
Aims: Patient management following elective cranial surgery varies between different neurosurgical institutions. Early routine postoperative cranial computed tomography (CT) is often performed while keeping patients sedated and ventilated for several hours. We hypothesize that fast track management without routine CT scanning, i.e., early extubation within one hour allowing neurological monitoring, is safe and does not increase the rate of return to OR compared with published data. Methods: We prospectively screened 1118 patients with cranial procedures performed at our department over a period of two years. 420 patients with elective brain surgery older than 18 years with no history of prior cranial surgery were included. Routine neurosurgical practice as it is performed at our department was not altered for this observational study. Fast track management was aimed for all cases, extubated and awake patients were further monitored. CT scanning within 48 hours after surgery was not performed except for unexpected neurological deterioration. This study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01987648). Results: 420 elective craniotomies were performed for 310 supra- and 110 infratentorial lesions. 398 patients (94.8%) were able to be extubated within 1 hour, 21 (5%) within 6 hours, and 1 patient (0.2%) was extubated 9 hours after surgery. Emergency CT within 48 hours was performed for 36 patients (8.6%, 26 supra- and 10 infratentorial cases) due to unexpected neurological worsening. Of these 36 patients 5 had to return to the OR (hemorrhage in 3, swelling in 2 cases). Return to OR rate of all included cases was 1.2%. This rate compares favorably with 1-4% as quoted in the current literature. No patient returned to the OR without prior CT imaging. Of 398 patients extubated within one hour 2 (0.5%) returned to the OR. Patients who couldn’t be extubated within the first hour had a higher risk of returning to the OR (3 of 22, i.e., 14%). Overall 30-day mortality was 0.2% (1 patient). Conclusions: Early extubation and CT imaging performed only for patients with unexpected neurological worsening after elective craniotomy procedures is safe and does not increase patient mortality or the return to OR rate. With this fast track approach early postoperative cranial CT for detection of postoperative complications in the absence of an unexpected neurological finding is not justified. Acknowledgments The authors thank Nicole Söll, study nurse, Department of Neurosurgery, Bern University Hospital, Switzerland for crucial support in data collection and managing the database.
This study aimed to investigate the male-to-female morphological and physiological transdifferentiation process in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to exogenous estrogens. The first objective was to elucidate whether trout develop intersex gonads under exposure to low levels of estrogen. To this end, the gonads of an all-male population of fry exposed chronically (from 60 to 136 days post fertilization--dpf) to several doses (from environmentally relevant 0.01 µg/L to supra-environmental levels: 0.1, 1 and 10 µg/L) of the potent synthetic estrogen ethynylestradiol (EE2) were examined histologically. The morphological evaluations were underpinned by the analysis of gonad steroid (testosterone, estradiol and 11-ketotestosterone) levels and of brain and gonad gene expression, including estrogen-responsive genes and genes involved in sex differentiation in (gonads: cyp19a1a, ER isoforms, vtg, dmrt1, sox9a2; sdY; cyp11b; brain: cyp19a1b, ER isoforms). Intersex gonads were observed from the first concentration used (0.01 µg EE2/L) and sexual inversion could be detected from 0.1 µg EE2/L. This was accompanied by a linear decrease in 11-KT levels, whereas no effect on E2 and T levels was observed. Q-PCR results from the gonads showed downregulation of testicular markers (dmrt1, sox9a2; sdY; cyp11b) with increasing EE2 exposure concentrations, and upregulation of the female vtg gene. No evidence was found for a direct involvement of aromatase in the sex conversion process. The results from this study provide evidence that gonads of male trout respond to estrogen exposure by intersex formation and, with increasing concentration, by morphological and physiological conversion to phenotypic ovaries. However, supra-environmental estrogen concentrations are needed to induce these changes.